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Thinking Out Loud: the Lord vs. Satan webseries, II

The best and most entertaining way to audit for truth is to assume true certain tenets, and then write out what 'story' they tell in aggregate. The links above explore the tenets. But what follows is an incipient 'novel' version. The original Thinking series was intended to be in novel format, but it became a 2000-page behemoth and now reads more like research and commentary. So here's a second version: a fictional novel which uses the Thinking series ideas. I'm writing it as a novel, to test for reasonability. So the purpose is still auditing. For I've tested the ideas in every other way I know against the theology 'out there' for the past seven years; so what remains is to write out a dynamic "today" version of the story playing, to see how much sense it makes. Who said auditing had to be boring?

Click here for that story, PDR.doc. Please don't get all nervous, titillated by the story (you know how we humans love demon stories, and thereby scoff at the idea of demons being real). Any fiction writer worth his salt employs fiction to dramatise politically-sensitive truths. So too, here. Hence this story will be offensive to some people; fiction helps 'buffer' the offense. If you are offended by PDR.doc, please vote with your eyes and stop reading.

In writing fiction, to make it believable you must use what you personally know, so that means resemblance to living persons is inevitable, but the characters in the story are NOT real, but rather archetypes. For the purpose of fiction is to craft character types with which the reader can identify. It's somewhat like cooking. You take real ingredients and then make them into something nourishing the soul can eat, but there needn't be any resemblance to a real 'dish' folks know. So obviously the main character names are faked. I picked names based on etymology, not based on any living person. Any real background names of places or people are solely to give the story current historical realism. For the true story is, we are all in this Angelic Trial together, and you are the star of your own life, every day before God Himself. It's not at all like the movie version of demons, but where can you find proof of that, except conceptually, as you analyze a 'fictional' character's life?

One big exception: the reference to the African election in the PBS video is wholly real, I saw it myself on cable; I can't remember if it was in Angola, or Niger; it was on Frontline or something related to Frontline. The rest of the material is either quasi-fictional or wholly fictional, though the actions portrayed are surely going on in some similar configuration, while you read. The Trial is real. Satan&Co. are real. The Trial issues are real. But whether they play exactly as depicted in the PDR.doc -- obviously, I don't know. I'm just testing the doctrines in Thinking series a second time, for sense. For if a thing is true then it tells a story: facts always live in some kind of dynamic. So if a thing is true, then the story that fits the facts should also test true. If not, then maybe what's represented as a fact, is not. That's the testing idea behind PDR. doc.

I wrote it in 2006 when Israel was being attacked by Hezbollah and Hamas, so one of the chapters takes place then. Will update the novel gradually, as I've time to think over the characters and plot lines. Only the novel's first five chapters are uploaded. Think of it as a serial novel: I have no idea how it will progress or end. Just as in the original Thinking series, I don't know where it's going. Won't know until I get 'there'.

Viewing Tip: PDR.doc views best in Word full screen Print Preview Two Pages. That way you can turn the pages quickly by scrolling the wheel of your mouse. If you don't like the font, you can easily change it this way: Edit, Select All, then Font and select the font you prefer. If you only select a different font, you preserve the point sizes. The document is sectioned so that each chapter still begins on a new page. Rockwell is a good viewing font in Word, as is Folio Md BT, and both are available in most versions Windows 98 (XP kept Rockwell, but not Folio; I don't know what Vista kept). Try these tips for any other long Word doc you must read (i.e., legal documents). Makes review a whole lot faster. So long as you don't save what you changed, the underlying document is unaffected.
