John's Gospel Dateline Meter

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Meter Colour Legend:

  • Red underlined text: pronounce as one syllable (dipthong or elision)
  • Orange: numbers divisble by seven / counts are sevened factors
  • Purple: factors of 3
  • Pink: submeters / syllable count for the preceding phrase
  • Green: is keyword / anaphora
  • Light green highlight: unmatched meter sums

This document is about how Bible uses a special 'sevening' TIME accounting meter;  it's a rhetorical style started by Moses, to convey when a Bible passage is written, passage theme, what other Bible verses tie, and how to use Bible's many dates.  This material is original research, but can be vetted directly in Bible.  Here, focus is on John's meter; but this page and the next furnish proof of the same style in other Bible books.  I've been doing this research since 2001.  You need not cite me.  The material's validity, if any, should become self-evident.


Table Of Contents

Preface, How God Orchestrates Time          Advertise         Body   Chronology     Bible's Timeline Shifts


Prophetic, Millennium-Related, Metered Convergence Years

(Years from Adam's Fall, per Bible's Own Stated Dates, not 'outside' sources)


4096    4103    4133   4136   4143   4146   4150   4153   4156   4160   4163   4166


4170    4173    4176   4180   4183   4186   4190   4193   4196   4200   4203   4207




 John's Gospel Dateline Meter        1 John Dateline Meter           Revelation Dateline Meter



Document's designed for on-screen reading.  Download free (and copyrighted) BibleWorks fonts, to read Hebrew/Greek in Word or htm: .  Word doc: .  (Some browsers won't well format, nor read doc htm#sublink; so url might need pasting.)  Htm: .  Pdf: . 


Video playlist table: (later version is or doc or htm.)  Video descriptions include all Word docs/pdfs/htms to vet the material.  So you needn't watch the videos.  The playlists are in vimeo.  (I stopped posting in Youtube effective 11/07/13.)  For easiest grasp, watch/read the material in order from left to right, per row.  Video production is still ongoing, so the playlists are incomplete.  Daniel 9 videos are passim within the other video series, so its pdf is instead linked below.  James bases his meter on Luke and Paul; so Luke's Gospel meter and outline, are shown in the James videos.  Book dates are in the authors' meters, which the videos below and their related docs (links in each video description, and on next page), explain.


General primer, How God Orchestrates Time

Psalm 90 (1400 bc)

Isaiah 53 (714-712 bc)

Daniel 9

(Bul/Chislev, 538 bc)

Magnificat (Adar, 5 bc)

Matthew (30 ad)

Luke (59 ad)

Paul, in Ephesians

(Dec 59 ad)

How Paul 'tags' the OT

James (59 ad)

1Peter (69 ad)

Mark (69 ad)

Hebrews (69 ad)

John's Gospel

(Sept-Dec 77 ad)

1 John

(4 Chislev/Dec, 80 ad)


(early Dec 88 ad)


Supporting Documents: latest versions are in the links above.  All material is in draft form.  Although older – meaning, I didn't know the Gospel meters, nor about James, Peter, and Hebrews when I wrote what's below -- the following material might prove helpful.


o is the latest update on the Meter Rules.

o      Main webpage on How God Orchestrates Time: 

o      Next, brainoutFAQ:  Read it through 6b.  It shows Bible verses signifying the dates used in Mirroring.htm and GeneYrs.xls.


o      Timeline From Adam forward:  Shows how God's Rules for Time affect history both in Bible and post-Bible.  All worksheet dates are taken solely from Bible; no astrology, astronomy, or extra-Biblical 'sources'.  Just the dates as Bible gives them, in SOLAR years.  Lunar accounting is a Jewish practice; it's wrong, and many Jews know this;  Bible's years are always based on birthdays, from Adam forward.  God bid Israel use a solar year, Exodus 12.  So the xls Col G (in yellow) dates tally to Bible.


o      Timeline Explanation for GeneYrs.xls and Mirroring.htm:  It includes an explanation of scholar errors which keep everyone in the dark about Bible's extreme accuracy, i.e., Bible never claims a human king's decree in Daniel 9:25; Bible never uses lunar years; scholars ignore 1Kings 6:1's pointed advertisement of David's death at age 77, not 70.  The doc also shows the accounting relationship between 70 and 50 on its page 15, which sets precedent for 'sabbatical years' in the Law;  the same math, is crucial to seeing how Paul crafts and 'nests' his own meter.


