brainout Twitter Archives

An archive of brainout's twitter account, as Elon Musk will be privatizing twitter soon.

brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty

FOCUS: How Bible Matt25:10-12 meter expose TrumPutin+#7M prolifers as wannabe antichrists. I follow non-🇺🇦 folks via @brainoutREAD

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jan 12, 2023]
This is a scholastic demo, born of 500 yrs' research by scholars who sought Bible meter, evidenced by their many metered translations, eg 1640 (1st book ever pub'd in US), A/B Proof Bible Meter known in 1640 AD

So this claim can be vetted IN Bible, is worth billion$ in jobs

Am dying of cancer

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jan 12, 2023]
Looks like the 3km .@JulianRoepcke crowed about, got filled w Russian bodies

I no longer care if I seem like a weirdo: God defends Ukraine. Demo🧵s how, in Bible Greek TIME meter, 7 NT chaps +vids 🚨 Matt24 METER Outline 🚨

Pity .@GOP, #MAGA & pro 🇷🇺 volk
cc .@LeaderMcConnell

[Quote FLASH @Flash_news_ua · Jan 12]
⚡️More than 100 Russians were destroyed in the Soledar area, the command of the SOF of the Armed Forces reported.

"This happened thanks to the coordinated work of SOF soldiers, gunners, and rocket launchers,"- the report says.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jan 12, 2023]
Christians are not taught Bible 'Client Nation' doctrine, eg Lev26 Deut28, 2 Chron7:14

My dead pastor taught that doctrine, but did not know Bible also TIME MAPS it for Church, in Matt24+25. .@Clay_Odem
found it in 2015; Matt25:11 tags #TrumPutin, vids

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 31, 2022]
Dear #MAGA & prolifers,
Your 2023 is PAIN, bc God says NO LIFE IN WOMB: govt has no right to decide it

-+500 verses attest this. You spit on Christ 40 yrs; yer comeuppance, like 🇷🇺's, goes public now. Use 1Jn1:9 or suffer 1Jn 5:16


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 28, 2022]
Read me!
[Carlos López (english) @BrainstormC_eng]
In 2008, Merkel followed by Sarkozy blocked Ukraine's entry into NATO.
That would have prevented Russian invasion.

WSJ: Merkel's rejection of a NATO track for Georgia and Ukraine would effectively act as a veto. Western military alliance operates by consensus.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 26, 2022]
Daily on 🇷🇺 TV even in Twitter, 🇷🇺 says she invaded 🇺🇦 to destroy her. Kirill says genocide is Holy; Solovyev says 🇷🇺fights a holy war to exterminate 🇺🇦. Head of RT, says 🇺🇦 should be burnt

Liar @GenFlynn
RT'd below, hides all this

His #MAGA volk are wacko. God judges them

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 24, 2022]
FYI it really *is* Christmas. Back in 4 BC when Christ was born, it was Dec15=1st night Hanukkah, but Pope Gregory cut 10 days off our calendar, haha

The Jews messed up their calendar since 4bc

Varro messed up AUC so we must say, '4BC'

Proof, in detail: PassPlot.htm

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 11, 2022]

99% of Christians are Bible illiterate; Bible scholarship is crap. They don't get Christ's birth & death dates right. They don't get #Gospel right



[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 11, 2022]
Christ born on 4BC Hanukkah & died 30 AD Passover per Bible. We say 4BC cuz Varro added 4 fake yrs to AUC. So can't move Birth forward 3 yrs, PassPlot.htm

BTW, ON that Hanukkah He said, NO LIFE IN WOMB, Heb 10:5

So prolifers BLASPHEME Him
b-out Prolife Blasphemy Vids
BIBLE says you're not human until BORN, when GOD (not your biology), creates your soul and gives your body, its first BREATH. No one but God is the author

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 11, 2022]
So they hid Hanukah w 'Christmas', tho Dec25 begins sundown 24th 4BC when He was born, cuz Jews didn't intercalate; Pope Gregory cut 10 days off our calendar 😇

Passover 3Apr AD30, was WEDNESDAY: Easter=Apr 7, not "Easter computus" RCC creates 🤭

⬆️Links prove this IN BIBLE

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 13, 2022]
So Christmas=Hanukah. Christians & Jews screw up the calendar

Christians do it, to hide fact Christ is a Jew, see Augustine-Jerome letters 🤭

Again, Bible proof is demo'd in PassPlot.htm

So if u know propaganda against Bible, u can detect all other propaganda 😇

[tigercat @fceMR · Dec 25, 2022]
Don t matter the date just listen the message
[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 26, 2022]

Angelic Trial, theme of Gen1 -- CHRISTENDOM MISSES IT! -- can God keep His salvation promise ON TIME? Hebrew=l'moed, Jews to track it

Bible text & syllable counts are built from it, Gen thru Rev

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 11, 2022]
RT'd: Pity #MAGA volk. They won't use 1John1:9, so God gives them to their STRONG delusion


BTW, Prolife=blasphemy, Bible proof
God publicly disowns MAGA w Trump's own words! Matt25:12 2036-2041

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 1, 2022]
Dear dumby Christians who say u can lose salvation: USE 1JN1:9

Seed Parable: only 1st categ is unsaved. The rest are saved but die sterile. They do not mature from IMPLANTED seed=SAVED, to FRUIT BEARING tree

Jas1 says same, use Word that saved them, so they will now grow up

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 5, 2022]
So you have 3 types of life: soul life for relationship w humans, spiritual life for relationship w God, & body life, for relationship w biology

Spiritual life begins as a baby, needs to mature via learn & live on Bible, to be 'saved' from REMAINING a baby in eternity

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 5, 2022]
Spiritual life is a separate dimension that body, science & soul cannot detect. God uses learning Bible to build you spiritually, so you can discern & interact w God, 1Cor3

It is literal, not magic; without feeling, but rather a knowing

'No such thing as 'feeling spiritual'

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 2, 2022]
My dead pastor, RB Thieme Jr, explained this as "X+Y+Z". Google it

17th vid below, summarizes:

X=Salvation=birth, so can't reverse/lose

Y=grow IN your salvation, mature from sprouted seed to Tree, via BIBLE

Z=eternity: did u mature & get rewards 1Cor3?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 4, 2022]
Readme about the origin of Moscow and its relationship to Kherson.

That makes the 🇷🇺 withdrawal from Kherson much more meaningful. I do not expect them to bomb it or blow up the dam, as a result. I do expect them to try retaking it later.

[Quote DecodïngTrolls @DecodingTrolls · Oct 22, 2022]
Let's rehearse why Muscovy tried to conquer Kherson: there's no freshwater in Crimea. Kherson was key to unblocking canal linking Dniepr to Crimea.

In 1721 village of Musvovy occupied right-bank 🇺🇦 and declared itself "Russian Empire." Losing Kherson makes Muscovy a village.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 3, 2022]
Is Putin sick? I asked God to put him in diapers, to wake him up

Even now, God can rescue him & 🇷🇺, if he keeps using 1John 1:9 & starts learning Bible text

This Bible promise applies to anyone

God did it to Nebuchadnezzar: even restored his kingdom


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 8, 2022]

U know God bade ⤵️, don't u? When irony happens, God's talking

Since 2016 I demo'd Bible to u, how God wars w u over 🇺🇦. U refuse Him. So He makes 🇷🇺, refuse

CHURCH=BRIDGE. God sent Putin to be a reformer like .@ZelenskyyUa, but Putin's pissy. So 🇺🇦 gets Rodina

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 8, 2022]
Same story is told often, in Bible. Meter maps what yrs

1984 -- I could barely spell 'Jesus' -- God put in my head to pray Gorbache be removed & 🇷🇺 freed4Bible

God did so, on my bday in 1991

Then God caused me to learn Bible in Heb & Grk, so y'all could get His Word in time

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 5, 2022]

Truth Must Be Free. Free to be Good truth, bad truth, any truth IF truth, Ps138:2

Without Truth, there is no Justice

God LOVES making good on bad, so that bad does MUCH more good than good alone

So Truth CAN be Free

So He makes a Cross, not Stepford wives, Heb2

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Sep 28, 2022]
Clever ploy

Matt24:12a inserts a hiatus (δε*) between 2023 & 2025, pic

Αποκρινω anaphora* tags war+pogrom yrs. Prior tags were Masada (24.2), WW1 (25.9)

*Gen1:2 LXX δε, should be trans'd "BECAME chaos & wasteland"

**Anaphora map trends, demo Matt24 APOKRINW (judgment) anaphora 15/18 Anaphora syllable count distances ÷7, the # of PROMISE (see pic). Even between Bible books
Bible authors count syllables, to show God Orchestrates Time

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 20, 2022]
got it right again
√UKRAINE did the mod, to fit the MIG

NB: God mocks 🇷🇺 & backs 🇺🇦, as the latter's anthem promises; since AD 860, Matt24+25 wryly tags UKR evangelization dates w παρουσια; even twixt NT books, anaphora syllable counts ÷7= God orchestrates Time 😇

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 7, 2022]

Bible self-audits text & meter, to prove interp for any yr it maps, Gen1+. Each writer, obeys Moses' meter rules

Per the rules, in 2065+, 🇺🇦&Baltics renew as freedom bulwark à la 1400s contra Germany&Muscovy, Matt24:42-25:14ff

U reply, "Over My Dead Body."



[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 7, 2022]
U "coulda been a contender", IN the bulwark; but chose to be #ThirdRome, starting w Ivan III in 1472

Antichrist must die then revive at End of Time. So 🇷🇺 dies by 2065, trying to kill Ukraine (παρουσια anaphora, pics 3&4)

U were warned, Matt25:10-14 Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 8, 2022]
Due to Charlemagne's crowning (pic4 meter 770=AD800, ha), Matt24:27ff maps 🌐 evangelism yrs w παρουσια

Christ puns: Bible 'arrives'=Christ

God tells a Tale of Two Kyivs, w Muscovy born >1350, when Pol&Lith rescue Kyiv

So by Matt25:14, we've no doubt who God tags, 2061+

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 29, 2022]
A for Autograph
Many verses claim Bible=God's Word, hence perfect & proof of God, within itself

So *in* Bible, God provides mechanics to prove WHAT WORDS ARE HIS

Scholars call the mechanics, "hermeneutics"

Bible meter's a mechanic, but they can't find it

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 29, 2022]
Playlist⤵️: during Reformation et seq, many metered Bibles were issued, but

They applied Grk lit & secular stds, to find it 🥸

They didn't count ITS syllables, to find ITS meters. They flunk 1st rule of hermeneutics: a legal doc, Bible interps itself 😇

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 29, 2022]
A for Accounting Autograph

Every Bible writer Accounts Autograph by counting his syllables, to authenticate his original words

Primary rule in hermeneutics: Bible doctrines ALL begin in Genesis

So Moses began meter, Gen1:1, pics


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 29, 2022]
Accting Autograph, cont


1st 7-meter (7=Time Promise)=63: he writes 441 yrs post-Israel enslaved, @ age 119 (2nd 7x)=1400 BC=end 1050th yr post-Flood (Gen1:31)

Ps90's same dateline

'Saves $€£¥ spent guessing when Gen+Ps90, written!

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 24, 2022]
RT'd cartoon re 🇺🇦, is in Matt24:27ff: AD860, Ukraine gets her 1st 490 from God, pics

Post-Reformation, scholars quit seeking Bible Time Meter, eg 1752 RLowth on Isa53*, vs its 7ing pairs

Demo🧵 may help u vet
🚨 Matt24 METER Outline 🚨
*Isa53 yrly pre-maps 1st to Last David

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 17, 2022]
When demons infest a ppl, they cause messianic delusion, as RT'd below

Antichrist=Russia; early on, we see its distant future.. tho potential, now

Christendom is infested since Constantine AD312, saying Church an extension of Israel, to conquer 🌎🌍🌏


[Quote Jay in Kyiv @JayinKyiv · Jul 17, 2022]

Listen to these insane Russian barbarian nazis.

They really believe that thry are the chosen ones, to slaughter Ukrainians, to teach them a lesson, to take their land because "they have good weather there and sea".

Christian Nation, was born from Irenaeus' Bible abuse, AD177: see my Apr 2021 & '22 threads

So Christians say they're to CONQUER, ergo #SevenMountains #TrumPutin

THEY CAN'T READ "New Testament"=η καινη διαθηκη

Church gets a BRAND NEW&BETTER covenant, Heb11:39-40

The new covenant's bodies were prepaid on Cross, Matt16:18+Jn17

If Satan makes Church too apostate BEFORE PREPAID BODIES MATURE=Rapture=Eph4:12

he wins

Same, if Satan can kill enough Jews: CHRIST IS KING OF THE JEWS, MESSIAH

🇷🇺 calls self New Jerusalem, REPLACING JEWS

Cuz we're in an Appeal Trial, GodvSatan eg Isa14 Eze28 Job1+2 Matt4 Rev13

TERMS: God made promises; if they aren't fulfilled, it's a Mistrial & Satan gets to rule God

• Jews get Messiah
• Messiah pays4sin, prepays4Church
• Church matures like Christ
• Millennium

[NIV] Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. 4 By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.

Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

Hebrews 11:1 Ἔστιν δὲ πίστις ἐλπιζομένων ὑπόστασις, πραγμάτων ἔλεγχος οὐ βλεπομένων. 2 ἐν ταύτῃ γὰρ ἐμαρτυρήθησαν οἱ πρεσβύτεροι. 3 Πίστει νοοῦμεν κατηρτίσθαι τοὺς αἰῶνας ῥήματι θεοῦ, εἰς τὸ μὴ ἐκ φαινομένων τὸ βλεπόμενον γεγονέναι. 4 Πίστει πλείονα θυσίαν Ἅβελ παρὰ Κάϊν προσήνεγκεν τῷ θεῷ, δι᾽ ἧς ἐμαρτυρήθη εἶναι δίκαιος, μαρτυροῦντος ἐπὶ τοῖς δώροις αὐτοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ, καὶ δι᾽ αὐτῆς ἀποθανὼν ἔτι λαλεῖ.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 15, 2022]
I am trained in Bible Doctrine; so despite end-stage cancer, God keeps me alive to inform & answer questions. That's it

I had no clue, when I 1st believed in Christ at age 18. I knew God since age 5. Bible didn't make sense to me, so I kept asking questions

Voici la femme

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 10, 2022]
There's much in Bible, I dislike

#1: if by death God spiritually matures u, He crowns & gives u an eternal kingdom

The ONLY joy in kingship, is to see yer ppl=kids, mature in thinking, freedom & prosperity 😍

BUT..seems yer kingdom includes ppl u knew, down here 😧

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 10, 2022]
I've told parts of the story below, but never the full story..

In 1998 I got catywampus w God; He punished me

So I got a webTV for internet, to write webpages auditing Rapture Doctrine (I didn't like it), bc I didn't know Windows

Online cost $1,000/mo, so I wanted to quit

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 10, 2022]
A janitor named Jesus, found a Micron Windows PC in the trash, decided I should get it; he kept it for 2 wks, until he saw me in the garage on my pastor's bday, Apr 1, 2000

I took the PC, bought its software from Office Depot; now could write webpgs & publish audit, for free

The janitor of course, didn't know anything about this, & I never told him

But God knew

Now you know why I write so boldly

FACT: Bible math & doctrines fully balance Gen-Rev, only if Rapture is pre-Trib

WHY that story? Audit answer is long & witty: LordvSatan1.htm
[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 10, 2022]

Revisit idea de novo, using only Bible; start in Genesis w underlying doctrine

NB: Greek Rapture word 'harpazo', means violently snatch up women in a raid; English reverses the Latin raptō (as if women love it)

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 10, 2022]
PPS shorter (unfinished) novel format, more entertaining & w Britt audio conversion

After you finish the intro + Chapter 1 on how demons look at this story, you should be able to write a chapter on yourself

Yeah, you're one of the characters 😇

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 10, 2022]
Russian tank kills 56 🇺🇦 nursing home volk, just for fun. It was in occupied territory, so cant call this a mistake

Great mate u got, .@Bundeskanzler

🇩🇪+🇷🇺 WWII history is full of barbarism..far more expensive, than quitting 🇷🇺 now

U share her fate if u don't wake up, Gal6:7

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 8, 2022]
Shame on Baptists, Dispensationalists, Reformed, Catholics, Orthodox!


586 BC in Dan9:2, so Christ died 7 SOLAR yrs EARLY, ergo pre-Trib Rapture restores Time

so Church is NOT an extension of Israel, DUMMIES

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 8, 2022]
Longer proofs u can vet IN BIBLE ⤵️

God will punish u if u don't. He punished me until I did ⤵️, 2000-2006

I didn't like Rapture. But it's not about liking, rather if it's true!

Balances perfectly

Takes 3 mos to vet PassPlot.htm

Takes a yr

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 8, 2022]
A more entertaining novel format:
has nice Brit audio conversion. Intro & 1st chapter are helpful

The rest of it is from 2006, still first draft

I'm dying, so I don't know if I'll rewrite/finish it. Write a chapter on yourself 😇

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 7, 2022]

I tweet about Bible, bc ppl get 99% of it wrong, esp #SevenMountains #MAGA prolifers who claim Church inherited Israel

I won't convert ppl, but clarify what Bible says, & how to prove it

What you do with that info is sacrosanct between God & you 😘

End Commercial Message

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 6, 2022]

BTW if into Bible, pls know spiritual life & Bible itself, are all about logistics

Pulpits rarely admit we're in an Angelic Trial that plays like hybrid war, Gen1+ Hebrew

My pastor daily taught logistics during 50 yrs he exegeted Bible

It is thus time-metered: [link dead]

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 6, 2022]
also use it as a calendar to know logistics, eg when to flee w Bible, pics

Prophecy is on the logistics of Satan kidnapping & God freeing Bible, Matt24:4-14; Columbus quoted it to get trip funding to the new world, cf his Libro de las profesías

Religion aims2replace Bible

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 4, 2022]
True. My vids show onscreen, how Bible's Hebrew says you're not alive until born ⤵️

Epi14 is 1978 PBS spec on how prolife began w #SevenMountains (who beds 🇷🇺 & Trump), for political power
Prolife is anti-science & blasphemes God. Prolifers are insane

Reminder🧵re what Bible is & where we are in its prophecy, as God bids we know What Time It Is
Altho missed by scholars, Bible syllables are 7-metered, to tag & describe POST-Adam yrs Gen1+, pics
We're to use meter as a calendar, eg to know if/when to flee w Bible, bc

Satan tries to destroy it, bc
Bible is due diligence disclosure about God, Satan, & why you're here, a mere pawn in an Angelic Trial, GodvSatan. Trial, is about whether God is bad
You've a right to this info; but w it, you'd freely want God. Ergo Satan tries to mess it up

Trial crux: who'd want God, given how badly He creates?
We are created low. Satan was created high, yet calls it unfair he's not as good as God, eg in Isaiah 14
Christ & humans are made low, so Satan can get us to vote4him, Job1+1, Heb1+2
He must abort Bible, to win votes

God directly made sinless Adam & Isha; they talked to Him, didn't need a book
Gen3: Satan plays a cute 4-legged reptile, reverses what God Said; Isha votes4Satan; Adam votes4her. Sin DNA born, Rom5:12
God said, I'll become Savior & Adam believed; so man procreates sin DNA

& @ birth, God chooses whether to 'do' Gen2:7, create a soul & impute it to the exited fetus, thus birth a living human (pssst -- abortion kills nothing)
It's juridical: PROCREATED biology=sin DNA, will taint soul function; God must DECREE if a life should exist, Isa45:7,18

Now, u exist. YOUR turn to decide: do u want God?
Back then, u had direct discourse w Him -- or demon boys -- if & as u wanted
So it's all subjective: how to know u hear/see God vs hallucination vs demons?
Aww, can't we instead have a GROUP VALIDATION?
Enter, religion 🥸

Satan smacks his lips. Group thang, yea
Talk to groups, not God. More holy, to talk to SUBSTITUTES
So let's found cities, make holy books, rituals w SEX (joining God); have kings & priesthoods, make fancy temples
so we don't see/hear GOD, even as we shout His Name

God, remains God of Gen5-7 persons: Adam, Seth, Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, Shem..Abraham Isaac & Jacob
Not, of religion, groups. No rituals books priesthoods, tho fathers did animal sacrifices like Abel, to depict Messiah to Come, Job & Gen 15:6
Relationship, not religion

Messiah, would pay for sin. God said they'd be His human progenitors
So they didn't make temples rituals holy books religions & nations. They were bloodline for Messiah, & were to tell folks
So Abraham sent to Haran, for Isaac's wife. Jacob went, returns as a family of 70
*Job1+2, correction

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 23, 2022]

Did u see God answer yer petty Duma guy, making him break his collarbone *while riding a bike*?


Event plays exactly as wit in Rev 17 Grk,


In Twitter, search "50/50 Congress". I prayed for it in Twitter in Mar 2018; God Yessed that prayer 7 different ways, 4 of which were puns on 2020 Georgia Senate runoff election stats!

Look it up yourself!

Matt25:12 says God will kill 🇷🇺 if u don't listen to Him...

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 16, 2022]
Bible prophecy TIMED satire on Messianic War yrs, like now, are tagged w αποκρινω anaphora: verb = 'to answer via ruling'

TEXT COVERING SAME YRS, COMMENTS ON THEM in current or parallel verses, demo Matt24 APOKRINW (judgment) anaphora 15/18

So αποκρινω=Masada, WWI, II & 2025

Not 2022, bc

we 1st replay WWII prelude, Anschluss; 🇺🇦 won't join 🤭


So nations pick sides by 2025; WWIII then begins

It ends 2028, renews in 2030 w antisemitic pogroms next 7 yrs

Then, alliances & balance of power shift to E Eur by 2041

🇷🇺 is carved up by 2061
Luke21 pairs Kyiv AD860+ w Israel, pics

Satan must kill Jews, to make Israel so depopulated, Christ can't Inherit a full Kingdom: God fails to keep His Promise, Satan wins Trial

Few teach this; but we must learn it, to interp events & avoid traps, per end Luke21
So when Bible books rearrange or reword each other, it's deliberate. U are expected to know the prior text, to read their update (like a serial novel)

Bible meter says
Matt wrote AD30
Luke in 58
Mark in 69
Rev end 87
Each writes due to an event, eg Mark bc Titus invests Jeru

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 14, 2022]
& .@Israel votes to cling to 🇷🇺 Nazis trying to destroy 🇺🇦, largely to kill Jews in it

Anti-semitism is a BIG reason why 🇷🇺 TRIES TO WIPE OUT 🇺🇦. Russians also want to destroy any1 who greatly contributes to its success

Russia=Mongol. Even Bible charts that, starting in Dan9

[Zach זק@ZachLewis3187 · Jun 14, 2022]
At the same time Von der Leyen tweeted this, the EU voted to fund textbooks by the PA that have the same language in them about Jews as the Nazis and make no mention of the Holocaust except that it’s contested and falsified as a reason to take Palestine.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 11, 2022]

God gives 🇷🇺 til 2061 to live. Then kills u per γρηγορειτε anaphora

√Matt24:42 Pol/Lith/Ukr 1387+ cause de jure
√Mark13:35 1233+ Mongol prequel 1387-1233,÷7
🇷🇺 ends

& now on TV, u claim Mongol2.0 mantle, as Mark13:35 warns

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 2, 2022]

Satan uses u to play witty Bible meter games w God

2023-24 is 784th anniv of Mongols razing Kyiv

56 is Bible's Vote Critical meter, timeline of 1st Temple demise, premapped in Isa53, pics

As I reported earlier, God uses Temple 140-year

Restoration Grant as juridical precedent, to restore E Eur as a faith-freedom bulwark:

1921-91 parallels 586-516 BC
1991-2041 parallels 516-446 BC

Satan uses 🇷🇺 bombing to BLOCK 🇷🇺 from Restoration & advertise her Mongol roots

How does it feel, to be Satan's eternal joke?!

I'm sorry, I didn't recognize this Bible Meter math until today

I feel stupid sending you these messages; but it'll require a miracle for you to even see them, let alone understand them

So what if God wants you to see & understand them, like He just did to me?

I wanna die

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 1, 2022]
500-yr trend of History

1100s, E Eur became power bloc, 3rdCrusade+

1350 Pol+Lith free Ukraine & eject Mongols from Kyiv, who go north & found Muscovy

Pol again becomes center in 1387 w Lith+Ukraine, when Jagiello weds Jadwiga: E Eur's Golden age begins

Now? Wash rinse repeat

[Quote Istoryk🇺🇦 @ictopyk · May 15, 2022]
[Replying to @ictopyk]
залишать у Польщі свої серця, коли повернуться назад до України після перемоги.
Але величність Польщі полягає не тільки в цьому. На наших очах народжується новий європейський лідер - нова Польща, яка є зразком для створення оновленої, пост-імперської Європи.
Niech zyje Polska! 🇵🇱

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 31, 2022]

Sorry to keep writing, but u must hear God's Plan A: there's still a chance u can get it

DANIEL: Nebuchadnezzar was to be political savior of Israel, but got fat-headed. God struck him down for 7 yrs, he repented* & God restored him

That's Plan A for u

👉 ---insert 1 john 1:8-10, 1 john 2:1

1991, God's doing 🌎🌍🌏 evangelism: γαμους=feast=1991, Matt25:10

Bc u believed in Christ when young, God chose u to lead 🇷🇺 into Bible freedom, like 🇺🇦 had

Then 🇷🇺'd get respect, prosperity, warm-water ports..w/o war or chicanery

U were to be her political savior! 😇
-----insert matthew 25:10-12
1991, u're a jaded son of Belial. U think
'I'll steal4Rodina
head FSB
save 🇷🇺 like Stalin',
aping his steps

U shut the door on God, 1998

U got TV ppl to glam yer image à la Nebuchy, but w more charm

Denying God, u chose every evil

So Gal6:7 hits
Use 1Jn1:9 while u can

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 29, 2022]
That's why they don't want Ukraine in NATO or EU, bc UKR membership changes the balance of power

Eastern Europe then obtains hegemony: France & Germany lose theirs

Same issue w Turkey & Hungary re Sweden & Finland

US goes along 2get along

Every1's a hypocrite

[cc.@ZelenskyyUa Quote Dogun201983 @Aontaithe2021 · May 28, 2022]
[Replying to @kilturk44 and @SabFis3]
France and Germany need to realise that Eastern Europe are also part of the EU and NATO
[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 29, 2022]
BALANCE OF POWER BoP CHANGE is in Matt25:13, tags Matt24:42 γρηγορειτε anaphora, BoP -> to Poland

'Anaphora' is a pointback key, list @ pic tops

Anaphora distances ÷7, even inter-Bible chaps Matt24-25ParsedR6.pdf



=God orchestrates TIME

So Matt25:13 says, 2042+ BoP -> to EEur. Ukraine's part of Poland in 1387, Matt24:42; so Ukraine's in 25:13

Muscovy, not 'Russia' in 1387 or 2042

📢 EVANGELISM & Rapture chance is HI then & now

Demo: BIBLE MAPS each yr, AD30+

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 26, 2021]
🚨 Matt24 METER Outline 🚨
pics+ Matt24-25ParsedR6.pdf
READ: 1syll=1yr; txt satirizes & yrly maps Xtians AD30+

V1-3, disciples drool over Temple; Christ quips not 1 stone left on another @ syll40; they ask SIGN of END

V3 end=AD177: Commodus crowned &Ireneas hunts heretics 👉

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 27, 2022]

Quo vadis?
How God Uses Evil

Christians AD100+, fake What Yr It Is, to hide CHRIST's LIFE+DEATH is TIMED TO BIBLE HEBREW CALENDAR

So Hippolytus calcs initial creation not w Bible, but w Ark's dimensions, to mask παρουσια

Russ Odox apes same silly lie

So 🇷🇺 is in deep 💩 w God, for CENTURIES OF LYING against His Word

Hippolytus' lie got caught by AD800; to sell Last Emperor lie, Pope fit calendar to Bible😘

Suddenly EEur believed in Christ to be saved, 800-1000: saying, Time Ends 😱

It didn't: ppl revert to Crusades 🙃

So God spanks them w yer ancestor Mongols, who raze Kyiv in 1239, then feign 'Rus' w Ivan Kalita & convert to Odox

Poles+Lith drove Ivans out, 1350; they went north to a tiny, swampy hill, 'Moscovy'

Bible tags Poles as client of God 966+; Kyiv, 860+

But not Muscovy 😢


By 1350 EEur got snippy w God, Who tests them: play religion, or faith freedom?

