The Pure Genius of Salvation

The Simple Gospel You might not know from listening to some Christians

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Were I an unbeliever listening to Christians today, I'd be extremely confused. It always sounds like I gotta be good, and do something to get this goofy Christian God to let me into Heaven. It always sounds like I can do something dreadful, and LOSE whatever "salvation" is said to mean. Or, it sounds like some kind of magic, and I 'get away with' something, if I 'merely' believe! But if I look anywhere else -- to any other faith or holy book -- I find a disturbing thing: GOD NEVER GETS PAID for sin, or for the shortfall of having to see puny finity forever. So if there really is a God, then He must be paid for that. So any faith or holy book which doesn't show HOW God gets paid, can't be valid. Truth doesn't contradict itself: all faiths cannot be alike, all roads cannot lead to heaven, since if God, then He Must Get Paid -- or He's not even just to Himself, so how can He be just to me?

So let's now examine this unique, nothing-like-it-in-the-world claim of GOD being paid for sin.. and what that means about how-i-get-to-heaven. GOD being paid, never mind whether the puny human suffers any consequences. For only if God gets paid, can there even BE a heaven. [Logically, any other afterlife proposal is just a continuation of life on a lower level with other creatures who aren't God, i.e., paradise, reincarnation, etc., so wouldn't be "salvation" from the puny imperfections, but rather a continuation of them in other formats. But to qualify as "heaven" with "God", then -- infinite perfection has to be satisfied. Hence the need for GOD, never mind anyone else, to be paid for it.]

The Bible is not a goofy Christian, of course. God is not people. We goofy Christians are goofy because we are "born-again": we are babies, all over again, spiritually. So, until we grow up spiritually, when we read the Bible, we come up with babyish ideas about what the Bible says. And thus confuse good folks like you about what ya gotta do to get saved...

So, what does the real Bible say one needs to "do", to get "saved" (go to Heaven when you die)? Simple: "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and IN THAT MOMENT you ARE FOREVER saved-to-God!" That's a verse named Acts16:31. I've quoted it from the original Bible's Greek, and capped words translate its verbs idiomatically into English (so the meaning in English is closest to the Greek's meaning). So: If it makes you feel more official, try telling God the Father (or thinking toward Him) that you believe in Christ. He'll "hear" your belief in Christ, whether you officially tell Him, or not. He's always listening to your thoughts.

Belief-in-Christ is ALL you ever need to "do" to get "saved", and it's not magic. Because, God is Infinite, but we are not. So, think: what else can one do? If GOD doesn't solve the problem of us being so small, so unappealing to INFINITE Righteousness, what could anyone else do? So, obviously: it doesn't matter what your religion is, it doesn't matter at all, ever what your sins are/were/will be, it doesn't matter how handicapped you are, how bad or good you are. See -- God is Infinite, so only Infinite Good is enough. We can never BE infinite, so whatever we do can't "pay" for any wrongs. Not even the wrongs we do to ourselves -- because we can't turn back Time. Think: would God make you, then throw you away? Of course not. Think: would God allow some poor baby or handicapped person to be denied salvation? Of course not. God is Perfect. So, a Perfect salvation must be accomplished by God -- we just consent, that's all.

You might be tempted to think, "Oh, that's too easy!" Guess again. This is the hardest decision you will ever make. Everything goes 'against' it. So, don't belittle the gift which even the most handicapped person can "do", on the grounds that one does nothing.

Poetic, huh? Here is the only way everyone can get saved, no matter how high or low, no matter what linguistic or social barrier -- and, simultaneously -- it's the hardest of all things, to believe in Christ. 'Goes against the constant urge to "do" something. So it's not 'too easy'. After all, the One Who purchased your very ability to consent, was Christ. And that purchase cost Him everything. He gifted you gladly, because His love for you is total, and that love will never change.

It's not magic, either. See, God is Infinitely Perfect, and Alive. So, Omnipotent. So, if God Himself were ever to sin, what would happen? Could anything be done to restore God to His pre-sin state? NO. So also, for us: no works we do, no repentence or crying or sacrificing -- nothing can be done to restore us to a pre-sin state, because the problem of sin is IN us, in our very genes. For, even one teeny sin has the effect of mold which completely infects a slice of bread: what 'work' can you do to fix the bread? nothing. So, if God sinned, He'd have become irrevocably moldy. If we sin, we are completely moldy. Difference is, we are not Infinite, we do not have God's Own Life, so we can be saved: upon faith in Him we get HIS Righteousness in exchange for all the sins we'll ever sin. (2Cor5:21, quoted above.) And also, God's Own Infinite Eternal Life. So, We Can Be Saved. Which happens the very second we FIRST believe in Christ. Because, God Obligated Himself To This Promise, as we just saw, in Acts 4:12. So, God will never sin, so God Saves Everyone Who Believes. Forever. Just as Jesus told us, in John 10:28: I give them Eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand."