o      How we can prove from Bible, exactly when the Lord was born and died; and how we can prove that between His Arrest and Crucifixion, there were FOUR DAYS, not one: . God designed Israel's calendar around the Christ, just as Hebrews 1:2 says, in Greek (mistranslated).  There's no excuse for our centuries of lazy disinformation.


o      Exodus, how the Bible's date (1440 bc) obviously dovetails with history we know: .


o      Noahic Flood timeline;  Bible writers use the LXX, not the BHS dates.  Daniel, Paul, John use LXX chronology, and tag their meter to pun it.  So here's that chronology:  .


o      God's 4-Act Play of History (meter integration among Psalm 90, Isaiah 53, Daniel 9:4-26 and Eph 1:3-14): ;  or,  is the pdf conversion.


ToC   Preface  Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


Psalm 90, 1400 bc

o  .  With LXX and NASB translation as well as Bibleworks' 5 BHS text.

o  .  Meter map of Psalm 90 with explanation and notes, parsing and metered translation.

o  .  Palindromic nature of Moses' meter.

o  .  Chart showing how Judges tracks to Psalm 90's meter.


Isaiah 53, 714-712 bc

o  .  Meter parsing map, to show Isaiah's Psalm 90:15 accounting style.

o .  Meter map showing patterns and balancing, used for the pdf.

o .  Metered-to-Hebrew, English metered translation.


Daniel 9:4-19, 9:24-27, Bul/Marchesvan 538 bc

o  .  Daniel 9's Hebrew meter with massive notes.

o .   Same, used to create the pdf.

o .  For Video, click here.  Shocking meter in Daniel 9:24-27, no translation.  1 John's '231' meter, is based on this.  Paul and Peter previously 'tagged' it; so John tags them, to continue the same theme.


Mary's Magnificat, Adar 5 bc, probably Purim.  Luke 1:46-55, and Zecharias' reply six months later on Pentecost 4 bc, Luke 1:68-79.

o      In 2012, while making the Synoptic videos to prove Mark's Gospel third, not first: I was nonplussed, to find the Magnificat was metered.  Click here for videos on Mary's and Zecharias' meters (last video is on his meter).  Docs:  or  Penultimate page shows Zecharias' meter.  I didn't yet check for variants.  Luke used their meters to craft his Gospel outline:  click here for its first video.  Paul uses their meters to craft his, to make four quarters = Year of Church.  Then James, Peter, Jude, Mark and John, all play on the meters in Luke and Paul.


Matthew 1:1-17 (the genealogy), 30 ad

o ; or , if you have Bibleworks fonts to read it (freely downloadable at ).  Matthew starts the NT dating convention: years from latest Bible book, and years from Christ's Age.  So Matthew dates his book as 427 years after Malachi, 33 years after Christ's birth, 476 years after Nehemiah went to Jerusalem.  Thus Christ dies at START of 62nd week of Daniel 9:26, not at its end, as originally scheduled in Daniel 9:26.


Luke wrote in the Lord's 56th  year, maybe in honor of His 56th birthday, our '59' ad.  Luke uses two sets of dateline meters.

o      Luke's cover letter meter to 'Theophilis', Luke 1:1-4: or  Luke's dateline meter to Theophilis, is based on years from Christ's death, which happens to be the same as years from Matthew's Gospel (35 years later).  NT writers dateline in years-from the latest Bible book, or via Christ's Age, often using both.  Matthew started that trend.  So by using Christ's Age, often both rules are met.  Luke's Gospel, actually starts in Luke 1:5-7, Gospel meter of 56, the Lord's 56th year; also tags Matthew 56 years from the end of Matthew 1.  James was written the same year as Luke; but Paul wrote between Matthew and Luke; I've not yet parsed all Paul's letters, for datelines.