Jogaila wed Jadwiga; EEur passes test, enters golden age,

While Muscovy maims Christians, enters Time of Troubles

EEur got snippy again; so 1795, 🇷🇺 split her til 1921, when God split every1

to insert a 🌐 Time Out, @ WWI's end

Much evangelism occurred, mostly bad; but millions believed Christ paid for their sins, so God can justify extending Time, due to enough 'salt'

He restores 🌐 Time via same 140-yr juridical model as BC586 Israel, mapped in Isa53+Dan9

So 🇷🇺, like E Eur, got a 70-yr special voting Time Grant, 1921-91


He deployed u in 1991, to also vote4Him, lead Russia into freedom-of-faith. U deny Him; so 🇷🇺 dies, unless u use 1Jn1:9

EEur+Ukraine replace u, enter new golden age to +-2657


2nd 70 is 1991-2041 Restoration Grant (à la Israel BC516-446)

Believer Bible interest skyrockets; Jews receive max protection; nat'l laws of Freedom, obtain

E Eur becomes center of 🌐

Russia is split, just as u tried to do to Ukraine

Russia later revives, as Antichrist👉

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 21, 2022]
Correct. +-500 Bible verses say you're not alive until born

So if prolife, u can't read Bible & are in deep 💩💩 w God bc u spit on Christ Who at Birth said, "a body You prepared for Me".. so 'me' is not the fetus, duh (Heb10:5, quotes Ps40:6)


[Quote StuDuncan @Stu02Duncan · May 20, 2022]
[Replying to @TristanSnell and @NotHoodlum]
He actually did speak about it. He said the Old Testament was good for learning and was inspired scripture.
The Old Testament:

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 15, 2022]

Daily, u beg God to kill u: like Satan in 3rd Temptation, Matt4

One day, He will; but now, u get diapers

What do u gain? U lose God, Who gave u a nice job. U spurn Him? For what?

I got cancer, too. God uses it to bless me w meter, worth more than 🌐 GDP 🤗

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 11, 2022]

End threat to 🇷🇺? Leave 🇺🇦 & nations u invaded + indemnify their losses @ 120%=God's redemption fee

God ruins 🇷🇺 for ruining them, Gal6:7. U will be dead +-600 yrs. Then u revive as last Antichrist & then go into Lake of Fire 4ever

It's all in His Book u won't heed

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 3, 2022]

Jews had no jurisdiction to crucify Christ. Romans did it. Bible's clear

Lavrov again sticks 🦶 in 👄. Why?

BTW, Lord is King of the Jews, born Hanukkah 4BC*; died Pesach Erev 3pm Wed Apr3 AD30, TIMED to David's retirement 1000


*4BC, bc Claudius made
Varro's bad AUC, law; our scholars use it

Varro said AUC 753 BC, but it was really 750 per Livy

So Paul's TIME METER obeys Varro=our AD in Eph1 (blue superscript pics), tags Matt24 & maps Church 1st 490, within a doxology: Eph1DecreeSyllablesREPARSED.pdf 👉

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 1, 2022]

U who rightly believes in Rapture are dumb re prophecy. King of North is Russia, not Italy

Ukraine famously votes4God, 1991+

God tags 🇺🇦 v 🇷🇺 AD860+, Matt24:27ff: also Luke21,Mark13, Rev17

I've demo'd it daily in Twitter, since 2016. U coulda learned it by now

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 29, 2022]
This kid rewords Ukrainian 🔱 anthem. He also states Bible Doctrine re 🇺🇦

See my threads: ανθρωπος anaphora, Matt24:27 tags yr Kyiv 1st became a client nation* to God, a status lost in 1350 but now regained

*Enough believer 'salt' to get a 490-yr Divine nat'l Time Grant
To see how it plays + prove it in Bible, use this spreadsheet compiled solely from Bible
brainoutFAQ.htm#6a for verse math

Bible scholarship is crap. Took 20 yrs to fix their math errors

IOW: if u knew what Bible really said, u could prove it true

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 27, 2022]

Yer chem & nukes misfire, fail, etc

🌏🌍🌎 stops fearing u & races to carve u up

Thus what u did to so many nations for so long is done to u, Gal6:7

Sometime 1000 yrs >Battle of Grunwald, Matt25:24-30, u rise again: u are Beast Slain, Antichrist

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 27, 2022]

God partitions 🇷🇺 bc u partition 🇺🇦. He always puns

By 2041, 🇺🇦 gets part of 🇷🇺, cuz u refused to free 🇷🇺 for Bible in 1999


Every story in Bible is a Justice Paradigm

🇺🇦 paradigm now, is 2nd Temple BC516-446. E Eur shares it

U lose

[Quote Alexander Khrebet @AlexKhrebet · Apr 24, 2022]
Ukrainians massively taken to #Russia,
The Putin's regime has already hijacked 951,000 people from #Ukraine. Almost 175,000 of them are children. Sixteen thousand civilians are becoming Russia's hostages every day since February 24.


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 19, 2022]

Thanks4 May-parading big 🇷🇺 losses w a Z =.@ZelenskyyUa

For in Bible 70+70 Dan9 accting, 77yrs >🇺🇦 voted4 freedom in 1921, God freed 🇺🇦 from USSR & shut θυρα, Matt25:10
U war w 77th Son
=Christ (Luke4)
U=Beast Slain & revive @ End

🔥 Matt24+25 update re EEur+Ukraine 🔥

Prophecy is on promise of God's head going in your head. Deut6, 30, Jer31, 1Cor, Heb8-10

NT calls it Rapture criterion: Matt24:14, Jn17, Eph4:12

Columbus invoked 24:14 in _Libro de Las Profesías_ for trip West. 24:44-45 tag yrs he did

Bible is wry literature, so put on yer Heb/Greek literate hat, to interpret it

Parousia= 'Appear' (2nd Advent, v3), is key to EEur faiths. So parousia dates in Matt, tag EEur faith events

Matt24+25 build on parousia=evangelism, cuz God 'appears' to u thru His Word 😘 😇


Matt24:42 γρηγορειτε (=ALERT) bookends w Matt25:13, yrs 1387 (Jogaila wed) -2045=94x7

94=mid-Trib theme: Treaties w antichrists who break 'em, then nations are partitioned =final cycle of punishment per Lev26 & Deut28

This cycling has been the story of EEur, incl Ukraine
🇺🇦 @ 860 =ανθρωπου =evangelization anaphora in Matt24:27, pic1: tags Kyiv as a 'client nation' to God

Defined=enuf believers in a polity of principles aligned enuf w Bible, to be a *client* under God's protection

Kyiv got a 490 to 1350, but Matt24:40 αγωι, 1349 partition

Cuz Christians fixed calendar* under Charlemagne, mass evangelism resulted in many Baltic & Balkan clients AD800-1000, expecting Christ

So παρουσια tags yrs a nation converts, eg Poland in 966

*Re calendar, see @richard_landes in my tweets. He's unrelated to what I say


By 1350, post-Kalita usurpation & Black Death halves Eur but spares pro-Jew Pol & Milan

Pol gets cocky. Lith stays pagan

Both, partition Kyiv

Ukrainian believers become a blessing to both polities; by 1387= Matt24:42, Pol asks Lith's Jogaila to wed 👸

Golden age ensues

Pol must war, due to apostasy (all religion is apostate, but some believers might not be)

Battle of Grunwald 1410=1380 meter, broke papal power

Pol's 490 renews 1456 & Lith converts

Reformation began w Jan Hus per κυριος anaphora Matt24:42, demo Matt24 APOKRINW (judgment) anaphora 15/18

Ukr nobles split twixt Pol & Lith. Some align w princes in NW Russia

Constantinople fell 1453; Muscovy claimed self heir, as #ThirdRome. Ivan III wed last C princess & began pogroms+conquest

Every1 bet world would end 1492=7000 yrs from daft Hippolytus' date of creation

Casimir IV did end; then, Pol+Lith begin 300 yrs of decline & end partitioned

1st 100, P+L get Jeshurun-fat re her glory as Europe's Big Boy
In 2nd, her nobles abuse other classes
In 3rd, nations conquer her

By 1795, she's partitioned

Ukraine gets Habsburg + Moscow masters

West Ukr has Habsburg autonomy

East Ukr has Russian tyranny

1795+, Russia blots Ukr's past to claim it Russian, to mask R's Mongol Kalita usurpation origin

Polish & others' influence w Habsburgs hurt W Ukr, who lives thru WWI= Matt25:9 αποκρινω Matt24 APOKRINW (judgment) anaphora 15/18

Ukraine always has many Jews; so 🌍🌎🌏 denigrate her

Anti-Semitism is a demonic trend of history bc in Angelic Appeal Trial, Satan loses if he can't kill the Jews*

*AAT intro'd in Gen1, but anti-Semitism blocks Gen's interp to a silly & irrelevant q of how old Earth

Want proof it's demonic?
Hear the imam RT'd below
[Palestinian Islamic Scholar Mraweh Nassar, Channel 9 (Turkey) March 22, 2022]
[Translated by Memri TV]

"The (Israelis) understand nothing but force. If the security of their state depends on aligning with Russia, or at least being neutral, they will do this even if it means sacrificing the (Ukrainian) Jews. Even in the false Holocaust... There is a book written by a Jew, which asks "Who killed the Jews?" They were offered to take the Jews for five dollars each. They took one look, saw that most of them were old, and said: "We don't want them." A Jew wrote this book and said: "We killed the Jews" - that is what he means - "because we refused to accept 100,000 or 200,000 Jews who were in Germany, in exchange for a handful of dollars." They only wanted young people. They did not want the old. (The Israelis) have turned to the East. They now want Russia and China, because America has forsaken them. (America) told them in short: your (Zionist) project is a failure, and you are bound to come to an end - if not this year, then the next. Even the Jews themselves, including Lieberman and Netanyahu, are now convinced that Palestine cannot be the state for the Jews. So they started saying that holy Jerusalem is in Ukraine and not in Palestine. Ukraine is now in the candidate to become the future Jewish state. Perhaps one of hte reasons they instigated this war was to empty out Ukraine. The West is now convinced that the (Jewish) state is doomed, that the (Zionist) enterprise has failed. What is the solution, then? That Israel will be adopted by Russia and China instead of by the West, or that there will be an alternative (state). The whole world knows about the Jewish state in eastern Ukraine. I remebered that there were 43,000 (Jews) there, but now they say 200,000. It is an indepedent state, and they did not want to spread the word about it, so they would not be told to go there rather than come to Palestine. Why did the Holocaust really happen? Leave aside everything that is being said. During World War II, some of the Jews joined the Americans and the West, and others joined Germany. They said: If the Germans win, we are with Germany, and if the West wins, we are with the West. Hitler found out that there were (Jewish) spies, so he killed some of them - it was not hundreds of thousands like they say. These are all lies. They are now saying that the temple and biblical Jerusalem are located in Ukraine and not in Palestine. If this does not work, tomorrow they might say that they are in the Netherlands."
There are 7 testable traits of demon-sponsored activity, SatStrat.htm#SevenCont

#1 trait, SLAPSTICK (hey see me, u are to blame if u buy it). 1st use: eat this fruit to become as smart as God, Gen3
[The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome @TheMossadIL · Apr 2, 2022]
We're so embarrassed. We were totally off about Jerusalem all along.

So Ukraine declared its independence in 1917 & yet fights for it against Russia, just like we fought, in 1776

That .@POTUS
, .@POTUS45
, .@POTUS44
, .@EUCouncil
& .@NATO
deny Ukraine sky defense despite 1994 Budapest Memorandum, is as 4ever demonic, as Putin



So, war heats as WWIII 2025-2028; then simmers to 2041

Russia is partitioned: nations around her who won borderlands (God's pun on 'Ukraine'), get them

A 10-nation 'Rome' revives in Tribulation; 3 subsume under Muscovy

Scholars misID King of NORTH 'Rome', as if Italy👀

Matt25:14=2062, Christ seems to appoint evangelists in US, EEur, 'leaves' in 2130 for 70 voting yrs (testing) & 'returns' 2200=v19, 1043 yrs before end Matt25

Timeline ends @ 7350 start (3213+30+4106*=7349), pic (cf Talmud San97-99)

*cell E14, GeneYrs.xls
NB: God has Matt bookend γρηγορειτε in 24:42 w 25:13; so MID-TRIB=Time theme, 1387-2045=94x7

1387, Jogaila wed Jadwiga: Pol-Lithuania becomes a pro-Jew client nation to God from 966-1772.. incl Ukraine since 863

1772+, they oft suffer Deut28:15ff; but by 2045, revive

Enfin, 1043<>1050 or 1057, so CANT claim Christ's v19 Return is Rapture or 2nd Advent

Can say it's 33x7 after 1971 mass evangelism in Matt25:10

Cuz Rapture criterion is set bodies (Last Church Believer) NOT Time, per Matt16:18, 24:14, Jn17:20ff, Eph4:13

966+1050=2016. See why #TrumpPutin "Lord Lord" is apt, Matt25:11= 2015-18, 88x7 post κυριος in 24:42, a vote to renew 490?

See why God said Yes to my 2018 Twitter prayer He give US a 50/50 Congress (He punned it 7 ways, 4 via #GaSen elex demogs)?


91meter=Decree Met, Ps90 Isa53 Dan9

1387+91x7=2024 😇

Paul puns 91 as 'season' of Church in Eph1 (Enoch & 1st Temple =364 yrs, 950-586BC) Eph1DecreeSyllablesREPARSED.pdf, pics

Eph1:13-14 align Constantine AD337 v12 death as winter of Church discontent, w Matt24:9 believer hatred

NB how AD337=307 meter=yr Constantine dies, tags 'hate' in Matt24:9

Constantine hated his sons & wife. His sons, yell heretic & kill brothers; popular since AD177 Irenaeus made preening hatred, a Xtian institution😈

So by 2024, E Eur is a 91x7 countertrend, incl Ukraine 😇

We need it: WWIII officially begins 2025 (now=Anschluss 2.0)

COUNTERTREND IS BIBLE INTEREST, evidenced by new Bible translation. That requires local support. There's much interest in Bible qua Bible now, in E Eur & Ukraine (eg Filaret)

God sponsors Word rollout, Matt24:14

#TrumPutin in Matt25:11-12, galvanizes EEur faith; so they federate as 1000 yrs ago, by 2065

EEur renews, as haven for freed faith & Bible

EEur nat'l conversion yrs converge & ÷7, @ 2065-2067=ανθρωπος (evangel anaphora) Matt25:14, eg
🇵🇱 2065-966
🇺🇦 2067-863
🇭🇺 2065-1001

This is a smoking gun, proves E Eur is in Matt25:14: convergence w their Christianization dates, tagged to παρουσια/ανθρωπος evangelism anaphora

Recalls 1036 1050 1071 convergences in Matt Luke & Mark, pics

You see the #s show God Orchestrates Time to fit Bible, right?

So invoke 2Chron7:14, use 1John 1:9 (pics), TRY TO learn & live on Bible as u know it now, however well or badly

TRY TO apply Bible to life. God will deliver your nation

Forget religion. U needn't be good or right. Just use 1Jn1:9 & TRY. God will make u adept, over time

Why does trying to learn Bible, save & heal? Cuz u play w what u LEARN from God

Yet world says we should EARN. L for 'Lord', is absent

Adam & Eve didn't do that. How could they, tho perfect, EARN from God?

Rather, they spent time LEARNing God

Putins try2earn, not learn

NB: 500yr religious trends in final 120, have mass evangelism, migration & war. Ours, runs 2010-2130

Bible meters 'em, & u can see 'em in history:
-500 Reformation
-500 Crusades
-500 Justinian
-500 Christ
-500 2nd Temple
-500 David
-500 Exodus

Cf Phyllis Tickle lectures

Putin wages religious war cuz 🇷🇺=#ThirdRome, a Last Emperor myth Irenaeus begat in 177

In 800 it morphed to Charlemagne; then to Ivan III, in 1472. Columbus wrote, Spain s/b LE

Putin thinks he's LE, pics. So he WILL nuke, bc Russians goto heaven: he said so, at Davos 2018

So now u see historical context, for #UkraineWar

🇺🇦 has always been the gateway to Eur; land invasions go thru her

So Putin wants2own her, see his 2014 Lesson of Byzantium manifesto The fall of an empire--the Lesson of Byzantium

For spiritual context, see Matt24 thread

29/x How Does Time End?

God tags 1991 as wedding feast=γαμους, Matt25:10; He shuts door=1998, pics

1991-98, EEur got independence & Bible translation got popular. So EEur is INSIDE

1998, my pastor knew no meter, guessed US had 40yrs left2live

End v12 disowns #MAGAts, 2041

1991, EEur gets same 2x70 REBUILD GRANT as 1st Temple in Isa53+Dan9, pics

Temple had 126 left on its 490 in 586BC=end Isa53:4

Isa53+Dan9:2&24-27 map 126 repay post-516BC

-70 repay of 126
-49 "
NB, 7 debited=sabbs owed on missed 49, can't play preCross

586-49 sabb yrs missed (Rehoboam+)
=when Dan prays (meter 49, pics)

-21=516BC, 2nd Temple rebuilt, Dan9:2+Hag2 +Ezra6:15+Isa53:7b

516-70=446=Neh6:15 rebuilt walls

446-49=397=Mal ends OT

=1000 yrs >David died (963BC per 1Ki6:1; scholars misread 1Ki1-6)

Scholars mess Dan9 math, use lunar yrs tho Bible uses (365.25) solar, aka ANNIVERSARIES

Hence scholars miss:
=1000 anniv of David's death @ age 77 not 70
=End Jewish Time Grant, IF Christ pays4sins

He paid 7 yrs EARLY, in AD30: so Church=TimeBridge

1991+70 for EEur rebuild=2061
=end Matt25:13, pic

v14, 2nd 70 grant repays 1st: He gives them evangelism assets, cuz He leaves in 2130 =2nd post-Cross (Heb11:1-6) Angelic Trial 1050 deadline, Matt25:15

He returns 2201, post-70yr vote, Matt25:19; grants them a new 490


Matt25 ends, 1043 yrs later. Text is 2nd Adv/end Mill double entendre, so can't say when Rapture

"Teeth" bookends Matt24:51=1703 War of Spanish Succession
Matt25:30=2657, stingy slave cast out. Why?

We can see why 🇷🇺 revives as Dan11:36ff KoN Antichrist: EEur revived

Download GeneYrs.xls Makes it easy to see & vet how Bible dates use 490s. U don't need meter

Meter helps, tho, & is self-auditing; its writers obey rules; my vid pics, parse mss per the rules

So 2x70 REBUILD TIME GRANT is precedence, given EEur

& US? Dunno

As the .xls shows, God grants a supermature believer, 490 yrs (+maybe 1000)

Grant justifies continuing the world & person's nation

Gen5 shows TIME continued, bc Adam Seth Jared Enoch Methuselah Lamech Noah, supermatured

Rule: Time ends, if none supermature during a 490

Re 1991+, some1 supermatured by 4th post-Cross contiguous qualifying 490 deadline 1990, so Time didn't end

Matt25:31: last nat'l 490 might be granted, 7 yrs into new historical 490

But now? U may be a grantee. Or, some1 in China. Any1 can be "salt" & supermatured by God

Pulpits ignore "salt" bc they mess its 490 math, eg EW Bullinger, _Numbers in Scripture_

So they miss Ukraine's 70yr vote, 1921-1991

+70=2061=Matt25:13, =Rebuild 140; she then gets a 490 to 2551, extending 2480 End of Time 🤗

Ally E Eur, shares it
& 🇺🇸🇨🇵 🇩🇪? Maybe not

One must blame 🇺🇸 🇨🇵 🇩🇪 for antichrist 🇷🇺 success in bombing 🇺🇦, who shoulda received an NFZ bc she gave up her nuclear arms

violates that 1994 Budapest Memorandum, still

So why should God let 🇺🇸🇨🇵 🇩🇪 remain nations, after 2480? Well, if some1 in them, supermatures

Tho 🇷🇺 is final Antichrist, she can get a 490, if some1 in her, supermatures

She also began new translations, 1990+

So 1991, God answers my 1984 prayer2open 🇷🇺 4Bible, cuz He GAVE ME THE IDEA due to Matt24+25 He later caused me & now u, to learn

1984 prayer changed my life, but I didn't know. Never underestimate God's ability to ENABLE u to be what He wants, Eph2:10

It's never about yer power or how good u are. but about how GORGEOUS His Word is

With it, u will always be happy, even w cancer 🤗

I can die happy now

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 17, 2022]

God controls wind. Don't depend on nukes & chem crap

Better win is to quit, as Gorbachev did

Admit u messed up. 🌎🌍will fall all over itself to pay u $€£¥, just as in 1991

Use it to rebuild 🇺🇦 & 🇷🇺. Or get partition

U r Antichrist, u revive @ End of Time

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 16, 2022]

Ukraine had no good army, ldrs were corrupt until 2014

So a nation goes from corrupt to hero, in but 8 yrs? 'Like when David was crowned at Hebron...

In 1991, 🇺🇦 gets famous w missionaries, bc she wants Bible, is pro-Jew & faith freedom

See the results?

[Quote The Bulwark @BulwarkOnline · Apr 11, 2022]
"I told the translator to tell the colonel that having fought in Desert Storm, I had seen many T-72s—but none of them still had the turret attached." Read @MarkHertling on two armies at war today that couldn’t be more different.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 16, 2022]
Read 🇺🇦 threads translated w Twitter & u see a GRACE mindset, eg

they argue how 🇺🇦 offers reduced tax, but want to pay max tax to aid soldiers

That's how Bible Doctrine hits a nation*

It makes u ENJOY doing the right thing, even if u disbelieve in God

*Rev21:24, glory2pay tax

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 14, 2022]
🔥 Translate, read me now: 🇷🇺's nervous, due to potential detonation of nuclear warheads they'd put aboard Moskva

.. shockwaves could end Kerch bridge & Crimea, at least the 🇷🇺 parts!

Recall what God did in Egypt? Plagues against Egyptians, bypassed the Jews?

God is alive, ok?

[Quote Oleg H. Aliev-Davidoff 🇫🇮🇦🇿🇺🇦🇮🇱🇰🇿🇹🇷 @Oleg_Aliyev · Apr 14, 2022]
❗️Источники Западной разведки сообщают тревожные новости.

Весь этот панический разлёт спецбортов всех ведомств, который наблюдается сегодня весь день в ублюдской федерации, вероятно, связан с затоплением тяжелого ракетного крейсера Москва.
[Quote Oleg H. Aliev-Davidoff 🇫🇮🇦🇿🇺🇦🇮🇱🇰🇿🇹🇷 @Oleg_Aliyev · Apr 14, 2022]
❗️Western intelligence sources report disturbing news.

This whole panicked scattering of special aircraft from all departments, which is observed all day today in the bastard federation, is probably associated with the sinking of the heavy missile cruiser Moscow.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 13, 2022]

GET THE MESSAGE YET?Ukraine belongs to God, not u. Yer war to break 🇺🇦, ends breaking up 🇷🇺. Withdraw, or get diapers

NEW: God orchestrates re-evangelism of E Eur 1991-2130, read my last month's posts

I didn't know this, when I 🙏ed for 🇷🇺's breakup in 1984!

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 13, 2022]
God repeats w E Eur, same schedule (from Jan 1991) as He used for Israel when her 1st Temple died: Isa53 & Dan9 mapped it yrly in Hebrew, pics & &

Scholars miss it, bc in 1752 Rob Lowth misread Isa53: they ape him, ignore Bible

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 13, 2022]
I'm sorry to bug u, but God tied me to 🇷🇺 in 1984 when I prayed: answering Yes to my prayer, *on my birthday* in 1991. Long dramatic story

Your mom taught u to believe in Christ when u were a kid; so u're going to heaven, as u said @ Davos 2018

Use 1Jn1:9 or get diapered

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 7, 2022]


Bible is clear about it: but they won't read it!
PATU29 True 'Easter' Date, per Bible
2015 He died on April 3 per BIBLE (everyone else is incompetent); Per BIBLE, Easter begins April 7, videos on it and prior, here: Isaiah 53 Meter of Time: 1st David's Birth to Last David's Scheduled Death

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 6, 2022]
So too, Bible scholarship is crap & nobody cares to fix it. We can't even get Christ's Death Day right. Traditional Easter is a lie for 2000 yrs, no 1 fixes

Bible makes it clear Christ died on WEDNESDAY, April 3, AD 30, 3pm

He Rises today 4/6, >sundown:

[Quote Kamil Galeev @kamilkazani · Apr 5, 2022]
[Replying to @kamilkazani]
We all know that architects build stuff primarily to impress other architects, academicians write stuff to impress other academicians and such a situation is typical for almost any professional corporation. But why do we think that the military would function any differently?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Mar 23, 2022]
Anschluss 2.0: Putin claims of Ukraine, as Hitler did of Austria in 1938

Now I see why Bible says WWIII runs 2025-28 (Matt25:12, pic1+4)

Prophecy is lucid, IF u learn how2read its Greco-Roman style as every1 could do, in AD30

SCHOLARS FORGET THAT, so I make vids on it:



Overview, Primer Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity
Anaphora in prophecy, tag yrs of themed historical trends ⤵️

Vid starts w αποκρινω, the anaphora of war as Divine Judgment Matt24 APOKRINW (judgment) anaphora 15/18

Putin's bitter Anschluss manifesto: "Lesson of Byzantium" The fall of an empire--the Lesson of Byzantium

Lev26 & Deu28 tell us, when believers go bad, war comes

This is God's way to wake us up & punish Russia, who gets partitioned

I'm sorry it took me 6 yrs to learn what Matt25:12 meant. Still working on details

cc .@KremlinRussia_E




Reminder PS

I do all this bc in 1984 I prayed God open up Russia for Bible

He answered YES, on my birthday in Aug 1991..& He still is

Back then, I didn't know what 'Ukraine' was, & I could barely spell 'Jesus'

This thing took over my life, ever since. Ergo videos & tweets

It's tempting, not to take this info seriously. But when IN TWITTER I prayed for a 50/50 Congress in Mar 2018, God punned His YES answer 7 ways; four 50/50's were displayed in TV news of #GASen election, look It up

TEST THIS, use His Prayer protocol
[Quote brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 16, 2020]
[Replying to @TIME]
Prayer=VOTING4GOD2BE INVOLVED, works: IF, done right*

God usually answers Prayer by giving u a thing HE wants u to do/learn. HE orchestrates, so it works

If u pray to the wrong person or try to fix things urself & refuse prayer, spit happens

*1/3 Prayer This video isn't available anymore

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Mar 19, 2022]
Putin, Xi, GOP & pulpits don't see: Bible prophecy is on Freedom of Faith, & how God frees Bible from religious-elite kidnapping

HISTORICAL TREND: when folks aren't free to (dis)believe as they CHOOSE, God breaks a ruler

God defends a nation, when Freedom of Faith is its guidon

[Quote Steve Hill 💙 🌻#StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 @shill182 · Feb 27, 2022]
Orthodox, Muslim, Roman Catholic, Protestant, atheist. It doesn't matter. We all stand together, we all #StandWithUkriane.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Mar 18, 2022]
FYI, in the protocols of diplomacy: just before a declaration of war, the enemy diplomats are expelled

So when Lithuania Latvia Estonia & Bulgaria all expelled 🇷🇺 diplomats, they sent a message that they're willing to go to war

& they should. Putin means to overrun them, next

[Quote bbcrussian @bbcrussian · Mar 18, 2022]
Литва, Латвия, Эстония и Болгария высылают российских дипломатов
[6:46 March 18, 2022]
SharedLithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Bulgaria expel Russian diplomats

Bulgaria is expelling ten people. Lithuania has decided to expel four Russian diplomats. Latvia and Estonia - three people each. The official reason is standard: “activities incompatible with diplomatic status.”

