DDNA subpages: ["You, in Me!" table] [Isa53:10-12, this page] [Introduction, this page] [A Production to Love, this page] [God's Soliloquy] [1st Aspect: What DDNA is & 'sires'] [King's Body, King's Riches] [King's Riches, King's Love] [King's Love, King's Riches: On Trial!] [King's Victory, King's Beloved Booty] [1st Aspect, Summary] [2nd Aspect: DDNA isn't Bulimia, but Balance] [3rd Aspect: how DDNA blesses others, forever] [4th Aspect: So we inherit His Isa53:10-12 Contract] [DDNA, the True Grail] [Exo6:20 and Jochebed] [About Bible Mistranslation

Divine DNA! Doctrinal DNA! The LOVE Contract of Isa53:10-12

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If you're not already familiar with the "God's System" link contents (at pagetop), you might want to read it before reading this page, as that System is the reason for this page (what God does TO you as a result of you living in His System). If you've not got the time, a too-brief recap of that link follows below. Living in His System is characterized by Five (very simple) Elements. The first Element is a one-time event; the others are eventually supposed to be 'living' in you, 24/7. It is up to you whether you want to take advantage of these Elements. You will never be coerced.

We Christians generally have no idea how powerful is this Royal Spiritual Life, for the sake FATHER FIRST, and then for all mankind: what is the "surpassing" power and privilege of the spiritual inheritance God hath wrought in Christ and for the SAKE of Christ, Ephesians 1. So: if you think you understand the above text on God's System well enough to read further, then strap on your seatbelt, for...

An Introduction to Love

Man doesn't know Love. So man needs to be introduced TO Love. For, man always wins the war, and loses the peace. That, because Adam lost peace when he distrusted God, and ate the stupid fruit. So we've been warring, ever since. Worse, when the Eden couple ate that fruit, they went from being mature adults (which is how God made them), to being perennially childish. So we have been, ever since. Our religions, our politics, our philosophy and other 'wisdom' are just so many bleating babes in the sandbox, each one trying to one-up someone else; each one trying to regain that lost peace. We were not created that way. But we have been that way, ever since Gen3; when the first two souled humans, genius, mature, cultured, civilized, engaged in scientific research of flora and fauna, decided that some stupid fruit would make them as smart as God, Gen3:5. And so we've been fruitful, alright -- with childish, warring notions! Ever since.

When you're five years old, you need "commandments" to teach you the difference between true good, and what your child's mind considers 'good' -- the good of that evil tree, the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan's tree. Satan is childish -- though compared to us he's of godlike maturity -- and would like it very much if we all stayed childish, too. So when you're 50 years old, you STILL don't know the difference between true good and that stupid tree -- but GIVE commandments, demanding they be obeyed. Hence we don't know Love at all, and instead we war in the name of a Love we don't know anything about, everyone telling everyone else what to do: aka, religion, Gen3:5 and Gen 3:11. "Who denounced you for being naked?" the Lord rhetorically asked Adam. [Corrected translation. See last bullet in "About Bible Mistranslation" link at pagetop, for more details.] Well, it was Satan who denounced him. Adam knew that, but wouldn't admit it. For, children can't stand being naked, they feel vulnerable. So the Word has been covered up, ever since; so we have been WARRING over it, ever since.

Time to look at the naked truth: God didn't make our souls and biological DNA, for childish warring. He made us to be ADULTS, and for PEACE. "Peace", Hebrew shalom and Greek eirene, really first mean PROSPERITY -- which comes from first HAVING a state of peace. "Reconciliation" is how one GETS a state of peace; which the Bible stresses, e.g., Job 22:21, Luke 12:58, 1Cor7:11, 2Cor5:20. [Greek and Hebrew wordplay is Divorce Trial, husband-wife, metaphorically depicting God-creation: phenomenal! TSK database in BibleWorks (for Luke 12:58) did a great job collecting related verses, so you see the vast scope of meaning.] "Reconciliation", of course, requires a DESIRE to make peace, and a REASON to do so. Which means, you have to ACCOUNT the pro's and con's; which means you need to be SUFFICIENTLY INFORMED. Hence we have a Bible, God's Due Diligence Love Contract to mankind. So Man Can Find Reason To MAKE Peace.

Of course, you can't even get peace in reconciling your checkbook until you can account for every last penny. You can't get peace with God until you can ACCOUNT how He is. You can't ACCOUNT how He is, if you are at war with Him, but you should account that whatever bothers you, would 'bother' Him MORE -- so He must have RECONCILED a PEACEFUL SOLUTION. Because, God has to see it forever, whereas you will forget. So God's Accounting must be PERFECT and INFINITE. Ours, of course, is not. So we war. God doesn't: He doesn't have to war. He mimics our warring by 'warring' with us, but that's only to bless us, Heb12:5-11, James 4:6, 1Pet5:5-7. Hmmm. Wait a minute! If God doesn't war, then there is an answer we don't know about, which if we did know about it, we would be reconciled, peaceful, prosperous. But Religion never accounts for anything. So knows nothing. Hence childishly wars with everything.. in the name of God, of course!

But due to Adam's fall, religion is all we know. So we have a Catch-22: we are totally incapable of learning shalom and eirene, until and unless, we get Replacing DNA. For when Adam sinned, he perpetuated those sin urges on biological material, since the body is imprinted with the soul's thinking, Gen2:17+Rom5:12+1Cor15:22+"flesh" verses. Paul sketches out this problem and its solution, throughout the Book of Romans. So the soul HAS a reason to make peace with God, John 3:16. "For God loved the world SO MUCH that He gave His Uniquely-Born Son, with the result that whosoever ONCE believes in Him, shall NEVER perish, but have [God's Own] Eternal Life." God didn't make Adam and the woman to trash them up, but to build them up. Sin didn't stop His Plan to build man up, either. Religion can't account for all that, but the Bible can. And, does. To anyone who wants to make peace with God, the Bible is an open book. Just ask Him to guide you in your reading of it. You don't even need a cellphone. But you do need to at least suspect that God just might have TOTAL REASON for what He's allowing and doing. And, you need to WANT to know His Reasons. He'll do the rest...

For the only cure for our deaths, warring, and childishness.. is DDNA, Divine DNA -- to replace the corrupted, soul-enacted DNA we acquire during our lives. Only the naked truth is, God's Divine DNA does way more than merely restore us to the pre-Fall status. OH NO. That's not enough for God, Who by the way, never intended that we even STAY in the same state as Adam was created. Hence the Last Adam, Who got filled up with All DDNA, especially during the Cross. So that we become the Very DDNA Of God, 2Cor5:17+:21, aka "sons of God in Christ Jesus", Gal3:26 -- which we become, that very first nanosecond we FIRST believed in Christ as the Sole Payor of our salvation, John 3:16.

So we can stop warring, Rom6-8. So we can grow UP, 2Pet3:18, Eph3:15-19, Eph 4:11-16. So we can see God's naked Love Contract in all its glory, a contract which we also get for OUR future, Isa53:10-12 & John 17. What follows will outline some of the salient features of this contract and what it's designed to do TO us. Wholly run, by God Himself. So we can HAVE peace from our incessant, childish, warring urges that we can or should 'do' something: aka, religion. Stand still and watch the deliverance of the Lord...

DDNA's Divine Physics Transmutation Formula:
By Divine Design per Isa53:10 thru 12, +John 17 +2Pet3:18 +John 3:16 yields
2Cor5:17+21+Titus 3:5 +Gal3:26 yields
Eph1:19+20, +2Pet1:3 (dia tes epignwsews) +Rev1:6+1Pet2:5+9 yields
1Jn1:9+Eph5:18+Eph4:11 thru 16 yields
1Pet5:5 thru 7, +2Pet3:18 (as thinking pattern) yields
1Cor1:5+1Cor1:10+1Cor12:31 thru 1Cor13:13 yields
Rom12:1 thru 3, +Gal4:19+1Cor13:10a thru 12, +Col3:16 yields
Rom5:5+Eph3:15 thru 19, +2Cor5:14 thru 21 (as thinking pattern) yields
EQUALS: 1Cor2:16+1Phili1:20+21+Col 1:27 +Luke8:8+5:10 +Rev5:10. Forever.

Notice how the above verses form Royal Serving Stem of goblet, or dining plate; that Royal Stem design is classic, and you'll find it used from ancient through modern times. Heh. The 'fingers' to hold the stem elegantly, fit around the third-for-Trinity line, which is the Trinity Corporation's Divine Design making you a Son of God in Christ Jesus. That's what holds everything IN the goblet or dining plate. Double-heh. [For more on why I coined the moniker "Trinity Corporation", which is actually what 2Cor13:14 says in the Greek via the deft placement of Greek monadic articles, see DueDisclosure.htm. When you load the page, click on the link "Hupostasis, in Trinity". Nerd Note: in math and chemistry, an arrow is used to mean "yields", to show how a group of variable values "yield" a result. So what follows the "->", is the RESULT of what happened prior. Problem is, I don't know how to make that arrow sign look good in html. So remember "yields" above means the arrow. There are more verses than these completing the formula, obviously.]

Biology has its own 'physics', just as quarks do. Frankly, there's a whole lot of similarity between the nature and behavior of a cell, compared to an atom. But do you have to become a biologist or physicist, to understand God? Well, Adam was being trained in biology for just that reason, but Christ is the last Adam, so -- heck YES! So, you gotta become expert WITHIN God's System, with THE Expert Holy Spirit, teaching you 24/7 so to become LIKE the Last Adam, theme of 2Cor5, Rom6-8, 12 (especially Chapters 8 and 12), Hebrews Chaps 5-10, all of Ephesians (esp. 3:15-21, 4:11-16).

So if you already happen to have any knowledge of math, biology and/or physics (etc.), use them when you learn Bible; for everything spiritual, there is a secular counterpart, and ALL parts fit together in one seamless Whole. Hence there are, enfin, no mixed metaphors -- everything is paradigmal of everything else, whether you're talking the structure of a galaxy, or the structure of a hurricane; or the structure of the polity God Wants To Gift You For All Eternity ("inherit the kingdom" and "true riches" verses in NT). So, then: look for the underlying PATTERNS, especially when learning Bible.

So here are physics-related links in some of my other websites, in case you want to pursue the physics metaphor before reading further. [Someday I need to amalgamate the physics analogy into one page, but that will take a long time for me to do.] It's faster to just type in the page name at the end of the address line in your browser, so the html page names are here listed.