Ephesians 1:3-14, 59 ad (end).  This was released just after Paul was imprisoned.  Paul writes just before the Lord's 57th birthday, so in the same Year (at its end), as Luke had written.

o   'Comprehensive proof of Paul's meter mapping to Ps90, Isa53, Daniel 9, plus metered translation.  I didn't yet check for variants.  All Bible writers after Ephesians came out, tag his meters.

o   'Used to create the REPARSED.pdf.  You need Bibleworks fonts, to view the Greek.

o .  Just like the doc; you'll need Bibleworks fonts for it, too.


James 1:1-4, 59 ad.  James' datelines 'tag' Luke 1:78-79 and Ephesians 1:6; text tags 1Cor4, re 'crowns'.

o .  Greek (and English) spans Chapters 1-2; dateline meter is at the end.  James uses 28 and 112 as his dateline meters as years after Christ died.  2nd dateline is prophetic, affirms meters in Luke 1:78-79 + Eph 1:6.

o requires Bibleworks fonts for the Greek; else is the same, as the pdf.


1 Peter 1:1-12

o shows his meter.  Starting here, videos show how Peter wraps to Paul, syllable by year.

o is the 'song' with translation.  It will be reworked many times; 1John's meter will be added, to form a 'third verse'.  I'm still testing Greek antiphonal cadence, to see how the 'song' will 'play'.


Mark 1:1-2

o shows his meter.  The notes do not yet 'conform' to the meter, am still editing them.


Revelation 1:1-8

o      This doc; also,  maps Revelation's outline.  Folks don't realize John separates each Play (dispensation) via meta tauta;  since they don't know Revelation is a Greek quadrilogy of Church Age then Trib then Mill then Eternity (3 'tragedies'=sad endings;  then a 'comedy'=happy ending, per Greek drama contest rules).. misinterpretation abounds.


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  4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


Bible in both explicit text and in meter, continually tracks the doctrine below.  Yet you wouldn't know this doctrine existed, unless you talked to Jews about their 'Ages' doctrine, or you plotted Bible's own dates, from Adam to Christ  -- NOT using lunar years, NOT using 'outside' estimates (no astronomy or astrology, no Eusebius, Ussher, or other hoary head's errant tallies). Blatant use in Daniel 9, though, should alert you to its existence.  For if there was a set time for the Temple, there must be an underlying doctrine about setting time.  So here it is, in gist.  In later sections, you'll see how John as indeed all Bible writers, applies the doctrine, via 'sevening' meter.  Basic videos orient you to the math, at .


·      Time is a LOAN.  So it must be 'paid' by someone voting for God.  Else, TIME ENDS.

·      This LOAN is in specific units, each with its own voting 'audience' and purpose.


·      First Unit, 490 years, during which at least ONE BELIEVER must spiritually SUPERMATURE.  Else, Time Ends.  Per Bible, Adam first supermatured, indicated by the 'present' of his son Seth (=Appointed-to-Carry-the-Name).  Genesis 5 is a roster of who Supermatured.  It's designed to track Time Grants Met.  Sons' births are TIMED;  when you crunch the math you learn, for example, 490 years are between Seth's birth and Enoch's;  Jared  supermatured at the last minute.  (Age rounding might cause a 1-2 year math variance.)  Another 490, between the births of Shem and Isaac.


·      Second Unit is a 70, following the 490 if it successfully completed (someone supermatured during 1st Unit).  During this 70, believers en masse Must Vote To Learn God.  The 'mass', can be as small as one (i.e., Noah or Moses, who each voted during his own 70).  Else, Time Ends for those who didn't vote.  (Hence the Flood.)


·      Third Unit, is another 490, following the 70, if the latter successfully completed.  Again, at least one believer must spiritually supermature.  Else, Time Ends.


·      Unit Four, the Sum: 1050 (490+70+490), constitutes God's basic 'House' of Time.  It 'funds' the ability of unbelievers to Vote To Be Saved.  Gospel is always the same in any time period: you BELIEVE in the Future Savior Who Will Pay For Your Sins (aka Messiah, in Hebrew):   and thus you are saved from Hell and to Heaven.. forever.


·      So notice Unit Four,  the 1050 is also constructed of 50's: there are 21 of them.  So, 1000+50 constitutes twenty 50's, plus one.  (Hence the term 'millennium' in a generic sense.  Really, 1000+50, not 1000.  But in shorthand, 1000.)