Earlier today, the European Parliament banned Russian and Belarusian diplomats from entering parliamentary residences in Brussels and Strasbourg.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Mar 16, 2022]
Use Twitter Translate, read Katz thread ⤵️ vs 🇷🇺 lies

Bible may agree w Katz in Matt24+25 timeline, pics; am unsure when it says Ukraine born*

& when, via παρουσια, it says Muscovy usurpation began..1288? Prior?

*UKR born 165, when Dacian Jews fled plague?👉

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Mar 16, 2022]
MTP lede, misleads. Pres .@ZelenskyyUa
doesn't say WWIII began; but events now, parallel prelude in WWII

HE'S RIGHT: Hitler invaded Austria, Sudetenland & Poland by 1939

Matt25:12 tags official WWIII @ 2025 w αποκρινω: it maps pogroms+war, AD72+

Demo Matt24Meter Playlist


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jan 22, 2022]
Bible says EEur renews positivity2God due to #TrumPutin antichrists, Matt25:10-23 (1960-2410)

EEur also renews as safe haven4Jews

παρουσια anaphora trace this historical trend; starts in Matt24:27 w Moravia, Cyril et Methodius

Satan tries to stop it each time & fails

NT prophecy is on Word rollout, Matt24:14. Said Columbus: so let's go west!*

Goal to get Word YOURSELF, free from kidnappers' religious dicta

So παρουσια, κυριος & νυμφιος anaphora tag diff facets of FREED BIBLE rollouts

So God YESsed my 1984 prayer & gives Meter proof why

*Search 'Libro de las profesias': Columbus wrote it

It shows how he read Matt24:14. He misread dates, but got goal right

Word is yet kidnapped by ALL Christian denominations' popish, inept 'scholarship'

Why? Satan CREATED religion=Tree of Knowledge of Good&Evil, Gen2 🃏🏈

4/3 Syllabus
Gen1 starts Meter 7ings & interaction w txt, pics

Matt24+25: Matt24Meter Playlist
Matt25:10-12: Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

Finally I must disclose, this is why I still live despite end-stage cancer. I must be disabled to create enuf challenge & vet what God enabled me to publish for 20 yrs

That, also in answer to my 1984 prayer about Russia, b4 I knew of Ukraine 😁

God's Sense of Humor 🤓😇🤗😘😎🙏

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jan 18, 2022]
Ukraine & E Eur are major actors in prophecy, tagged via παρουσια anaphora, pics; I'd posted on it since learning Matt24:27

Via Twitter, I sent the material to Putin. So he's long warned; God punishes him for ignoring it

Bc it's never about a herald, but about The Message

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jan 18, 2022]
📢 Full Disclosure:
Learn or Burn, Russia

Matt24 playlist journalizes how2apply OT Heb meter in NT Grk: same hermeneutical stds

Docs in vids, revision pending

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jan 9, 2022]
So I must redo 1200's Matt 24 meter, pics. Its παρουσια=E EUR evangelism anaphora, mostly tags yrs "Ukraine usurped by Muscovy"; I misnamed the switchover prince. Can you read Bible Greek?

After cataract surgery, I will redo doc to fit what you say Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity


[Ruthen @RutheniaRus · Jan 2, 2022]
Neither Grand Prince of Kyiv Yaroslav, nor Grand Prince of Kyiv Volodymer - not damn "Vladimir" -were aware of the Muscovy-created himera of "Rurick".
Few realize that Kyiv rulers traced ancestors back to Igor the Old as the only founder of dynasty, no vikings no scandinavs.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 28, 2021]
REAL BIBLE story is POLITICAL: Angelic Trial, GodvSatan, w humans as witnesses

Put all you know re life & Bible under that lens, see it make sense

So, I did

Short, novel-format:

Long audit starts @ LordvSatan1.htm

Pulpits muddle this story 😁

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 23, 2021]
Christ was born Chanukah 4BC= Dec 24 post-sundown b-out Lord Born on Chanukah 4BC!

How2fix Jewish calendar b-out Pauline Anaphora Timeline Update (PATU) in Eph1:3-14

He died Apr3 AD30 per BIBLE PATU29 True 'Easter' Date, per Bible

Hit⏬ at vid top left for full playlist

PassPlot.htm maps WHY God chose those dates +verses
b-out Lord Born on Chanukah 4BC!

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 7, 2021]
Matt25:11 plays live. I realize few know NT prophecy is written in drama Greek satire, but it wittily prophesies yrly, per syllable: proof, is line by line in my Twitter, since 26 Apr

Do learn it, cuz the antichrist LEM=Dominionists won't go away ⤵️

Sorry to be such a nudge 😟

[Quote Frederick Clarkson @FredClarkson · Nov 3, 2021]
Checkout the @guardian investigation by @jason_a_w about neoconfederate Dominionists in a liberal college town.

‘Make it a Christian town’: the ultra-conservative church on the rise in Idaho
Members of Christ Church sing a hymn during ‘psalm sing;’ in September, outside city hall in Moscow, Idaho. Church members were protesting against an order that requires people to either socially distance or wear a face mask in public. Photograph: Geoff Crimmins/AP

Increased influence of Christ Church, whose leader wants to create US ‘theocracy’, comes as social conservatives aim to gain traction
A Guardian investigation has revealed that a controversial church whose leader has openly expressed the ambition of creating a "theocracy" in America has accumulated significant influence in the city of Moscow, Idaho. How a secretive conservative group influenced ‘populist’ Trump’s tax cuts
Read more Christ Church has a stated goal to "make Moscow a Christian town" and public records, interviews, and open source materials online show how its leadership has extended its power and activities in the town.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 1, 2021]
🎯 Matt25:11 plays live! Who heeds its TIMED future satire? Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

Last Greek syll of "open" in v11 = 2021, pics

Bible mocks Xtians LEAVING CHRIST in v10=1960, Billy Graham's social gospel


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 26, 2021]
🚨 Matt24 METER Outline 🚨

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 30, 2021]
🎶 Matt24 Outline 🎶
v45-47 AD1496-1587 notes, cont

1496-1537=42, meter of growth (Jacob returns home w TWO families)

1538-1587=49, diaspora. (# sabbatical yrs Israel missed, so 1st Temple went down, Dan9 meter pics)

NB how apt v48-51, growth is followed by competition=War

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 30, 2021]
🎶 Matt24 Outline 🎶
v45-47 AD1496-1587 notes, end

Muslims took Constantinople & God took Bible out, so West could get mss it lacked

Columbus said* he's driven by Matt24:14, ergo growth in New World & v48-51 competition=War, to this day

*See p1 of his Libro de las Profecías

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Sep 29, 2021]
🎶 Matt24 Outline 🎶
v43-44 AD1411-95 notes
95-11=84=Decree met
THEME: Reformation began, w Hus 😀

V43 tags antichrist Herod-like Sigismund, made HRE mid-1433="thief" contra Jan Hus legacy

HRE heir Albert expels Jews 4aiding Hussites

God's Pol-Lith, give Jews sanctuary 😇

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 4, 2021]
🎶Matt24 Outline 🎶

v43-44 AD1411-95 PS

The Matt24 thread's worth billion$, in new jobs. So God did not abandon scoffers & those who via politics & greed, demean His Word

Who'll think about it, get fed? That query dominates balance of Matt24+25 & history

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 25, 2021]
🎶Matt24 Outline 🎶
v43-44 AD1411-95 PS, cont

FYI: I post the thread, bc my .@verzenio
runs $15k/mo: u pay4 it, w taxes

Bible meter is worth billion$ in jobs; scholars don't know, so I must explain

I am kept alive, to explain. 'Shoulda died in 2019; verzenio restored my voice

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 25, 2021]
RT: Trumpism ruins churches, pastors

Is in my former church, too

Bible prophetically TIME meters this in near-term prophecy (& helps future readers ID undated far-fulfillment)

Matt25:11, contra Trump wannabe antichrist Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

Scholars don't know the meter 🙃

[Badd Company @BaddCompani · Oct 24, 2021]
Replying to @BaddCompani

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 25, 2021]
Matt25:10 tags Billy Graham, who abandoned real gospel for a social gospel, 1960+

My dead pastor was initially fooled by BG, but realized BG taught false gospel by 1960s, & quit. He talks about it on tape

His son is pastor now: I don't know if political,

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 15, 2021]

Seems I got Matt25:14 geog wrong

Matt24:42 Poland/Lith 2nd 490 vote & v45 Columbus, parallel 25:14; but Christ *leaves* US per 25:12

So by v15=2130, US is in diaspora, as Thieme said in his last letter, citing Jer29:10-12

Lord returns v19, 2200+


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 12, 2021]
Replying to @brainouty
vv13-14 "incorporate by reference": prior-defined keys, repeat. So Matt24:42+45, color 25:13-14's interp

Matt25:10: νυμφιος 'arrival' satirizes global, Bible-thumping 'Jesus mvmt' of 1971-76 +#7M =Trumpee Xtians

y+70, He disavows them= 2041, v12


v14=24:45, He LEAVES

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 15, 2021]
If interp's right,

v10 ηλθεν ο νυμφιος=1971-6 Jesus + #7M 🌐 mvmts

sped (v9) 1930s US Xtian politicizing, eg Billy Graham's social gospel (so Thieme quit BG)

RESULT: v11 κυριε κυριε=2015-18 #TrumpPutin crusades

judged to 2041: end v12 quotes Trump=1971+70

v14 γρηρορειτε=2045

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 15, 2021]
2045-1387 (1st yr Jogaila rule, Matt24:42)=94x7

94 was to be Christ's age mid-trib in Dan9:27 but He died 61st wk: ergo Church

AD94 (Varro's bad calendar) was to start Mill, per Dan9 schedule: but now Church Bridge, Rapture starts Trib

2045 closes an era. New Client Nation?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 16, 2021]
1st book pub'd in US, in Massachusetts Colony, 1640, was on Bible meter in Psalms: The Bay Psalm Book. It recently sold for $14M?

1640+490=2130 😇

Alas, in his 1752 tome R Lowth said Bible had no meter bc it didn't follow *Greek* rules, LOL

Scholars ape Lowth, ever since 🤭

[Plerologia @Clay_Odem · Oct 16, 2021]
Maybe then the "I don't know you" in v12 is the motive for the apodemos (leaving the masses) in v14-15.
The 2130 diaspora may mark a period of time where there is no clear client nation, but maybe a new wave of evangelism.

ο υιος του ανθρωπου anaphora tags mass evangelism yrs, see pics

It 1st tags Cyril et Methodius, Moravia +Bulgaria, 833 mtr

24:30 also tags Poland, Rus & Hungary

v37-39 also tag Ivan Kalita+ 6th+7th ME crusades & pope HRE crusade

v45=Ivan III crusade killing Xtians+Columbus

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 16, 2021]
ο υιος του ανθρωπου anaphora tags mass evangelism yrs, see pics

It 1st tags Cyril et Methodius, Moravia +Bulgaria, 833 mtr

24:30 also tags Poland, Rus & Hungary

v37-39 also tag Ivan Kalita+ 6th+7th ME crusades & pope HRE crusade

v45=Ivan III crusade killing Xtians+Columbus
[Plerologia @Clay_Odem · Oct 17, 2021]
I see what you mean with Columbus.

Also, 1380 to 2031 is 651 yrs (93x7).

After both gregoreite clauses, focus shifts to what servants are ordered to do:

Feed house in 24:45, and invest talents in 25:14-15.

Maintenance vs growth?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 17, 2021]
Good query!

US ceases as CN in 2041(?) but if in 1990 the 490 winner was 🇺🇲 (Thieme?), then 'maintenance' w Jeshurun to 2130/2200 or even 2480 (25:25)?

Your idea that each slave is a CN, also resonates

God traces CN 490s, like Poland=966-1946. Who else is traced?

Many q's

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 12, 2021]
How2read Matt25:13-14, given 24:42-45 parallels, pics?

24:42 runs 1387-1410 =vote2renew Poland 490 (+Lithuania) nè 24:30a (Pol convert 966; end v30 tags Hungary convert)

24:45 end, tags yrs Columbus sought funds from Isabel (🌎 convert)

Both are precedents4 Matt25:13-14

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 12, 2021]
vv13-14 "incorporate by reference": prior-defined keys, repeat. So Matt24:42+45, color 25:13-14's interp

Matt25:10: νυμφιος 'arrival' satirizes global, Bible-thumping 'Jesus mvmt' of 1971-76 +#7M =Trumpee Xtians

y+70, He disavows them= 2041, v12


v14=24:45, He LEAVES

For millennia, Christendom misreads Dan9; they never see their errors, bc they follow each other, not Bible

This thread fixes their accting; u can verify it, in Word

Their 3 big goofs? They use
1) Josephus
2) lunar yrs (cause wrong endyr), 9:26
3) 9:24 as if human decree
Using Josephus & lunar yrs, they miss Dan9:26 ends AD37=1000 yrs >David dies per Ps90:4

Josephus said David died @ 70. 1Kings6:1, 1Chron22-29 say he RETIRED @ 70 but died @ 77, as do Isa53 2Sam23 +Dan9 meters

Luke3 uses Isa53 David 77 meter, to play Christ as 77th Son 🤗
9:24 Decree to Rebuild Jeru, is NOT human. Cyrus order=BC538, just >Dan prays

446 order=Rebuild 🧱, per Ezra+Neh

But 586, GOD DECREED rebuild Jeru per Jer25+29 Dan's reading, Dan9:2,24

He INVOKED it to pray, start 49th sabb yr, v4

9:24-6 acctg: [586-70-70-]49-434

Err4: scholars deny Bible meter (eg RLowth 1752, DRVance now), so miss

Isa53 timeline=1st to Last David, premaps Dan9 yrs: Temple 490 due 126 yrs by 586; rebuild2end 530; but ends 516

49+434, repay
49 sabb yrs end BC538

434=364 Temple Up, 950 (1Ki9) -586
586-516 repay
How's 14 over, repaid?

Isa53:1-12 starts BC712, matches sylls to regnal yrs, Hezekiah+; ends w Christ dying 37AD

364 repay's in ellipsis twixt vv10-11; then, last 70

So God balances to it in Dan9:24f, next post

Christ dies in 30

So 7's left, reserved as Trib, Dan9:27

Dan9:24-27 meter=33x7, puns Christ's age @ death

490-7 allots Him 40 yrs
=David United Rule
end=1000 yrs >David
but Christ dies 61st wk 😇

586-70-70 ends
w Dan9:25's
49=start BC446
=Isa53:9 'rich man'; end=397=OT Canon finish

Thus God pretags both. Ergo, Bk of Neh
My 20yrs' research u vet IN Bible:

How I got Bible dates

Talmud San97-99's 2000 vs pic1 Bible 2100s vid descs got many links

LukeDatelibeMeters.pdf; 1st pgs=syllabus

Matt24 Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 30, 2021]
🚨 Matt24 Outline 🚨

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Sep 16, 2021]
🎶 Matt24 Outline 🎶
v36-39 AD1191-1339 notes
Txt warns of End-Time nuts

Kings ignore pope calls contra Xtians, go ME, fail & expel Jews, who flee to Pol+Hung

Calamities start post-expel

G Khan heirs fight; Batu splits & 'floods' Rus via Kalita; Pol+Hung escape him & popes


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 19, 2021]
🎶 Matt24 Outline 🎶
v32-35 AD1067-1190 notes
LEM shift: Normans win Brit Fr Ital ME HRE

της συκης=1070-3 Seljuq siege Jeru⏩1st Crusade

v35 παρελθωσιν=1187 Saladin siege Jeru⏩3rd Crus
HRE Barbarossa wed son Henry to Norman Constance Q of Sicily in 1186 & dies 1190 in ME

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Sep 10, 2021]
🎶 Matt24 Outline 🎶
v32-35 AD1067-1190 notes, end

Text is 'Epilogue', a takeaway lesson. Luke then Mark, meter & tag its prequels. Here,

Trial 1050 ends & opens w 'Flood'=mass conversion +Crusade: same as Gen1 (pic2), Dan9:26 & 1st Amen=1050 reset


UPDATE: amen anaphora tag Faith Crusade 🎪
1st =Nero contra Jeru Matt24:2 pics*


*also tags Domitian cuz Trib sched AD87-93 (see How God Orchestrates Time); but Christ voted 2pay4 future souls, Matt16:18 +Jn17:20ff; ergo Church inserted twixt Dan9:26&27

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jan 20, 2017]
OMG, 5th c. Codex Bezae at Mk13:2 recognizes amen legw humin as a CLAUSE (my BW9 source, screenshot)

Rev written AD88 per its meter*, to say why Trib delayed

& to update Antichrist prophecy timing in
Dan2, 7-12

*John's Meter

Rev17 Sarcasm Tour Matt24Meter - Revelation 17 Sarcasm Tour 1/12

Fix Rev17:5b meter 227 ➡️ 234. So +7, vs vids

Bible prophecy is dual-event: meter dates its "near-fulfillment"(seminary term)

Undated "far-fulfillment" use of dated near-fulfill: "far" believer interps his time via past, eg 'end' Antichrist is like
√ Constantine Rev17:5a-d
√ Justinian v8g-9c
√ Charlemagne v14d-15c

Anaphora=refrains, date-tag trends; discern 'now', from past tags

Amen=believe, occurs 9x:
Mrk13=2, w Beza05 ms

L&M meter their sylls to Matt ÷7, pics

1st Amen tags AD70 Temple Down, Matt24:2; but meter 🌉 to AD87 preChurch sched Trib start=Domitian
Luke's meter pic 👇

NB meters converge @ Christ's death+1050=Trial Time Grant deadline (ours=2130), tracked since Gen1 & begats, pics 3&4

See also Talmud San97-99 (it omits Jubilee 50 to save goyim)

Grant maps+verses vimeo-how-god-orchestrates-time.htm


Links to Grk docs 👇

ms=Bibleworks 9's BGT, pasted unaltered. MS Word adds accents on last syllable 😜

+CNTTS apparatus variants, as noted

Meter 227 s/b 234. +7 from then on

Will later explain genius of convergences @ 63 ('Vote Short'=Moses in Ps 90, Isa53)
meters 7'd vis à vis Matt & each other, by Luke in 58 & Mark in Dec 69

So use 1Jn1:9, view text, ask God

Scholars don't know this stuff. They'd be happy, if they knew

63=1st dateline meter in Bible, Gen1 & Ps90:
63x7s since Israel enslaved
=when Moses writes, pics

So he writes 1400 BC
=start 1051st yr >Flood. 1050=Gen1 end, pic2
=God's Trial Vote Unit
=Ps90:10's age-70 lifespan x15

Bc Time's Granted 4VOTES: Gen5, etc

@ 63, 7 yrs left

NO vote to 63? Enslaved. Trib-hard, to vote YES in last 7 yrs. Vote, Short! ⏳

Vote t/b saved, to learn Word, pic1

Isa53 maps Israel's vote yrs via Ps90, from David's 1040BC birth to Christ sched AD37 death, pic2

Dan9 confesses Israel's Bad Vote mapped to Isa53, pics 3&4👉

End Isa53:4=586BC Temple Down,126 yrs left on its 490, repd Dan9:25-7 per Isa53:5f timeline

Bc 490+70+490=1000+50, but 63-7=56 via Manasseh puns ruling yrs

14 plays if
Christ gets 7 so 483 ends 37AD=David's death+1000=Isa53:12
7 on diaspora 49=Trib


So He dies not 56 but 63 yrs prior to what should have been, End of Time

See why Matt24, Luke21 & Mark13 (Beza ms) all use 63?

So Lord speaks in 30AD, same yr Matt writes

Luke writes 28 yrs >He Died

Mark writes last ½ AD69, 24 yrs preMill

See how valuable, the meter?

& 63 future?

Matt24 Amen start 57 preMill when Jesus *shoulda*, end 63 when He really dies; stone end =84

Luke21 inserts prequel, start 42 end 63

Mark13 (Beza) sequel, Amen start 63 end 91


Sum=42-91=AD72-121 =Masada to post-Kitos ban Jews

So now imagine being alive in AD74, just after u fled Jeru

U apply Matt24 Luke21 & Mark13 meters as above, & know to keep avoiding Jeru

U teach yer kids how to read the meters, so they also can know what & when to avoid (eg unknown-future Kitos protest)

& u protect Bible

Again, meter dates near-fulfillment prophecy. What about after? How to use a past 63?

Like 7, 63 stands for slavery, Trib-level yrs. So its repeat, tells us when a future will be as bad

"Amen" anaphora tag crusade-contra-faith yrs, in Jeru or not

2nd amen tags Crusades👉

Luke21&Mark13 prequel Matt24 1110-1138 (2nd Crusade) +tag Matt @ 1050, 1071=AD1080 & 1101

Luke tags West: 904-930 prequel, raider-for-hire Hungarians serially copycat convert, AD934+

Mark tags Byz: 1041 prequel=AD1071 siege Jeru+Manzikert. Matt's 1118-Mark's 1041=77 🤭

Now, one may dispute the events tagged. But one cannot dispute that
1) Bible meter exists,
2) authors use it to tag: so
3) there's no dang Quelle, ok?

If God writes a book, He'll preserve its Words in a format we can use & test!

End Commercial Message: back to the amens...

1050=deadline=AD1080 not 1000 or 1030

Matt24 Luk21 Mrk13 mtr 1071=Crusade of 1101, FAIL: Muslims see Crusdrs not invincible

2nd amen, Matt mtr 1110=AD1140: HRE lapse w civil strife in Ger, France, Italy, papacy

So Pope Eugene III calls 2nd Crusade, start οτι=1147, FAIL

6/x, cont
Back in 1071 Jeru siege/Manzikert that Matt24 tags w η συκης & Mark13 tags @ 1041=AD1071 prequel, popes fan* 2nd Advent LEM 1000-30 fervor, to get hegemony

So popes & kings get hooked on Crusades 🎪

*Prior clerics downplayed 2nd Advent, see works by .@richard_landes

So Amen anaphora theme, is 'crusade';

text is clear in 1st;

history makes clear parallel in 2nd;

but why is 2nd's txt, always 'this generation shall see it all BEGIN' (caps=corr trans of Matt 24:34 γενηται)?

4 groups tagged

Txt=Christ attests (Dan9:24-26) 1050 map ends w η συκης=Israel

Matt24:32 συκ=AD1071 siegeJeru+Manzikert

Luke21:29 preq την συκ=AD862, Moravia bids Hungarians 2Carpathian Basin*

Mark13:28 preq συκ ends AD999*
Markmeter 1041 tags Matt συκ
his 967-Luke 834=133 😉


*Hung=Turkic raiders. Their victims hire them 2raid others. Hung copycat-convert by 999

OttoIII & StephenI are 🥰. O has Steph 👑'd; they open Charlemagne's tomb in 1000

They (mis)read Luke+Mark meter?

See Hungary in Crusades, 1169-1218, JSTOR

So Matt24:32-35 is an epilogue, see end Rev 22

Luke21 & Mark13 add pre- or sequels w meter counts ÷7, eg Matt συκης ends AD1072; so Luke's την συκην is 210 yrs earlier & tags Hungarians, who are later pals w OttoIII & in 5th Crusade

Ergo not 1 but 4 Gospels, to 🌉 ⏳

BTW, re Mark 967 - Luke 834 Hungary tag: AD997 is both young 👑s 1st regnal yr 🎂

So: Matt pretags 1st-3rd Crusades; Luke+Mark do prequel/sequel updates on Matt; history proves their clever 7ing predictions, YRLY valid: could we ask for more proof, Word is from God?👉

So Matt tags 1st-3rd Crusades; Luk+Mrk, ASSUME READER KNOWS MATT & meter to him:

Matt24:34-35 uses 50 sylls, puns last 50 of 1050


Mrk13:30-31=54=Abram early-mature credit, pic4. Mrk writes AD69: as Luk update said in 58, Jeru NOW circled by armies Bible scholars don't know infra-NT writer

Talmudic interpretive quoting
Love of Greek drama

Hence scholars miss
WHY 4 Gospels &
how Christ tells us:
Christian crusaderism becomes THE antichrist trend of history.. we now see play in GOP, Moscow & pulpits

A literature prof can tell u, repetition bookends text

Anaphora is a Greek keyword/phrase repeater that 'carries (phora) u back (ana)' to its prior use, to show interp of its current use

So Amen anaphora @ Matt24 meter 1532=AD1562, tags a brutal 8-yr Reformation Crusade

It ends w pope excommunicating Elizabeth I for backing Huguenots, the victims of that Crusade

Pope also offered assassins to kill Elizabeth

She didn't reply in kind, but rather freed Bible in England

So God freed her to best pope, Spain & France, see Matt24:47-48 😇

As in prior 2 Amens, Gentiles are busy persecuting Jews

So in this 3rd Amen, God in Matt24:47-48, praises Poland & newborn-Dutch Republic, who long sheltered fleeing Jews

ELSE WE'D HAVE NO BIBLE, bc crusaders destroy rivals' Bibles (just as #KJVOnly aim2do now) 😈👾

AD1570=1540 yrs post-Cross =1050+490

Per God's Design4Time pic1, at 490, a 70-yr mass-vote is run: Vote4Bible, or Time Ends

Bible folks voted in each 70. Ps90 records Adam, Noah, Moses

So 3rd Amen vote ran AD1570-1640; Eng/NE/Pol VoteFreeBible & God blesses them

Reformation freed Bible for mass INDIVIDUAL enormous cost

God moves Heaven & Earth to get His Word into our hands

We vastly misread & misuse Word; or, we ignore it; but we GOT it!