Now, let's return to the DDNA metaphor, since DDNA really IS what happens to us, in God's System. By Divine Design. So Why Why Why? If you want to do proper science, you must begin with the WHY. Else, you chase your tail.

If you could dramatize God's message to the human race in a movie soliloquy,
His message would go something like this..
click here for God's Soliloquy.

So the Bible Truth is, God WANTS to make free beings with His Own DDNA. So let's examine more closely HOW His Goal works to solve our limitations. You've probably noticed that a lot of structures in life look alike: triangular, square, etc. These happen in nature, too, and whether crystalline or animal, you've got basic types of structures which are very similar in shape or some other critical factor. A guy recently on Charlie Rose was talking about his new book, which shows the elegance of human anatomy, from the skeletal structure, to nerve endings, to cardiovascular system: he posited that there are basically Seven Designs In All Of Nature, which keep repeating themselves. Seven, the Divine Promise Number. Yeah, Elegantissimo.

So God's Basic Design for all life is very similar, and MODULAR. Which makes both mutation and correction, structurally elegant. Just like He is. Genes, for example, are between 80%-90% or more alike among very disparate lifeforms. So it's likewise elegant to remember that "DNA" is an INSTRUCTION SET (in your genes) which is responsible for making every cell in your body. The "DNA" isn't just of one type, either. In all events, each type of DNA in you is a living architectural manual; and if there were even one 'typo' in that manual, You Would Be Different. Much more about biological DNA is said in the "Production to Love" section, following this one.

Your Very Biology, Just Like Your SOUL, Depends Entirely On Instruction. So You Are Made Due To Instruction. So You Are Engineered Or Changed Based On Instruction. Change the instruction, and you change the nature. So if you have a sin nature (and we all do from birth, Rom5:12, 1Cor15:22), then if God changes that DNA to 'His' DDNA, then your very nature changes, too. It already happens in biology. But here, we're talking 'DNA' of the soul. The instructions YOU have programmed into your soul. You know, all those temptations given into, the ignorance still present, the prejudices, weaknesses, works-pride strengths. Lots of reprogramming needed, in all of us.

God can do all the reprogramming our souls need. He doesn't want us to try to do it, because His Goal is way HIGHER than our puny idea of what needs fixing (and we'd botch it, anyhow). For He made a contract with God the Son to MAKE SONS, in Isa53:11. No amount of sin can stop Him from His DDNA plan being realized, since the very contract uses sin to ACHIEVE the Goal of making sons from the Son! I tell you, the day I saw Isa53:11 in the LXX and was able to prove its import all over the New Testament, I died and went to heaven, so to speak. Have been living there, ever since. Paul was talking about Isa53:11, for example, when exulting in the last half of Romans 5 and beginning of Romans 6. Specifically, by comparing the two 'gifts' (Adam's fall versus Christ's Rise), he ties Isa53:11's contract to Isa53:12's result, so then starts Chapter 6 with, what, shall we sin so Grace may abound the more? Heh. (I can't wait to meet Paul in heaven. Well, everyone who wrote Scripture. What Wit!)

And now hear this! Any sins, any shortfall, can't but be MUTATIONS of the initial state of the soul when He created it at birth (thus making at that moment, a human being, same process and order as Gen 2:7). So if mutations from an initial state, then Those Mutations Can Be Reversed Or Even Improved -- i.e., converted into DDNA. Again, this already happens in biology, and is called "genetic engineering". So if biological mutations can be reversed, how much more, a soul mutation? And then from there, convert to DDNA? God Alone can do this. But which way? Forcibly, or.. by creature choice? Well, we know Love doesn't love forcing anything. So Omnipotent Love wants to CONVERT everything to DDNA, but.. at our option, since we have free will, and hence can refuse. So we can choose as much or as little DDNA as we want. Sure, we can't do anything with it when we have it: it's Divine, get it? God CAN do with it. Our choice, the Spirit's Power in God's System. Whew! [One of the big surprises of the later spiritual life is that you are full of Doctrine, but really just as helpless as when you were a nubie. Your body is a living proof of Romans 8, unable to respond to the spiritual knowledge, and you live on sheer Holy Spirit power.. Alone. Very ironic. When you are weak, you finally are strong!]

So the first reason why God's DDNA plan works is due to the nature of 'soul DNA' being a Volitionally-Created Instruction Set Which Can Be Volitionally Reprogrammed. Now, to the second reason why God's DDNA plan works: the nature of God's Own 'DDNA'. And all of His DDNA, is based on God's Nature being LOVE. His Love is His Integrity, as my pastor frequently explains: all other Attributes are Characteristics of His Love. It's not hard to see why. God being Infinite, has no needs which can ever interfere with Love; but if He chose to stop Loving, then even if all needs were met, life would not be worth living. Hatred destroys -- the nature of hatred depends on destruction, for its own survival. By contrast, Love builds (i.e., 1Cor13:4ff): God BEING Love, doesn't even need an object, to express Love. As per 1Cor13:4ff, Love by nature Preserves, Restores, Propagates. And most of all, supports Truth. No room for hatred, then, if God is Omniscient. Wow, what a Divine Genome!

Click here for 'sidebar' corollaries related to Love being God's Integrity.

So because God is Love and Omniscient, God cannot in any way become unhappy. So is at all times, Absolutely Happy. It's His Natural Status Quo. Infinitely sinless, therefore (sin is motivated by a seeking of happiness in all events). He can't be tempted to sin, because being Infinite, He infinitely knows what sin would be, so finds it always totally unattractive, always UNenjoyable. Righteousness is Glorious, Enjoyable. Sin, is not. So God would never enjoy sin, doesn't find it pleasant, and can't be tempted in any way. Because, there's no possible permutation of Truth which could be tempting; and all lies of any kind are forever unattractive.

Of course, since God is Infinite, Truth is one of His Characteristics, not merely something He knows -- Truth therefore must be infinite, and hence FULL-SPECTRUM. Truths, in short, are like math formulas, the REALITY of relationships, in whatever permutation of variable value would or could or wouldn't or couldn't, exist. So Truth is THOUGHT in which All Potential Or Actual Variables Are Valued Correctly. Since valued correctly, nothing is too good, nothing is too bad; nothing is too big, and nothing too little, either. So also, Truths about what would be bad, aren't unpleasant, because they ARE Truths. Same, for Truths about what would be good. Truths about what works well. Truths about what doesn't. So God would be Infinitely Happy with the Truth, even if the content of the Truth wasn't always itself a pleasant thing. So God wouldn't WANT to ever sin no matter what hellish truths there would be. And Would Never Want To Gerrymander Truth. Because to gerrymander truth, God would have to hate the Truth. Sin is always a hatred of the Truth in some form, and remains forever unattractive to God.

Hence, God has Infinite Love FOR Truth, no exceptions. Love in God, is a Characteristic He Always Chooses. Although God is uncreated, He is Personhood, and hence has Will. Love is a perennial Attitude of His Will, timeless: "God is Love". But note how, God could NOT be Love, if not Infinite. But since Infinite, therefore Infinite Love. Never changes, always CHOSEN, never influenced by anything or anyone else. So Absolute, and Undentable. Hence, Infinitely Happy. So that happiness is likewise a characteristic, and undentable.

Click here for 'sidebar' corollaries related to God's Love of even hellish truths.

So here's the DDNA dilemma -- but also (how richly ironic!) its Permanent Solution: What's Not Infinite, Cannot Be Happy. So if God creates, whatever He creates, would not be Infinite. That's a truth, for Finity Is The Opposite Of Infinity, So Finity Cannot Be Happy alone. Moreover, since God is Infinite and hence FREE, Then It's Unhappiness To Not Be Free. So, then: how can God create a finite soul which is happy? Only if, That Soul Is Designed To Be Connected To God Via Shared Thinking in such a way that, without compromising freedom, That Soul Itself Would Never Also Want To Sin. Wouldn't matter that the soul was less powerful, wouldn't matter how many souls there were; wouldn't matter what kind of outer environment the soul had, so long as the INNER environment was sufficiently SHARED with God. For then, the happiness which is Infinity can be shared -- cycling, so to speak, in the soul thus enabled. Freely.

So let's recap, to see the SOLUTION to this dilemma. God's DDNA plan works on our soul DNA, because the nature of our soul DNA, is volitional. So deciding to get in and stay in God's System, is also volitional, hence what we learn under the Spirit can be used to re-engineer our souls to make us DDNA-compatible. Second, the plan works because of the nature of God's Own DDNA: it's LOVE in a 'composite' structure characterized by His Other Attributes, such that each 'dot' of Truth learned is a 'dot' of ALL His Attributes. So: above all His DDNA plan works, because Love is inviolate; therefore Happiness is inviolate; and Happiness is due to Infinity, and Truth.

So The More Truth We Learn, The More We TRANSMUTE: Romans 12:1-3, Greek (especially the clause "as God has assigned to each one (under a pastor), a standard of thinking From Doctrine"). Because, the more Truth we learn, the more Love is built in us (1Cor13, Rom5:5), so the more Free we become (Gal5:1), so the HAPPIER we become. Freely. [Whenever you see the word "blessed" in English Bibles, just retranslate it to the correct term, "happiness" -- usually, in the plural. Happinesses. God's Happinesses in you. This happiness is also likened to booty, the booty of His Thinking. For example, Isa53:12 (LXX) uses the term merizw, and Paul references it in Eph4:16 and in Romans 12:3. The latter epistle was earlier, so you can see from Eph4:16 what was meant in Romans 12:3. You only get your share through a pastor, a "haphe" (Eph4:16's Greek): who is matched to a congregation. "Haphe" in Greek means joints in the body (i.e., your knees) -- concept that certain ligaments only go with certain joints. So a pastor is matched to his sheep who hear his voice. Personally matched, part of the spiritual giftset each individual receives at salvation. People who think the doctrine of Right Pastor is some kind of cultic invention wouldn't know their Bible if it bit them. Very sad, because they miss out on the greatest spiritual life ever granted to the human race by refusing to sit under whomever God Appointed For Them As A Gift To Them! You don't even have to know the Bible to realize this doctrine is valid: when you get saved, one of the first thoughts occurring to you is Who Will Teach Me? That thought happened to me when I was an incredibly STUPID freshman in college, which was the first year I knowingly believed the Gospel. Many other believers can tell you the same kind of story. God Causes You To Know You Need A Teacher. So a person must reject God, to come up with the wacky idea he doesn't need a particular teacher. Oh well. We all have our sticking points. See 1Peter 5:5-7 for a more blatant statement that you need to be under your own God-appointed pastor. Right and wrong teaching is surely an obvious issue: so you would naturally want to find the right teacher for you, and would naturally want to ASK GOD who that person should be. Even without Bible backup to tell you these facts. Oh well.]