·      So Unit Five, is a special unbeliever-voting window during the last 50 years of the 1050.  Notice how it 'rides on top of' the last 490 in a 1050, thus signifying that unbeliever votes depend on believers, voting.  This is precedence for the Mosaic Law's sabbatical years,  Pentecost and Jubilee.  For the math on how the 70 'buys' the 50, see page 15 in .


·      So the 1000 is a 'civilization' unit, with a '50' at the end;  so the 'Time House' of 1050 contains both believers and unbelievers, each with a TIME promise and a TIME warning, if they don't vote for God. 


·      TIME ENDS for those who don't vote for God.  This is precedence for the sudden-death nature of the Rapture.


·      For the Millennium was predicted to arrive in the year 4200 from Adam's Fall, ever since the Exodus (and maybe prior, I can't yet prove what prior knowledge, of a 2nd 2100).  The first two units ran 2100 years, for the Gentiles.  The second 2100 was for the Jews.  Jews today even know this, but they account 2000 each, not 2100.  And they use a bad calendar, patterned after the Seder Olam Rabbah.  Google on that term.


·      Messiah was SCHEDULED to die 57 years before the end of the second 2100;  hence when the Jews rejected Him, there was no more time left. There was no more time left, because Abraham matured EARLY, so that 57 was 'owed' the Gentiles.  (Again, this was encoded into the Mosaic Law as Passover+Pentecost, Jubilee+Trib, mirrors.)


·      Technically, Abraham supermatured in the year Noah's 490-year Time Grant, ran out.  That was year 2046 from Adam.  Rounded, the value is 54 (2100-2046).  Really, it's 53.5 years.  An extra 3.5-year piece is added, probably precedented from Noah, who entered the Ark 57 days after his birthday.  I'm not yet sure why that is precedent.  Its character changes to David's being crowned at Hebron 3.5 years early, but over all Israel, 7 years later.


·      So there is No Time Left to Israel, if she doesn't accept Messiah when He comes On Time.  (This might explain the origin of preterism.  If one only looks at the fact Israel ran out of time, one can falsely conclude that the remainder 'passed on' to Church.  But Bible's promises to Abraham, Moses, David are unconditional, so are still future.  The Last David, inherited them all, Isaiah 53:12. So there is a future for Israel, which Church Bridges to Preserve, and fronts;  ergo, the unpredictable pre-Trib Rapture.)


·      Psalm 90's meter, recorded all this;  Isaiah 53 picked up the meter timeline where Moses left off;  Isaiah updated the Advent timeline, since David had been born and died;  now everyone knew when Messiah had to be born:



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o      1000 years after David's consolidated Kingship, which was (per Bible), 1004 bc.


o      So then Messiah was SCHEDULED to have the same lifetime as David's total rulership, 40 years. 


o      So then He would have died in 37AD, had the Jews accepted Him.  That was, year 4143 from Adam's Fall.  Rule of 57 would be met.  Daniel 9's timeline of the 69 weeks, ends here.


o      So when the First Temple went down, that Schedule was now in breach.  Daniel thus metered his own prayer in Daniel 9, timing the date he prayed to the beginning of the last missed sabbatical year.


o      Daniel's metered prayer asked for the specific units of Time God grants (God replying also in meter, as well as explicit text), in Daniel 9:24-26.  (The '50' is left out, since it's not Jewish time.  So it's in ellipsis, between Dan9:26 and 9:27.)


o      So there were TWO sevens, 14 -- a subunit depicting Time In Breach, Loss of Time due to Temple Down, which Moses had warned of, metrically;  which Isaiah metrically doubled (two positives offsetting the negative).   Paul will ape both Moses' and Isaiah's usage, in a type of antiphony showing the Church will be used as the Time Bridge to fulfill the 14.


o      One seven, was embedded in the 62nd week; and the other was the Tribulation, in Daniel 9:27.  Both were to play in and due to Messiah's 'time' (front-and-back like 7-day-pre-Flood warning to Noah, Messiah's death kicking off final 57); since Israel went overbudget, so to speak, in Temple Reconstruction delay (21 years instead of seven, between 537BC and 516BC).


o      So when Christ came and Israel rejected Him, He ended up dying seven years earlier, still in the 62nd week of Daniel 9:26. So that 'week', didn't complete.  We don't notice that, because we ASSume a lunar accounting.  So the preterist thinks that Daniel 9:27 is the only 7.  So too, the Dispensationalist.  Not so!  This hanging extra 7, was yet future at the time Paul wrote, and would be 'spent' on taking down the Temple under Titus, 64-70AD.  Everyone expected that, since Daniel 9:26 is on Temple Down.