Now do u see how flow of real history is on Bible rollout, Matt24:14?

[Plerologia @Clay_Odem · Aug 22, 2021]
If 1540-amen started the Protestant movement, maybe 2006-amen ends it, or results in something less denominational.
[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Sep 8, 2021]

19/x, end
So if interested:

Boring Primer Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

How Matt24 meter interacts w text

Bibleworks' NT mss w CNTTS apparatus, pasted & metered

When I pasted Bibleworks ms in MS Word 2003, Word added accents on final syllables 🤣. I can't fix it

BTW, no word's accented on last syll, in Bible Greek. Original mss had NO accents, either

DIY: Parse meter per clause; resulting metric pattern shows where to elide 🤗

BTW, Bible's theme= Ultimate Game of Thrones=how Gen1 opens..but few teach it 🏟️

'Scholars' misread Gen1, argue how old Earth 🙃

So who won't want u to know, Moses meters Gen1 to Angelic TRIAL TIME 🏛️, pic2?

'Began a 2006 novel on it

So 4th Amen is a slow military burn til 2030, the fanatics' deadline

U don't need Bible to see this; u but need to read news

Bible meter-timed it: Matt25:12 tells u this result & prequotes #ETTD

Bible accuracy since 1st Amen in this thread, should be evident by now

As in prior Amens, Jews get caught in middle of Gentile fighting, & are persecuted

So 4th Amen plays like End of Time, but every 490/560 ends like this

Ours ends, 2130; God's housecleaning 120, began 2010

He wipes out crusading Muslims & Christians, so 🌐 can rest👉

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 26, 2021]
🚨 Matt24 METER Outline 🚨
V3 end=AD177: Commodus crowned &Ireneas hunts heretics 👉

+#7M CFP & CNP know this & seek war

Putin sells arms to Muslims. But in his #ThirdRome movie "Lesson of Byzantium", his RussOdox spox says goal to revive Constantinople

Putin often tells stories about the cross around his neck?!

To them, world must end by 2076: "1500 yrs for the Ummah" (622 hejira +1500=2076). So they must conquer world by then

See "Caliphaters", by @richard_landes

Some1 will claim to be 'Jesus Returned' by the 40-yr period starting 2030-6, to lead them in that final war 🕋

Both leaders prefer asymmetrical warfare, diplomacy, bribes, to overt military

Russian military is a cover, eg Putin invaded Ukraine to extract resources & feign separatist aid

So 4th Amen Crusade is worse than past 3 Amens, but seems mild

Shi'a tho, make formal war

Folks underestimate Putin: he aims to burn down the world, w him

China's Xi is like Taliban, but waits for whites & Muslims to kill each other; positions China as friend to brown folks (big lie); after conquering the world, Han Chinese finally rule as Heaven intended

1st combatants: proTrump #7M v Shi'a. Starts as add-on proxy war in Iraq, Iran, Yemen

Russia & China claim neutrality but fund both, wanting every1 dead: they fight each other, last

Russia may win EU via Nordstream2, turn proxy war into Armageddon: Christian vs non-Christian

Use 1Jn1:9 as u watch those vids, & u'll see

√ νυμφιος/κυριος tag AD 1976, 1998, 2015-18
√ 2024-2030 αποκρινω =God judges #7M & #ThirdRome for making #TrumPutin Lord

By 2030=4th Amen, Shi'a say Issa=Jesus returns TO AID MUSLIMS wage final war

So WWIII occurs

4th Amen's CONTRA CHRISTIANS, w 2 prior anaphora:

Αποκρινω=to judge, 1st in Matt24:2 (meter=Aug AD70), tags 1st Amen re Temple Down, &
1 Lord
2 Bible ms+reformer, start Matt24:42 w Wycliffe&Hus
3 antichrists

See Matt tag them
Matt24Meter: Matt24 APOKRINW (judgment) anaphora SEQUENCE 16/18

What a huge impact, these Amens on history

West wouldn't exist & we'd have no Bible, w/o them

We'd also have no evil LEM crusader #MAGA #7M #ThirdRome Christians, w/o them

So are u surprised, 4th Amen @ 2000 yrs post-Cross=a new Crusade?

Not just theirs, but Islam's?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Sep 9, 2021]
I get vaxxed in an hour. If God decides to take me out, u know how 4th Amen plays in 2030

Per article ⤵️, vaccine won't much help oldies w co-morbidities, but I'll get it anyway. When God gives an answer, take it

🙏 4Him to choose if & how it works 🤗

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Sep 1, 2021]
BTW, Bible prophecy reveals character of God in dynamic & intimate ways you won't see, elsewhere in Scripture

Or, I'd not bother with it. I am not a prophecy person

I am, utterly hooked on God-Person

F"ck religion. Satan invented it in Gen3 & has been 🤡ing the masses, ever since

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 24, 2021]

RT proves Daniel Wallace wrong, re Quelle

Bible meter's worth million$,

Ουαι, the $ wasted claiming Quelle, tho syllable counting proves OT/NT writers meter to EACH OTHER?

Am dying of cancer. No time to be coy

[Quote brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 23, 2021]
Replying to @brainouty

Anaphora=refrains, date-tag trends; discern 'now', from past tags

Amen=believe, occurs 9x:
Mrk13=2, w Beza05 ms

L&M meter their sylls to Matt ÷7, pics

1st Amen tags AD70 Temple Down, Matt24:2; but meter 🌉 to AD87 preChurch sched Trib start=Domitian


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 21, 2021]
Read Matt24:44, recall Ivan III deza, cruelty: txt fits 'The End' mentality, then

In Grk, v44 ερχεται ="comes", pic. 3 syllables; last syll =AD1495=1465 meter

Παρουσια του υιου του ανθρωπου (~=comes) anaphora tags Ukr Russ EEur evangel yrs each time, even if παρουσια elided

[Quote Istoryk🇺🇦 @ictopyk · Aug 19, 2021]
When you look at the testaments (wills) of the Moscow dukes and great dukes (--> ) you'll notice several unusual things: 1) There is no city with the name Moscow existed until the end of 15th century. There was the area called Moscow, but not the city. -->
[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 21, 2021]
Interpret it, from

1) parousia anaphora date & txt tags
2) NT prophecy, is on how Satan got Christians to create "The Last Emperor" = Rev17 Antichrist

7 NT chaps trace LE yrly, Constantine to #ThirdRome Putin touts in his "Lesson of Byzantium"; #7M churches tout LE as Trump

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 27, 2021]
Replying to @brainouty 🚨 Matt24 Outline 🚨

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 16, 2021]
🎶 Matt24 Outline 🎶
v29-31 AD1066-882 notes, cont
Verses foretell huge AD800-1080 evangelism

Ergo Satan births LEMs to divert believers into politics: in lieu of Learn-&-Live on Word, ppl crusade-war..even til now

Last 50 of 1050 is for mass evangelism
YMH10h God's Salt 'House' Timing

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 16, 2021]
🎶 Matt24 Outline 🎶
v29-31 AD1066-882 notes, cont

Why big evangelism? During Charlemagne, prelates revised how to date Time,*

aligned it to Bible & fixated on 2nd Advent

Did any1 THEN find Bible meter? 🤔

spent yrs on this topic
👉 [brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 15, 2021]
🎶 Matt24 Outline 🎶
v26-28 AD789-881notes, cont

Vikings raid Eur, sack monasteries, enslave monks..'find' Jesus, become *His* slaves 😂

Ergo 2nd Adventy txt: they 'see' Him via Word & mourn 😭

Seed parable, still apt: 99% Christians are girls smearing mommy's lipstick 😈

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 16, 2021]
🎶 Matt24 Outline 🎶
v26-28 AD789-881 notes, cont

Charlemagne=LEM posterboy. Every1 post-, aims2revive his myth

2 legs on Dan2 Man of Time.
2 Romes. Married, Dan11 trend

788, Byz Irene ends Connie VI betrothal to Charlemagne's Rotrude

Otto II weds Theophanu, Rev17:18 pun

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 15, 2021]
🎶 Matt24 Outline🎶
V21-25 AD639-788 notes
2Tribs: Church+Dan9:27
ROME=LEM paradigm

750+ LEM Abbas end Umay, but4 Spain

LEM Mayors o' palace end Merov; 751 Pope kings Pepin

Luk21:33 preq 626 Byz-Pers war; Mrk13:19 θλιπσις seq 679 Byz truce w Umay +Fitna

5 Romes fall, Rev17:10

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 14, 2021]
Replying to @brainouty
🎶 Matt24 Outline 🎶
v15-20 AD486-638 notes, cont
NB: Abomination began 70 AD, never ends

Luke precisely tags Matt24:15 end meter 470=Luke's οταν start

Mark's Abomination οταν began 20 yrs >Luke end=Justinian I Νεα θεοτοκος ναος TO REPLACE GOD's, began 539

Plague began same yr

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 11, 2021]
🎶 Matt24 Outline 🎶
v4-14 AD485-177 notes
=308=44x7 yrs
Epoch End Rome1;
Rome2 né AD312=Rev17:5 και(σαρ)*

310 Connie says Apollo gave him 120 yrs
312 Apollo➡Christ See TD Barnes, Eusebius & Constantine *God mocks kings, truncates them to και, demo Matt24Meter: Revelation 17 Sarcasm Tour 1/12

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 14, 2021]
PS bc Matt24:34 γενηται is mistrans'd; scholars & teachers waste our million$, sell Bible disinfo, use the bad trans to lie re pre-Trib Rapture

How much disease might we heal, w that $?

Chalcedonian Christian Reconstructionists are esp evil, here. They also deny Bible meter

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 14, 2021]
PS, cont

That's why you should buy .@KevinMKruse's, One Nation Under God: he unknowingly traces the very history Matt25:9-12 describes, to show how today's GOP Trumpian religiosity, is born of a 1930s marketing ploy (to combat FDR)

He blocks me, so won't know I commend his book

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 7, 2021]
Audiobook on Normans, ably read by Pamela Nagami The Normans in European History (FULL Audiobook) - Charles Homer HASKINS (1870 - 1937)

NT prophecy stresses Normans in 2nd-Coming evangelism of 882-1190, pics

Augustine clerics mask* Rapt/2nd Adv; but Charlesmagne+, pimp it: Normans ape Franks. Ergo Crusades


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 29, 2021]

start γρηγορειτε =Purim1386=1387
Jogaila wed Jadwiga
Lith goes Xtian&pro-Jew
EEur unify v HRE&Muscovy
Hus Reformation

end γρηγορειτε=2045

trait:Christ age 94 midTrib

NB παρουσια sandwich

So 2042-61=1387-1410


1386-420=966 Polish king becomes Christian, to marry Bohemian 👼

863 Cyril+Methodius convert Moravians. 77x7 yrs later=Jan Hus

So 420 yrs >pagan Pol converts2marry Boh, pagan Lith converts2marry Pol; both make haven4Jews & faith buffer twixt HRE&Muscovy 26x7yrs, to 1569
AD966 pics below
Add 7 to each Rev17 cum meter *

So Rev17 ends 963, Tale of 2 Theophanus

NB: 2nd-Advent delivery text tags Poland's Piasts? Ruthenia=Ukraine, aligns w them &/or Lithuania

So 2045+, EEurope reunifies (on interior lines) v 🇩🇪 & 🇷🇺?

*until I can fix them

PS to others: 400+ yrs pre-I Ching, Moses created Time Meter. It's pan-Bible, but scholars don't know

Moses taught Israel how2read it. If >1 passage maps same yrs, add text FIFO, to get Σ of what God says re those yrs

Thread uses that method. My pinned tweet has how-to vids
⌛ 5/10 ⌛
Bible meter & text interactively tell His Story: democratization of Bible, hence faith

So Matt24:40-42=special 70-yr voting window, AD1340-1410

=Black Death & wars of succession. 100 Yrs' War began 1337; 1342+ plagues don't stop it


is less harmed by Black Death, as she STILL votes pro-Jew, even since Mieszko I 420 yrs prior

She solves her own succession, by voting Jagiello marry her heir

1410+ he beats Teut Knights & RCC plots; via his gsons +Báthory, 1505-87=her golden age=Matt24:45-47 (@ δουλος)


NB: Christians were (&are) so evil, God sent fires floods & plagues per Lev26 Deut28 2Chron7:14

Yet He serially carves out baby goshens, to protect Word & Jews: Poland*, the Dutch, & England

*includes Ukraine; it was maybe 1st safe haven since AD165, am still researching

NB, Matt24:42 is an Epilogue. End=Matt24:41's plague, killing 15-75% of Europe +Asia

⌛Black Death if no Bible Doctrine, Deut28 Hosea4:6⌛

Yet Poland & Milan cared4 Word+Jews; so God spared them, 2Chron7:14

Next End? Matt25:12
v13 γρηγορειτε ends 2045
Wash Rinse Repeat

Like bubonic plague, COVID will recur yrly, even if no pandemic

Will E Europe reunify? Each παρουσια in Matt24+25, tags famous Christian dates in Ukraine Russia Poland/Lith, pics. Unsure who *will be* main actors

2045-967=1078=Isa53 meter

God *is* timing it

God times it, based on who is pro-Jew, & wants His Word. Czech, Poland & Ukraine created new Bible translations, so He will defend them against .@mfa_russia
& other enemies

To fight, Learn&Live On Bible under your right MALE pastor, using 1Jn1:9; God will fight4u, Exo14:13
PS if you don't see your nation listed, do not despair. You are important to GOD 😍

NT Prophecy focuses on 'problem children' in Christianity; so it's a good thing, if you're not named 😇

Also, I bet every nation can look at same words for same yrs, & see its own history 😘

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 25, 2021]
Sin is a roadblock to happy life w God

So God nailed it to the cross in Christ; use 1Jn1:9 (pics) when u sin; God then clears yer roadblocks

Yes, gay/unmarried sex is a sin, just as lie cheat steal or religiosity: name it to God, KOKO

Learn&Live On Bible, slowly replaces sin👉

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 25, 2021]
How does Learning&Living on Bible, slowly replace sin?

Sin, is an attractive thought pattern producing harm

Learning&Living on TAUGHT Bible, Matt4:4 -- creates a happier alternate thought pattern, one comes to prefer

So Christ stays sinless even on the cross, 2Cor5:21, Heb12:2

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 20, 2021]
search Third Rome ⤵, to get quick indep confirm of what I wrote. Also search "last emperor" in WaPo

It's vital folks see what happens now, is a product of 1000s of yrs of Xtians twisting Bible + a 500-yr cycle coterminous w climate change

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 7, 2021]

More by .@richard_landes

Fear of Apocalyptic 1000
[] Fear-of-an-Apocalyptic-Year-1000-Speculum.pdf

Lest the Millennium be Fulfilled


Encyclopedia of Millennialism 😍

I got it at Amazon
Lest the Millennium be Fulfilled: Apocalyptic Expectations and the Pattern of Western Chronography,... is a platform for academics to share research papers.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 12, 2021]
So What's To Be Done?

If u ever 1x believed Christ paid4yer sins, u are SAVED & ROYAL FAMILY OF GOD, so can do much about it:

√ Use 1Jn1:9 like breathing
√ Ask God who is yer right MALE pastor
√ Live on Bible the pastor teaches

Battle is the Lord's Jn18:36, don't politick➡
John 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
John 18:36 ἀπεκρίθη Ἰησοῦς· ἡ βασιλεία ἡ ἐμὴ οὐκ ἔστιν ἐκ τοῦ κόσμου τούτου· εἰ ἐκ τοῦ κόσμου τούτου ἦν ἡ βασιλεία ἡ ἐμή, οἱ ὑπηρέται οἱ ἐμοὶ ἠγωνίζοντο [ἂν] ἵνα μὴ παραδοθῶ τοῖς Ἰουδαίοις· νῦν δὲ ἡ βασιλεία ἡ ἐμὴ οὐκ ἔστιν ἐντεῦθεν.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 12, 2021]
Why does that work? Bc the √s = voting like Christ voted, Matthew 4:4

Like the Humanity of Christ, you vote to live on God's Word; so God will bless the world for your sake.. just as He did, for Christ

God's blessing is forever far superior, to *all* you & the world can do 😇

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 10, 2021]
Replying to @brainouty
Whoops, here's correct Rev17:15, pic⤵

(Add 7 to cumulative meter v5 on, to correct my error at 227. I can't yet fix Rev17 doc)

Doc w history links: Rev17R.pdf

(To fix Rev17 Sarcasm Tour: as u watch, 'move' sylls 7 left vs vid, eg 794 s/b 801 Matt24Meter: Revelation 17 Sarcasm Tour 1/12)

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 8, 2021]
AD481-565=84=Decree, see meter pics

481+ Clovis 👏 as "new Constantine"; yep, his sons war

LEM Abominations Zeno Anastasius Justin & Justinian d.565, also war; he regains West via Belisarius..who returns w Plague

🔑 They *insanely* war, tho famine & plague decimate them 👀

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 8, 2021]
See meter interact w text, warn where2go, 481-565 & 566-750 (=2nd 84, end Umayyad)?

Near-term prophecy meter-maps Word Body/Book kidnap: w 1Jn1:9, test it

4 NT chaps warn: avoid Franks/Ger, Jeru, Byz. So if West go NWE. If East go NE

Scholars don't know meter, so miss its uses

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 3, 2021]
"Caliphaters", by .@richard_landes

About Muslim millennialism, happening now

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 3, 2021]
To best appreciate that article, you need a backstory. So get


Next 50 yrs, remain a culture war. GQP #7M+Putin, publicly urge Armageddon. Will we Christians Jews & Muslims row into Hades, driven by their Rev16 Frogs?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 29, 2021]
WHY TRUMP, began in AD100s

2Thess2:6-7: Church fathers swap Spirit w Antichrist Rome as 'restrainer'

RCC Odox & Protties swap, too

1) To swap, must deny v6 κατεχον is neuter AND its v7 is masc

Hippy 1st denied; all ape him: search XXI-XXII in

Bc anti-semitism, Church fathers miss
2) Paul's μυστηριον warns Church pimps Antichrist via v7 txt 😖 Matt24+25 then Eph1, meter what yrs

3) κατεχω backtags 1Thess4:17's αρπαζω, re Spirit leaves w us

Now, He indwells us: aha, κατοικεω=κατεχω; so Antichrist can't yet come


4) v7 μεσου is a Hebraism for קרב, famously used in OT for *GOD* being 'in the midst' of His ppl eg Ps46:5, pics

So no excuse, to claim κατεχον is 4th Beast, SPQR

Let's end our fathers' centuries of shame, & correct their errors? Wouldn't u want that redemption, done4u?

I didn't know about 4); while I drafted this thread, God brought up קרב (Jn14:26 plays live)

I didn't know where to find it w μεσος in OT, as there are a bazillion verses to cull thru. He made sure I found the right verse, right away

ALWAYS ask God for what you want 😇

"taken away"
equiv phrases are NOT in Grk

As & show,

Church fathers vary* on 'restrainer' ID till AD350s; then, ID=Rome 😖

*Irenaeus AH Bk5 Ch26 & Hippolytus, use 4th beast; Origen+Tertullian vaguely use 2Thess2

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 30, 2021]
Arguing with God Epi2, why it's *normal* to argue about & with, God ARG2 Arguing w God pt2

Sorry, my voice is still breathy; but it's better.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 29, 2021]
Twitter wouldn't let me put the pics for Psalm 45:6 in the thread so here are the pics, separately

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 26, 2021]
.@richard_landes wrote a good Mill primer

All scholars omit:
🅰ntichrists made by Christians, NT warns (eg 1Cor 2Tim 1&2Pet 1&2Jn Rev17=Last Ruler)

🅱ible maps 🅰 yrs, eg #TrumPutin in Matt25:11; Gen1 began 1000 & 1050 maps; see also Talmud San97-99


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty ·Jun 26, 2021]
Add, article ⤵ on how GQP pimp Last Emperor Myth (LEM™)
The apocalyptic myth that helps explain evangelical support for Trump
=Bible Rev17 Antichrist, who IreneASS reversed into hero; so to revive Constantine's Harlot Rome as #MAGA+Putin want=GQP 'serving God' 😈

Also search 'Last Emperor Myth' at

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 25, 2021]
_Lest_ p191, tags 'signs' in 763, 786, 793

See what
warn AGAINST, in those yrs?
🔑 Cum meter=yrs >Christ talks: so+30=AD

Rev17:14c-15b tag 'King Says See'

AD786 'signs', provoked Charlemagne's 789 Admonitio Generalis: so Alcuin knew meter?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 25, 2021]
PS we must use 30, not 33; Varro AUC adds 4 fake yrs, so we can't move AD forward Varronian Chronology

Pic1-3: Eph1 meters end AD1=BC4 on Varro AUC to Christ Sched Birth @ 4106=2046+2100-40. Mary col2, uses Livy for His 4103 birth

Scholars don't know Bible's 2 Time Tracks

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 23, 2021]
#TrumPutin Shot & Chaser 🍶

2nd Advent txt Time-Meters @ + - AD1030

4 NT chaps converge, pics*

Txts warn/mock folks in those yrs, fixated on His Return

So who THEN, knew/twisted the meter?

*Matt24:29-31, 🌐
Luke21:32-36, West
Mark13:26-30, Byz
Rev17:18= E+W wed

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 24, 2021]
SHOT, cont

See what historians say re that fixation & its coverup, [] Fear-of-an-Apocalyptic-Year-1000-Speculum.pdf

🚨 Matt24 METER Outline 🚨

😈 clerics began pimping Yr 1000 to make $..ergo, mass pilgrimages to Jeru & enfin, 500 yrs of holier-than-thou, bloody crusaderism. Just as Bible text warns

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 24, 2021]
#TrumPutin, 1000 yrs on, Crusade2 EndItAll by 2030

Just as Bible warns in Matt25:11-12 (runs 1999-2041), #7M+Putin try2make Christ Open2Us

P puts Kirill on 2017 tour, 2say TheEnd; 2018, P talks Armageddon, search "Putin said use nuclear"


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 14, 2021]
Vid: I strongly urge u buy _Encyclopedia of Millennialism_ by Dr. Richard Landes, .@richard_landes

It esp matters now, bc #SevenMountains behind Trump is an EndTimes cabal (w Putin since 2005), to conquer world for Christ by 2030

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 15, 2021]
Online viewing by publisher

JSTOR entry (eg thru library)

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 15, 2021]
NB Online Taylor offers vague abstracts & diff paging v hardback. Entries=book's, ie "Russian Millennialism" is its p644 (can't read online), vs hardback entry=p362ff

BTW article well sums Putin's foreign policy: apocalyptic nihilism, replete w 2017 Kirill tour declaring The End

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 17, 2021]
Read its "Christian Reconstructionism"
Need Pepto-Bismol 🤢

(CR=LEM & pimps Trump, 2005+. CR=Putin's own creed, 1st vid Playlist: Russia & Ukraine)

Putin's manifesto & Bucket List = 'Lesson of Byzantium', based on #ThirdRome myth created by Ivan III in 1472.
So you need to know the history of Russia, also included here. The Scott Palmer lectures are very good.
Ukrainians will tell you that the (really Turkic) Russians, stole Ukraine's history; there is much evidence for that. So what videos on it, I could find, are in this list.
Bible prophetically tracks both the Russian & Ukrainian claims, starting AD 165, Matt24:3. (Maybe earlier in Mark 13 or Luke 21, I'm still checking.) See my 'Ukraine Russia in Bible prophecy' playlist.

'Twas born in 1960s

1973, .@RJRushdoony
wrote [Satan's] Institutes, calling its regurged Rev17💃in hoc signo vinces 💩, biblical 🤡

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 18, 2021]
&They replace Jews 🐸

3 Xtians claim CR vision, YouTube "Gilman Hill Seven Mountains"=
Francis Schaeffer*
Bill Bright
*PBS' God in America: Francis sold abortion=murder 4power Video unavailable - RIP

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 18, 2021]
When I began to audit Bible claims in 2000, I'd no idea Judeo-Xtian scholarship was inept, eg degreed 🤡s fancy a Quelle, 'deutero' Isaiah, Daniel wrote 2nd-cent BC, Bible lacks meter..

As Christ said in Seed Parable, we are 97-99% sterile: 'tis a miracle, we ever learn Bible 😇

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 12, 2021]
FWIW, my Bible posts aren't to proselytize: believe as you will

Rather, I'm on public dole; my chemo costs taxpayers $15k/mo; so I owe y'all info I know is worth million$

Scholars don't know Bible's metered; so I must demo it, as best & as long as I can

Thank you for your time

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jun 1, 2021]
Walter Bauer's 1934/1964 _Orthodoxy and Heresy_ roster, free download of Eng trans

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 28, 2021]

Re false-christ 7ing anaphora roster: u said Matt25:6 ιδου του νυμφιου 📌 mocks Millerites, pics*

BTW, Tischendorf found an ms @ each v5+6 νυμφιου

📌 In _Heaven On Earth_, .@richard_landes
tags Millerites, his p4; he also cites



1666 Zevi's messianic-rule start
(=meter 1636 pic1)

Brit Xtians deemed 1666 an apocalyptic yr; plague & fire hit London

Matt24:50 κυριος=1640-2, tags antichrist Charles I; else DAY HE WON'T EXPECT text, mocks datesetters

I wonder if Dr Landes will ref:
🔼Bible forbids datesetting
🔼Talmud San97-99 tag Bible 1050 (& meter)

He won't know NT fake-christ roster began w Constantine, premapped to warn contra Ireneaus' Last Emperor Myth (Ire turned 2Thess2:6-7 into Rome)

P24-25, Landes *does* note

📌 Donatists deemed Constantine's Rome as Whore of Babylon, citing p55 of _Saeculum_, by RA Markus

Post-cataracts, I'll ask2get book & see if Donatists knew Bible Time Meter mocks Constantine in Matt24:8 Eph1:11-12 Luke21:12 Mark13:8 & Rev17:5 (not shown, start=AD306)


[Plerologia @Clay_Odem · May 28, 2021]
I'm guessing this is Satan's distraction tactic. Someone finds something important re Bible, so Satan stirs up some pseudo-messiah to shift focus.

Both Nag Hammadi and Dead Sea scrolls discovered around 1946.