In short, creation can only be happy, to the extent that God 'clones' His Truth into it. Which cloning process, is you living in God's "henotes" -- His System, as Eph4:11-16 deftly outlines in the Greek. For a corrected translation of that passage, see Eph41216.htm. So: Truth means creation must be free, hence this 'cloning' "henotes" (System) must be CHOSEN by that creation. Which itself, can't make the cloning happen, can't make it cycle, can't make it achieve anything -- only God at all times would be able to do that, since finity wouldn't even begin to know HOW to do anything which is opposite to its own nature.

But wait! He won't gerrymander either Truth or Freedom, so how can He make a forever-sinless, soul? The sinlessness is a necessary base for compatibility to SHARE God's Truth Thinking. Even if sinless, one needs to grow up spiritually, since God is not finite, so is Infinite Spirituality. Which you know for a fact, since Christ was always sinless, yet He had to grow up. The Last Adam, He. Just like the first Adam, there is a need to Grow Toward Infinity. So here's the problem sin created for the first Adam and his progeny: sin severs the needed spiritual connection TO grow, Gen2:17 (Hebrew -- English translations are bad). So if severed, the rapport with God can't be had: Adam Died Spiritually, which is why we die physically. Hence the two-pronged problem deftly written in Romans 3:23: "for all have sinned, AND COME SHORT of the Glory of God." God is Infinite, therefore infinitely Happy, therefore Infinitely Glorious. We can't share the Glory of Him, being finite; and being sinners at birth (it's a genetic defect, which is why we are prone to sin), we are cut off from God (theme of Eph2) -- so we have no way to GET a relationship with Infinite God.

Now you know why there was a Cross: the Son is the prototype Soul. God the Son Added Humanity to Himself, known to history as Jesus the Christ; but instead of using His Deity or His Humanity to stay sinless, RECEIVED TRUTH from the Holy Spirit, Who Developed and Connected It All IN the Humanity of Christ. Who then Bore All Sin Merely By Thinking that Truth (covered at length in the Four Aspects, later on). So now you have a Forever Sinless Soul Which Can Be Replicated Into Any Other Soul Who Wants His Thinking. Takes a lifetime, of course, to learn this Thinking. So, it's a re-engineering, a cloning of thought, for purposes of rapport: which Jesus the Christ prayed for on behalf of all the world, in John 17. When you first believe in Christ, the "born from above" statement in John 3:7 is a real thing. At that moment, you have a DDNA Structure on which the DDNA Function is to be built, theme of Romans 8:1-10. [It's not born again, but born from above. John 3:7 isn't translated properly. So I'll use "born again" often in my sites because it gets tiresome to keep typing the correct translation, "born from above".]

The Cross therefore accomplished FAR more than simply paying for all mankind's sins. Since He first BECAME the Truth and then due to His Love for Father (and us) Went Through the Cross, both Love and Truth Fully Wedded In His Humanity. Therefore, Truth and Love can be wedded in US. That is the Primary Message in the New Testament. The enormity of this DDNA accomplishment cannot be overstated. Now you know why Paul and other NT writers use "Love" as a metaphor for "Word" as a metaphor for "Christ". Why "Christ in you" verses are actually Depicting His Thinking in you -- blatant statement of HOW the John 17 prayer would be fulfilled ("Sanctify them in..Word" clause in John 17). So, His Soul's Thinking, which we can learn, means we can learn both Truth and Love HIGHER than any other group of believers in history. That Church has the highest spiritual life legated from Him is clear from Ephesians and Hebrews, and of course I've been learning about it under my pastor for over 30 years. That you can document why this is true, occupies the bulk of Part IV of the "Thinking" series. Hence the Wedding demonstration of LOVE for Trial purposes (the topic of 1Jn4:12-16) via Church, means we are also the biggest targets for Satan&Co. For with us, God's side in the Trial effectively ends, and the Rapture follows: of course, no one knows when (nor can anyone know, it's spiritual-growth dependent).

But how can God make what in essence, are 'sons' from this Son? Well, look: you are reading the words on this page. They remain on the page, yet have REPLICATED in your head, as well. So now 'sons' of those words are playing in your head as you ponder them, muse them: you are MIXING your own soul's being with the words, and a MUTATION is occurring. More properly, a Birthing Of New Thoughts, which reflect and hence are 'sons' of both 1) the thoughts in you prior to reading, and 2) the thoughts on the page. So the two parents have birthed children, which are some mix of the two parents. DNA, the instruction set itself, is a MIX from those parents. So DDNA, The Divine Instruction set, 'mixes' in your soul, run by the Holy Spirit for as long as you are in God's System, thus realizing the "transformation" Paul explains in Romans 12:1-3 (Greek: English is badly mistranslated). Transmutation, actually: the only kind of 'evolution' which can ever exist, since no set ever contains itself, and nothing can ever contain God. So the longer and the more you grow in God's System, the bigger you will become as a spiritual being, with the Truth changing your thinking to become more and more like His. Conversely, the more and longer you REJECT growing in God's System, the SMALLER you will become as a spiritual being. Forever. There is no middle ground, but so long as you are breathing you can change your mind and get IN God's System.

Aha. Now you know why we have a BIBLE. And now you know why the Bible, is ATTACKED. God's Truth is in WRITING. So, it mixes with your soul when you learn it in God's System, parenting Christ in you, the confident expectation of Glory, Col 1:25-27, which is a climactic statement of how the believer being DDNA-transmuted, beats Satan&Co. in the Angelic Trial. God's Truth, DDNA: all those math relationships of REALITY, can get into our heads, main theme of 1Cor. Which we choose, but cannot produce: we are His Production, for only God can make gold, silver, precious stones (main point in 1Cor2 and 3).

Since we have a Completed New Testament to get His Humanity's DDNA FULLY built in us (Greek keyword "Pleroma", Eph4:13, 3:19); since we can prove historically that religion kidnapped it, pretended it wasn't completed, and did everything to destroy the Whole Bible -- but it's freed up, now; expect Satan&Co. to play political football, lest you become serious about Scripture.

For, Divine Love is on Trial. Satan wants to argue God is unable to fulfill His Promise of growing enough believers to Pleroma (=NT term for fullness of Christ, playing on the Greek impregnated-by-a-god connotation). Hence, on God's part, the process requires a long period of lingering, delicate operations on the soul in accordance with its free-will consent. That's Love, baby. DDNA Love. Question is, Will We Grow To Love God?

Hence God's Love and therefore Bible His Word, is feared, reviled, attacked. In the minds of men, in the arguments of Satan. For "God is Love". IS, not has or acquired or grew to or learned. IS, not 'feels'. So does He really Love His Creation, or is He using "love" like a weapon, to dominate (same argument as Gen3:5)? Is the Bible a bludgeoning instrument, or the very means of healing, making you INTO the Most High, Himself?

God of course has always 'seen' the future simultaneously with the past, so all those accusations perennially against Him are forever in His 'ears'. Yet, He doesn't zap anyone. Why? Well, as noted earlier, Omniscience Knows The Whole Truth, And Infinitely. And still Loves. So there's no 'cause' which 'motivates' or 'generates' His Love, really. Any object, no object. Transitive, or intransitive. Because, God is Absolute. Infinity is Absoluteness, not spatial. Each God. You can 'anthropopathize' a statement of 'motive', to better understand why God wills as He does, but technically, He Just Loves.

For Absolute Love Means There Are Always Reasons for His Love Attitude; further, that No Reason Can Ever Be Sufficient To Warrant Not Loving. Hence nothing He knows -- and He knows Everything, whether real or potential, impossible or possible -- Nothing He Knows, Argues Against This Love.

God's DDNA Goal Is For Us To Think As He Does, At HIS LEVEL, John 10:34, quoting Psalm 82:2ff -- for God wants FELLOWSHIP. It's His Nature. More Intimate Love, thus: not less. For our sakes. He doesn't need to be One with Us, since He already is. But in our souls, we are not united with Him. So: our testimony in the Trial at the Pleroma level is that nothing unseats the Love.

Because Love, loves Truth. Truth, to BE Truth, must be Free. God is also Truth. God is also Free. So all truths, must be free to exist. Good truths, bad truths, any truths, because truths. So anything that exists, is thereby, sufficient reason!

Now perhaps you can see why God's Love truly is Integrity: the most powerful force in the universe. So He has Every Reason to linger lovingly over us, no matter what we've done or not done or thought. Shocking! So He has Every Reason to make us as Righteous as He is, that first nanosecond we first believe in Christ, 2Cor5:21! More shocking! And He has Every Reason, To Clone His Son's Thinking Into Us Precisely Because We Are As Righteous As God, Romans 8 (esp. v.4, the theme)! Most Shocking!

Conclusion: God Who Loves that much, either has Total Reason, And Nothing Can Ever Impinge On His Love, or.. God is crazy beyond measure. God's self-styled adversaries think God is crazy. So, God is portrayed as being crazy, by every movie, most every remark, every popular faith ever on this planet, ever since time began. Insulting and deprecating, are our 'normal' attitudes toward God. Reflecting our demonic handlers' teaching (1Tim4:1, 2Tim2:3-4), who sell Him that way. [See godnotmag.htm for a list of religious insanities. Then, presuming you don't have a month to spend in a hotel room, I already did something like that, which might speed thus your own brainstorming: results are in the "God's Paradox" link of SatStrat.htm, aka the "Appendix" of the "Thinking" webseries. That link focuses on God's REASONS. Of all the webpages, that section is among the most shocking.]

By sad contrast, Religion plays the world's tune: all do do do do do, doo-doo. For which, you get brownie points. For which if you don't conform to its strictures, you get demerits. These standards are drilled into you at all points of your day, and are in everyone's mouth, for all the world's thinking is Just Like Religion. Only difference is, the latter slaps "God" on as a label, to garner votes and money. So you learn to hate God, see. For, no one can long live in this world of petty insanities, without learning to hate it. So one seeks the next car, the next house, the next spouse to get relief. And, since there is NO pea under any of the promised walnut shells, you never get any relief; for, this whole world is just one big disappointment.