·      Christ knew that; so before He died, He Inaugurated Church, Matt16:18.  John 17:17-23 shows It's Up To Father, How Many FUTURE SOULS Christ Should 'Fund', On The Cross.  So Body Count is set, but not Time.


·   As a result, Time is in a 'bubble' of Daniel 9:26, the '62nd week':  a 434, leaving 56 to finish the 490.  We Church Are made into The Time Bridge of History; so God's Promises to CHRIST as King of the Jews, get fulfilled just as promised the Jews, in the Old Testament.  We do not replace the Jews.  We have our own covenant, theme of Book of Hebrews.


All NT Bible writers use this Doctrine to track Time from Christ's age and to the Millennium, in meter.  Thus we not only can know when they wrote; but also, their meters set their themes;  so we can better know how to read, what they wrote.


·      Click here for Matthew's tracking.  Matthew is provably the first Gospel, and he baldly datelines it as 30 ad.

·      Click here for Luke's tracking, in the 'jim' videos.  Luke wraps around Matthew, and includes the Magnificat tracking that started the NT style of Hebrew meter yet in Greek words, back in Adar 5 bc.  James tags his meter, to Luke and Paul's.

·      Paul plays on Mary.  Luke's Gospel outline is based on the Magnificat, so Paul 'wraps' to it, in Ephesians 1.

·      Click here for  Mark's tracking.  Mark wraps around Matthew and Luke, proving conclusively that his Gospel is third.  For his text tracking in the Synoptics, click here.

·      Peter plays on Paul.  Peter's meter wraps around Paul's, to create a marching song of future history;  Paul stopped at 62 weeks; Peter essentially adds the fronting seven weeks, to update how Church is the Bridge Back to Israel's Time.

·      Hebrews builds its outline around Peter and then Mark: video demonstration starts here.

·      John (this document) then reconciles all of them.

·      This Bible Hebrew meter has at least 30 characteristics, observable from Psalm 90 forward, so the rhetorical style is 1500 years old, by the time John writes.  (Click here for the htm version.)






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Note: teal 'estin' variant (verse 4) is in Tischendorf/Sinaiticus (a).  It should be the better verb, since there's no distinction between 'life' and 'Him'.  The other phrases use ayn to separate Two Persons.  John would use it as a present tense in contrast to the repeated imperfect, forecasting John 8:58.  It would make the ending meters one higher, as shown after 'or', below right.  So I bet John used estin: so much, his deft style.








Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος,




καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν,




καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.




οὗτος ἦν ἐν ἀρχῇ πρὸς τὸν θεόν.




πάντα δι᾽ αὐτοῦ ἐγένετο,




καὶ χωρὶς αὐτοῦ ἐγένετο οὐδὲ ἕν ὃ γέγονεν




ἐν αὐτῷ ζωη. [ἐστίν] ἦν,

6 or 7

64 or 65


καὶ ἡ ζωὴ ἦν τὸ φῶς τῶν ἀνθρώπων·


75 or 76


καὶ τὸ φῶς ἐν τῇ σκοτίᾳ φαίνει,


85 or 86


καὶ ἡ σκοτία αὐτὸ οὐ κατέλαβεν.


97 or 98



Meter's Import


A.  John Advertises his Gospel theme by phrasing his dateline, as 7 Years After Temple Fell.  So we know why he writes, by when he writes.  For the 7th year completed; yea, even the 8th year has come, since the Temple went down AGAIN, even on the same day as the 1st,  just as Daniel 9:26 said it would;  yet no Rapture, no Tribulation, no Millennium?