Dead Sea corroborating our mss, while Nag, a Gnostic distraction.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 29, 2021]
Yes: anaphora κυριος & νυμφιος tag yrs when

√ Bible ms/trans find+
√ Bible explainer+
√ Fake christ to hide both

That anaphora syllable distances ÷7 must be deliberate (pics), so we know we got OT&NT Autograph

Yes, God preserved The Original 😇

Meter's worth million$
[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 29, 2021]
🔑 Κυριος v Νυμφιος

κυριος fake-christ tags a ruler, viz #TrumPutin in Matt25:11 cf Charles I in Matt24:50, 2018-1640=54x7 yrs prior

Νυμφιος tags antichrist datesetters claiming to husband believers (cf Eph4:16): eg today's #7M, Matt25:10
v1=Jonathan Edwards
[Plerologia @Clay_Odem · May 29, 2021]
Then 2024-2030 (ho d'apokretheis eipen) likely includes Antichrist Superstars' judgement on the foolish.

It's really Christ exercising the 'rod-of-mine-anger' option.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 22, 2021]

Bible meter audits Autograph & dates "near-term" prophecy, so is worth million$

'Spent yrs showing it, but I die now

Use std hermeneutics, to vet my 15-min RT'd vid. It proves "millions" claim

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 25, 2021]
Twitter is broken again, so it doesn't show the full thread in which that post resides. Here is the start of that million-dollar thread: 🚨 Matt24 METER Outline 🚨

PS This is not crackpot theology. My chemo costs taxpayers $14,000 a month; it's only fair God reimburse by overpaying

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 22, 2021]
🍴 Matt24:1-3 Comment, cont 🍴
Pics+vid on DIASPORA '49', prove it: Epi2b BM101, Matt24:2 is worth million$

===BibleMeter 101===
Playlist: b-out BibleMeter101

===Daniel 9===
Daniel 9 Meter

===Psalm 90===
Psalm 90 Playlist

===God's Time Grants===
How God Orchestrates Time


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 22, 2021]
Corrected link on Dan9

Intro to Act 3 via Psalm 90, comprehensive review of Moses' Two Time Tracks -- for Daniel 9's prayer meter, as well as Daniel 9:24 and 25, TAG Psalm 90 at key syllable junctures to MATCH Time Track 1. Tandem video shows how Paul does it also, in the Psalm 90 playlist, here: GGS10e9c2 Isaiah counts to Millennium, ACT 2 (cont.)

Relevant other links:
Video worksheet reconciling Psalm 90 and Book of Judges: Judges.xls. If you need it in pdf, here it is: Judges.pdf

Daniel 9's prayer pdf: DAN9V4-19HebOnePagerPARSED.RTF (use 'pdf' as last three letters if you prefer pdf). It is an exhaustive proof how Daniel counts to the Mill. See also my video '24 Ps90', which shows Daniel 9:24-27, with its own doc/pdf.

PDFs of the full meter pattern in Eph1:3-14, Ps90, and Isa53: Eph1DecreeSyllablesREPARSED.pdf.

Compare to these meter maps of Ps90 and Isa53:

Psalm90inHebrew.pdf. Trilingual version is Ps90ParsedTrilingual.pdf See also Psalm90Palindromes.tif or Psalm90Palindromes.pdf.

Isa53Hypo4Dotted3.pdf and the translation, which is Isa53MeterTransInEnglishWide.doc
Isaiah 53's meter map is clearer, here: Isa53Map.jpg.

The video's timeline worksheet: GeneYrs.xls. Bible verses supporting it are shown in

brainoutFAQ.htm#6a and Mirroring.htm.

If you're not familiar with Book of Daniel, I did extensive audio links in the vid description to my 10a1 YMH video. Episode 10 of the YMH (Yapping Most High) series is also about Jewish Dispensationalism, and ties to 10 GGS series. Sorry, but the doctrine is long and complex .. and awesome.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 20, 2021]
🍴 Matt24:1-3 Commentary 🍴
AD177-30=147=63+21+42+21 =orange #s in pics

DIY🔑: Parse & meter Grk by clause, syntactically, per author's pattern 🔓

63=end AD93=when pre-Church Mill was to start, pic3&4

Christ dies 7 yrs early, so 1050 RESETS; meter recons OT v NT 'times'

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 20, 2021]
Epi2 BM101,* Matt24:2: how believers were to use the text ⤵
video has now been privated - RIP

Meter+text say When2doWhat to protect Bible=Vote4Word

Cross-check, pics
Luk21+Mrk13 @ meter84
Eph1 @ 114
Rev17 @ 26
=God wills Temple Down, DON'T FIGHT ROME

Playlist: b-out BibleMeter101

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 18, 2021]
This vid clip is worth your time

AT LAST, after 50 yrs of being duped! -- some Dems do *not* cave into 😈 'Palestinians' 😈

whose Quran, Charter & parents, urge kids to kill Jews

in Sat a.m. kid shows
in Fri mosque

Watch their vile vids, in YouTube

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 17, 2021]
Back in 2018 DC, 🇷🇺 Cruz met a delegation from West Houston Bible Church; it had split from Berachah, when my pastor died

Like WHBC, Berachah got #Trumpitis: none learn Bible 💔

Bible meter vindicates my dead pastor's classes:

God won't give *them* Bible meter: commercially, it's worth billion$

Instead, 20+ yrs ago, Berachah found a 1973 letter I wrote, seeking all Thieme Jr's classes they had, on reels: did I still want reels? OH YES

So I got 1000s of reels, from all over US

Now I know why 💔

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 15, 2021]
Jan Hus didn't translate all Bible, by his death. Hussites finished it

Wycliffe Bible was finished 1395, also post-mortem

Theme: FREED BIBLE is key 🔑 to prophecy & national health

Why? 'Excellency of the knowledge', Phili3:8
Rev1, 22

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 15, 2021]
Check history: any who curse or persecute Bible or Jews, eg GOP #7M +Dem anti-semites, get hurt

Conversely, any who free Bible & Jews, get blessed

God's not an ethnic toy. He puts His Word even above Himself, Ps138:2, Isa54-55, Rev22

cc .@MFA_Ukraine

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 14, 2021]
For years: on Saturday mornings, GAZA but not Israel has KIDS' TV w a bunny urging kids to kill Jews

Go to YouTube, search "HAMAS BUNNY", watch their vids: then tell me they're not demonic

Pox on .@POTUS
-- even tho I voted4him -- if he gives these fakaktastinians, any US $

[Quote Akiva Cohen @AkivaMCohen · May 13, 2021]
When you're looking at death tolls in gaza, keep this in mind as well.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 12, 2021]
Yes, repeats "medieval warm period" AD800-1300; ergo Viking raids

Our GW ended 1998; now is menopause-like 'hot flashes'

Global Cooling begins 2100, repeats 1300-1700 "little ice age"; like now, 100 ys prior, it brings PLAGUE

pimp$ deny it

#Climatechange is NOT manmade

[NOW Tonight with Joshua Johnson @NBCNOWTonight · Apr 19, 2021]
BONUS CLIP: Agriculture in Greenland is adapting to the warmer environment caused by climate change. Actor @nikolajcw discussed how the country is turning a bad situation into something good for the economy

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 12, 2021]
Millions will die, just as in the 1300s; we & EU spend our money exactly the wrong way

Dems will 4ever lose power, if they don't wake up to this (since-1960s) Kremlin LIE of MANMADE global warming*


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 12, 2021]
Yes, we must address pollution. Yes, we must conserve resources properly

But 'manmade climate change' is a lie USSR crafted to waste Western billion$ & kill millions..cuz West+USDems, like GOP -- #DenyScience4Votes

*REAL scientists talk climate

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 12, 2021]
If you're slogging thru my
🚨 Matt24 outline 🚨

Spirituality Tip, use 1Jn1:9 like breathing: God then raises your IQ. It's the ONLY reason I'm smart

Test claim: tell God when u maybe sinned

Like David did, Ps32: 'God, I sinned' & then go on. NBD if u can't exactly name it

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 12, 2021]
Vital thread on #GazaUnderAttack so u can see for yerself that as usual, 'Palestinians' lie

Article I of PLO Charter: "Israel has no right to exist"

Arabs hate 'Palestinians' (who 1947+ came from Jordan Saudi Egypt, NOT Israel) & use 'em for propaganda

cc .@pallywoody

[Quote Aurora Intel @AuroraIntel · May 11, 2021]
Replying to @AuroraIntel
Hamas Al-Qassam Brigades;

"We will turn Ashkelon into hell"

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 11, 2021]
Anaphora are often satirical, eg

βλεπω = to see, tags yrs rulers die: yea, they see zip and you see them dead, better trust in God

Κυριος = Lord = Bible find + Bible reformer + fake = anti-christ

Παρουσια = evangel w/ Bible 'appears', esp in E Eur

PS All meter conclusions are subject to change

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 5, 2021]
*The double-entendre rhetoric typifies Chap25 re Christian civil war

It began w Wycliffe, went Royal in 1533 w 'food'=Henry VIII Restraint edict +Eliz I's birth

War, re WHO'S AUTHORIZED to read & interpret Word

Reformation broke RCC & Odox monopoly; they aim2reclaim it, 1545+

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 25, 2021]
Proof 'Russia' did not exist pre-1721. It called itself 'Muscovy': see it, on edge of the coin RT'd here, w/ STOLEN double-headed eagle

Everything 'Russia' is anti- history. It steals from everyone, to fake its own identity: the eagle is the very emblem of ROME = ANTICHRIST, qv

[Quote Ксеня @XeniaUA · Apr 24, 2021]
UKR: Московський рубль 1707. Назву Русь ще не вкрали.., а хвіст у мутанта вже добряче поскубаний!
EN: Moscow ruble 1707. The name Rus hasn't been stolen yet... and the mutant's tail has already been plucked!

So Matt25* wryly opens 1704 as Christian Civil War thru 2062, pic1. It meters War of Spanish Succession; Habsburgs used Double Eagle, as HRE

Muscovy called self #ThirdRome, heir to HRE since 1472

Putin champions that claim,** ergo #7M+Trump. Matt25:11-12, quote&mock them

*download Matt24-25ParsedR6.pdf; it has history links

Matt25:1, 1721 began @ δεκα 😂
2 eagles=HREs, since Charlemagne: his heirs bid παρουσια aka Cyril et Methodius 4Muscovy, Matt24:27

**Putin #deza

his REVIVE ROME=1st vid
Playlist: Russia & Ukraine

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 22, 2021]
BTW, I post re Ukraine because Matt24+25 tracks it like Israel -- Jews went to Ukraine from Dacia* ca. AD165+, to escape SPQR plague

Ergo Satan makes "Russia" = Antichrist Trend of History

Matt25:14-29: 2065-2623, a back-to-Bible revival centers in Ukraine/EEurope, helps Jews ➡

Satan's goal: kill so many Jews, Christ can't Return. Millennium requires enough Jews to vote for Him

Matt16:18+Jn17, He opts2pay4 future people, because Israel rejects Him 7 years early; so Church = TimeBridge to Dan9:27's Trib PassPlot.htm

*Trajan moved Rome's Jews to Dacia

👉Trial's based on enuf Votes4God. Belief Christ pd =Vote2BeSaved (& so u are)

Eph1:9-12=Pregnant Church Births Apostasy (AD206-343 as trend)

If Rapture, post-text applies to Trib&Mill

Bible never dates Rapture, to protect volition

Novel on it

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 23, 2021]
Putin uses an 800s Last Emperor Myth, as foreign policy. #ThirdRome = his manifesto*

2017, he sent Kirill to avow it
2018, said he'd use nukes to enact it
2021, warns pandemic prelude to global war

LEM began in 600s, says

*1st vid
Playlist: Russia & Ukraine
Genesis and Function of the Last Emperor Myth in Byzantine Eschatology is a platform for academics to share research papers.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 23, 2021]
#7M behind Trump & esp its #QAnon nutters, all hype same eschatology as Putin, but via Aug1975 #SevenMountains 'vision'. Liberty U makes a movie on it

Their 'vision' (really Rev17), revives Constantine's AD312 "in hoc signo vinces" or even, his 310 'vision' of 4 victory wreaths
9 ~ 10 (this requires a mind that has wisdom seven heads are senve mountains the woman sits on five have flalen blabh albhalbalkbahb)

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 23, 2021]
LEM has long been a 'millennial' trend in history: we are in a recurrence. I cover what Bible mss say abt it

Secular folks also lecture/write on the LEM trend:

in Youtube,
.@mornayphf (Yale)
Phyllis Tickle (Stanford)
, _End of Europe_

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 19, 2021]
Europe keeps ignoring history

Since SPQR, invasion of Europe *always* goes thru Ukraine 🌍

Muscovy *always* aims to control Europe. She *always* steals & enslaves other peoples

Bible calls Russia, Antichrist: tracks UkrainevMuscovy history in 5 OT + 7 NT time-metered chapters

[Quote toomas ilves, ex-verif @IlvesToomas · Apr 19, 2021]
You'd think they'd pull out a thesaurus to find something else that means "concerning"

[brainout🇺🇦 reposted Plerologia @Clay_Odem · Apr 16, 2021]
Remember Constantine's vision of Apollo before claiming it was Christ?

Bart Ehrman claims a panegyrst was bosting about the vision back in 310 AD. Probably state propaganda.

That happened 280 years after the cross, which is the mid-point of the first 560.


[Quote brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 14, 2021 Replying to @Clay_Odem]
Rev17 Whore meter starts w Constantine. His & sons' laws, were persecutorial

Handy law chart links are @ bottom

Home, links to persecuting 'early Christian councils'

#7M & Putin, aim to restore THAT Rome; so 7M 'prophesies' Trump
Playlist: Lying Trump Prophets' Words

[Quote Michael Beschloss @BeschlossDC · Feb 7, 2021]
Now Mr. Pillow has said Covid-19 vaccine is part of “mark of the beast."

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Feb 7, 2021]
Just ignore Lindell, who proves 100% ignorant of Bible: God shames him publicly as He did HaroldCamping*

God promised this in Matt25:11-12, via time-metered wry Greek epitomes* quoting #SevenMountains Trumpees
Ann Coulter
Rick Wilson
Trump …

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Feb 25, 2021]
Cross is Key to The Universe

Science, is just like The Cross

Truth, is just like The Cross

Relationship, is just like The Cross

Pastors/priests/popes hype The Cross: oh, U MUST SUFFER, brother 😀

Huh? *God* bids us suffer?

So: what IS The Cross?


As in




Isa53:10-12 Salvation Inheritance Contract: Cross

"If He gives His Soul as Substitute, He'll see Eternal Seed"

Eph1:23, filling top to bottom

Christ LOVES to spend Himself,

yet as human or even God.. what can He give to God the Father & God the Holy Spirit? What can They, give Him?

What can any1 give? We can only spend ourselves. That's it

Love, loves to JOIN. Like, sex

So Cross is about JOINING, not suffering

Spiritual life=Levi=Join Groom Christ in Thinking, even as His Thinking levied & joined our sins, Isa53:5,11

HIS THOUGHTS PAY, ibid & Phili2:5-10 Heb11:1-6

So God joins us to Bible & its husbandmen who 'instruct' us in Word (wedding-night verbs! ➡ )


Paul the virgin apostle, stresses Learning & Living on Word, as marital intimacy w Christ: joined opposites

Fellowship w God, Who has no body: Intimacy w Body of His Thinking Transforms U, Rom12:1-3

Sooo u fall in love w His Thinking, & u too yearn to spend yourself..

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 14, 2021]
Wash DC 1975, I was recruited by the former royal Afghan govt, to fight USSR. I said 'no', yet stayed pro-Afghani

RT below is accurate, tho I'm not sure Biden lacks empathy. He might be constrained by Dems flunking Foreign Policy101

We MUST ever stay at Russia's underbelly

[Quote PropOrNot ID Service🇺🇸 @propornot]
Biden has always wanted to abandon Afghanistan, because he has no empathy for the Afghan people, he thinks it will bring domestic political popularity, & he thinks it's the right thing to do.

...But those who sell out allies for political popularity end up with neither.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Apr 14, 2021]
Dems' racism, shows up here: 'those little brown & yellow people are far away; we should spend our $ at home'

But Dems favor ever-evil Palestinians, who seek to end Israel (Art I, PLO Charter)

Dems hate God, Jews, the rich, & faraway non-white ppl, ever since Woodrow Wilson 😜

[Quote Lisa @Lisa20782895· Mar 13, 2021]
I’m interested to see what scripture he bases the “ Presidential seat in heaven.”

[Quote Tea Pain @TeaPainUSA · Mar 13, 2021]
Sweet Baby Jesus!

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Mar 13, 2021]
Demons mock him: Matt24+25's TIMED TXT, & κυριος tags antichrist yrs

1st κυριος=1402 re Jan Hus, Matt24:42; 25:11, "Lord Lord"=2015-18, re #7M deifying #TrumPutin

See pics & demo vids (use 1Jn1:9 to grasp 'em): …
Κυριος Anaphora …

I know my post sounds weird, but scholars sought Bible meter, ever since the Reformation. Vids go thru the scholarly past & what we found (by accident).

Demons don't want us to know meter, cuz it validates Bible's Divinity.

Yes, demons. We are not the top of the food chain, duh

[Quote Chris Cillizza @ChrisCillizza · Mar 10, 2021]
How Arkansas is trying to get the Supreme Court’s attention on abortion

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · March 10, 2021]
Fastest way to end prolife's blasphemy against Bible, is to show what it actually says: #LifeBeginsAtBirth, not before*

Once Christians learn BIBLE, they will stop being prolife

*Epi14, PBS: #7M Falwell pimps abortion=murder LIE for Rev17:9 harlot power

Christians can't learn Bible unless they use 1Jn1:9 to be spiritual

99% of them don't know that. So, they blaspheme God, via prolife. They blaspheme Him, cuz they deny Gen2:7. It says God PERSONALLY makes one human, AT Birth

So the real you, is the 'color' of God

Genesis 2:7

[Quote Michael Hobbes @RottenInDenmark · Jan 6, 2021]
Extremely important in the next few weeks to elevate people who predicted exactly what's happening and systematically marginalize everyone who told you not to worry.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jan 16, 2021]
Does 'elevation', include God? He pre-mocks #CapitolRiot in Matt25:11, "Lord, Lord opEN", pic1&4

[Grk mss epitome satires, ape Moses' 7ing syllable-count, audit TIME meter Gen1+, pic3's 1050=pic2 boxes]

"Lord Lord"=2015-8; "opEN"=2019-21

2021=EN: Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

[Quote stuart stevens @stuartpstevens · Jan 13, 2021]
Let’s be realistic. What is motivating @senatemajldr is fear of losing corporate & major donor dollars. It’s not some “legacy.” Please. Live in reality.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jan 13, 2021]
If McC bids impeach&remove, GOP deems he saves it

GOP bought Trump+#7M, to win power; he raped&neutered it

So GOPence has revenge, purges Trumpers, regains control, w impeach&remove: DT gets his apotheosis sans perks or electability

Aka doing all u want.. in God's Name 😈

[Quote Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · Jan 6, 2021]
I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jan 6, 2021]
Replying to @realDonaldTrump

T🇷🇺RUMP is antichrist party w Putin, who God disowns

Christ mocks & quotes you +Jan6 riot to "OPEN", in timed (Moses'meter) text: Matt25:11, pics

Lord Lord=2015-18
(Matt24:42+ κυριος anaphora tags yrs when Xtian antichrists rise, demo Matt24Meter: Matt24 APOKRINW (judgment) anaphora SEQUENCE 16/18)

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Jan 5, 2021]
A New Years' Resolution: Be Perfect As God is Perfect (sermon)

I found this short sermon online today. It had three ideas that stood out to me: Christ as the archetype, Adam as the prototype, and the asymptote (the eternal approach to perfection).

It all seems relevant in some way.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jan 5, 2021]
Yet Eph1:14, we BECOME Glory of God, επαινον *της* δοξης, last epainon anaphora? Not 'approaching', but actual Glory of God?

Heb1:3, 3:14, 11:1 play on it, as do 1Jn2:26-3:2. 1Jn4 WE ARE TRIAL EVIDENCE tags Eph3 height width depth length: Thieme covers it in 1Jn tapes

[Quote The bad ass kicking new atheist @atheist_bad · Oct 6, 2020]
You’ve got to be shitting me.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jan 2, 2021]
Matt25 :11 plays live, even overseas

Demons (not scholars) know what it means. So they whisper 'Krishna' (=κυριε κυριε in Matt25:11 Grk anaphora TIME METER=2015-18); fits his 'dream' (demons mimic God)

Primer: Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity
Bible Meter101
Bible Meter, Intro & Overview + Bible Meter 101

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 20, 2020]
Recall how you found 'Battle of Grunwald', to explain Matt24:42's 1380 (=1410 ad) meter (pics)?

Syllable=# yrs' distance to Matt25:13=2015-1357=94x7, ha

Mark13:33-35 parallels @ 1157 (=AD1187 & 1207 (Batu Khan), tie to Matt 25:14+13 & ÷7 😝

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Jul 20, 2020]
So you think the 'gregoreite' clause of 2042-2061 will play out analogously to 1207 AD and the Battle of Grunwald?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 20, 2020]
Whatever those older periods mean, 2042-62 is similar. Need prior parallel text & yrs & history, to know in what way(s) 'similar'

Orig writers crafted ÷7 distances to show Divine comment, eg 21x7 is macro v 21 micro

Anaphora is also a legal style,
'incorporation by reference'

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Jul 22, 2020]
I'm still brainstorming this, cuz I asked God about it days ago, but to preface the matter; it seems that you either watch (gregoreite) or get caught with your pants down.

Neither USA, nor the UK parliament have been watching,...but what about the Crown?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 23, 2020]
Update: am re-brainstorming. Have you learned anything new?

Matt24:35's παρελθωσιν starts when Yaroslav II dies, 1187 😂

did a funny thread on Trump 2036, I RT'd it. So ictopyk & him, got me thinking re 1187 again

25:13 start 2042-1188=854 =122x7. Does it matter?

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Nov 23, 2020]
What is your new idea?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 23, 2020]
None. I only know Eastern Europe is in revival, maybe w Ukraine epicenter; then EE will be tested=He LEAVES in 2065, 25:14 (Parallel=English Ref, meter 1532, pic3)

Bible interest is big there since 1990s, esp w Czechs & UA

God shepherds Bible interest

So γρηγορειτε, bookends..?

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Nov 23, 2020]
I was thinking about that yesterday. I was wondering if our democracy has become a the battle ground for a cold war between Russia and the rest of E Eur.

[Quote Helgi 🇺🇦 @Helgi_KO · Nov 23, 2020]
Our Pres and head of office Yermak simulated covid to go on vacation, none could see them at the clinics and they got mugs as if they were not sick but shite drunk for several days in Oman (again). That's not revival that's kleptocracy the Russian way

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 23, 2020]
Correct. Doctrine in Bible our pastor called 'pivot', is in Deut30-32. In NT, Christ calls it 'salt'=Believers living on Bible, Matt4:4

Salt is valuable, but in small quantity. It preserves food; it makes nutrients absorbable in the blood; it makes food tasty.

See the analogy?

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Nov 24, 2020]
That's the exact context of my overall thoughts. Salt of the earth.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 24, 2020]
•Matt24:42 γρηγορειτε=1387, Jogaila m.Jadwiga. Changed E Eur bal of religion & power contra Muscovy
•Matt25:13 γρηγορειτε ends 2045-1387=94x7
•94=midTrib=Christ age mid-Dan9:27 if no Church
•Matt25:14 tags 24:46-7, Eng Ref à la Trib
•Eastern Europe had no Ref so next get Matt25:14

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Nov 24, 2020]
So if E Eur is unified under religious coherence, reformation is stirred in the West? If the Western reformation loses salt, reformation is stirred in E Eur to break religious coherence? Babel confusion strategy?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 24, 2020]
No. Reformation freed Bible learning from govts AND denoms

E Eur still suffers from Bible cultural & legal dependence, esp in Russia's shadow. Matt25:14=independence

Freaks me out: I prayed4it in 1984, tho a baby in Bible. 7 yrs later on my bday, He ousted Gorby as I'd asked

PS sorry for the late reply. I keep passing out. This always happens when I analyze Bible meter, ever since you found it in Matt & told me.

Don't worry. I should be dead but am not, so God wills it.

Think: this meter stuff is either true, or not. If true, it should be a battle.

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Nov 25, 2020]
Yeah, but religion is a recurrent problem for E Eur, and I believe it's specifically because of the strategic location. So if religion becomes too coherent in the East, it poses a threat to Israel and the rest of the world.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 25, 2020]
Good point

So it's a swing-state analogy. Can be a great freedom for the region, if faith coherence breaks up

Conversely, can be a great enslavement in the region, if that coherence ramps up

Putin's Revive-Rome Manifesto, is 4it to ramp up, 1st vid ⤵

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Nov 25, 2020]
Yeah, so it makes sense for God to answer your prayer for USSR to get free Bible cuz the West was losing saltiness. West could no longer counter Eastern coherence, so East had to be dissolved, made incoherent.

Now the gameboard is changing.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 15, 2020]
So Matt24+25 historical-trend 7ings in 'next posts, foretell shifts in balance of power -- caused by spiritual client nation shifts?

Read "Background" in "War of Spanish Succession", Wikipedia. 1665+ Charles II was expected to die, so European war began. Matt24 ends on it, pic1

So pic1, client shift AT English Reformation: pope put out death warrant on Elizabeth I; instead of retaliating, she offered freedom of religion in England; so God gave her πασιν, Matt24:47; meter 1532= AD 1562, αμην start creed war

Matt24:48-51, EUR goes κακος
1673-1533=140 ⤵

Next, meter 2015=AD2045* in Matt25:13, end γρηγορειτε: 2015-1673 (Matt24 end)=49x7*

Recall γρηγορειτε bookend diff was 2045-1387 (Matt24:42 start)=94x7; it also tags bal-of-power change, but in E Eur

*Rounded. Can't do half a syllable. Bible tags @ mid-yr, but in what fiscal?

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 15, 2020]
What do you think will happen with the Balkans in the coming decades?
If Putin wants Constantinople, does he want the Balkans too?

I wonder if the meter tags any of their history.

Seems like another obstacle for the revival of East Rome.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 15, 2020]
Balkans="barbarians" in Rome & Byz, so all prophecy tags them

Luke21 focus=the West, to AD1115. Dunno why. Unsure how to interpret Luke

Mark13 focus=Byz to 1st Venetian War,1304. Afterward, per historians & Putin, Byz de facto died

Rev17=AD88/9-962=antichrist posterboy roster

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 15, 2020]
Luke, Matt, and Mark all seem to overlap around 1110-1116 AD. Both East and West where fighting the Seljuks.

Battle of Sarmin
Battle of Philomelion

Not sure what else to draw from that yet.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 16, 2020]
Thank you 😍

Byz loss Manzikert in AD1071, births Crusades. Muslims take Jeru,1073=1050+30-7 @ Matt24:32 συκης, prequels ÷7 @ της συκης Lk21:29 (829-34) Mk13:28 (964-9) tag what?