Kinda stark choice then: heavenly happiness, means learning God. Hell means NOT doing so. Ergo you either learn God, or become like the crazy people, fancying yourself holy, ringing meaningless bells, trashing the planet while doing so. But thank God we get the Cross, to RESCUE us (first meaning of sozw, usu. mistranslated "save"). Rescue us from the garbage life moral demands make on us. From the garbage life immoral demands make on us. Above all, to Rescue Us From Having Puny Lives -- which can instead, look UP. "Turn and be healed." And from that brass-serpent cure, to grow in grace and in the DDNA of Him, to see Him. And enjoy Him, glory in Him, 1Pet1:7-8, 2Pet3:18ff, Eph3:15-21. Him, not mindless, warring, above all CHILDISH.. religion.

A Production to Love

Thus far we've seen the big picture: man is constantly childish and warring; God has a solution to that, with the Purpose of Actually Making Sons Out From His Son; that this very mechanic was used on the Cross, so is legated to us to MAKE us like the Son. We've seen how our soul DNA and DDNA can in fact be engineered, because both are volitionally-based. We've seen that the characteristics of DDNA are Love, hence Truth, hence Omniscience of Truth being Loved, means Happiness. That happiness can be deposited via life in God's System, learning Bible quietly, living on it daily. And God runs the whole thing, line upon line, precept on precept, depositing 'dots' of His Son's Thinking in our souls at each discrete freewill consent we make. We've also seen that Satan&Co. attack this DDNA plan, substituting religion; that religion is tyranny, but attracts the warring and childish, human race; that if instead the believer just keeps on keeping on in God's System, he'll outgrow the childish warring.. and Actually Prove Why God's DDNA plan is superior, in the Trial.

Thus armed with the big-picture, spiritual 'macrobiology', it's time to get into the spiritual 'microbiology'. For this, we start again with our metaphor of biological DNA.

Every cell in your body came into existence and remains as it is or changes, due to an INSTRUCTION SET, which we call 'genes'. See, your cells need to be TOLD how to live; they need to be TOLD how to function. Your spiritual life needs to be taught. Everything depends on INSTRUCTION, and instruction, on the Word of God. God, Who CREATED all the universe, and all the micro-universe: the atoms and hence the cells which make up your very body, as well as all atoms and all bodies.

This instruction set for our cells, resides in the "DNA" of our genes. According to Watson and Crick, the two scientists who discovered DNA and built a model of it, each of these DNA instruction chains looks like a long twisted staircase that can be broken apart in the middle, for purposes of replicating itself. Ironically, that's the vivid picture you get, from the original-language text of Isa53; especially, from the action of the five CHAINED infinitives in the LXX text of verses 10-11.

In short, your very biology, like your so-great salvation and spiritual life, is wholly dependent on CLONING. When this DNA splits apart, it resembles a mouth, with the halved 'stairs' looking like teeth. Then in tandem with RNA, one of the sets of 'stairs' makes a new half-strand, and then another. So an exact replica of the first strand of DNA, is made via RNA, and a new cell can be made from it. Mutation and disease occur when either the RNA acting on the DNA during this replication, or the DNA itself, has anomalies within the instruction set. Cancer is one kind of anomaly (though biologists don't all agree it's viral in nature). Viruses INVADE the DNA of normal cells, and genetically engineer them (viral RNA does this) to instead produce new cells like the virus itself. Which is why AIDS acts the way it does.

For, at the other end of the spectrum, Thought Behaves Exactly As DNA-RNA Interactions Do. God is Pure Thought. Infinitely Alive Thought. Hence at any 'time' HE wants, He but merely THINKS, and bing, it exists! That's why Matt4:3 was a temptation: had Christ even imagined making stones into bread, it would have immediately occurred exactly that way! Satan tempted His Humanity to use His Godness to do "works". For however God wills a thing be, it will be: exactly. And This God-Man, was the One Who With But One Thought, instantaneously birthed the universe, Gen1:1. Light, BE! the Holy Spirit said in Gen1, when he remade our trashed-up Earth. [Literal Hebrew. Earth had no light. Stars were put out, then, for quite a distance. Not sure how far out into the universe that happened. Angels' bodies are made of light, so obviously they can wreck havoc with stars.]

So the Reason why DDNA works, is that God the Son, the Reason, Ho Logos, Added Humanity to Himself. So that now DDNA can be added in you. Delivering you from the insane thinking of the world now, and delivering you over to Heaven with Him, forever. Because, when He added Humanity to Himself (aka "the Incarnation", Heb10:5), God Set Up a Compatibility, because He is ONE Person with TWO natures. So now, the inherent incompatibility between Infinity and Finity, can be solved! So the Human Nature, could compatibly develop: a spiritual developing unavailable to all humans before Him (John 7:39). As a result, His Thinking Quality was so high, He Was Able With It To Pay For All The Sins Of The Human Race In Only Three Hours On The Cross. Thus Fulfilling His End of the Eternity-Past Contract with Father.

God is Pure Thought and God wants SONS: this is baldly obvious in Isa53:11. So.. to become a son of God, duh: you have to get His DDNA. Which means, the Word as your "SEED" (viz., Gospel Seed parables, Gal3 and all over the OT). Which Seed you GET, that first second you believed in Christ, but.. just the processing structure for Getting Implanted Word (term in James 1), a human spirit (Tit3:5+Heb4:12-13). So right after you got saved, you got God's Genes, so to speak. But not, the Function Of Those Genes. Function requires planting more Word in you than just the Gospel. So, you get in and STAY IN God's System (theme of Romans 8 and 1Jn, Galatians, Cor -- really, the whole NT). Takes DDNA, to make DDNA. You are not a single-celled organism. But if you never learn Word after salvation, you may as well BE a single-celled organism, infantile!

Scripture on DDNA abounds, as God's two primary DDNA themes are sons-building and Temple-building: for, THE SON is THE LIVING TEMPLE. Explaining the Scriptural documentation will take too long. To track this DDNA theme yourself, read chronologically (based on when SAID, not when written) in Again, God is Pure Thought: hence you are, too. The real you, is your soul. So God's Goal is to put the Christ's 'body of Thinking', as it were, IN your soul. Since your soul, is the real you. NOT your body. Your body is but a training device, as it was for Him: "Sacrifices and offerings you did NOT desire, but/and so a BODY you prepared for Me!" Heb10:5, proving the fulfillment of Psalm 40 (which is interpretatively quoted in Heb10:5). And, "He learned to-stand-under-instruction through what He suffered", Heb5:8, which in the Greek is very punny (emathen=He learned, and epathen=He suffered). Hence Heb5:9, which in corrected translation goes something like this: "In fact, having been BROUGHT TO COMPLETION [at the Cross], He became to those hearing-Gospel-and-believing-it, the Cause/Source of Eternal Salvation." [Re Heb5:8, it's sometimes better to translate a word by its literal etymology, when wordplay is thus evidenced. Greek hupakoe is in both verses 8 and 9, and is used in parallelism between His staying under the Spirit on the Cross, believing -- and our staying under the Gospel, believing (v.9). Even more importantly, writer of Hebrews is using a Hebraism when he chooses hupakouo, because Hebrew "shemah", the most famous command in Judaism both then and now, means the exact same thing: see Deut 30:11ff. Sadly, all this God-Breathed Genius wordplay goes unnoticed, in translation; hupakoe/hupakouo is usually rendered "obedience"; but in English that's actually misleading, for there are other Greek words for the term, each one stressing a HOW the obedience is accomplished. Hence the literal rendering here. By the way, "hupokoe" means to stand under what you HEAR. It comes to mean compliance with what you hear, but the focus is on believing in and hearing. Bible uses this ironic verb a lot, and it's mistranslated to look like something YOU do, rather than what you HEAR (so the Speaker is the Meritorious One, not the hearer). Re the term in Heb 5:9, "Brought to Completion" is Greek verb teleiow, and it means to complete/perfect A Contract, to Finish/Accomplish; obviously the Lord was already perfect, so "having been made perfect" actually maligns Him. Verb teleiow is in the passive voice, because the Holy Spirit carried Him: He didn't use His Own Power to successfully complete the Cross. Verb is also used in the famous "It is finished", which Christ said on the Cross: way too tame! My pastor likes to translate that term (tetelestai! in Greek) as "It [payment for salvation] is finished with results that go on forever!" And, as you can see, Heb5:8-9 directly reference the action in Isa53:11, with wordplay on how we should be doing the same thing: Shema, Yisroel!]

So because DDNA is Divine Thinking, THINKING is how it propagates, and how it develops. To mix metaphors, think of dendrites and axons in the brain. Without them, thought can't travel. The more connections you have (and we start out with billions, never adding any), the more you can think. So the Holy Spirit, Who runs the whole thing, uses DDNA as first building the dendrites, and then running them from the human spirit to and IN the soul, to connect spiritual processing with soul thinking.

If you're not even remotely familiar with dendrites and axons, think of Two Disparate Circles 'connected' by a Growing Number Of Lines, such that every 'point' in one circle, is to eventually 'connect' by a twisted-staircase, double-helix 'line' into every 'point' of the other circle. First circle is the human spirit; second, is the soul. Every 'point' of connection in the soul circle is geometrically speaking, a Potential 'Coordinate' for Reposing Truth.

In fact, the type of DNA which is most like DDNA, is brain DNA; moreoever, DDNA (or the lack thereof) affects how your brain DNA, works. You really do change, as you learn Bible in God's System. You really do change for the WORSE, if you do not. Because, the first second you became a believer (John 3:16 believed the FIRST time), you lost your own brains, so you could get RE-KITTED (Greek: katartizw) with His Brains, per Eph4:11-16's Greek & Rom12:1-3's Greek.

So your life is Exactly Parallel to Christ's. (Heb9:15 & 10:9 "first..second" clauses, +Heb12:2, 1Jn4:17, Heb11:1 in Greek, many others.) Isa53:11 is all about that: What Happened To Him, Is To Happen To You. So if you don't learn what He learned, your life will be the worse. So all this life you have, is Bible Class In His Thinking. He spent His Life learning the Word, which is why you don't hear much of anything about Him in the Gospels, until He's tempted by Satan (i.e., Matt4). And then when He is tempted, it's on the Word that He is tempted. He's tempted to do works, with Satan playing lawyer's games with the Word, to motivate Jesus the Christ to misuse the Word, in order to DO those works. So therefore you have the same life. Learn the Word, or get trapped in the world's abuse of it.