Yea, his audience is in deep depression.  Christ would have been 80 years old = 4183 from Adam's Fall, end of year, just before his 81st birthday;  for they're kvetch-quoting Moses, Psalm 90:13:  What's the delay?  How long must we wait, ad-matay?  So to answer, God has John create a roping, tic-tac-toe metrical narrative. Like Spanish kids now learn numbers: dos y dos son quatro, quatro y dos son seis;  seis y dos son ocho, y ocho es dieciseis.  Though of course John, recounts How Christ reconciles History.


His Story, looked false.  Folks expected Trib to begin at Temple's Fall.  Instead, came  7 years of ouden, meden, outhen, nothing. Paul had used ouden and outhen, in 1Cor13.  So God has John craft his Gospel, keying off their disaffection and Paul's Eph1:3-14 plus 1Cor13. So John's meter plays on Paul's what-if-the-Rapture scenarios re future Church history, in Eph 1:3-14.  For believers were miffed at God's 'delay'.  Paul metered Christ Age 73 at hagious, Eph 1:4b!  But He didn't COME!!  Yeah, 'one of many potential Rapture dates; by Eph1:13, Paul prophesied a 'winter' of Christian discontent due to rapid apostasy, after Christ's death.  Same idiocy as now: oh, Rapture is a thrill! Not to mention, revenge. Yea, Rapture can happen anytime; but its criterion is mature body (Eph4:13-16, hence John Chaps 14-17): so if bodies ain't maturin', Rapture ain't comin'.


John's meter also 'talks back to' Matthew's, Luke's, and Mark's Vote meters.  Since Matthew's playing-on-Daniel-9 meter ended with 476 not 483, John's '7' here, certifies that now '483' applies. Luke's meter is bifurcated: a) preamble 'cover letter' meter to 'Theophilus' (Luke 1:1-4), delivering the b) seven-years'-earlier meter dateline, of his Gospel (Luke 1:5-7).  In b), Luke's first dateline is just like Paul's, Christ Age '56'; flipside meaning, the '14' of history had yet to 'play'. (Paul's Ephesians 1:10 meter of '14', plays on Daniel's 62 weeks; his meter total does too, at 434 syllables = years, plotting Rome's future to Odovacer;  just as Daniel had done in his Dan 9 prayer meter, for Israel's kings.) Since Mary's Magnificat uses that same ending '56' meter prospectively, Paul expects his readers to know Luke's Gospel; seems both epistles went out that year, or were written then and maybe distributed later.  Magnificat meter was long known; Zecharias' soliloquy played to it; both ran Time forward to 40 years before expected Millennium.  Then, Zecharias added 80, for equidistance (ending 40 years post-Mill).  Back then, Christ wasn't born: so they both used Daniel 9's schedule.  As shown in my 'jim' videos, Luke's post-Cross Gospel is built on their meters:  God Orchestrates Time For Gentiles, Too.


So John updates both Paul and Luke, 'adding' 7 to show 'yes, the first seven has now played', Temple Down.  Prior – in the Year of the Four Emperors, just after Paul died -- Mark's trenchant '14' dateline meter, piggybacked on Luke's 56 to form a Rapture question, 'Will the Vote (70) Complete?' For Mark wrote, when Titus surrounded Jerusalem.  John's update, gives antiphonal 'answer':  his measly '7' admits 'no', Mark's other '7' has yet to play.  Ouch.


Time to remind everyone of the Gospel, then.  Why we are still here.  For back then, with all the furor over Rapture dates -- sound familiar, even 2000 years later? – We've Forgotten Why We Were Saved.  So John, writes about Love.