So, if we say "no" to believing in Christ, we are rejecting the only Gift which can save us. God will never reject us; we are rejecting God, if we never ONCE believe in Christ, because Christ Alone was able to pay Infinite God. Christ made that total Payment, without our consent, about 2000 years ago. So, in order for us to be forever saved, living WITH God forever after we shed our moldy body (die) down here, we need to consent to what He paid on our behalf: consent to that GIFT. So, salvation is like a gift which is waiting for you at the Post Office -- will you consent to its delivery, or not? "Believe in Christ.." means you've consented to its delivery. Until you consent, the Gift of Salvation is not delivered to you, but just sits in Heaven's Post Office, so to speak. (The Bible's Greek word for "salvation" also means "delivery, deliverance". Heh.)

So: just believe in Christ. Once. Then, you are permanently saved. What could be more fair, especially since God Himself Alone runs the ability to hear the Gospel? See: no one is left out. So: just believe in Christ. Once. Then, you are permanently saved.

Is there something else to get from this life, after being saved?

Oh, yes. In fact, you are "born from above" (not "born again", a mistranslation) so you have a new spiritual nature: like God's. So you are a Royal Priest forever, which means you represent Him. So there's stuff to learn (never earn) about what that means. What it means the most, is that you can KNOW God intimately. That's the best reason to want to be saved, actually. Using 1Jn1:9 and learning what Scripture says, you can learn how to enjoy being with God, even while down here. Life down here after salvation is expressly for the purpose of learning Him. God will provide the spiritual intelligence you need to learn Him. Your high or low IQ is irrelevant. That's why you use 1Jn1:9, to 'access' His Spiritual 'Brains'. As you learn Him, you will come to understand Him and enjoy Him, as you grow spiritually.

This spiritual learning is exactly the same kind of learning Christ did in His Humanity. (He did not use His Deity to learn, since the sins were to be paid by Humanity, not Deity. No magic, no sham justice, either.) Because God is Perfect, one of God's Attributes is (necessarily) Truth. Truth, being Infinite, can replicate without loss: so, can be learned, because learning is done with thinking. Obviously, it would take God's Own Power to enable this learning, which it did: the Holy Spirit taught the Humanity of Christ. So, also, us believers: WE grow spiritually just like He did in His Humanity; but of course we sin, so we need to use 1Jn1:9 to learn Scripture. That Scripture, is Christ's Thinking (1Cor2:16, in Greek; also Heb4:12), which the Holy Spirit enabled the writers of Scripture to not only know, but WRITE. See? Not magic. He was able to bear all those sins due to the Truth He Learned. That's why He was so strong, so happy (see Hebrews 12:2). So too, can we become -- though of course, we'll never have to go as far as He did!

Truth is not magic; Truth can be Learned. God's Truth is His Attribute, and thus can be LEARNED. Learning of any kind changes a person for better or for worse, because thinking is involved with learning, and one also values what he learns. See? Not magic. Not emotion, not hocus-pocus or weird rituals, not chantings or ohmings or sitting on a mountain somewhere. Not works, but instead: Learning. Learning from God, takes God's Power, but it's certainly not magic. It certainly is a function of whether you are positive to learning. Hence the need for 1Jn1:9, for when one sins, one is offline with the Holy Spirit, and not positive. See? No magic at all. God is just that BIG: it's natural for Him. So, learning Him makes us bigger, too. Just as any learning does, except this learning is at GOD's level. Not magic, nor anything we can do. Just like salvation, we can only get this learning by Consent.

Learning anything means essentially three functions must occur: 1) you learn DATA; 2) you learn CONNECTIONS among the data; 3) you believe what you learn. The believing is a consent, basically -- for, when you believe, you agree that a thing is valid, true. Of course, to do that, you have to have a justification, a reason to agree. That's where your brain comes in. The Holy Spirit's Ability to Communicate DATA and CONNECTIONS via your God-appointed pastor (God will show you who) nonetheless will not enable you to learn unless you believe. You won't believe unless you can see the reason why the communication is true. So, some things you hear, you immediately believe; some, you don't. Others, you sorta believe, but you don't understand them well enough yet. Of course, this same process is true for secular learning.