So, just as happened to Christ Himself when He was down here, when you are Filled with the Spirit (for us, 1Jn1:9 being breathed as needed): incoming spiritual information FROM the human spirit goes to the soul 'dendrites', i.e., while listening to your pastor, John 14:26 functions, turning over previous learning, etc. From there, the soul acts within itself, so the axons connect within the soul, only. The Holy Spirit runs the spiritual information in the soul, as well. My pastor classifies this spiritual 'brain' (soul, really) as having two lobes, the left one for staging, and the right one for information believed; within the latter, there are eight types of storage and processing areas, which basically work in a looped fashion, kinda like an circular assembly line, where every cycling of the information, increases its value and sophistication. Obviously the assembly line had better not stop, or a whole lot of damage will occur (kinda like rolling steel mills).

So the capacity for spiritual living with God, depends on how many DDNA dendrites; any existing DDNA axons produced will atrophy, absent dendrite function to 'fuel' them. So your Capacity For Enjoyment Depends On Your Capacity For Spiritual Living. Atrophy spiritually, and you'll atrophy mentally and physically. Just as God predicted, back in Gen2:17. So every enjoyment in all life, depends on the many DDNA dendrites, and where they branch throughout the soul. Which, like the brain itself, are designed to be in the billions, so that every soul thought can fluently connect with every spiritual one. So the believer who doesn't grow up in God's System, is retarded. Few thoughts, few connections, not well 'feathered', narrow, constantly needing recharge. Kinda like a 64K RAM capacity, versus the needed bizillion gigabytes. Forever.

You know what a small soul looks like: a child who shouldn't be a child, anymore (Heb5:11-6:6, 11-13, Eph4:14). That's most Christians beyond (chronological) age 40, today. Since the spiritual state of the Christian is always the bellweather for the mental state of the nation in which he resides, our world is SMALL-MINDED and in a heap o' trouble. Fortunately, it takes only a small number of believers to completely save a country (i.e., for a long time it was only Moses who justified Israel's continuance, see the end of LordvSatan3.htm for the verses). So you have a far greater potential impact on your nation, to save it, than all those you might see on TV. Part IV of the "Thinking" series is devoted to this topic (very long).

Furthermore, DDNA, like DNA, is only 'compatible' with certain elements. Bonding and synthesis won't occur except in precise mixes and pairings. Hupostasis, or pairing of opposites, displays the God-man, so everything else in the universe does as well. So in biological DNA, the molecule is made up of a sugar-phosphate compound, and four "bases" which are protein building blocks (five, including the "U" in RNA). They COMBINE in long chains to tell the cell how to make particular proteins. DNA bases amazingly form ALL proteins exactly from the way they combine: and yet, they only PAIR in certain ways. In short, it's precise. Without the sugar-phosphate group, the bases fall apart. So the cell atrophies. Without the bases, the cell doesn't come into existence, or just dies (or maybe mutates, depending on the exact problem with the bases). In short, as my pastor liked to say back in 1985, "protocol..coupled with precisely correct procedure". You bet.

So, unlike regular DNA and RNA which you cannot control or even understand, DDNA and RRNA require your consent. Because God never coerces. Hence You Had To Choose To Believe in Christ (doesn't matter your choice has no power, God never coerces). So you must choose to eat. You can ONLY choose. God does all the rest. Your choosing doesn't make anything happen. God Chose To Make What He Does To You Go By What You Choose. That's how HE wants it. Question is, do you?

There are many scary failures, but their root causes are the above three, so they lead to Three Disintegrations In The 'Bonding' And 'Synthesis' Functions of DDNA:
  1. First Pairing Issue, POSITIVE VOLITION, failed;
  2. Second Pairing Issue, SPIRIT-SOUL SYNC, failed;
  3. Third Pairing Issue, UNGUENT, failed because 1Jn1:9 wasn't used; or, WAS used, but no/insufficient learning went on. Frankly, the learning is supposed to keep increasing in content, sophistication, and pace. If it doesn't, there comes a day when the believer stops using even 1Jn1:9. Devastating, when that happens.

    Better to be boiled in oil, than to suffer prolonged failure, so that 1Jn5:16's capital punishment and Forever Retarded Connections, apply to you.

    Spiritual pathogens are many, but all variations of these three. And all these three, come from Volition. Yours.

So in the final analysis, you get in and stay in, because you want to do so. You leave, because you want to do so. God has provided every ability (Holy Spirit's Power is Unlimited, so you don't have a power problem, ever). So failure inevitably and only means we puny brainouts, got distracted or disgusted or disgruntled with God's System, and quit. No other cause, but many coverups.

So let's list Three Common Spiritual Personality Disorders, so you can see how delightful it is, to buck God's System:

  1. If you are born-again, you will end up nutso if you 'divorce' the Word. Sorry, someone should have warned you before you first believed in Christ. Just look around you at Christians, see how nutso they are. Even crazier than the United Notions people in Dag Hammerskold Plaza. Insanity takes many forms, and like cancer, can be dormant for years. I know someone who was completely normal and then the person just flipped out. Sits in a chair, now. And sits and sits and sits. Lots of stories like that one. All good churchgoers, too. Church, not Word. Church, not God's System. 'Christian fellowship', not fellowship with God. Some things you'd rather not know.

    Other Christians behave more as you'd expect "crazy" to describe, but some of the craziest ones, appear normal. Like the famous pastor who on live Christian TV claimed there were more abortions committed in the US than in all the holocausts of history. I wondered what special phone to Heaven he used to get that info; but when I heard him totally misquote Psalm 139 (which in English reverses the meaning of the God-breathed original), then I knew he musta used his hotline to Satan&Co., just before entering the pulpit. In short, respectable people outta God's System, say the darnedest things!

    Precedence: Adam severed the connection when he sinned. See how wacko Adam immediately became. Exodus generation all went nutso: read their story even in translation! For us, the situation is much worse, because Adam didn't have Eternal Life and God's Righteousness and the same kind of human spirit, as Christ's. So we go much more wacko, as believers. It's no exaggeration to say you lose your own brains when you gain Christ. That's the Design! [LordvSatan2.htm, which is Part II of the "Thinking" series, has an "In the beginning of Man" section, which traces what happened to Adam; SpirPath.htm is a broader webpage of spiritual diagnostics in general. You can take what you learn in those webpages, and then turn on your television or otherwise people-watch, to test 'em. My pastor's "1991 Israel" audiotape/MP3 series proved very helpful in shortening the analysis, if you're interested.]

    So one can only guess that it would have been a bizillion times worse for Jesus, had He ever sinned. First four bullets in the "Physics" link at this pagetop, try to analyze how hard it must have been for Him to be both God and Man at the same time, while down here. In the process, much about the properties of Infinity versus finity, are examined. In short, the problem is STRUCTURAL, even before we factor in the immense complications which a sin nature creates.

    So now you know the STRUCTURAL reason why insanity demonstrably results from prolonged severance from God's System; as you can readily see, simply by turning on your TV or remembering the last US election. Christian and Crazy do begin with a C for a reason -- you are supposed to REPLACE the last "C" with the First One, by learning His Thinking. Else, you stay.. crazy. And, if you dally too long away from 1Jn1:9, you will accumulate insane thinking, viz., all that religious insanity which people imagine 'spiritual' in Churchinanity, today.

    It's a life or death matter, 1Jn1:9. Notice how you must keep Believing to stay in God's System. Believing in using 1Jn1:9 and the remaining three Elements of God's System. These are the protein bases of your spiritual life. Take them seriously. Satan&Co. sure do.

  2. Here's the major arrest category in spiritual growth among even faithful Bible students: they understand the 5 Elements of God's System and go through the motions every day, but forget to use 1Jn1:9, thinking they aren't sinning (mistaking the motions for the meaning). I call this the "long, slow, slide"; it first takes the form of being bored with repetition (i.e., from your pastor), so you think you are tuned in; then your usage of Bible during the rest of the day, starts to lag; then remembrance of 1Jn1:9 starts to lag; then you fancy yourself in fellowship, but have long since, stopped. But you still go to class, still seem 'spiritual'.. until one day, smack! and you have no inner resources. Then you realize what hit you, and get back in the saddle; or, more likely, go off into the sunset, shuffling with the bell ringers...

  3. More typical, is the wrong-spiritual-door entry, by the ritual/religious/taboo crowd. Historically, 90% or more of Christians are in this group. Their problem? Well, it's kinda like dressing up in caveman clothes, thinking they are current fashion. Most Christians are trying to live the OT form of the spiritual life. It's quite weird, really: my Bible doesn't stop at the Gospels, but apparently theirs, does. And their teachers don't seem to know better, either. Thus you hear all that archaic emphasis on the 10 Commandments (despite blunt passages like Heb7:18 and Romans 10:4, how strange). Worse, those commandments themselves, aren't even spiritual, Except The FIRST One. Which, no one does, since you can only obey the First Commandment, by living in God's System (main theme of 1John). So they aren't obeying the 10 Commandments, even. John has a lot of fun pointing that out, in his letter (which is all about first-things-first, very witty, in the Greek). So you see, today's inanities were going on then, too.

    God is precise. Spiritual 'biology' is even more precise, than physical biology. The spiritual life is internally MATCHED to the "covenant" which is given. So your spiritual life, inside and out, is nothing like the OT. In fact, more the opposite of what the OT had. This topic is treated at some length in LvS4a.htm (over 100 printed pages). DDNA-wise, you have the same type of human spirit, as Christ -- since you are to have His DDNA from His Humanity, 'cloned' into you, via learning in God's System. Thus everything about your spiritual life, is both unique and based on His, not on any other covenant. Hence the moniker "Church" and "Body of Christ", to distinguish our group of believers, from others in history. So if you follow the wrong definition of a "covenant" by misinterpreting Bible, you will not only never grow up, but Satan&Co. will be ringing your bells, baby. Obviously, then, it's pretty important to understand your true DDNA need. So these folks aren't getting any DDNA. They showed up in costume at the wrong party altogether: and that party isn't hosted by God. But it is being hosted. Guess by whom, dingdong.