Text w 1036 1050 1071 meters may ref dual proph near-fulfill type v far-fulfill antitype=Trib

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 16, 2020]
994 AD was the Battle of Orontes. Byzantines vs Fatimids. Aleppo was a key city for controlling the Levant. Basil II got drawn into conflict again in 999 AD.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 16, 2020]
Medieval Warm Period (500-yr #climatechange cycles) led to

Influx of Vikings as Normans (big on evangelism), a major group in Crusades, & Rus (misnomer) -- influx altered balance of power & Christianity, in England France Spain Sicily N Africa Balkans Ukraine & later, Levant

[Quote Red Earth‏ @Clay_Odem · Dec 19, 2020]
I haven't checked this against Matt 25 yet, but there's a lot of important theological history in this video. Much of it took place in early USA.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 19, 2020]
k thanks 😍: I'll watch

NB, inter-book 7ing*
Matt24 meter 1040-42 =AD1070-72=της συκης

Luke21 meter 832-4=την συκην

Mark13 meter 967-9=της συκης

1042+490=1532, Matt24:47

Matt25 meter 2100 -- when Lord 'leaves'

*Scholars claiming Mark as #quelle should eat crow

[Quote Red Earth‏ @Clay_Odem · Dec 20, 2020]
What if you use the case endings for interpretation?

Luke21 ἴδετε τὴν συκῆν Observe the fig tree.

Mark13& Matt24 ἀπὸ δὲ τῆς συκῆς μάθετε From the fig tree, learn.

Watch the actions of the Western Crusades.

Learn what will come out of the East.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 20, 2020]
Yea, that's how readers were to use it 😘 (I Ching, eat yer heart out 😀)

Manzikert was 1071 Aug 26=Elul, last mo Heb civil yr=συ(κης)

Shah's Army then went south to Fatimid Egypt (in famine)

~κης ends 1072. Dunno what month in 1073, Jeru's invaded. Matt uses what fiscal yr?

So WHEN does ου μη παρελθη η γενεα αυτη, occur?

γενεα=meter+30=AD, pic4🔸

Matt24 meter 1119-29

Luke 911-23 1129-912=217

Mark 1051-61 1051-911=140
& 1048-(Matt)1118=70

Mark counts ONE οτι. Luke doesn't. Mark uses prospective μεχρις to hit 21=growth, not retrospective εως

[Quote David/Dovid Bashevkin @DBashIdeas · Dec 10, 2020]
Chanukah celebrates the rededication of the Second Temple.

Jews don’t have a holiday celebrating the initial building of the First Temple or the Second Temple.

We are grateful for the commitment to begin, but we celebrate the resilience to begin again.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 13, 2020]
Hanukkah 1st honors 2nd Temple founding 537 BC per Haggai 2, post-sunset 24 Kislev
=Zeru Isa53:11 'seed' pun on Christ's Bday
='our' 25 Dec

Magnificat Greek meters Hag2 yrs, GGS11s Magnificat Meter of Time

=Saturnalia, Gal4:4

Details verses HebCal fit: PassPlot.htm

[Quote Arizona Republican Party @AZGOP · Dec 8, 2020]

He is. Are you?

[Quote Ali 🟧 #StopTheSteal @ali]

I am willing to give my life for this fight.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 8, 2020]
O, y'all WILL die4ur Russian🇷🇺 messiah. God said so, q.v ⤵

U can't read Bible cuz u spit on Christ* daily, so u don't know this 😱

Use 1Jn1:9 as u watch vids, to avoid 1Jn5:16
Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

*Epi14 PBS: #7M Falwell pimps abortion=murder lie, 1978 PB 14 PROLIFE PROVEN A 1978 JERRY FALWELL SCAM INVENTION

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 5, 2020]


Look. Matt 25:9-11.

From: vs 9 πωλοῦντας καὶ ἀγοράσατε ἑαυταῖς

To: vs 11 ὕστερον δὲ ἔρχονται

This covers 1950-2002. That was RBT's pastoral career, start to finish. Tapes span from 1959-2002. This fits the text perfectly.

RBT was a dealer (πωλοῦντας).

So what happened in 1991 to represent γάμους, and the door being closed in 98? It might revolve around Berachah church. Were you there in 91?

If the Parable of Virgins is played out in heaven, then Rapture happens at vs 7, and the Foolish have to buy oil from dealers in heaven.

Doesn't that imply that spiritual learning must be completed, even if it's passed the wedding deadline?

So what was the wedding event of 1991? There has to be some event that didn't involve apostasy.

It seems that there are both satirical and spiritual ties to the meter.

While apostates bought oil from the Charismatics, spiritual believers went to people like RBT.

There might be events involving the USSR, but there has to be something else specific to growing believers.

What are we currently locked out of that took place in 1991?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 5, 2020]
Good points.

1991 USSR tie, freaks me out. Gorbachev was released from house arrest on my bday; then, in a Houston hotel room, waking up late; I had missed Bible class. I turned on TV, saw Gorbachev & Flash! was reminded of my 1984 prayer, even the loft & bedspread I'd prayed on

To answer your deeper questions: same q's have been on my mind since you brought Matt24+25 to my attn in 2015

I don't like saying we are in its text, just as God answering my prayer about Gorbachev, creeps me out. Tough nougies what I dislike

I need to go scream for a few mins

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 5, 2020]
According to the catalog, it looks like RBT started Spiritual Dynamics in 92, and he was working on Ephesians in 1991.

Did his study of Ephesians lead to Spiritual Dynamics? Because that series spanned all the way to 2002.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 5, 2020]
James & 1991 Israel was between them. Yeah, watershed teaching during Gulf War, the last attempt by Gorbachev to make Hussein go against US, before Gorby went under house arrest

I'm still on 1998, tho. Will do 1991 more, later

PS many under Thieme retarded & became Trumpees 😖

1998, cont
=yr Putin became Yeltsin's protégé. Factions were RussOdox hardliners allied w US #SeveMountains (later NAR), vs those who'd revive Stalin's Russia

Putin plied both factions. Yeltsin was caught in-between, per his (recently-released) convos w Bill Clinton

cc .@McFaul

1998, cont
=yr Bannon (& Bossie? Gingrich?) discovered gamers & began a "digital army" now backing Trump. Details are in _Devil's Bargain_ by .@JoshuaGreen

(BTW, my taggng others does NOT imply they agree w anything I say.)

Eastern Eur incl Ukraine, began Bible study revival, 1991-8,

1991, cont

Thieme talked about it in 1991 classes. He warned USSR's dissolution did NOT mean she changed; that Bible interest was high in Ukraine, & we sent missionaries

That's prolly why, when he ended Eph -- I cried at its last class -- he next taught "James5" & "1991 Israel"

1991, cont

Yes, 1992 Spiritual Dynamics grew directly from Ephesians, James5 & 1991 Israel. I heard those classes in chrono order; I testify the lessons flow together. But you'd have to hear their 15 yrs (1985-2000*), to know my testimony is true

*I've not yet finished 92 SD

1991, cont

Oh crap: you put me in the witness docket. I'm 1 of 100(?) folks worldwide, who heard all of what he taught, 1985-2000

HE SEEDED ANSWERS TO ALL THEOLOGICAL CONUNDRA, except meter/dating. Even pastors he taught, don't grasp his material. They stick w the old stuff!!

1991+, Thieme taught PSD mechs of spiritual life, ending 2000 yrs of Church BS

I am a product of PSD efficacy LvS4a.htm

Read Isa53:9-11 Hebrew (pics), to see spiritual life=Thinking Bible..cuz that's how He paid 4sins

Do any in Christendom even see that? Hell no!

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 5, 2020]
I think we lost client nation status in 1998, and it's too late to restore it here, but for the sake of completing the growth of the foolish, the oil dealers where available until 2002.

So maybe now all spiritual growth is seeding the next generation in Parable of Talents?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 5, 2020]
Okay..Bible text always BITES its intended events. Which might they be?

1998, Evangelic Churchinanity shut Door contra Bible in favor of NAR, see .@profagagne vids

Irony: 1998, Thieme said US lost pivot, found & taught Jeshurun verses

1998, Russia defaults, gets much Western $

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 5, 2020]
That's it. Thieme saying we lost the pivot. The emerging pivot will likely be elsewhere. I was thinking USA might be able to rebound, but now I think 1998 was it's event horizon.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 5, 2020]
We can't say that, cuz

1) there's always an influx of new believers

2) many believers (& we were among them) going south in the spiritual life, have disasters & thus wake up, become V+ again (lost & found)

So a + - dynamic obtains, in each nation

Just as Matt 24+25, map 😒 😘

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 6, 2020]
I think the labels, wise and foolish, are statistical. The age of 50/50 balance ended in 1998. I noticed the shift. The wise half are gone. The Yeshurun are so few now that the believing population is statistically foolish. Yeshurun for Parable of Talents.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 6, 2020]
We're in SeedParable @ 1% believers grow

50/50 tags Xtian Revive-Rome civil wars: foolish say Body=Political. Matt24 ends @ War of Spanish Succession start, May 1702 (late Heb cal, so 1673 meter); it births new wars thru (49x7) 2045=25:13's γρηγορειτε=#7M+#ThirdRome =#TrumPutin

Now back to γρηγορειτε bookends, pics
1st=Matt24:42 κυριος+ανθρωπος anaphora unite (@ v44=1492)

γρηγορ @ 1387=Jogaila weds= bal of power upset in EEur Ukr & Musc, ends "New" & births #ThirdRome

2nd=Matt25:13 in 2045(-1387=94x7): tho many EEur 'Revive-Rome' weddings, all fail 🌠

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 6, 2020]
Then 2061 may bring the revival of Rome? Probably Eastern Rome?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 6, 2020]
If so, it'll fail til 25:29? Am still spitballing

All my comments follow one idea after the next, to see big-picture. I don't claim 'my' answers are 🎯 true

Bible Meter needs 100+ yrs of scholarly study 👁️👀👁️. But today, Xtian mainstream scholarship is puerile, Rev17-level BAD

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 6, 2020]
I would say dominionism makes a deadly return in vs 18; around ἔκρυψεν.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 6, 2020]
2020, slopes to 2045 converging 2 anaphora =historical trends

Moron-Christian Antichrists Seek To Revive Rome=McAstrr, 🌠
Reformation Bible Interest (E Europe Ukraine & maybe later, Moscow)=RBI ⚾

Cuz who REALLY began The Reformation? Μatt24:42, Jan Hus=κυριος=1402 🌞🌜🌟

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 6, 2020]
What about the amen in 2031-2036?

The last amen was English Reform.

The new Reform might unify E. Eur, then Rome revives when spiritual momentum recedes.

Just like USA; born from a desire for Bible, but hijacked the second we interest waned.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 6, 2020]
Good points

Parallel is drawn between English Reformation & what looks like E Eur & Ukraine, in 25:14. Parallel text

Reformation is mid-Trib quality (94x7), cuz Xtians WAR w each other, hurting 🌍 🌎 🌏, cf our 1500-1700s wars on Asia Africa & Latin America

So we are reviled

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 7, 2020]
The problem is, can we say that amen lego humin is always reformation?

We know revival has to happen for parable of talents, but that comes post-gregoreite.

So what happens to growing believers in between?

Is it a mini-diaspora?

It all depends on the meaning of amen clause.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 7, 2020]
αμην anaphora, mapped

Matt Luke & Beza's ms Mark use it w 7ing

Traits, per past amens Domitian, 2nd Crusades, English Reformation

*religious civil war

*pogroms in loc1 but

*safe-haven/rescue of Jews, in loc2

So 25:12's (2031-6) αμην yrs will be akin

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 7, 2020]
Let's say dominionists start preaching 2nd Advent 2030. I can see 2024-2030 has trib quality, and it will likely be easy for ppl to think it is trib.

How do you think that might turn pogrom-like during amen yrs?

Dominionist venting frustration?

Oppressed sick of dominionism?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 7, 2020]
Well, αποκρινω is 3rd anaphora. Prior Twitter Moment, mapped it (cc.@chafersem )

Vid ⤵ shows past of Matt anaphora in 25:10-12
Matt24 APOKRINW (judgment) anaphora SEQUENCE 16/18

NT authors metered syllables 2make per-anaphora distances ÷7, even 'twixt books

Pics: Luke 904 αμην - Matt or Mark 64 αμην, ÷7

2024-30 is deadly theater
#7M aim to 'fulfill' Trib
Putin had Kirill say TheEnd, in Nov2017

⬅️2024, Trump deepstate aids P cuz T, is martyred

In T's name, GOP Prince Flynn Bannon #7M war w Islam to rebuild Temple. If Israel allies, pogroms occur

US+UK+EU+China claim neutrality

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 7, 2020]
Thank you!

I knew the "apocalypse" narrative was being pushed, but I didn't know how, beyond the NAR. I didn't think about the RusOrtho. I should have known better, but OrthoXtianity is so foreign to me. It rarely enters my mind.

The NAR are punks compared to RusOrtho.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 9, 2020]
Yea, I didn't get it til I saw your posts last weekend +April thread h/t .@clearing_fog

I was hung up on what TYPE of warfare? Cuz each past αμην tags a creed war, pics:

(Matt&Mark tag AD87-94)
(Luke&Mark tag AD934-1080)

2nd Crusade

Gen 3=1st Info war

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 7, 2020]
Above scenario maps to Putin's manifesto, 1st vid
Russia & Ukraine
50-yr 'we will bury you' plan in Yuri Bezmenov vids

Scenario uses history of USSR infiltrating Dems in 1960s & in 1980s+, Gorby's shift to infiltrate GOP

Russia & Levant have always been, troublemakers

For we can no longer doubt: millions buy #TrumPutin conspiracy crap

Its leaders & spox are TOO well-organized, built over decades; so are promoted by Satan & Co via Rev17: they ain't going away

I feel like a jerk, pushing prophecy & saying this; but no other conclusions, remain


RT'd, is prolly the type of warfare Matt25:12 tags. I didn't "get it" til your queries over wkend

KEY: Putin & Trump deem selves, kings ("I am France"). They infowar to soothe aging egos but WILL burn it all down to save ego, just like Hitler

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 9, 2020]

By end of Matt 25:13, the populace loses its taste for dominionism; finally realizing they can not "know" the day/hour. Dominionist rulers lose coherent support & authority.

Maybe a Grunwald-like war breaks dominionist grip on society.

Islam goes back to sectarian feuds.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 9, 2020]
Well, Satan cruelly plays Exo12:40-41, swarms Muslims nearly every 430 yrs as an 'exodus'

610 Moh began
622 Hegira➡Medina
638 swarm➡Jeru
Reswarm Jeru 1073 1517 1941 or 7
Swarm lasts 120 yrs

1500AH ends ummah= Muslimin; so Shi'ite say Issa aka Jesus, Returns 2076=622+1500-40-6

[Quote Red Earth @Clay_Odem · Dec 8, 2020]
Putin's ego is dangerously invested: Vlad the Great was baptized and wedded in Cherson. In 2015, after taking Crimea, Putin took stone from the site & used it as foundation for a statue of Vlad the Great, erected just outside the Kremlin. The statue was unveiled on Nov 4, 2016.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 8, 2020]
1st vid=Putin's creed, Revive Constantinople=#ThirdRome
Russia & Ukraine
=#SevenMountains (+1700s Jon Edwards) goal


wrote on man's fixation w Rome

writes on phenomenon of millennialism

medieval (Yale) Youtube classes

[Quote Jenna Ellis @realJennaEllis · Dec 4, 2020]
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

Psalm 46:10 ❤️

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 5, 2020]
God denies u relief

I didn't know u quoted Ps46:10 12h ago when I prayed, invoking it (per Jn14:26, He put it in my mind as I typed)

U are Defendant, per 'et alia' moniker

To avoid His Judgment, use 1Jn1:9 often; else, He judges u per prayer clauses, next post

cc .@marceelias

Prayer ⤵

NB: timing proves God motivated it. I asked Him if I should log it in Twitter, not knowing your post. As I edited, He hit me w 46:10 in KJV +Heb

PRAYER HAS A PROTOCOL: use it, or lose it as u +#7M keep doing 1/3 Prayer

(1Jn1:9 req'd 4standing)
Vv Putin
et alia, Defendants

Pls judge Defendants per Ps46:10
Dan2-12 passim+Rev17

to show U are God
& cauterize contagion

Sample Evidence=Nevada filings, att'd


[Quote Marc E. Elias @marceelias · Dec 4, 2020]
🚨🚨BREAKING: Nevada court DISMISSES with prejudice Trump Election Contest!

Trump and his allies are now 1-44 in post election litigation.

Psalm 46:9-10 He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

Psalm 46:9-10 לְֽכוּ־חֲ֭זוּ מִפְעֲל֣וֹת יְהוָ֑ה אֲשֶׁר־שָׂ֖ם שַׁמּ֣וֹת בָּאָֽרֶץ׃
מַשְׁבִּ֥ית מִלְחָמוֹת֘ עַד־קְצֵ֪ה הָ֫אָ֥רֶץ קֶ֣שֶׁת יְ֭שַׁבֵּר וְקִצֵּ֣ץ חֲנִ֑ית עֲ֜גָל֗וֹת יִשְׂרֹ֥ף בָּאֵֽשׁ׃

[Quote Brittany Pounders @LibertyBritt · Dec 4, 2020]
Imago Dei. Made in His image. And oh, the difference it makes when you view people...and I mean everyone...through that unbendable, non-negotiable, unchanging, inflexible, and relentless command to love.

And to love includes both mercy and seeking justice.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 4, 2020]
Eph 1:23, baby. Key to God's Personality. I invoke it every time I pray, which is often (eg every time I post in Twitter).

[Quote Rep. Jim Jordan @Jim_Jordan · Dec 4, 2020]
Over 50 million Americans think this election was stolen.

That’s more than one third of the electorate.

For that reason alone, we owe it to the country to investigate election integrity.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 4, 2020]
Putin specialty is #ballotstuffing, to falsely accuse Dems. LOL Flynn IS Dem 😱

100% of ur Borg schtick is from Russia🇷🇺

2005+ pimping Xtians
Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

Trump runs per ГРУ+Surkov #deza platform
The Silent Coup: Putin vs. the Oligarchs, By Ian Greenhalgh on December 25, 2016
Putin's REVIVE ROME=1st vid
The fall of an empire—the Lesson of Byzantium

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 4, 2020]
#MAGA won't heed facts. So, .@GOP dies

I'd rather they wake up, live & become happy; instead, they choose #TrumPutin demon influence,* just as Bible TIME-predicted: Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

*Rarely-taught TIMED Bible Doctrine that we are in Angelic Trial, starts Gen1

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 3, 2020]
🔥🔥 #MAGA proof of Dem 'deep state'* 🔥🔥


*Putin invented 'deep state' in 2000-4; also, 'Soros' & 'antifa'; all =false-flag categories

Trump vocab is from Putin's Propaganda
The Silent Coup: Putin vs. the Oligarchs, By Ian Greenhalgh on December 25, 2016

cc .@jimstewartson

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Dec 2, 2020]
Trump litigation to overturn US vote, is to rig election into legislatures: .@Amy_Rumberger 's proven right

GOP keeps doing it, Matt25:11. #MAGA 'rap lasts to 2041: many Trump 'roaches. God can't end them quickly w/o hurting 🌍 🌎 🌏, ergo our 40 yrs in wilderness since 9/11

Why? 1960s Christians went saltless cuz .@BillyGraham replaced real #gospel w antichrist social gospel

Deluded he'd convert USSR, Billy Graham bedded her; as did Dems, opposing

US politics thus polarized per USSR 50-yr plan, see Yuri Bezmenov vids

US trashed Bible for prolife, 1978+

So TrumpGOP is run by #SevenMountains +Putin's #ThirdRome; both aim to revive Constantine's Rome, reversing Bible Rev17 from warning, to Divine mandate. See hashtag data

They'll fight, next 40 yrs. Teach your kids. God ends #7M per Matt25:11-12, Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

[Quote Tim Kegley @TimKegley · Nov 30, 2020]
He’s just using it as a means to make a point because...birds don’t know much really. They’ve got really small brains.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 30, 2020]
Mine didn't. When I moved from Houston to Chitown, she saved my life. I'd fallen asleep at the wheel of a Ryder truck; she yelled

She'd remember Houston Bible class 8pm; yelled at me til I put her on my shoulder & played an R.B.Thieme tape

She lived 19 yrs; I still dream of her

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 28, 2020]
BTW, Twitter put me in jail, for insulting Trump! Tho my post had no swear words or threats!

'Prolly cuz I tagged mfa* Russia
(08 Mar 2018, I mocked 🇷🇺 & tagged mfa; Vietnam Macedonia & Russia then DDoS'd my

Thank GOD for Jan21

*think 'mofo' to see pun

PS I was swarmed by .@GenFlynn Russian Trolls (now suspended) who somehow learned I donated to .@patribotics in Nov 2017, so razzed me about it

They swarm Twitter in 4s, feigning American vets; they idolize Flynn, who talks like losers in my church, twisting Bible into politics

My pastor,, had zip to do w them

1960-80s, he was famous in military cuz he was pro-military. He remained so, til he died in 2009

But via his Bible exegesis, God grew him out of military-political stress; he advanced to God-only

They did not grow, w him

So maybe that's why I live. Am under Thieme, 50 yrs. So can tell the story.

So maybe that's why others under him, also grasp Bible meter: it vindicates both Bible & Thieme's end-teaching.

Ersatz students like Missler, Flynn & Hal Lindsey, retarded into Rev17 Harlotry. 🙄 🤔 😧

Every1 knew Bible meter while Bible was written, over 1500 yrs

Josephus, did not know. He didn't even get Bible dates right. Scholars follow him, & thus screw us up

Similarly, God gave men the meter, but they messed it, eg
R Lowth, 1752
EW Bullinger, 1894

There are others, but I can't fully prove their names

Point is, the men failed. I shouldn't get Bible meter, cuz I'm a woman

But if the men fail, God gives it to a woman, viz Deborah in OT. So if you're a man using 1Jn1:9, start learning Bible meter, k? Cuz I'm dying, now


[Quote southpaw @nycsouthpaw · Nov 26, 2020]
Am I wrong to think the SCOTUS decision last night will necessarily be a narrow one unless the court decides to overturn Trump v. Hawaii on a subsequent appeal? All states need to do is write their Covid restrictions in facially neutral terms that nevertheless apply to worship.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 26, 2020]
What they want: revive Constantine's Rome, cf Jonathan Edwards

Revivals start w Constantine to Justinian, to pope crowns Charlemagne, Otto, Russian #ThirdRome & Hitler

Now, to #SevenMountains + Putin, who groomed Trump since 2005

Bible spends 7 prophecy chaps on it; most famous, is Rev17

[Quote Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec · Nov 21, 2020]
This map from shows where COVID-19 is spreading most rapidly in the past week.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 21, 2020]
Man votes (=prays), then God votes. #1 procedural Bible theme, begins Gen3

VOTE Meter is 35 & 70. Pattern began Gen1 & Ps 90 written 1400 BC per their meters

So now look at RT'd map. Hardest hit is Trump country, right after vote ended

Cause: Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

Bible Meter101 (Matt24:1 sample)
Meter reflects Bible explicit dates: they PATTERN as 490+70+490, cuz God Runs Voting Time, Ps90 text theme How God Orchestrates Time + Noahic Flood Precedence for God's Orchestration of Time

Talmud San97-99, reflect it

So Bible meter maps history & prophecy from Fall to Finish

[Quote 🌍 Јаков Минг Дановић 🌏 @chenx064 · Nov 19, 2020]
.@tedcruz is "what happens when ambition meets zero morals, the excrement of a warthog, and thimbleful of rhetorical training." Remember when Ted Cruz swore we’d learn COVID-19 was a Democratic hoax after Biden won?

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 19, 2020]
.@tedcruz buys into #SevenMountains
=Rev17:9 in Bible
=#ThirdRome (aka Last Emperor Myth) that Putin sells

YouTube-search "Gilman Hill Seven Mountains Cruz anointed" & watch. Bring Pepto-Bismol

Re Putin, 1st vid ⤵ is his manifesto
Russia & Ukraine

Why? Putin & #7M seek to restore Constantine. Via AD 312's 'in hoc signo vinces', C reverses Bible Rev17 alert contra antichrist unity of church & state, into a Divine-mandate 'vision'

So does Justinian I, in 'Three Chapters'

Papacy sells C's lie to Charlemagne, to oust Byz

Irene, tho 1st they talk marriage

Otto II marries Byz Theophano; son Otto III enters Charles' tomb & takes his crown: 'I'll lay it @ Christ's Feet in 1000'

But as his Byz princess is en route to marry him, O III dies, 1002

1472: Mongol Ivan III marries last Byz princess &

calls his Muscovy, #ThirdRome

That's the myth Putin sells

That's the 'vision' in Aug 1975 of "Seven Mountains" by Francis Schaeffer Bill Bright & .@LorenCunningham, 3 famous Christians who ditch Bible to bed Satan's harlot

➡️40 yrs now pass, yet none see Rev17 advertised?

[Quote Julian Borger @julianborger · Nov 18, 2020
There you have it. Trump official told CNN the goal is to "set so many fires that it will be hard for the Biden administration to put them all out."

This is scorched earth foreign policy.

Trump team looks to box in Biden on foreign policy by lighting too many fires to put out

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 19, 2020]
Bible calls it 'antichrist':
Matt25:10-12 Greek

IT MAPS TIME: 1960+ prolifers w Billy Graham & USSR, rise & via Newtie (Newt Gingrich) groom Trump, abuse Bible >40 yrs, gain Rev17:9 harlot power, Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

1960s LBJ+Barry Goldwater knew it & warned every1; no1 heeded them, either

[Quote Glenn Kessler @GlennKesslerWP · Nov 18, 2020]
How is it possible he still doesn’t know how votes are counted?

[Quote Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · Nov 18, 2020]
Look at this in Wisconsin! A day AFTER the election, Biden receives a dump of 143,379 votes at 3:42AM, when they learned he was losing badly. This is unbelievable!

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 19, 2020]
DT lies 🇷🇺 style, preys on arrogance in his voters, all Bible-illiterates. They call selves #SevenMountains
=Rev 17:9
=Russian #ThirdRome
=CONSTANTINE'S 'in hoc signo vinces' trend that Bible Dan2ff warn AGAINST

Youtube-search "Gilman Hill Seven Mountains Cruz anointed"

Revelation 17:9 This needs a mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits.

Revelation 17:9 ὧδε ὁ νοῦς ὁ ἔχων σοφίαν. Αἱ ἑπτὰ κεφαλαὶ ἑπτὰ ὄρη εἰσίν, ὅπου ἡ γυνὴ κάθηται ἐπ᾽ αὐτῶν. καὶ βασιλεῖς ἑπτά εἰσιν·

[Quote Ted Cruz @tedcruz · Nov 17, 2020]
Hush child.

[Quote Christopher C. Cuomo @ChrisCuomo · Nov 17, 2020]
Wrong. You have been empowering the notion that there are problems with the count that justify delaying transition in the middle of figuring out how to distribute a vaccine in a pandemic. Own it...because the position owns you and will be remembered.

[Quote Ted Cruz @tedcruz · Nov 17, 2020]
Here's a radical proposition -- elections are decided when the results have been counted and the legal proceedings are over.

That didn't use to be a controversial proposition.

More on the latest episode of #Verdict: Holy Crap, What a Week | Ep. 59

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 18, 2020]
Bible-illiterate senator says what?