See? It's not magic, but the Holy Spirit's Enabling Power which affords you the opportunity to be exposed to the relevant data, and the relevant connections with respect to learning Christ via Bible Doctrine via your God-appointed teacher. However, God never coerces volition. So you learn nothing, even so, until and unless you consent. Each second, your decision, your reasoning why you believe or not. Your choice.

For, You are What You WANT WANT WANT to Know...

Will is the dominating factor of your life. You are what you want to believe, what you want to think, what you want to know. Bible calls this "eating". For, the soul 'eats' by believing, even as you eat food by wanting it. No one believes apart from wanting to believe, and no one else (not even God) can force you to believe what you don't want to believe. So, like it says in Proverbs 23:7 (in an eating context, no less!) -- You Are What You Think. By Choice.

For the truth for us, is the same as for God: Will dominates, and Truth comforts. Specifically, the Willingness To See Truth, is innately contenting. God doesn't sin, because the Truth is so Gorgeous. No reason to want to sin, ever. So it stands to reason that the more truth you know, the happier you will become. But only God is Truth. So to get Truth, you've got to get it from God. That's why we have a Bible. People who get past wrongs in their lives do so because they accept the truth of what happened. They stop trying to fix what happened, but instead, move on. They don't necessarily ever like what happens, but they accept it. Same is true for unusual prosperities. Acceptance Is The Key To Everything. Just as your body becomes more content the more you properly feed and exercise it, so also your soul becomes more content the more you properly 'eat' truth and exercise thinking based ON truth. Which, of course, means you are first accepting both.

Happiness Warning And Disclosure (heh): Accepting and Learning Truth from God is by far the most fulfilling and taxing life you can live. Fulfilling, because He's so Wonderful, and the more you Learn how He thinks and is, the more you want to learn. Taxing, because your body's got that stupid sin-nature genetic structure we all inherited from Adam: it's always going in the opposite direction. Taxing, because folks around you are being led-by-their-bodies: thinking is too hard, you see. So, you'll find it progressively taxing to be around others, the more you learn Christ. However, you'll also find learning His Thinking so refreshing and contenting, just as His Thoughts on the Cross comforted Him, so also will you be comforted as you face the 'cross' of having to live with the weaknesses of this world. In a word, you'll eventually find the entire experience, propitiating. Which, of course, Father also finds His Thinking on the Cross to be. Heh.

So what do these twin pulls (toward God, toward weaknesses) 'do' to your spiritual and soul life as you accept learning Christ? Well, it's doo-doo (weakness) converting into Diamonds (Doctrine, His Thinking). Paul writes about these twin pulls in Romans 7: lol, you no sooner know what "good" is, than you have an urge to disobey it! 'Same kinds of things as happen to your body when you feed and exercise it properly: you gain in agility/speed, coordinative integrity (synergistic competence), endurance (stamina), flexibility (ease), strength (power). As you grow, you'll find the emphasis needed to keep on growing is in the reverse order, with strength-of-will being the initial focus, to keep you going despite the pulls; but focus shifts to agility, once you're 'athletic'. Thus you can track your spiritual progress (progressively learning and using Bible Doctrine), similar to the way you'd track a body's progress.

    It's amazing how the soul's attitude and progress/regress reflects the body's. Just as your body 'protests' when you are doing something you know is good for it, so also the weak soul reacts. Just as your body afterward has contentment and added strength from being rightly treated (despite protest), so also a weak soul will feel better and get stronger. The strong body or soul, by contrast, is eager to be exercised/tested/pushed, and becomes initiatory. In short, weakness is stillness, atrophy, death. Strength is movement, development, life. This fact is exponentially true of the spiritual life with God: learning and thinking constitute movement, development, life, since the real you is not your body, but your soul. Use it, or gradually become catatonic. No in-between.

    A baby doesn't know anything. So all input is sensory, how a thing feels. Volition interacts with feeling to 'baptise' onto the feeling, a meaning of 'i like', or 'i don't like'. The trick to growing up, even secularly, is to have volition replace feeling preferences with meaning preferences. And preferably, the meanings will be aligned with the Truth. To the exact extent this replacement does not occur, the soul will be weak, babyish. Like a weak torso which thus weakens the entire body, so also a soul's 'torso' of weak thinking will stunt that soul's growth. For, weak thinking on any topic displays a continuing preference for feeling as the criterion for decision.

    So a weak soul can't take much input or think very long before it 'faints'; isn't agile, so it can't 'dance' (enjoy) and can't evade sudden hits; it can't 'bend'; and above all, it can't have coordinative integrity, especially under repeated strain. A soul learning Christ, akin to a soul learning any viable subject over his lifetime, enjoys ever more increasing input and thinking; thus any 'hits' have progressively less adverse effect; such a soul also progressively enjoys bending, coordinating, holding together, especially under repeated strain. In short, learning Christ makes you a spiritual athlete, as Paul so frequently reminds folks in his letters. [In Greek, that is: all too often translations mask the athletic and military terms Paul uses.]