Now you know why you need to be in God's System; why it's the only true spiritual life. No baby survives absent nourishment, and only Righteous Nourishment Added, adds anything to you. Forever. Sorry, someone should have warned you before you believed in Christ! No spiritually-born person can be spiritually killed (1Jn5:18, mistranslated).. but no spiritual baby grows absent nourishment, either. Hence all the "backsliding" and other goofy stuff in Christendom throughout the centuries. Starving of Word. Even though, the Bible is the most-possessed and quoted book on earth. Gathering Dust. [And you know it's gathering dust, because it's so mistranslated. 1Jn5:18 uses the same repeated formula pattern from Chapter 1 forward, so the translator should make it more like "no one being sired by God the Holy Spirit, is sinning during that time" -- just like all the other similar constructions in the letter. Oh well. You can't translate Bible like a Berlitz 30-day tourist audiotape, k?]

So, as 1Jn explains minutely, just as in Christ's Humanity when He was down here, this Divine Thinking propagates in us, via the Spirit, in God's System. No other way. This alone is the purpose for your life as a believer. This alone is the spiritual life. For it was the spiritual life of Christ; and now, for Church. Exact Same Life. So, obviously: no other definition of the spiritual life is accurate, but the propagation BY the Holy Spirit, TO positive believers in God's System. Works are evil -- well, more accurately, anything you do outside God's System, is evil. Greek word is "adikia": literally, "Not Righteous!" Fake.

Disaster awaits those who try to SUBSTITUTE another way, so Gramma Satan&Co. specialize in substitutes, as 'help'. So now let's factor in how Satan&Co. help: they feed our sin nature proclivities. We have two basic proclivities: one, toward asceticism (religiosity, see Gen3) and the other, toward lasciviousness (rebelling against religiosity, essentially). So Satan&Co. cheapen and polarize everything 'spiritual' in order to block out what's the real problem: our not wanting God. So the religious look at the lascivious, and vice versa: but nobody is looking at God. We just get stuck on each other. (It should be common sense that if you're busy looking at your brother's flaws, you're not looking at God. And if you were looking at God, then your thoughts would be there on HIM, rather than on what's wrong with your brother. See the "log" analogy the Lord makes in the Gospels.)

So the true offense is that we reject wanting to know GOD, and so God must stand off. Because, Love never coerces volition. Satan&Co. Cultivate The Rejection in order to 'corner' God so He'll 'have to' stand off. That's how they 'help' us become or stay spiritually-comatose.

So Satan&Co. seek to make us compatible with them, in order to separate us from wanting God. To do this, they will MIMIC 'white' stuff in the Word. So this is the 'devil's DNA', but notice, oh! the same initials! How will you tell the difference, fool? So "ddna", to denude you of the Word's real meaning, and of the Holy Spirit's Power.

So Satan &Co. promote WORKS, which is a functional form of their RELIGION ploy, which Satan invented in Genesis 3. "Works" is a hateful, separatist thought pattern. All sin is BASED on works. Adam didn't do any works until he sinned, Gen2-3. First thing he does after sinning, is to make figleaves, because he's ashamed and wants to make it up. All Satan's arguments are based on works. There's not one sin you ever sin, which isn't motivated by some kind of 'works' argument. Think that over, test it. The whole "deserve" question is sinful at heart, since it is based on works. If you love, you don't think about you deserving, you think about the love object. But if you hate, you talk and think about DESERVINGNESS. The one loving, really doesn't believe he's working or deserves anything even if he must admit it. He only thinks how glad he is to be having it, to do. The one hating, really doesn't believe he's getting properly paid for what he does (always keeps a scorecard), so he notices oh-so-much, the works he or others, DO. Yeah, doo-doo, Isa64:6, Romans 4:5!

So as 1Jn explains minutely, you avoid Gramma's 'house', lieb Hansel or Gretel, by remembering DDNA is God's Goal, as we saw back during the Soliloquy: God Wants To Hear Compatible Thinking, not works. So all life is designed by God to serve as Bible class: you Learn, Never Earn; Learn Is The Objective, The Goal, The Life; not a mere means to something else. So important is this Learn Goal, that God even designed the structure of the universe to teach you about God, Romans 1 (see the "Evolution" link at pagetop for that subject). So here, we're looking at the micro-universe: our very cells. For every atom is like every cell: all are teachers of Him.

The aggregate result of all this DDNA building in believers who want to know God, is an incalculable blessing-by-association for the whole world. For all the universe, in the eternal state. In the Bible, DDNA is likened to money and to blood (1Jn especially focuses on the blood role); Circulation Of Thought Determines Everything About Soul Health, just as circulation of money makes a polity strong; makes a body, nourished (blood's main role is to feed cells). All my websites focus on the role of blessing-by-association, and the entire "Thinking" series (see Home Page) is woven around that theme. For Christ is our Blessing By Association, and by contract, per (again) Isa53:10-12. So we, being made like Him, are blessing-by-association to the world. Right now. Third Aspect (DDNA3.htm, link near pagetop), is entirely on this topic.

For we INHERIT from Son, as Body/Bride. So, we inherit Isa53:10-12. That's the Reason Why We Can Get DDNA. Fourth Aspect focuses on this topic.

So let's see this passage in corrected translation; it's the key to everything, and is incorporated by reference all throughout the NT: it's a 'Grand Central Station' for the writers. Again, Isa 53:10-12's five infinitives are so graphic, you can't miss the meaning of God Decreeing To Replicate His Son's Thinking, In You.

Our Eternity-Past Contract in Christ

Isa53:10 [Masoretic text] "But the LORD [Father] delights to crush Him [Humanity of Christ getting the Stone-too-heavy to lift], putting Him to total grief; [Hebrew wordplay: "heheli" in the hiphil, is multi-meaninged. Looks like He's crushed with longing, so Father crushes Him with our sins.]
[for the contract made was,] if He would render Himself as a guilt offering, He will see long-lived seed;
then the LORD's delight will cause His Hand to prosper.
[LXX portion, next says] So the LORD delights to PURIFY [katharizw, same LXX Temple-purifying word as in 1Jn1:9] by wounding Him:
[based on the contract,] 'If You will give as a substitute for sin, Your [plural, God-Man in One Person!] Soul [singular] will see long-lived seed.' "

Isa53:11 "Then the LORD delights to PLUNDER, birthing/carrying out from His Soul's [pregnancy] Labor,
Then, to SCULPT, via His Mastery-of-Thinking,
[Masoretic text] He will see, be satisfied. [propitiation, 7th day and promise-fulfilled soundplay with satisfaction-from-eating. Qal imperfect of BOTH "seeing" and "being satisfied-from-eating" shows you the Third Aspect criterion gets met at the Cross, in the Masoretic.]
Due to His Truth-Knowledge the Righteous One, My Servant, will justify the many, as He will carry/bear their iniquities: [Awesome Soundplay made between dakah ("crushed") of 53:5&10, and da'ath ("truth-knowledge") and tsadeq ("righteous/justified") here, in Hebrew, merging the one into the other, to show the transformation!]
[LXX portion] The Righteous One Well-Serving purposed for/instead of the many; even their sins, He will carry off/lift up."

Isa53:12 [Masoretic text] "Therefore I [Father] will distribute to Him the booty/spoils/plunder of victory because of the many;
and He will apportion the booty among the Great Ones;
because HE poured out HIMSELF to death, and was numbered with the transgressors;
yet He Himself carried/bore the sins of many, and interceded for the transgressors.
[LXX portion] For this reason He will inherit the many;
in fact, He will apportion the plunder among the Great Ones;
for the sake of which [plunder] His Own Soul was given over to Death."

Now, on to the Four Aspects of DDNA.

  1. Click here to start reading the 1st Aspect: What DDNA is & 'sires'.
  2. Click here to start reading the 2nd Aspect: DDNA isn't Bulimia, but Balance.
  3. Click here to start reading the 3rd Aspect: via Your King giving you a kingdom, your DDNA blesses others FOREVER.
  4. Click here to start reading the 4th Aspect: DDNA is produced by Contract: what happened to Christ, is to happen to Us CHURCH.


Click Here for "DDNA, the True Grail.. has Enemies:
an Appendix to DDNA.htm"

Click Here for "About Bible Mistranslation:
an Appendix to DDNA.htm"

SideBar on Corollaries of God's Love as Integrity

So LOVE is the heart, the driver, the Actual Divine DNA, itself. So it is clonable. So -- again -- if (and we know it's true) God is Omniscient, then Love is likewise simultaneously Truth, Righteousness, Justice, etc. -- But Because Love, Would Want To Subordinate To Truth, Righteousness, Justice, etc. Would Want To Propagate Itself. Would Want To Deposit Infinite Truth Into Love-Objects Who Want That Truth. Would Want to Substitute (i.e., Christ substituted for us on the Cross, Rom5:8 and all of Chapter 6). Would Want To preserve, restore. Would Not Want To Judge; Would Not Want Anyone Going To Hell; Would Not Want Distance, But Rather Total Intimacy (owing to the Attribute of Infinity). Etc.

Of course, man has always puzzled over God's nature. Aristotle and Descartes tied themselves up in philosophical knots over Him. Augustine did, too. Plato and Socrates for that matter, were constantly referring to what they perceived as Divine Essence, to figure out the resultant creation corollaries (henotes is a Platonic/Socratic Greek concept of harmony with God's System, which is why the Holy Spirit uses the term to describe our spiritual growth system, in Eph4:11-16). So there is much written rumination on "What is 'God' LIKE?", throughout history.

Your typical theological commentary from about 50 years ago really grappled with God's Attributes. There's kinda been a roaring discussion going on since at least the Reformation. Mostly, everyone's been trying to figure out WHICH Attribute rides over the others, as the 'leader'. The Calvinists, of course, picked "Sovereignty". Most others, picked Righteousness/Justice. Some others, Omnipotence. Love, though picked by still others, wasn't too popular, since everyone regarded it as mushy, so some Other Attribute must 'husband' it. Not too many folks caught on to the fact that what holds anything together, is the degree of love. Not a feel-good thing, but an Infinite Attitude which never changes. So, we've misconceived of God for some centuries, now. Even my pastor feels he got it wrong until the year 2000, and felt he had to redo his "Integrity of God" monograph over yet a third time.

