Why it's Just Believe, Merely Believe, Only Believe... in Christ

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First, let's look at the fact you MERELY BELIEVE IN CHRIST to be saved. The fundamental thing to understand, is this: The Real Gospel is a Promise you Believe (read Romans 9). So you Believe in God's Promise, or do not. If you do not believe in a promise, then the Promissor doesn't Deliver the Promise, for you rejected it. Here, the promise is an ETERNAL INHERITANCE. So, you can reject a Will that promises you an inheritance. So if you disbelieve the Promise, you disbelieve the Inheritance (it doesn't matter why, you disbelieve it). So, you don't get an inheritance whose promise you DISbelieved, John 16:9, John 3:36.

Joh 3:16 is pretty clear, right? JUST BELIEVE. SIMPLY BELIEVE. ONLY BELIEVE. BELIEVE. No Additives. There are literally hundreds of parallel passages in Bible, in both OT and New. So trust God's Word, instead of men's words. I've yet to hear even one time on Christian television, cable or no, the Real Gospel the Lord Speaks (and all other verses affirm). 'Despite hundreds of hours of monitoring the stations, day or night, all you hear are false gospels (covered below), even from the 'greats' whose names are household words. Are all those people on Christian TV even saved, then? Who knows, probably they are: you lose your brains when you are saved, since after salvation you are supposed to live on 1Jn1:9 to get the Holy Spirit's Brains (see Caveat#3). They sure must not be doing it; for they surely don't know the Real Gospel. So look at GOD's Word, not Christians', to get the correct, Real Gospel.

Despite Bible's clarity, a bizillion fake gospels are sold in ignorance, not malice: you yourself can prove that none of their versions are in the Real Bible. The fake gospels are easy to spot. They always ADD to "believe", or SUBSTITUTE OUT "believe" with a DIFFERENT VERB. Folks selling these fake gospels seem to think they package what in law is called "attestation" (fancy name for admitting you believe): so they add to God's Word and thus negate it, when they tell you to "invite Christ into your heart" or "receive Christ into your life" or "make Christ Lord", etc. Legally, the verbal clause in the "attestation" actually Negates Faith, so the person is Still Not Saved. Because, Instead of Believe, you are the subject of an Additional Meritorious Verb. Listen to testimonies sometime, hear the innocent-but-arrogant pride: I invited Christ into my heart! I made Christ Lord! I repented of my sins! See how horribly arrogant it all is?

The fake gospel sellers don't realize that someone who hates God very much, is manipulating them to do this selling. Satan knows Divine law better than any human, so he knows how to negate it. So the unending crop of fake gospels has a very deep root system; and it's not human, but satanic. Same guy who manipulated the woman and Adam in Genesis 3, invisibly manipulates all of us, today. Back then he added verbs, too. In Genesis 3, you'll notice that Adam and the woman had to keep believing in God, but there were no works in the Garden. Satan impugned God, implying that belief was demeaning, so if they ate some magic fruit they themselves would be as good as God: that's a religious temptation. Something they ADDED, was supposed to be 'better' than what they had with God in perfection. So he's been doing the same dang thing to the Real Gospel, ever since; so people don't get saved when they add verbs to believe, they get HURT. And then spread that HURT to others, selling the same stupid lie of magic: if do this magic inviting, repenting, accepting, baptising-with-water, I will merit something with God! Yeah, right.

Lawyers make the same kinds of mistakes (or deliberate distortions), and Satan&Co. are nothing if not lawyerly. For Bible is all about, Inheritance: so it is first a set of legal documents, so should be read as you'd read law and literature. In all languages' grammar rules, and in any legal document, if a SINGLE VERB is attributed as having an effect all by itself, then any unalike verbs referencing that same effect, relate in some unalike way; they are results, but never causes. Adjunctive, maybe; optional, maybe; describing the effect itself, maybe. But never, causative OF the effect. So when Bible says BELIEVE is the ONLY verb for salvation (i.e., in John 3, Eph2:8-9, Rom5:1, Rom10:9), it signifies that only BELIEVING is used to make you saved. Any other verbs in any other verses, or any combining of verbs with "believe" in a verse all signify that the other verb is adjunctive, optional, a description of the effect, but never causative.

Zippo salvation from any verbs except "believe", then. Any other verb results in the Wrong object believed (self), wrong verb (something meritorious self does), so is Thrown Out Of Heaven's Court.

So no false 'christs', please: "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and in that moment you are forever saved..for there is NO OTHER PERSON under Heaven given among men through WHOM we MUST be forever saved." (Concatenation of Acts 16:31 and 4:12 from the original Greek, corrected translation.)

What follows below is to demonstrate that the same added-verbs falsification of the Gospel, is satanically promulgated in post-salvation Christian teaching, too. Again, those under the 'spell' (all of us, k) don't know it. That's why we need to be in God's System (link at pagetop). God's, not man's.