    Hence the hallmark symptom of spiritual retardation or at least, immaturity, is a view of the spiritual life as a works thing. Kids are like this, always comparing what they do to other children, looking for approbation because they took out the trash, or took a bath -- and tattling on those who didn't. Thus you see the wide divergence between Bible.. and Christians. We are all growing, and retardation is the norm. The higher a job you have in life, the more THINKING is required, not body stuff. So much more true, in the spiritual life! For God, is PURE THOUGHT.

    So the hallmark symptom of the maturing Christian, is that he accredits his works less or not at all, because he's come to know better -- and instead, he focuses more and more on how he thinks toward God. For the essence of the spiritual life, is your SOUL thinking toward Father. That's how sins got paid for -- that's how you relate to God. For God, has no body.

For people consider learning and thinking 'hard'. However, it's people who make learning unpleasant. Think about how you pour over the smallest details on a topic you love to hear, speak of, or read; then ask yourself what you'd call that same effort relative to a topic you dislike. Also, the way information is taught requires rote memorization, so the relevant connections of the data memorized are not taught. Thus, the information is uselessly taught, and boring; so, we are also taught to be bored/disinterested in it. Or, to motivate memorization, teaching focuses on emotional hooks, like singing your multiplication tables or alphabet. This, of course, links emotion as a justifier of learning: a very bad habit we are all taught from childhood. So, by the time we are adults, we look for some emotional justification for learning something; or, variantly, we need some kind of instant gratification of relevance to warrant learning or thinking. Teaching by rote memorization is justified on the grounds that it teaches patience, too; but thus were we also taught to hate/dismiss what we learned -- for the relevance wasn't explained and repeated along with the facts. [The History Channel's documentaries are often riveting; compare them to the same topics taught in school...]

All the foregoing is even more true, with respect to the way Bible is taught; translations and religions alike make it out to be useless, rotelike, in order to deserve the moniker of 'holy'; so life with God is pitched as a boring huff-and-puff sterility, with man doing all the 'pain', and God getting all the 'gain'. So, learning becomes 'hard'. So, we seek shortcuts, soundbytes, quick-fixes and answers. So, we bond data and connections incompetently, to avoid that bad feeling we knew as children.

    People believe or disbelieve based on erroneous data or, more often, erroneous connections deemed to link data. Emotion makes for errors; so do various prejudices, past associations (links you believed true in the past); improper definitions of data in particular make accurate learning a problem. All these handicaps occur much more often when it comes to learning Christ, for mankind is just like a dead battery (called "sin" or sin nature" in English Bibles), when it comes to wanting God. It's a genetic defect, a proclivity to choose against, so anything taught about God gets more garbled in the minds of hearers, compared to secular stuff.

    Hence historically, most Christians choose to accredit what they do with their still-moldy bodies (sin nature stays in you until you die) -- and learn God's Word, not at all. So no conversion is going on. No data is being connected. No relevancy is being built by the Holy Spirit. Paul explains all this in Romans 2, 4, 7, 9, 11. So their feel-goods and moralities, help them accredit themselves still further. That is why their ideas of what Bible says are so puerile; why as they age chronologically, they become prickly and legalistic, graceless, fixated on other's sins or alleged heresies. They remain immature, Eph4:14. Such is not God's intent.

    God's intent, is that you come to enjoy the Truth and Intimacy with Him, as He does. If you're busy loving, you're not busy tallying up scorecards of how good or bad you or someone else is. You're not busy saying how correct your belief, how heretical is someone else. Lovers are too busy loving. God threw all scorecards away on the Cross. So as you mature in Christ, you will too.

    So notice how profound, even devastating: how you BELIEVE the relationship with God should be, is how it will turn out: for you are a King-Priest in training. So your own decisions, govern. Choose wisely, then. You're crafting an eternal future from those decisions. And any decision made in the past, can be reversed, while you are still breathing.

Truth needs no 'hook' like magic or emotional appeal, to justify accepting it. But if truth is deemed unattractive, substitutes will be chosen. Hence people often stress feeling as the criterion of truth.