Yet, they all got it right, for one of the rare unanimities among theologians I've found through the centuries is that they all realize God is Uncreated and Unsustained. Which means you CANNOT separate out His Attributes, except for brainstorming purposes (i.e., tracing out which Attribute does what primary function). Bible has a really cool way of communicating this: either there is NO verb (so the Attribute is static), or some kind of unifying/static verb is used. The wordplay on hayah as His Name says it all: Absolute Existence. There are many lesser ways, like the pairing or bundling of Attributes used in connection with some discrete action. When you analyse a verse you realize that while (for example) Righteousness might be your 'window' in that verse, all the other Attributes are functioning within it, metaphorically, for purposes of the verse: often the other Attributes are mentioned by name or depicted, so that you always get a Whole. Great examples of this are in the Hebrew of Psalm 139:11-17, Ps89:14-15, Psalm 23 (David loves Attribute-bundling word-pictures). A bunch of them are in Isaiah as well, but I forget the specific verses.

When my pastor started revising his exposition on God's Integrity yet again in 1997 (he does it every few years), I heard those tapes in the year 2000, not knowing he'd drastically revised the exposition to the perfect statement that "Love IS God's Integrity!" but I got the same idea from his earlier coverage. For I'd run into the same verse (which changed my life back in 1995), Romans 5:5's subjective and objective genitive (hey agape tou theou), and was encountering that phrase in the first short story of James Joyce's Ulysses. So the structure was well known. So the "Thinking" series was born, especially Part I's "Integrity Properties" section. Frankly, that was the birth of the usual theme in my websites, that God is CYCLING Infinity inside finity via Bible Doctrine, in order to Connect Us Functionally. Forever. It Does Solve The Problem Of The Dichotomy Between Infinity And Finity, as the first four bullets in Fixes.htm, explained at some length. The Lord's Humanity HAD to solve the problem that way, since He was (and of course still is) ONE Person with Two Antithetical Natures. Being Perfect Humanity Made Things Worse, not better (we sin-nature humans are deadened by our nature -- Christ didn't have that buffer, due to being Perfect). Again, the first four bullets in Fixes.htm explain this in some detail. [The actual pattern of discovery was really cyclical. The Holy Spirit kept on hitting me with Romans 5:5 as I'd listen to my pastor's 1997 exposition, and thus "Integrity Properties" was born. It was about a year or two later that I realized the Cycling inherent in the subjective and objective genitive, and then I 'just happened' to read James Joyce while taking a break -- and saw the phrase. Bing! So from that point onward, the (now called "DDNA") concept of God pouring His Truth into you as a circle of LOVE, was a continuing theme in the sites. Then, in early 2005 I heard my pastor's 5/7/00 statement that "Love IS the Integrity of God" -- also by a fluke. Yeah, right, no accidents in the spiritual life. That 5/7/00 tape was a 50th anniversary celebration of his ministry, and was gratuitously sent with my regular tape order. Curious, I heard it (out of sequence, which is not my normal study method). And bing! The "DDNA" concept linked up with what I also just happened to be learning about Isa53:11 in my side research. See? God Orchestrates Your Learning, which is why you must find your own right pastor, whomever he may be. It doesn't matter how good he seems to be compared to another pastor: it matters altogether that he is right for you. It's a soul-teaching match criterion. See RightPT.htm for details.]

When you search Bible for all its "love" verses in connection with God, you find out a very interesting pattern: Love As God's Attribute, Is Never Mentioned Alone, except in "chesed" refrains (like in David) UNTIL the New Testament. At least, I can't find it. Even in the NT, you don't find it but rarely standing alone. The FACT that He loves is frequent, as always. But the Identification of Love as an Attribute, is rarely stated alone. Rom5:5 and 1Cor13 are famous passages, to be sure. 1John 4 has two verses of "God is Love" bracketing the spiritual life sketch in dynamic relationship. And even in the Rom5:5 and 1Cor13 passages, Love is used as a metaphor of the Completed Canon. But it's definitely more onstage in the NT as the star of the show, from what I can tell thus far.

That's extremely significant, I think. I can't escape the interpretation that in the NT, Love Is More Revealed/Released, as a Covenantal/Dispensational change. Obviously, due to the Cross. So it was always the 'leader', but didn't take center stage UNTIL He was Seated. The phrase "en agapei" is really common in the NT, but you don't find it anywhere in the OT (equivalent phrase). My pastor spent months on 1Jn4:12-19, explaining how the Completion of Love (idea of developing the First Commandment to its fullest spiritual extent in Church, due to Christ's Legacy) is what constitutes the criterion for the completion of the Body of Christ, and hence the Rapture. (Which is why it can't be predicted: see LvS4a.htm, which is a very long site on precedence and criteria, for details.)

Sadly, this significant change of vocabulary between OT and NT, isn't getting much attention elsewhere: it surely should, for Paul dramatizes Love as Canon and Integrity, every time he uses the term (most dramatically, the "by means of Love, having predestined us" in Eph1:4-5, his fanfare announcement and theme of the book). [That verse pair, like every other Paul writes, 'looks' at Isa53:11's son-making infinitives (LXX). Very, very witty play on the opening speech of the famous Greek play "Ion", to say 'predestined in love'. That Greek play is Paul's allegorical setting, and he plays on the play throughout Ephesians. English is mistranslated, and breaks the verses inaptly. Eph1:1-18 is one long sentence in the Greek.] Worse, today the teaching and theological commentary regarding the Nature of God gets incredibly dismissive, arrogant, short shrift: as if He were just an asterisk or something. Test this claim yourself: for every 1000 hours your average pastor teaches, not five minutes are spent explaining God's Attributes. Why, you're lucky to even hear "God is Love" bandied by people to get you to clean up your act, or to get money from you, or to preen themselves that they actually know a verse in the Bible!

So when this lone statement, "God is Love" is at all taught, well -- today's theologians and even pastors fantasize and thus 'teach' God as being emotional, for crying out loud! Does no one realize that emotion means CHANGE? So how could God be Infinite, if He were emotional? Even we merely have emotions in our bodies -- it's a FELT thing. Technically, the soul cannot 'feel'. It's thought, not feeling. Body is hooked up to the soul, so can only feel. It has no thought. So we live our lives puppetted by our feelings, and then assign that Slavery To Feeling.. to GOD?

Even my pastor, toward the end of his active ministry (he's now retired, but all his stuff is on tape), had to spend every class drilling the congregation over and over in remembrance of the fact that God is Infinite, so has no emotion. You actually get sick of hearing him repeat it over and over and over and over. But what else could he do, since obviously nearly everyone else who has the gift of pastor-teacher, is insisting that God is emotional? Us poor sheep only listen to our pastors: we don't ever even try to figure out anything on our own. So it looks like a competition, one pastor saying one thing, another contradicting... And no one sheep cares to crack open the Book and find the answer to this 'sparring'? No wonder Lot's sheepherders and Abram's, needed to part company. Sheesh.

Why He doesn't zap us all down to the amoeba level for such blasphemy, baffles me utterly.

But here's why God doesn't react to our blasphemies. His Nature really is Undivided And Unsustained: each 'dot' of Him is a WHOLE (Greek word "henotes"), so needs no external 'support'. The earlier (i.e., pre-1950's) theological inquiry concluding that, was largely on target. That God is Undivided and hence Unsustained, means you can't 'divorce' His Attributes of Will from Love from Truth from Righteousness from Justice from Omnipotence from Omniscience from Immutability from Infinity from Perfection from Eternal Life (etc). So, you should consider each 'dot' of God's nature, a "composite" (my pastor's term), not isolated Attributes which have to shake hands, as it were, to work together. Each 'dot' of Him is thus Wholly All Attributes, and LOVE is the WHOLE of God, the other attributes being the Composites of Love. Since Sovereignty is WILL, and Love is a CHOICE of Will, to say God is Love references the Whole of Him, is the clearest way to comprehend Him. (So the only comprehension problem remaining, is to understand what "Love" really is. Which no one comprehends, opting instead for the mushy human idea: it never occurs to anyone to study Scripture in the original-language texts, to learn how Bible defines "Love". Hence man remains confused, hence the usually blasphemous pontifications about God's nature, throughout history.)

Consequently, God is not at all passively 'restrained' by His Attributes (as I've heard some theologians claim in chatrooms). Sheesh. He's not God if He were restricted. Quite the opposite. The inherent Unity of these Attributes means No Boundary, as a result. Even a human body, if it is wholly sound, functions as a whole better, less restricted. How much more, if every Attribute is part of every Other Attribute, indissoluble? That's not restriction, that's Total Freedom. Hence God is Free to do or have whatever He wants, without concern that some mismatch among Attributes could 'rip' His Integrity. That's kinda like knowing you could jump from a plane without a parachute, and would land 30,000 feet below, intact, guaranteed every time. Sure, you might not want to do it -- but you are not restricted.

After all, THE inherent property of Love, is that it JOINS. Hupostasis, get it? Heh. What Joins Is Greater Than The Parts Joined. So LOVE truly IS the Integrity of God, and all other Attributes are Joined Together by it. Indissolubly.

So if there are no restrictions, then even bad stuff serves Him, and in fact All Bad Stuff Was Joined To Him On The Cross. So even the goofy idea God has emotion (which basically makes God a mere bundle of biology, not even human), is Joined In Some Way Within The Structure Of Truth, to result in many DDNA children. Which of course, we know: for even the wrath of man shall praise Him. Hell is like a womb, then, for in hell, everyone loves shaking his fist at God. Which is why people go there. The only reason. Love doesn't love suffering -- unless Love can do the suffering, itself. For, Love Joins Because Love is Innately FOREgoing. Better to give than to receive. So ask yourself: wouldn't Hell be a last-ditch 'home' for still trying to rescue folks from their own self-imposed arrogance? Christ did pay for everyone, 1Jn2:2, so it's not like the rescue isn't forever funded...

Next, note this Ultimate Irony about Love as Integrity: the one 'breakable' Attribute, is LOVE. Because, Love must always be Voluntary. Will, of course, must always be Free, so Free to Love or Not Love. So Here's The Greater Unity: Since Love Must Have Reason To Love (it's not love, if irrational), then the truth must be so awesome, Will 'looks' at Truth and Always Chooses To Love It. Again, that means ALL Truth. No unknowns. No exceptions, nothing omitted to make it 'easier' to Love. Do you realize what this means? God Must Love All Truth, no matter how heinous, how hellish, how degrading are the outputs or the truth-formula relationships. It Must Be That Good, to love ALL of it. Else, God would be Unjust to Himself. So to say God 'must' means It Must Be True That He Does. Continuously. Voluntarily. Even despite the fact that He knows He will forever see His Son on the Cross (Attribute of Omniscience necessarily means all events continuously are occurring, forever past-future, never 'dying').