Note how satanic distortion of Added Verbs is spun Post-Salvation, too: Satan's Rev17, FAKE CHURCH (pretending to be of Christ)

Bible uses special vocabulary, poetry, wit, wordplay. If you are self-righteous, all that enjoyable reading just goes right over your head. So Bible is a "mystery" to self-righteous Christians. Yeah, and "mystery" is one of those special vocabulary words the Bible uses to designate the Body of Christ, aka all believers in Him between Pentecost and Rapture, aka "Church". Bible defines all these terms: but if you're busy hating, you can't read it very well. Satan is busy hating. So the term "mystery" is applied in Rev17 to show Satan's out to make Christ and Bible a "mystery" to us, since we are the "mystery", the unknown solution until Christ announced it in Matt16:18, Church. Unknown, in the OT, because until Israel rejected Him, there WAS no such thing. So now a "mystery": Greek word "musterion" means an exclusive KNOWLEDGE, not an unknown; but because exclusive, it's unknown to those outside the group. Church is that group. So the mystery harlot in Rev17, is unknown to hapless humans, a satanic counterfeit. See the wordplay? Satan reverses the "mystery" we are, to make God mysterious, foreign to us!

So there are scads of added verbs, and the lone "believe" verb which constitutes the spiritual life, is negated. Same tactic as used to negate the Real Gospel of John 3:16. Look how many added verbs: for high-class harlotry involves politicking, power, seduction, salesmanship, looks, works, and money. You are made to feel guilty if you don't give in, so you are URGED upon. Hmmmm. Sounds like typical Christianity as the world knows it, huh. You bet.

So "TITHE" is misused, too: real Bible says it's SECULAR INCOME TAX, not something you give to a church, for crying out loud. This blatant misuse of Scripture you can prove in translation, lol. Read Leviticus and Deuteronomy yourself. Notice the difference between the Levitical offering and the "tithe", remembering that the Temple was a fortress, the safest place to put the state treasury's income tax. For, that's what "tithe" was: a National Income Tax, not for 'church' at all (God imposed a flat tax). Levitical offerings were for what we'd call 'church' today; always voluntary, never based on income at all (see also Luke 21, NASB or NIV).

Guess it's no surprise that you're exhorted to hustle for God in some kind of works-for-people, too, the second you believe. Again, always suspect as a lie any claim which emphasizes man, his behavior, or his role. The sweeter (or guiltier) the lie, the more it will be urged upon you. God doesn't need to urge, anything at all. Seeds of faith don't become trees overnight. The first time you simply believed in Christ, you were permanently saved, born-again, and through Christ you inherited a portfolio of assets which the Bible explains. You have a choice to learn those assets.. or not. If you do choose to learn, it takes years of feeding on the Word of God, before you can competently 'do' anything; just as, it takes years for a baby to grow up. However, you don't have to do anything or learn anything. Again, God doesn't ever need to urge anything on anyone. He's too GORGEOUS, to have to sell Himself.

Guess it's no surprise then, that Christian teachers nearly all focus on teaching you how to use the Word, rather than Simply Teach What Bible Says. Just like they add to the real Gospel, other verbs you do, they add to the Word what they think you should do with it. But that's not God's Will: God's will is that you yourself Learn The Word and you yourself Live On It. Which you can prove pretty easily, since in nearly every Bible verse, you are exhorted to Live On It (e.g., Matt4:4).

So who's selling all the to-man stuff? Think: it can't be God doing the selling -- so it must be 'the other guy'. Satan's into hustling, not God. God can take care of the sparrows, so He can take care of you. Satan, by contrast, wants to CUT GOD OUT, so invented RELIGION for mankind, beginning in Genesis 3. Religion is depicted as a harlot in Rev17 (from many an Old Testament metaphor, see Hosea, Eze16): harlots seduce for money, honey. Harlots promise you something in return for something. By contrast, God has promised us "every spiritual blessing" (Eph1), which therefore includes all lesser blessings (i.e., externals).. for nothing. FREE. GRATIS. Grace. We were saved by grace, so the "law of grace", like gravity, invincibly governs. (For much more about this conflict between God and Satan, you can click on the "Thinking" series box at Home page top.) ["law of grace" is a real phrase in Bible but I can't find it translated that way. Closest translations with that meaning I could easily find were Acts 20:32 and Heb4:16, 1Pet5:10. There were others (i.e., parallelisms like in John 1:14-16), but to list them would also require explaining. If a Bible verse EQUATES one noun or verb with another, then noun "A"= noun "B", so you know the meaning of both. 1Jn is entirely constructed of such parallelisms. Hebrews is actually a book on the new law of grace, though that phrase isn't used there.]

So Simply Believe In Christ, To Be Permanently Saved. If you want to know God after that, you can: He will have appointed some male teacher especially keyed to your way of thinking. God will show you who is your own appointed pastor, but you must ASK Him to show you (it's a legal consent to know). In all events, "believe" remains the only valid verb; to save you (first time you believed the Word, the Gospel); and to grow you up (learning and believing in the rest of the Word). So other verbs -- i.e., works -- are of no consequence at any time, before or after salvation. Which makes sense, given that Christ really DID pay for it all (1Jn2:2), huh. No money is needed from you, see Isa55! For, it's never about what man does, but only and always about what GOD does! That's a truth you can always bank on, heh.