Why should .@ChrisCuomo listen to u, given u advertise self as Satan's harlot? U don't even know that's what #SevenMountains* MEANS, u retard (see pics)

=#ThirdRome Putin sells

*Youtube search "Gilman Hill Seven Mountains Cruz anointed"

Revelation 17:9 This needs a mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits.

Revelation 17:9 ὧδε ὁ νοῦς ὁ ἔχων σοφίαν. Αἱ ἑπτὰ κεφαλαὶ ἑπτὰ ὄρη εἰσίν, ὅπου ἡ γυνὴ κάθηται ἐπ᾽ αὐτῶν. καὶ βασιλεῖς ἑπτά εἰσιν·

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 17, 2020]
Christians must never politicize faith, Jn18:36. We are Royal Citizens of Heaven, Phili3:20ff, 1Pet2. We must be loyal to our earthly nations

Politicized faith births Antichrist Man of Time: Dan2-12 passim, Matt24+25 Eph1 (satire meter=yrs AD) Luke21 Mark13 1Pet1 Rev17

Ppl must be be free to decide if & how much they want God, w/o interference

Post-salv, we learn to think like our King (Heb12) & give any info requested about that Kingdom, to any who want it

To that end, we initiate disclosure, but then go offstage: WE ARE NEVER TO SELL IT

Constantine DID sell it, Eph1:11d's AD308 "energizing The All"

Τα Παντα= 1 of Christ's NT nicknames

Constantine flees 306 from Diocletian, starts his own cult; 308 D caves in @ Carnuntum

In 310 panegyric C claims Apollo backs him; 312, flips to Christ: HARLOT is born

=#7M TrumpGOP

[Quote Istoryk🇺🇦 @ictopyk · Nov 13, 2020]
Але якщо Московія не була ніяким "средневековым русским княжеством", який тоді там міг бути князь Данііл, якого туди посадив князь Володимирський Алєксандр Невський, якого теж вбила Орда? Ніякий! Такої людини - Данііла Алєксандровіча взагалі в природі не існувало. Кєк!

But if Muscovy was not any kind of "medieval Russian principality", then what could Prince Daniil be there, who was sent there by Prince Volodymyr Alexander Nevsky, who was also killed by the Horde?
No! Such a person - Daniil Aleksandrovich did not exist in nature at all.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 13, 2020]

FYI (use Twitter trans)

See also Matt24:36d meter (pic2), where bifurcation starts. Nevsky born AD1221=end of υιος, ha

Matt traces Ukraine+Muscovy w ανθροπως anaphora since 833 meter; AD2065 in Matt25:14+ is on E Europe? Big Bible interest, there

Historically, Nevsky was last enthroned Rus. .@ictopyk
says Uzbek replaced his line w descendants of Chinggis Khan: so 'Daniel' is not Rus

Get Matt 24:36 wit? Only the father knows!

Cuz Matt24+25 yrly trace origin & development of DANIEL 11:35ff KoN Antichrist

See the wit?

[Quote Rick Wilson @TheRickWilson · Nov 11, 2020]
Wait til they find Hunter's other other other other other other laptop.


[Quote YS @NYinLA2121 · Nov 11, 2020]
I read somewhere that Hunter Biden once owned a Treo and Zune! They’ll never get that intel now!

[Quote wine-stained lens @winestainedlens · Nov 11, 2020]
That gave me a reflexive pang of longing for my old Handspring Visor.

This Post is from a suspended account. Learn more

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 11, 2020]
NB satire in Goulet's 'prophecy': "God" told her Trump will get "a second term"*

Google "Halys River Oracle Delphi" 😂

So: 2nd term as what? When?

More in 2005+ Trump 'prophet' catalog, pic (see 1st vid desc)
Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

*LV church 10/18
President Trump attends the International Church of Las Vegas service in Nevada (Yahoo Finance)

[Quote Steve Silberman @stevesilberman · Nov 11, 2020]
Basically, half the stuff I read on my GOP relatives' friends' walls on Facebook is at this level.

[Quote Ben Mankiewicz @BenMank77 · Nov 11, 2020]
Hmmmm. Sounds fishy. What’s half of 50? 25. What’s 2 x 5? 10. What’s the 10th letter of the alphabet? J - Joe Biden. Not buying it? What’s 2+5? 7. What’s the seventh letter? G - George Soros. Boom. Fraud. This post is unavailable.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 8, 2020]
😂 Isa45 must be about Trump, cuz '45' 😂

(Bible's doctrinally audit-metered w/o chaps, pics)

It began, 1975.
FrancisSchaeffer BillBright & .@LorenCunningham
claim joint vision: God bids Xtians conquer world
dubs it #SevenMountains

Revelation 17:9 This needs a mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits.

Revelation 17:9 ὧδε ὁ νοῦς ὁ ἔχων σοφίαν. Αἱ ἑπτὰ κεφαλαὶ ἑπτὰ ὄρη εἰσίν, ὅπου ἡ γυνὴ κάθηται ἐπ᾽ αὐτῶν. καὶ βασιλεῖς ἑπτά εἰσιν·


YouTube search "Gilman Hill Seven Mountains Cruz anointed". Vids tell the backstory, incl how .@lancewallnau claims Isa45=Trump

Abortion=murder lie was born in 1978: #7M Schaeffer gave it to Falwell 4political power, to effect the vision. See PBS "God in America", Pt6


since, everyone & his brother claims to speak4God; Bible that provably came from God, is but mouthed*

Hear Silly Trump Prophets, 2005+ 'prophecies' (catalog w links, see vid desc) Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)
DT 2nd term
President Trump attends the International Church of Las Vegas service in Nevada (Yahoo Finance)

*Video proof is long & forensic

[Quote Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · Nov 8, 2020]
Televangelist Kenneth Copeland laughs at the media for declaring that Joe Biden has won the election and will become president.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 8, 2020]
God gets the last laugh against u Rev17:9 whores, .@CopelandNetwork

U say u speak4God yet abort His Word

U speak in Satan's tongues, tho God said NO, in 1Cor14

U say Xtians are immune from covid-19
U say Trump is from God
U say Trump wins in 2020

Jer28:17 says: u lie so u die

Cuz it's not righteous if it's not gorgeous. 'Right' isn't good enough: u, are neither

So u & every1 associated w u, is cursed

Demons color your eyes: every1 notices. Cuz they don't win unless humans get due diligence yet vote 'God? NO!' as u do

Use 1John1:9 while u still can

U caint get gospel right, qv. A spiritually-dead person can't make Christ Lord, sheesh

Mebbe God'll take u home for ur 84th bday. 84=Decree meter, pics. Tho u look possessed. Are u saved?

BELIEVE Jesus Christ died4ur sins: THEN u are 4ever saved

Proof: Overlooked Salvations + Salvation & Gospel Videos (Entire Series)
Meter? U spat on HIS mss tongues 40 yrs. So God instead gave me Bible meter: worth billion$, once scholars grasp it

It mocks u #7M +#TrumPutin wannabe antichrists

God TIMED its resurface, to Trump's run4POTUS. (God tags mss yrs via κυριος anaphora in AD1402+, Matt24:42)

U & .@PastorJohnHagee, reject Him. Ur ministries are σκυβαλα

I hope to be dead b4 some1 realizes how priceless, this meter. Oughn'ta been me, who got it

But u fakers hate God; so He gave it to an ugly, nearly-blind, bone-cancer female who by His Grace..fell in love w Him


[Quote Marco Rubio @marcorubio · Nov 8, 2020]
“Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”

Matthew 25:13

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 8, 2020]
Matt25:13 begins 2042, after God ends u #SevenMountains whores, pics

I've sent u that proof in Twitter since 2016, as that's my job. Until scholars do what a brainout can do, I'm stuck here, tho I have end-stage cancer. My oncologist said "it's a small miracle" I'm alive


It IS a small miracle I live, cuz #TheBigMiracle is to get u RtardsⓂ to wake up & smell HisCoffee™


BibleMeter101, Matt 24:1

Revelation 17:9 This needs a mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits.

Revelation 17:9 ὧδε ὁ νοῦς ὁ ἔχων σοφίαν. Αἱ ἑπτὰ κεφαλαὶ ἑπτὰ ὄρη εἰσίν, ὅπου ἡ γυνὴ κάθηται ἐπ᾽ αὐτῶν. καὶ βασιλεῖς ἑπτά εἰσιν·

How can this be?

God decrees Knowledge
God decrees Truth
God decrees Truth Be Free

So God decrees if the exiting fetus should become HUMAN, per Ps139:16 HEBREW

100s of Bible verses say so. Epi14, PBS: #7M Falwell sold abortion=murder LIE 2gain power

How can 'decree', be 'free'?

God foreknows all choices we'd freely make in all .@perlmutations, aha; it is up to Him whether He will underwrite our 100% freedom to make those choices. That requires 100% freedom to make ALL choices

He decrees2underwrite it ALL, Eph1:23

Ephesians 1:23 Which is His body; the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

Ephesians 1:23 ἥτις ἐστὶν τὸ σῶμα αὐτοῦ, τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ τὰ πάντα ἐν πᾶσιν πληρουμένου.

Typical calvinismo, counters we are not free, to be birds. Yeah: we're not free to be saved, either

We are yet free to make any choice; the choices we make we can't enact, God can enact: so He taught us how to make planes & PCs.. & to believe Christ paid4sins, 2get saved


UR REV17:9
whoredoms, Jer28:
u claim2speak4God & Abort Word, spit on Christ

He warned u, hired .@Clay_Odem & me (+others, dunno who) to disclose His TIMED WARNING IN WORD

not in ur fakers' words Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

So hear ye, hear ye,
ur Indictment & His Public Disavowal, Matt25:10-12

NB God quotes DT + .@TheRickWilson in v12; #7M, Putin, Xi, GWB + .@AnnCoulter, in v11
Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

Use 1John1:9 like breathing, talk to God about this; else, 1John5:16 occurs, maybe as COVID

[Quote Vincent D'Onofrio @vincentdonofrio · Oct 16, 2020]
"If you do not let my people go, I will send swarms of flies on you and your officials, on your people and into your houses. The houses of the Egyptians will be full of flies, and even the ground where they are."
Bible: Exodus 8:21

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 2, 2020]
Oh honey, that ain't nuthin'. Christ premocks Trump: quotes him, GWB, .@AnnCoulter & .@TheRickWilson, in Matt25:11-12

Scholars don't know Bible is Time-metered & apes famous Greco-Roman plays (Ion, The Frogs)

Trump: Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

Bible Meter, Intro & Overview + Bible Meter 101 Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity Watch in 720 or 1080p. Heavy audio ahead (pic remains static), how BIBLE TIMELINES forecast EACH YEAR, from Gen-Rev. Here, the timeline goes to 3250AD, and... 9:22 AM · Nov 2, 2020 PS if you/friends read Bible Heb/Greek, pics below save time; don't watch my vids, just use their doc links

My vids are BORING; tbey explain meter from scratch. Cuz scholars sought Bible meter for 500 yrs, but can't count

Related •Talmud San97-99
•EW Bullinger
•Phylis Tickle

[Quote Mike Birbiglia @birbigs · Oct 31, 2020]
Pennsylvania cult members abandoned in field

[Quote DJ Judd @DJJudd · Oct 31, 2020]
Trump has finished and left, but there’s thousands of supporters who have been let loose into the night with no sign of the shuttles they’ve been told will take them back to parking. People are filling the street, blocking the road for ambulances and police.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 31, 2020]
Cannot be a #MAGA2020 voter, & be sane at same time

Daily, God provides more than ample evidence Trump is a wannabe antichrist, to demo prophecy He gave us back in AD30 Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

If u can't see that by now, no one can help u: 1Jn5:16 is ur end, cuz u refuse Jn1:9


When man BECAME primitive due to Adam's Fall, God picked those who believed His salvation message, eg Gen15:6. It's never abt race, but FAITH

Messiah to pay4sins, was TIME- PROMISED to DNA-derive from bloodlines of those ppl, pics. Last one's David


ENTITY came to exist: Israel. Enough citizens of Israel were to believe in Jesus for salvation, when He came. If they had, Millennium would begin AD94

They rejected Him

Matt16:18+Jn17: so Christ agrees to pay4 a yet-future Church, to be Bride Israel rejected


per John 18:36

So Christians who go political, are satanic. 7 NT prophecy chaps time-map (via OT 7ing Promise Meter) when Xtians go political, starting ad30 Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity
Bible Meter, Intro & Overview + Bible Meter 101

Trump voters are satanic, BECAUSE they politicize faith, Matt25:11

[Quote David Rothkopf @djrothkopf · Oct 31, 2020]
If Trump is willing to let hundreds of thousands of Americans die to serve his personal political interests, he will do anything to win. Don't doubt it for a minute. And the GOP has bought in completely with the Trump-Putin agenda to destroy US democracy. Not an exaggeration.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 31, 2020]
Rothkopf is correct. Bible agrees w him (He blocked my other acct, so dislikes my posts)

See history. Every 500 yrs, unify-state-&-religion crap occurs

-500? Reformation
-500? Crusades
-500? Justinian's Three Chapters
-500 Christ

Bible prophecy maps 'em, pics Ours=Matt25:10-12

Matt24+25 (+5 NT chaps), map how Church ➡ Dan11Antichrist. (God never blames unbelievers)

So Christ yrly pre-maps Xtian apostasy to warn, who to avoid. NB, He maps Civil War among believers AD1703+, Matt25:1ff

1960-2041= 'our' civil war, Matt25:10-12

Am still vetting the info; 'may need to correct some of what I said prior

For sure, God condemns prolifers* as morons (Matt25:2ff), but they aren't alone

Use 1John1:9, eg, as u watch any of my vids; God thus alerts u to any right answers

*Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

[Quote Marco Rubio @marcorubio · Oct 30, 2020]
Great are the works of the LORD,studied by all who delight in them. Majestic and glorious is his work,his righteousness endures forever.

Psalms 111: 2-3

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 30, 2020]
Either u are wholly illiterate or utterly satanic, take ur pick

Cuz >100 Bible verses* say #LifeBeginsAtBirth +Epi14=PBS: #7M Falwell sold abortion=murder LIE for Rev17:9 harlotry, 1978 Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

God warned u for yrs, U ABORT WORD OF GOD Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

+ - 500 verses, but we can see even in (mis°)translation, 100+ of them. JEWS KNOW THIS

God says Life Begins When God Breathes A Soul+1st Breath Into Body Outside Womb, Gen2:7, Heb10:5

Viz "breath" "I made you" "born"

°Scholars don't use 1Jn1:9, so politically mistranslate

[Quote Bruce Springsteen @springsteen · Oct 28, 2020]

We are lost. We've lost so much in so short a time.
On November 3rd, vote them out.

Hear more:

[Quote Patrick @Patrick_OM43 · Oct 29, 2020]
....”no sniffing of hair, no groping small children. No kids passing out with a crack pipe in their mouth. “.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 30, 2020]
Um, u fergit to mention the #SevenMountains + #ThirdRome Rev17:9 harlots faking prophecy, since they teamed up w Putin in 2005:
Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

[Quote Rudy W. Giuliani @RudyGiuliani · May 29, 2020]
Keep track of cities where hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage and serious injuries and death will take place.

All Democrat dominated cities with criminal friendly policies.

This is the future if you elect Democrats.

Send them a message, so they reform.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 28, 2020]
Do keep track, cuz looters arsonists hooligans are HIRED BY TRUMP via Erik Prince, Rudy, .@GenFlynn + other #SevenMountains whores seeking Civil War (pic)

Cuz they are religious, MSM paid no they grew

God TIME-warned US, but none heed Him Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

[Quote Spud Lovr @SpudLovr · Oct 24, 2020]
Marathon County’s case count surged by 67% after Trump’s visit compared to Wisconsin’s overall growth rate of 29% during the same time. Trump’s campaign made stops nationwide. Coronavirus cases surged in his wake in at least five places.
#wiunion #wiright #wipolitics

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 28, 2020]
#MAGA To serve Putin, Trump kills u. Better than Novichok

U are just like Genesis 6-7 volk who mocked Noah; like the Pharisees, who mocked Christ

U help US see how Flood/Christ stories are valid, as we witness ur blind obduration. So God lets u yet live

Noahic Flood Precedence + Pass the Salt + Bible Scheduled Time Trends

[Quote Joe Biden @JoeBiden · Oct 18, 2020]
We are in a battle for the soul of the nation.

The forces of darkness, the forces of division, the forces of yesterday are pulling us apart, holding us down, and holding us back.

We must free ourselves of all of them.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 28, 2020]
I Voted4Biden, but it's a Band-Aid. WE NEED 2VOTE4GOD, Lev26 & Deut28

Some hate it when I talk Bible, but it's the ONLY solution. 2Chron7:14 saves US

Trumpees=1Jn2 antichrists =prolife=Rev17:9 harlots, saltless

RE-SALT: If Christian, use 1Jn1:9, learn&live on Bible, Matt4:4

Even if 1% of US do this, God will protect US in Civil Wars that yes, will come

Cuz every 500 yrs, Earth undergoes religious civil wars. Matt25:12=ours; it runs 2024-41

Matt24+25 is on Christian Civil War. Like Gen1&Ps90, Matt text is TIMED, so Christians=Bride are yrly warned

Pre-2024="Discovery", a pre-Trial phase to define admissable evidence

RULE: both sides have the right to examine the other's evidence PRE-TRIAL

We're On Trial cuz Christ CHANGED Evidence mid-Trial, Matt16:18 +Jn17 + Heb111.htm

Novel I began Pleroma Day: Rapture!

[Quote Andrew Weissmann (weissmann11 on Threads/Insta)🌻 @AWeissmann_ · Oct 27, 2020]
This is important; it does not happen normally.

Republican prosecutors backing Biden, saying Trump is a threat to the rule of law. That is what is on the ballot: the rule of law.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 27, 2020]
(1Jn1:9 pre-prayer, or its VOTE won't count)


Please make #MAGA morons (Matt25:2 Greek, pics) who use 1Jn1:9, grasp Truth in post below, so You needn't kill them (1Jn5:16) >Nov 3 (cuz they're Rev17:9 harlots*)


*#LifeBeginsAtBirth Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

[Quote Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · Oct 18, 2020]
Hunter Biden’s laptop is a disaster for the entire Biden family, but especially for his father, Joe. It is now a proven fact, and cannot be denied, that all of that info is the REAL DEAL. That makes it impossible for “50%, or 10%” Joe, to ever assume the office of the President!

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 26, 2020]

I should warn u, God hired a janitor named Jesus in Apr 2000, to give me someone's Win95 PC he found in trash

'Jesus' didn't know I asked God abt my writing Bible webpages in webtv, costing me $1000/mo

God clearly had him 'save' me $ so I could write about Bible, despite being female


So laptop has its owner's name & code embedded

I asked God in 1984, to free Russia4Bible. He did, on my bday in 1991: it's ongoing

In Twitter,

I asked God to give u COVID, & He did

So prove me wrong re the laptop, u lying son of Belial. Let's hear what God has to say about it, huh?

U & ur #SevenMountains+ Putin's #ThirdRome +confrères, spit on Christ for 40 yrs

So God spits on y'all just as He promised, quoting u

in Matt25:12, "I don't know u", basis4 .@TheRickWilson's 1st book

V11 quotes GWB cmpgn re abortion, .@AnnCoulter's 1st & Wilson's 2nd book

Proof: Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

Bible Meter, Intro & Overview + Bible Meter 101

That data is worth billion$

So don't Lie2God re the laptop, k?

U believed Christ paid4 ur sins. So u go2heaven; if u won't use 1Jn1:9, u'll be @ its bottom | TrumpInHeaven.txt

Epilogue: u got mad, cuz Pop said NO Hollywood

Well, TV 4generations future see what a LOSER u are, so to avoid being like u & ur Rev17:9 harlots, Matt25:11ff

[Quote Bill Madden @maddenifico · Oct 25, 2020]
Trump's 60 Minutes interview is an indictment of a criminal sociopath.

He comes across as not only delusional, but evil.

Trump lies with the ease and frequency that most people breathe air.


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 25, 2020]
They believe it, cuz
°they ditched Bible 08/75 for #7M harlotry

°bought 7M Falwell's abortion=murder lie in 1978, tho 100s of Bible verses say #LifeBeginsAtBirth, à la Gen2:7

°So rejecting Bible, they accept any lie=Eph4:17 ματαιοτης =Vacuum4TrumpLies, Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

[Quote Martingale @tecoogan · Oct ??, 2020]
Is our culture healthier or more broken after four years?

[Quote NotOurFaith @NotOurFaith · Oct 17, 2020]
Much more to come, but here's a look at Not Our Faith's launch week. First, watch our ad, "Not Our Vote. Not Our Faith."

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 19, 2020]
100s of Bible verses say #LifeBeginsAtBirth, & Falwell Sr knew them

But in 1978, #7M harlot Francis Schaeffer got Jerry to call abortion "murder", to gain political power. Billy Graham, who never says #Gospel correctly, went along

Hos4:6 Gal6:7 Phili3:18-19 2Tim2:26-3:7, result

[Quote Rick Wilson @TheRickWilson · Oct 14, 2020]
Another You-Seem-Nice:

Honestly, the erotic fanfic from Trump world is a marvel.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 22, 2020]
Dear #MAGAts

Puerile pig whitepic'd w/in RT, is in .@GenFlynn's "digital army", ally of #SevenMountains+Putin

They help fake proTrump 'prophecy' since 2005. Liberty U even makes a movie re Mark Taylor's 2011 'vision'. Hear fer yoreself Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

cc .@NotOurFaith

Cuz u ignore Bible, u don't know they plan on conquering the world via Rev17 model sponsored by Satan, starting w Constantine

It's also called Seven Mountains, in Rev17:9, pic1

So they created prolife lie* & all this crap to control their sheep=U


[Quote Matt Walsh @MattWalshBlog · Oct 19, 2020]
I don't care how you feel about Trump, if you're a Christian you cannot support Joe Biden. The fact is that Joe Biden supports and will impose policies that contradict the moral tenets of your faith at the deepest levels. The same cannot be said for Trump. And it's that simple.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 19, 2020]
USE 1John1:9

1 John 1:8-10 (KJV) If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

1 John 1:8-10 ἐὰν εἴπωμεν ὅτι ἁμαρτίαν οὐκ ἔχομεν, ἑαυτοὺς πλανῶμεν καὶ ἡ ἀλήθεια οὐκ ἔστιν ἐν ἡμῖν. 9 ἐὰν ὁμολογῶμεν τὰς ἁμαρτίας ἡμῶν, πιστός ἐστιν καὶ δίκαιος ἵνα ἀφῇ ἡμῖν τὰς ἁμαρτίας καὶ καθαρίσῃ ἡμᾶς ἀπὸ πάσης ἀδικίας. 10 ἐὰν εἴπωμεν ὅτι οὐχ ἡμαρτήκαμεν, ψεύστην ποιοῦμεν αὐτὸν καὶ ὁ λόγος αὐτοῦ οὐκ ἔστιν ἐν ἡμῖν

AD30 Matt25:11 TIME METERED GREEK, Christ warns of #TrumPutin = wannabe antichrists, even prequotes GWB, Trump & .@AnnCoulter*

Spirit is not in u, cuz u don't know it. I've demo'd it in Bible mss since Feb 2016, when u were yet sane
*Matthew 24-25 Meter - Part 1 | Matthew 24-25 Meter - Part 2

Now, u prolly don't know 1st-cent Greco-Roman comedic drama

Christ talks & Matt writes, in that style; 'twas popular w their audiences, as our TV shows now

Google "ter ter tullus"

& GWB saying America is "not ready yet" to ban abortion

So 😂 V11 υστερον.δε translates GWB, cuz

MORON* Gingrich-led #SevenMountains Xtians return "later on", under Bush (υστερον=1999-2001)

That's GWB's reply to their plea US ban abortion 😤

2005+🇷🇺 #7M came, say of DJT κυριε κυριε(=2015-18)
Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

& Coulter writes IN TRUMP WE TRUST 🇷🇺

*Matt25:2 see pics

Trump slave-to-Putin, leaks. So 1 by 1 as his volk get caught, DT says "I don't know" them

Matt25:12 (pic1)? "I don't know u"

=Roman idiom: father disowns defiled daughter

So God prequotes DT; & eye for eye (DT's fav verse) says to Trumpees, what their lord said


PS God uses same mocking wit, pan-Bible. Gotta know isagogics to see it, lest Bible seem obtuse

Moses began it in Gen1; it's NOT on initial creation, pics & Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof) + Genesis 1 Meter

See MANY prequotes in Rev17 Sarcasm Tour of antichrist wannabes, AD88-962 video no longer available

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 19, 2020]
RT'd #MAGA brain 🍳 on Trump:
Greek ματαιοτης=vacuum Eph4:17
1Jn2 antichrist
Fails Jn18:36 & 3rd Temptation

Matt24+25 yrly tracks them, pic4 &
Matthew 24-25 Meter - Part 1 | Matthew 24-25 Meter - Part 2
Due to antisemitism, scholars don't know Bible prophecy is Time-metered. It's also in

Talmud San97-99, see pic1

SAD: #MAGA abort God's Word,* end up antisemitic antichrists, eat silly lies Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

*Rev17:9 #7M Falwell sold abortion=murder lie 4power in 1978, Epi14 PB

Youtube: "Gilman Hill Seven Mountains Cruz anointed"

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 18, 2020]
1/4 Dear #MAGA

Trump says RT'd* .@nytimes lies cuz HE LIES: classic USSR ploy

If like me u read tax returns: oh, see his SAME inflated expense games in FEC campaign filings


U can prove he screws u 4 $$

*Long-Concealed Records Show Trump’s Chronic Losses and Years of Tax Avoidance
Tipoff: Aug 2015 GOP debate, DT praises MobPutin

By Dec I saw his Russian $ games via Guardian articles re Soho + sons brag about getting Russian money

I read Trump Fdn Form 990s

FEC filings:
*MILLION$ to fake addresses
*3χ TT campaign rent, AFTER feigning debt forgiveness

*Trumped-up expense pd his LLCs feign success 4new LOANS

*Losses typify $ laundering: Trump also paid its big fines in past yrs via casinos, Google it

1 Set up LLC & fill it w Russian-backed loan $
2 Pay $ to Putin cronies
3 File bankruptcy
4 Write off losses

For Putin, US$ is thus expatriated, a vital hard currency Russia bleeds

Flipside, dirty Russian money pd Trump & recycled via losing ventures, cleans $ for 3rd parties

So 2005+, #SevenMountains Xtian Trump grifters bed Putin; hear THEIR words, pic4 & Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

[Quote chip garrison @chipgarrison · Oct 17, 2020]
@realDonaldTrump Embassy in Jerusalem, peace deals to benefit Israel. Gods chosen people. Son-in-Law is Jewish.‘I will bless people who bless you. I will curse people who curse you. I will bless all the people on the earth through you.’ Gen 12:3 #MAGA2020 I'm with Trump.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 17, 2020]
God says Trump is a curse to Israel. I guess you didn't get The Christ's memo in AD 30, that Our Mutual Dad commissioned Matthew write out Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

Scholar anti-Semitism, stopped us from learning Bible sevening TIME meter since age 5, tho Jews once learned it as kids

[Quote Sen. Marsha Blackburn @MarshaBlackburn · Oct 13, 2020]
The word abortion does not appear in the Constitution.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 14, 2020]
God says fetus=NOT ALIVE in 100s of verses*

So u Trumpers spit on Christ & He disowns u, Matt25:11-12**

*JEWS KNOW Bible says #LifeBeginsAtBirth ➡ +Epi14, PBS: #7M Falwell sold abortion=murder LIE for Rev17 harlot power, 1978 Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

**Matthew 24-25 Meter - Part 1 | Matthew 24-25 Meter - Part 2

[Quote 60 Minutes @60Minutes · Oct 11, 2020]
One criticism of the Lincoln Project’s attempts to convince Republicans to turn against President Trump, is that their messaging is only reaching voters who already dislike the President.