Christ wasn't kidding when He said, "You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free." That concept is repeated often: who doesn't remember Gal5:1? Do you see? The More Truth You Know, The More You Will Love The Truth You Know. Freely. And the more truth you know and the more you love the truth you know, the FREER you become. It sure has proven true progressively for me -- but I didn't understand that fact until just now, when typing this paragraph! So no wonder Romans 5:5 uses "Love" to designate Truth, as does all of 1Cor13 (but in the latter Paul's using Christ's HEAD as the LOVE-Truth, very witty). Tooling around other places in the NT, you'll often find "Love" used as a metaphor of Truth: Scripture, in all cases. Wow.

So Because The Truth We Can Now Learn Is Bigger Due To His Becoming The Truth And Then His Thinking Being Codified For Us, the Love Which Will Develop Freely from knowing more of that far bigger deposit cache of Truth, is.. awesome. NT verses on this Covenant-Changing Fact are all over the place: every writer stresses it. Paul usually opts for blatant marital analogies to explain the changeover, most of which are blushingly covered up in translation (Paul loves tweaking ascetism, maybe because it was his own worst sin pattern?) Peter is more oblique, and specializes in the Wifely Subordination as a reflection of His Subordination on the Cross (Peter loves hupo-prefixed words). James stresses the upgrade-from-OT nature of it, using terms like "mirror" and "royal law"; the writer of Hebrews does, too -- in total detail.

John, of course, is given to be the primary expounder: there's this fabulous series of riddle-like verses in 1Jn2 about how he HAD written, and was NOW writing; about how he HAD written about the Old Commandment versus the New One about which he is writing -- but which is not new (yeah, the First Commandment was from the beginning, but beginning with Church, it can now be FULFILLED due to what Christ did). Very witty. [Took me about a month thinking over 1Jn2's wording before I got its meaning. Oh well.] Maybe that's why his Gospel and epistles and Revelation are last, for he ties together all the other NT writers' vocabularies and weaves them together, in 1John; yet the principal metaphorical source for exposition 'remains' the Lord's Vine speech (John 15). Heh: 'remains' is Greek verb menw, a Marital Loyalty verb (also military loyalty, concept of maximum honor so you STAY at your post). Which is a play on "remnant" and "rest", since the Promise Remains Open (Brideship, which Israel rejected, wordplay in Heb4 which John plays on in 1Jn). Truly awesome wordplay! Of course, it was John who got to write that until Christ completed, all this wasn't available (John 7:39). Our "Copybook" (Peter's term, hupogrammos) first had to be the Original (Archegos, Heb12:2), else we'd have no way to emulate Him.

So when, for example, 1Jn4 crescendoes in verses 11-19 to depict Church as being the vehicle of completing God's First-Commandment Fulfillment Plan (my pastor's teaching, but you can prove it from the text), well -- we are truly at an apex, now. For never has there been more Scripture more easily available, yet less interest in God Himself -- since the days when Scripture was still under lock-and-key. The best of times and the worst of times are ahead. Getting into and staying in God's System is far more important, than in past centuries of Church. There's no getting around that interpretation.

That Love is God's Integrity, His DDNA, also answers the conundrum about how it is we never sin again, post-death, yet retain Free Will forever. Have you ever thought about that problem? God won't gerrymander either Freedom OR free will, and for the same reason: Love Of Truth. So how is it, that we who have essentially learned sin down here, suddenly never want to sin again, once we die? Seems impossible. But DDNA builds us up the way it built Christ -- Who obviously STILL has free will. Hmmm.

So if God puts His Truth into you, you are getting 'dots', so to speak, of All His Attributes. Because, you can't 'divorce' the Attribute of Truth from any of the others. That's why you get stronger. That's why Christ could BECOME, in His Humanity, "the Way, the Truth, and the Life". Note that the latter two, are God's Attributes. And Righteousness is Truth is Life is.. Him. So Now, Romans 8:4 makes sense, especially in conjunction with Romans 5:5. We really can become Functioning Sons Of God, since this really IS God's DDNA, replicated via all those Truth deposits! (Ooops. I let the cat out of the bag too early. Pretend you didn't read this paragraph, and keep reading.)

So those who do not get in and stay in God's System, don't get but a de minimis number of 'dots'. So their soul size ends up being very small. ("Production to Love" section next following will revisit this question with more detail.) The smaller the soul, the more childish. The lower and narrow the range of thinking, pleasure, appreciation. Not a desirable outcome, but certainly better than roasting in the Lake of Fire forever...

You realize of course, this fact about God's Truth going in you changing you internally, utterly destroys all works-claims. For, the fact you become more like God Simply By Learning Bible In God's System, well.. what work could even fantasize doing that? All the works from Adam through the Millenium, don't make anyone even one 'dot' more like God. They are just good works. Whoopee. No wonder Peter said they all get burned, at the end of 2 Peter. Who cares that they are -- If You Can Simply Learn Bible And Become More Like God? Don't people do works in hopes of getting some boon? Who needs any boon, if you can BECOME closer to Him, Himself? Keep all the riches of the world, baby -- have them all, enjoy! I'd rather have the riches of knowing HIM!

SideBar on Corollaries God's Love for even hellish truths

It's hard for us humans to understand how God could actually want any hellish truths; why wouldn't He hate casting unbelievers in Hell, for example? Well, there's a whole lot about Hell and those in it, we don't understand. But instead of asking God, of believing that maybe He has Good reasons, we either condemn Him, or fancy all the people WE don't like are sadistically boiling away in the flames, goody goody (glad it isn't 'me'). Neither of those prejudices, is true. Love never coerces. So if you want to go to hell, and when there, still want to stay there, you'll never believe in Christ. Look at the guy in Hades in Luke 16:20ff. Do you see him yet believing in God? Or do you see him manipulate Abraham, and STILL try to torture poor Lazarus, who during life had laid in the guy's scrap heap outside his house, no one even caring for Lazarus' sores, but the dogs (see earlier portion of Luke 16)? So how much is that fire actually bothering the guy in Hades, that he has so much energy and careful thought, to manipulate and cajole? I know if I were there, I'd be yelling at God how wrong I was not to believe in His Son! Do you think God would LEAVE me in hell if I did admit my wrong? Why? His Son paid for everybody, 1Jn2:2. So He could justify pulling me OUT of hell, if I admitted like Adam admitted, in Gen3. It wouldn't be unfair, since God DID get paid. But do you see the guy in Luke 16 doing that? Hell no. Sometimes it takes drastic measures to save a patient. But Infinite Love Would Never Quit Taking Drastic Measures, would it?

You can't write off that passage as a parable. Parables don't have specific names and details like that. And the Lord HIMSELF is the answer to the hypocritical 'prayer' that someone go topside and warn the guy's brothers, doncha think?

Delve deeper: if God shaved truth, how Righteous is He? If I claim to lift 250 lbs, but the weights are hollow, then I'm not so strong: merely LYING about it. Delve even deeper: if God Doesn't Have To Shave Truth and can still make it do an Isa54:1 job (which that verse actually claims, given the context of Isa53).. then how hateful could any truth be? Sure, the Profit would have to be so HIGH that even God is graced out, so to speak -- but if God is rational, then the profit IS that high. Now delve deepest: Would God Judge His Own Son if the resulting profit weren't worthwhile, even at God's Level and TO God? And surely, you don't think 'we' contribute anything of value, do you? We Are A Burden Forever as a result of the Cross. He could have just zapped us into oblivion, once the Son finished His Job. No burden forever, in that case. But that's NOT what happens. So there must be something of so high a value, God the Father Will Do The Worst Thing, What Is Most Against His Nature -- Judge His Perfect Son, the Only Human Who Really And Fully Loved Father for Himself. Not, because of the goodies. I know the Lord's Humanity was totally filled up to full Rapport with Father due to the Cross, because of Isa53:11 in the LXX and kindred verses (most notably, Hebrews Chaps1-2); but if it were not also true that the DDNA value produced as a result of Him in us was mind-bogglingly HIGH (which Isa53:11 also says, in the LXX portion) -- there's not enough reason. So it must be uncountably HIGH. Enough to justify Hell forever. Third Aspect will cover this topic in much detail.

So now you see the Power of Love as an Integrity nothing can assail. Sovereignty isn't just gritting it out, like the traditional Christian ascetic with his dour, black mind likes to imagine. Nor is God some wildly smiling gargoyle, as the emotional crowd likes to fancy "love". Neither one. Rather, the answer is so simple, everyone missed it. God is Absolute Love, even as He is absolute, everything else. Requires no steeling, sourdough strait-lacedness. Gross sin is not attractive, to Absolute Love (nor most kinds of other sane love, even among humans with even a smidgen of empathy). Ascetism is heinous to Love (a fact ascetics miss), as attested by the huge amount of sexual vocabulary the Bible uses to depict the spiritual life in both OT and New (some so graphic, you dare not translate it even in a webpage). That's why Satan&Co. invented the phallic cults, as a kind of burlesque of God's Begetting Plan for the human race.

For, Absolute Love needs no hedonism, either. It's too HUGE for such limited expressions.

Which is why neither ascetism nor hedonism have squat to do with either salvation or the spiritual life. It's kinda easy to see why hedonism isn't used, but for ascetism's evil, look: what if we had to work to be saved? Wow, that's a Sisphyean hell if ever there was! When would the works, ever stop? Whatever you works you did, someone else would do better. Another, would do worse. So we'd all be competing, scratching, biting each other clambering to be 'saved'. Kinda like, we already do down here. Dunno about you, but if heaven isn't substantially different from the tit-for-tat sterility of life on earth, I'd not want to go! THIS IS HELL, right now. With a greater one to come, and a greater one after that, for those stupid enough to think themselves smart for disbelieving in Christ. How could God make it easier, than simply 'believe'? Would anyone you know who claimed to love, give YOU such an unconditional promise? I bet not! I sure don't know anyone ever in life about whom I could say that. Heck, we humans are the mean-spirited ones, constantly fineagling: so we claim we love to GET something, not to GIVE something! So 'obey' John 3:16, and Cancel The Appointment, Heb9:28?