But what's the real message of the Cross? Christ tells the world that the Truth is so beautiful, He wanted the Cross! See, the Cross is fundamentally, the Invincible Power And Beauty of the Truth: Ps138:2, 89:14-15, Ps31:5 (His last words on the Cross). It's not really about sin -- that was a Problem of Separation (contagion, 'mold' of sin); which, His Growing Up IN the Truth and Bearing both sin and judgement of sin, solved. (Isaiah depicts what He did as healing us, in Isa53:5.) So, no need to feel guilty or bad that He paid for you. Instead, you can celebrate, and learn this beautiful Truth, which the Holy Spirit replicated in Him, thus in the Bible: the Mind of Christ. You'll have, as you learn Him, a truly meaningful life: a life where even all bads are 'baptised' (by Divine Design) to be catalysts for the greatest of goods, says Romans 8:28 (in Greek; English is fuzzy). For, by absorbing all bad into Himself, He "fills all in all" (Bible catchphrase used in a bizillion different ways in the New Testament). So, nothing else to do. So, no happiness exists "outside". Tell me: is this Ultimate Justice, or what?

Just think: here you are, with your happinesses and problems. Here the world is, constantly warring, striving, demanding, crying -- so much pain! Yet what does it mean? All this pain illustrates what would have been the meaning of life, if He didn't pay for our sins! We are watching what he paid for, occur! After this life, these things are gone: "no more sorrow, no more tears, the old things have passed away" are but two of many Bible clauses revealing our future due TO salvation. For now, we're getting intelligence information on the extreme value of what He paid -- by doing nothing! So, isn't this the ultimate of Justice? Truth is so valuable, God doesn't even have to lift a finger to stop what's bad; what's bad is, just like everything else, Converted To A Training Device, resistance weights to make one spiritually bigger; converted to a hands-on Learning, akin to His No-Work Accomplishment on the Cross! [See Heb5:8-9, one of the funniest Greek paronomasias in Scripture -- if you dare!]

These learning (never earning!) choices you make determine how you will enjoy Heaven, not whether you go there. (You can't undo salvation, any more than you can turn back time.) Unlike the one-time consent to BE saved, you've lots and lots of choices to make about how you want 'your' Heaven to be: kinda like a menu of options. God Himself knows what would most fulfill you, and He has a very detailled plan for your life; which plan, you yourself can choose to learn and follow. Or, you can choose your own way (not recommended, as God is far smarter than we about what's beneficial). So, by the time you quit this moldy body down here, your choices, like votes, add up to some resulting person you've become, in your soul. You thus will voluntarily and happily and perfectly 'fit' in a certain kind of societal life with God, as part of what the Bible calls "The Body of Christ". (The Book of Ephesians is on this topic.)

So, look: what does God get for your existence? What did He want? He wanted you. So, what does learning Him do to you? It makes you, to the extent you consent, more like Him. Compatibility. Rapport. Sharing. Love. The stone too heavy to lift, really: the one thing God 'can't' do (because it would violate His Integrity) is to force you to become compatible with Him. So, your post-salvation choices to keep on learning Him will convert you into being more like Him -- with all the attendant happiness which comes from such increased rapport with the Most Gorgeous Persons in the Universe. Not emotion. True knowledge. True Love. His Power, given in accordance with your consent, to learn Him. (See Eph3:15-21 and 1:15-23 if you think this benefit too good to be true.)

The links at pagetop provide further introductory material.

This is a personal thing, your salvation and spiritual life. It's not about who else believes as you do, what your family and friends do: you are your own soul. No one else has rights over your soul, and you have no rights over someone else's soul. So no one has any right to influence or dictate to you what you should believe. That's a private matter at all times between God and you. God is your Real Father, since only God can make a soul.

So, now you know the simple truth: "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and IN THAT MOMENT you ARE FOREVER saved-to-God!" Go in peace: "Be Still, and KNOW that I am God" (Psalm 46:10). "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (7 verses, incl. Deut31:6, Josh1:5.) "not willing that anyone should perish" (2Pet3:9). 'I, even I am He Who removes your sins, as far as the East is from the West.' (Christ, talking from His Deity in Isa43:25; see also Ps103:12. This quotation concatenates both verses, which is a common interpretational math technique in Scripture.)

See? He loves you: "For God so loved the world" (John 3:16) and "God demonstrates His Love toward us: in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died as a substitute for us." ('corrected translation from the Greek of Romans 5:8.) FOR ALL OF US: 1Jn2:2, 2Cor5:14-15. See? God never rejects anyone. So: "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you are forever saved-to-God!" Plain, Perfect, Simple. FOREVER. So: go in peace, and, as 2Pet3:18 says, "grow in grace and knowledge of Our Lord-Savior, Jesus Christ -- to Whom, Glory! both now and forever!" (Peter's last words, semi-corrected trans. of New International Version.)