[Quote RRhae🇺🇸 I DISSENT🦅 @goldrrhae · Oct 11, 2020]
I don’t know that the #LincolnProject is “just playing to the choir.” I hear from Republicans I know that they are having an effect.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 13, 2020]
+Fox volk busily advertise The Lincoln Project, to their own Trumpers

Bet: at least 20% of Trumpers hearing Fox, secretly want to rebel against their own side

Cf Radio Free Europe in WWII+

Babylon fell Oct12-13 539 BC when Gobyras shown how to come thru its river w/in the city

Behold the drivel they're given, lo these 15 yrs

Yes, #7M worked that long w Putin, to groom Trump. Append II of book linked below, is a catalog née 2005, of their 'prophecies' re Trump

Trump Prophets' words
Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

If age 18-30? This crap's coming out ur ears!

[Quote Maddow Blog @MaddowBlog · Oct 12, 2020]
Signing on to an ad that calls Roe v. Wade "barbaric" is the sort of thing a judicial nominee is usually supposed to disclose to the Senate while being considered.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 12, 2020]
Joke will be on them 😱
If Roe gone, imagine this SCOTUS brief:
§ Science can't detect the SOUL
§ So it's impossible to know when HUMAN life begins

§ So it's a FAITH q
ie Bible says ➡ #LifeBeginsAtBirth
eg 'born-again', Gen2:7, pics

§🔥So to ban abortion, violates 1st Amend🔥

[Quote The Lincoln Project @ProjectLincoln · Oct 12, 2020]
Donald Trump is not immune. That is a lie.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 12, 2020]
No one can discern Truth absent 1John1:9 used like breathing. People who claim to want Truth but won't use the verse, lie to self & to God

Ergo, they fall for Trump &/or other obvious liars

Test this claim: use the verse & ask God to show you proof in Bible. HE WILL, 2Chron7:14

Christ said 97-99%* of believers in each generation are sterile seed(ling)s. They never become trees, so never MATURE 2bear fruit

A seed only becomes a tree due to what Someone does TO it, John14

So NOT spiritual w/o 1John1:9, see context (verses below)

*reciprocals of seed parable #s

2Pet1:9, see 👉 λαβων?

AHA Translators FORGET to translate it, making the very error Peter laments: they forgot TO TAKE (=λαβων) 'purification' (=naming ur sins while priest cut carotid of animal u TOOK to him for sin) 😱


1 John 1:8-10 (KJV) If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

1 John 1:8-10 ἐὰν εἴπωμεν ὅτι ἁμαρτίαν οὐκ ἔχομεν, ἑαυτοὺς πλανῶμεν καὶ ἡ ἀλήθεια οὐκ ἔστιν ἐν ἡμῖν. 9 ἐὰν ὁμολογῶμεν τὰς ἁμαρτίας ἡμῶν, πιστός ἐστιν καὶ δίκαιος ἵνα ἀφῇ ἡμῖν τὰς ἁμαρτίας καὶ καθαρίσῃ ἡμᾶς ἀπὸ πάσης ἀδικίας. 10 ἐὰν εἴπωμεν ὅτι οὐχ ἡμαρτήκαμεν, ψεύστην ποιοῦμεν αὐτὸν καὶ ὁ λόγος αὐτοῦ οὐκ ἔστιν ἐν ἡμῖν.

2 Peter 1:9 (NAS) For he who lacks these qualities is blind or short-sighted, having forgotten his purification from his former sins. 10 Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble;

2 Peter 1:9 ᾧ γὰρ μὴ πάρεστιν ταῦτα, τυφλός ἐστιν μυωπάζων, λήθην 👉λαβὼν τοῦ καθαρισμοῦ τῶν πάλαι αὐτοῦ ἁμαρτημάτων. 10 διὸ μᾶλλον, ἀδελφοί, σπουδάσατε βεβαίαν ὑμῶν τὴν κλῆσι

1 Corinthians 2:14 (NIV) The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. 15 The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments*

1 Corinthians 2:14 ψυχικὸς δὲ ἄνθρωπος οὐ δέχεται τὰ τοῦ πνεύματος τοῦ θεοῦ, μωρία γὰρ αὐτῷ ἐστιν, καὶ οὐ δύναται γνῶναι, ὅτι πνευματικῶς ἀνακρίνεται· 15 ὁ δὲ πνευματικὸς ἀνακρίνει πάντα, αὐτὸς δὲ ὑπ᾽ οὐδενὸς ἀνακρίνεται.

Psalm 66:18 If I exhibit sin in my heart (mind), the Lord will not hear me

Psalm 66:18 אָ֭וֶן אִם־רָאִ֣יתִי בְלִבִּ֑י לֹ֖א יִשְׁמַ֣ע׀ אֲדֹנָֽי׃

*Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

[Quote Anna Khait @Annakhait · Oct 11, 2020]
Breaking: New information about Benghazi and the deaths of Seal Team 6 and its connection to Obama and Joe Biden, and the 152 Billion “trade deal” with Iran as a coverup was just disclosed at #AMPFEST. Whistleblowers just came forward. Video and audio coming soon. This is HUGE!!

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 11, 2020]
Putin's Chef Prigozhin fakes this crap on social media (runs RIA/IRA) contra .@JoeBiden , via .@RudyGiuliani & .@GenFlynn

Wanna know what it's like to live in Russia? #MAGA live there now: GRIFT+fake data
Liar Trump Prophets' words
Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

cc .@RealJamesWoods

[Quote Ian Miles Cheong @stillgray · Sep 13, 2020]
Antifa and Black Lives Matter militants taunt LAPD and LASD deputies, making remarks about how they’ll rape a cop’s girlfriend like a dog instead of a pig.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 10, 2020]
The only 'antifa' are Trump thugs. Putin* invented 'antifa', pic1

The Silent Coup: Putin vs. the Oligarchs, By Ian Greenhalgh on December 25, 2016
Trump 'Prophets' words
Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)
God's AD30 Reply, text TIMED to Trump yrs: Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity
Bible Meter, Intro & Overview + Bible Meter 101

[Quote Lauren Witzke @LaurenWitzkeDE · Oct 7, 2020]
Most third-world migrants can not assimilate into civil societies.

Prove me wrong.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 10, 2020]
U didn't assimilate. 'Lowest human in 'worst 3rd-world nation, is more American than u. Ur own Rev17:9 harlot words, prove it

Btw, I'm DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution). My IMMIGRANT ancestors ran 4POTUS, were elected to Congress; US cities are named for my families, since 1600s

Go back2 ur swamp 🐊🐡 🐛🐉

This Post is from an account that no longer exists.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 10, 2020]
RT'd: Noem, a #TrumPutin slave, cries 'violence' (by other slaves feigning leftist, pic1)

TrumpGOP replays Putin's 2000-4 takeover of Russia; they both reverse Rev17:9 into a mandate to conquer world
The Silent Coup: Putin vs. the Oligarchs, By Ian Greenhalgh on December 25, 2016
Trump 'Prophets' words
Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

[Quote Mike Murphy @murphymike · Aug 26, 2020]
While often dishonest, Pence gave a very politically effective speech. He drew blood.

[Quote Kevin Benevides @gradybarnes · Aug 26, 2020]
He might be the least inspiring speaker I’ve seen in 3 days. Answer me this. How does he work for a serial philanderer and proclaim his Christianity. God sees all.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 10, 2020]
HOW? #SevenMountains Rev17:9 'Christians' +#ThirdRome Putin, make fake prophecy since 2005*

MSM won't expose it, even given the chance: The Danger of President Pence

*Playlist ⬇⬇ has link to Kindle book I read in vids. Book links to source 'prophet' sites Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

[Quote Kyle Griffin @kylegriffin1 · Oct 9, 2020]
NYT: Trump is planning to host hundreds of people on the South Lawn of the White House on Saturday for his first in-person event since he announced he had tested positive for the coronavirus, three people familiar with the plans said. Saying ‘I Feel Strong,’ Trump Plans Rallies at White House and in Florida

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 10, 2020]
#TrumPutin=Jim Jones Re-Enacted

Blame .@senatemajldr & his antichrist GOP in Congress, who brought US to this dénouement,

yet vow never to be a partisan sheep or take politics for granted, again.

Cuz this crap never happens in a vacuum

[Quote Jesus Christ ® @JesusImpostor · Oct 7, 2020]
The first thing that comes out of Pence's mouth will be a lie.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 7, 2020]
Hence you prewarned "κυριε κυριε", clever double vocative in Matt25:11; its timed text runs 2015-18

2x voc is 3-fold
*Trump+Pence: Putin chose both

NT Anaphora ID trends
Matt24 APOKRINW (judgment) anaphora SEQUENCE 16/18
Bible Meter, Intro & Overview + Bible Meter 101

cc .@vaticanlibrary

[Quote Edward Norton 🌻🇺🇦 @EdwardNorton · Oct 5, 2020]
Please @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris, get on the attack. No quarter in fake sympathy for this fool’s self-inflicted incapacity. Call out his immorality and incompetence with no further pause.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 6, 2020]
#BidenHarris should attack DT, just as Messrs Norton & Wilson urge. THIS IS A WAR TO SAVE LIVES It's not virtue, to be kind. If translators rightly rendered Christ's blistering Greek rhetoric in Gospels, esp Matt25:1 calling believers MORONS (+Trumpers in v11), we'd ATTACK

Matthew 25:11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
Matthew 25:11 ὕστερον δὲ ἔρχονται καὶ αἱ λοιπαὶ παρθένοι λέγουσαι· κύριε κύριε, ἄνοιξον ἡμῖν.

English Matt25:10-12, misleads

Bible text is TIMED since Gen1. Scholars sought meter since 1500s. We found it in 2009

Matt25:10-12 spans 1960-2041, one syllable per yr. God wryly judges Trumpers w Trump's "I don't know" disavowal, in v12

Primer & proof: Matthew 24-25 Meter - Part 1 | Matthew 24-25 Meter - Part 2

[Quote Person of No Importance @DefyGravity36 · Oct 5, 2020]
I've never had a conversation with an anti-semitic person but if I did my first question would be "Why do you hate Jesus?" that would throw them off huh..

[Quote The Lincoln Project @ProjectLincoln · Oct 4, 2020]
Millions of Americans have fought to preserve the freedoms Donald Trump now threatens.
Now it’s our turn.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 5, 2020]
I've had those conversations. They tell you either
a) Jesus wasn't Jewish
b) He is Jewish but today's Jews are not Jews

Antisemitism is 💩. It's why we don't know Bible meter that resolves debate against Jews & Bible, w Divine Wit & Clarity, ie, pics=Bible & Talmud San97-99

[Quote Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · Oct 5, 2020]
I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 5, 2020]
God publicly pours mashed potatoes on u & ur #SevenMountains #TrumPutin harlots, Matt25:12=mimics u

God always sets a person up for a fall. Even did it to Christ

How To Pray=VOTE2GOD
1/3 Prayer
#TrumpVirus #Trumpitis #IMPOTUS

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 3, 2020]
Recall initial #7M-Putin Rev17:9 harlot plan: put Mike Pence in WH

If Pence has covid-19, .@SpeakerPelosi is 3rd in line: that puts Putin in a pickle

If she gets in even 4awhile, their gambits are exposed

Never mess with God, Who begot separation of church&state, in Mosaic Law 😇

[Quote Steven L. Hall @StevenLHall1 · Oct 3, 2020]
Hi, former CIA Chief of Russia Ops here. There is no doubt Russian intel services have intel on Trumps condition. There is no doubt they are working to get more. Oh, and the White House is a counterintelligence nightmare.

[Quote Juliette Kayyem @juliettekayyem · Oct 3, 2020]

What part of this don’t you believe: that Trump team is lax on security and vulnerable or that Russia isn’t interested in Trumps health leading to election they are interfering in. Keep doing what you are doing. It’s working so well for America and the hospitalized Trump.

[Quote Stephen L. Miller @redsteeze · Oct 3, 2020]
CNN analyst.

[Quote Juliette Kayyem @juliettekayyem · Oct 3, 2020]
It is very likely that Russian intelligence agencies -- through signal and human intel sources at Walter Reed, etc -- have more information about the President's condition than we do (though I think we all know how the president is doing.)


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 2, 2020]
God answered my prayer u get the virus, RT'd proof below

Use 1Jn1:9 before it's too late, pic. HE RESCUES ANYONE who uses the verse

Bible is a contract of inheritance, not religion. U don't know that, but God does

God won't need anything from u

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 2, 2020]
Trump Tests Positive for the Coronavirus
I prayed for Trump to get COVID in Twitter, maybe in Febr. I just found a copy of the prayer yesterday in my bookmarks. I'll go find it, on my other phone.

ANYONE CAN PRAY. The rules are very simple, and they don't depend on how good you are: they depend on how good GOD is.

Copy of my prayer (in Mar not Feb):

1/3 on God's Prayer Rules (no $ or good deeds wanted, cuz it's about God Deeds* not good deeds) 1/3 Prayer

*God Deeds Epi1, Truth Be Free God Deeds - Part 1 (GD1~6b)

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Mar 27, 2020]
(1John1:9 b4 prayer)


Trump acts like Herod in Acts 12. Should I ask You to hit DT w virus? What about Pres Xi? Or, Putin?

You know a bad part of me wants them hit, w a TV hookup 24/7, so we can watch them suffer. But that won't benefit You.

What does?


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Sep 27, 2020]

[Quote Bingo Pajama 🫣 @LurkerInTheLoft · Sep 27, 2020]
18 Revelations From a Trove of Trump Tax Records

I know many are sick of me talking God & Bible prophecy, but it's why I'm still alive despite 5 yrs of untreated cancer -- which began 2016, when I learned the prophecy =Thorn doctrine Paul explains in 2Cor12, applies to believers

Matthew 25:11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
Matthew 25:11 ὕστερον δὲ ἔρχονται καὶ αἱ λοιπαὶ παρθένοι λέγουσαι· κύριε κύριε, ἄνοιξον ἡμῖν.

So listen: God WARNED AGAINST #7M=#TrumPutin, pics

#7M harlots who ditched Bible & follow Trump (Matt25:10+11) need a grace period to wake up & recover. It ends 2041=end Matt25:12

Cuz as usual, God's Word is On Trial & w Him, us believers Heb111.htm

Trial Issue: is God, Right? Folks look at US to make that decision

So in Matt 25:12, God warns He will publicly DISOWN #TrumPutin ppl, prequoting one of Trump's famous phrases 'I don't know you' which @TheRickWilson uses as a basis for his 1st book

Could we ask4 more proof? More proof: Trump's tax returns.


Note the since-2015
(=1st syllable of 1st κυριε in Matt25:11, pic3) collection of secretly-received Trump tax data, tracked in this blockbuster: The President’s Taxes: Long-Concealed Records Show Trump’s Chronic Losses and Years of Tax Avoidance

Every1 assoc'd w Trump, is 4ever tainted. By the millions. Scandal of 21st century

See why God forewarned us?

Many get mad at .@nytimes
& other media, for not exposing Trump sooner

But we ignore God Who since 30-88AD, in 6 time-metered NT 'epitome' chaps, MAKES EACH YR CLEAR, to 3243*

*Scholars are anti-Semitic; so even Donald R Vance can't see Bible meter since Gen1=Talmud 7000, pic1

TIME Meter is INTERLINKED pan-Bible BibleHebMeterCharacs.htm
sample inter-book meter tags
God's Play of History: Psalm 90, Isaiah 53, Daniel 9 and Eph1:3-14

TIME meter is in sets of 7; 1st two times cum meter ÷7, are dateline FORMULAS=when text written. Starts Gen1:1, pics

Formulas point back or fwd to famous events,

to inform THEME of the text

Example: Gen1 dateline of 1400BC (prior pics+pics here), reconciles to 1830BC when Israel enslaved, Moses' 1520BC birth, & 2450BC Flood

If Scholars knew that, we'd have saved enuf $ to cure COVID

So Bible meter is worth BILLION$, even if we hated it

NB: God accounts each syllable, so u can prove u have SAME WORDS Moses et al. wrote (proof worth billion$)

So God now flies Rosh HaShana blimp re TRUMP ACCTG, cuz #7M Xtians made DT their lord, Matt25:11

So who accounts better? Lyin' Trump? Or GOD, via Bible they claim to love?

PS real Rosh Hashana ALWAYS begins on autumnal equinox 🌗

Since 70AD, Jews use Seder Olam Rabba; it also omits 346 yrs Israel was under Persia; many Jews know it's ALL wrong

⏳But 'tis easy to fix, so equinoxes & yrs align w Bible, see "EDIT, 3/28/15" in PassPlot.htm

[Quote Colt Sebastian Taylor @ColtSTaylor · Sep 26, 2020]
Surely constitutional scholar @tedcruz knows there were only 8 justices on 2016 and William Rehnquist recused himself in Nixon vs US. I mean.... otherwise that makes him a disingenuous hack, right? Right?

[Quote Ted Cruz @tedcruz · Sep 25, 2020]
Astonishingly dumb idea. One of the biggest reason we will confirm the nominee BEFORE Election Day is to ensure a full 9-Justice majority to resolve any (inevitable) election disputes.

Dems desperately, desperately don’t want that.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Sep 26, 2020]
Cuz .@tedcruz is Bible-illiterate. Calls self & dad, #SevenMountains

That's Bible Rev17:9, pic1. Youtube search "Seven Mountains Cruz anointed"

Putin deploys same conquer-world goal, pics +1st vid (The fall of an empire—the Lesson of Byzantium) in Russia & Ukraine (Playlist)

He sent Patri Kirill on global tour to say so Nov2017

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Sep 25, 2020]

See below. God exposes u my reps as 4ever famous, 4spitting on Christ

Flipside: I'll soon die, 4ever famous4 Bible meter (bad scholars deny it) Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity
Epi14, PBS: #7M Falwell sold abortion=murder LIE 4power Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

Putin created false-flag 'antifa' +'Soros': 2004-9, his #deza pubs began 2use & export them, pic1
The Silent Coup: Putin vs. the Oligarchs, By Ian Greenhalgh on December 25, 2016

2005+, #SevenMountains dominionists began to coord w Putin via 'prophecy' Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

So u are paid by Putin to feign 'patriot', or u are duped

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Sep 23, 2020]
TeaParty=CINO: antichrist conspirator, not conservative

Proof: they call selves #SevenMountains =Rev17:9

YouTube search "Gilman Hill Seven Mountains Cruz anointed"

Same eschatology as Putin expressed in his movie, "Lesson of Byzantium", 1st link below: (playlist URL is no longer available

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Aug 1, 2020]
Prophecy is a timeline. NT writers make it precise, via anaphora
in Matt24+25 tag yrs when:

Wannabe antichrist rises+
Bible find exposes him+
Reformer teaches it

Syllable counts (=# yrs) between anaphora, always ÷7

Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

The 7ing anaphora interact in Bible, to denote recurring trend yrs. Here starting AD30: yrs of War, persecution & antichrists, so we can avoid their traps.

God uses anaphora to say What Time It Is, past present future:
Matt24 APOKRINW (judgment) anaphora SEQUENCE 16/18
Why don't scholars know this 🐒 🙈

[Quote Javier Benítez, MD / Pr(Dz | Data) ≠ Pr(Data | Dz) @jvrbntz · Apr 30, 2020]
Excellent video explanation by @skdh

The Raven Paradox

This is the kind of explanation you should get when learning how scientific reasoning works.


[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 5, 2020]
T'is an inverse correlation 'twixt
A) dogmas of atheism OR theism, &
B) desire to learn real science

If God exists, by definition He'd be
1 BEYOND science
2 AUTHOR of it, &
3 universe REFLECTS His character

4 can't exist, unless God exists

Old pinned-tweet thread⏬

It has bio
info on how to get prayer heard
+ links & useful posts

I'd now be Dem, if their policies worked

I follow & often only RT from .@brainoutREAD

Am in end-stage cancer since + - 2016. Happy, tho. Like a vacay.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Nov 11, 2016]
Only one way to aptly fight, now.
Get into God's System & STAY there, 2Chron7:14, Lev26, Deut28
God's System

#Bible #spirituality

Continued: brainstorming aids re the God Question

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · May 7, 2020]

Yes, evolution; but not Darwin's

.@RichardDawkins can't read Gen1:24-25, Decree of Evolution for flora/fauna (pics), & its 2008 vid translations Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof) + Genesis 1 Meter

CHANGE requires 1+ immateriality dimensions: change can't BE material, til done

Key 'evolutionary' change must occur IMmaterially, until enuf iterations produce a viable material outcome. Think of fractals

Once 'enuf', organisms equipped w the changes 'appear', acctg for punctuated equilib, etc*

*String vibration frequency is posited as cause of matter

Potentials are IMmaterial. They stop being potentials, once they EXIST

So goes Math101, set theory, Physics101. We can't deny this & be 'scientifc'

Infinity is a stasis, depicted by sideways 8. It's the only way +1 can occur. See why?

NB u still don't need to say, 'God exists'

So .@RichardDawkins
can NOW prove claims (sans childish illiteracy). He just didn't pay attention to commonalities w biology, math & physics other atheist scientists, well know 😍

Omniscience & omnipotence would be UNFAIR & UNTRUE, if God can't "set it & forget it" 😘

So, 'godless' evo: akin to ToE talks* by David Tong, Leonard Susskind, .@bgreene , Richard Feynman:

Immaterial energy, hums; ergo material, tunes

*Tong & Greene talks: Physics playlist



Theistic version: God hums (Bible Gen1 Matt4, etc God thinks/speaks a thing into existence)

Diff twixt the 2 versions?

*Personhood/free will is an attribute set, only if God (Uncontained Person) exists

*Justice can only exist, if Personal God exists

The 2 diffs are IMmaterial

Also try

We aren't Stepford wives, so no need to sell 'God'. There's only need to think thru what 'God' means, via JUSTICE as litmus. For unless God exists, Justice can't exist.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Sep 4, 2020]
Detoxifying Sin

1 We misdefine sin, as a 'me be good' issue. But ATTEMPT TO MAKE SELF GOOD=sin; Gen3 temptation, daily replays

2 Bible's def of 'sin'=our def of congenital illness, viz "born in sin", Rom 5:12, Rom3:23

3 Cuz Rom3:23 again, even if 'perfect', we're sooo small

4 So God would make us HOLY BIG LIKE CHRIST: Isa53:10-12, Rom9, Col1, Eph1, Heb

5 Only God could do it. But He won't do it, except as we consent, daily

6 Thinking like Christ, Matt4:4's living on Taught Bible, makes us like Christ Whose Thinking Paid For Sin, Isa53:10-11, Heb11

7 So put urself in God's place. That's what Bible's for. God's will=θελημα is to make u like Him, Eph1 pics. Blue superscript #s=AD eg 337 Constantine dies mid-Firstfruits=Pentecost

HE ALONE made u, brags about it in 500 verses prolifers caint read

So what's it like, to BE God?

8 Being God, means no needs. But no value being God if not happy, the only of a kind

So 'God' must at least be Triune, to infinitely express LOVE, pic

So LOVE Freedom Truth Justice Beauty Humor, all exist. They could not & should not exist, if no God to HAPPILY make/ensure them

9 Such Triune God would have beautiful thinking.

Infinite expression due to Tri-Unity can make finity, a mechanism of Love.

Expressions to sentient finity could convey the beautiful thinking in a way finity could also learn & enjoy.

For purpose of creation could only be, Love.

[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jan 17, 2020]

It is sunset, in TrumpAmerica.

In the past hour, our national debt rose $2 billion,

while 200 more brown toddlers in TrumpBorderCages, chase cockroaches for dinner.

Their moms, separated & desperate, beg once again to see their young; but instead, are raped or given
TrumpFoil as blankets, on the wet concrete floor.

200 Midwest farmers bankrupted today, from TrumpTariffs.

They wearily exit TrumpBanks: having sold their lands for pennies, to TrumpCronies.

One, shot himself

Also shot, 20 TrumpSoldiers: Russian IED shrapnel, stabbed them
Their deaths, are not reported. The 20 families affected -- Hispanic, black, Asian -- receive no word, from TrumpWH.

At Trump International Hotel in DC, 200 #SevenMountains =Russian #ThirdRome TrumpXtians, toast their POTUS.

It is sunset in TrumpAmerica, as vultures gather.

Brainout's last private email to me regarding events leading up to 2025:

[Wed, Nov 2, 2022, 2:27 AM]

It's a very interesting perspective. From what I can tell in the prophecy, Russia is really Mongol. They started in 1239 when they razed Kyiv. So the Ukrainians basically split into those loyal to the new regime & those who were still enemies.

Poland and Lithuania come along in 1350 rescue Kyiv and razed the Mongols, who went to what we now call Moscow. That was after Ivan Kalita died, who was the first Mongol usurper calling himself Ukrainian.

When they moved North they tried to take over the territory and failed, so that's why they founded what we call Moscow, sometime in the 1400s. Ivan III in 1472, married the last Constantinople princess; he calls himself Third Rome. They literally built the seven hills in order to fit the title.

Putin markets it, and says that the Apocalypse is him. They started that talk in 2014 with a movie, Lesson of Byzantium, The fall of an empire--the Lesson of Byzantium

He's very serious about it. He tells the people in Russia that they are in a fight for their lives and they will either collapse or win. IN EITHER CASE THEY GO TO HEAVEN AND NOBODY ELSE DOES.

The head of RT, Margarita Simonyan, just repeated that on Russian television in the last week or so.

Doesn't seem to dawn on anybody, that's Revelation 17. The American Maga crowd behind Trump, are very much into the same thing. From what I can tell, they aligned with Russia in 2005 maybe earlier. That's when they started hiring 'prophets' to claim Trump was chosen by God to take over the world.

[redacted] are traditionally Jewish names whether German Jewish or Russian Jewish. Now if that's not true in your case, it will be helpful because the pogroms are coming by 2030.

The Arabs are involved in that too because they think that Issa equals Christ returns in 2046; so they have to get the world subdued by then or they believe he will do it.

So no matter how this thing between Russia and Ukraine transpires, we got wars coming up through the next 40 years.

That's really what the Matthew 24+25 prophecy ends up saying. Big surprise. I was finally able to prove it in April. So that's why God's keeping me around so I can explain it to people. But nobody's interested.