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B. Isn't Love best shown by adding, spending.. Time? So John's Love Gospel metrically introduces Time God Spent To Save Israel.  John centers Chaps 14-17 on Love's activities, Greek verb menw: abide, dwell in, wait for, remain; root concept is Wife Waits For Her Husband To Come Home. So we are husbanded into a Bible Birthing Body, as Paul quips in 1Cor12:31 (the real start of Chap 13) and Eph4:16 (wedding night verbs sumbibazw and sunarmologew, translators won't clearly render, but see Thayer's lexicon).  John's meter thus shows Body Built into Living Temple (play on Eph2).  So he gives his audience a wry math, history and prophecy brief, as they know exactly when he writes.  So we can, too. Italics below, translate math-and-Greek-text interplay. ('To emulate John's roping style.) John's meter reconciles fiscal-year starts: Adamic, 3rd week September, autumnal equinox; Christ Born 25 Chislev = 3rd week December = 12/25, last week Roman Year;  finally, Noahic/ Abrahamic/ sacred year, 3rd week March, vernal equinox (intercalated in Adar; hence 4-day spread, by December's end). So '4184' is Sept. start, Adamic, earliest; then Christ's Birthday shorthand for Roman fiscal start, Jan 1; then Noahic/ Abrahamic/ sacred, March. 


My Dear Children,




I'm writing you,



years after the Temple Fell in the 40th anniversary of His Death, to attest that  Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος ;  which Word, The Temple the Temple depicted, yet rebuilds from On High in us;  so our 'exodus' (Rapture) hasn't begun as expected;  (Adamic fiscal starting 4184, Christ nearly age 81, 77 ad Roman auc, 70+7. Play on Zecharias, Luke 1:78-79 , Eph1:3-14, + Chaps 2, 4, + all of Hebrews;  sets up 'I prepare a home for you' in John 14-17.)



which Fall, occurred



years after Israel's final 40-year 'Booth' wandering period began;  καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν,  Who Keeps His Psalm 90 Promises of Return, once our Promised Heavenly Body, is built; (Presages John 14-17.  Temple fell 4176,  '9th Av', 5th month, Exodus 12 vernal equinox, sacred fiscal: 1st month sacred = 7th month Adamic, Temple Fall = start of 11th Adamic month.  Christ still age 73; Roman auc = 70 ad, our end August.  So 16 years prior, a 'parallel' 40 – recalling Luke 1's four '40' parallels, play on Magnificat and Zecharias -- this '40' began Adamic 4161, ends 4200. Next day is 4201, Mill start. Magnificat & Zecharias end their meters on the autumnal fiscal, to play on 56/57 vs. 40 pre- or post-Mill; for Christ was scheduled to die age 40, with 57 left by 4143's end;  it's metered as '56' in Psalm 90 onward, since the fiscal-year spread is six months.  So John now also writes, 40 years after 4143; 16 years after the year he writes, is the Millennium.  Heh.)

in fact, He put those Promises into effect


years prior, when He actually died; having become the Way the Truth and the Life, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.  (Fiscal reconciliation shift from Adamic to Noahic, backwards six months.  Noah was born on Passover; the Gen7-8 dates are based on it, not on a separate calendar.  But Exodus 12 modified, then made it official, for Israel.  So, Noahic fiscal  4159 minus 4136 when Christ died.  Recon: Noahic 4160 begins 7th month +14 days into Adamic 4160, so round difference to 23.  More equidistance punning – John writes 23 years after 4160, as well!  Anticipates John 14:6 through Chap 17.)


He then died, at Age



; for  οὗτος ἦν ἐν ἀρχῇ πρὸς τὸν θεόν. 'This One' is and was and always will be Word. Built.  (4136.  Now recon shifts to His own age. He's again Face to Face with Father, preview of John 14 and 17.  Also, John writes 33 years after what should have been 1000th anniv. of 1st Temple's Dedication, 4150 vs. 4156.)


So I write you in the



nd year that Body Building, Harvesting the Gentiles began;  for πάντα δι᾽ αὐτοῦ ἐγένετο, (Last 57 years to Mill; still Noahic/sacred calendar's start 4143, hence 58, to end 4200.  So, Adamic '4184' is 4142+42.  Cute '42' birth/ germinate Bible meter:  '42' refs Jacob's TWO families 21 years after he left to wive, which was 490 years after Flood.  Also, 42 years after Christ died, Roman war against Israel ends.  Temple stayed, yet Church Age began, to repay Abraham's time; 14 years used up rebuilding Temple, +3.5-year 'credit' for David; balances to Israel being 40 years late entering The 'Land.)






years before the Millennium, He should have died;  καὶ χωρὶς αὐτοῦ ἐγένετο οὐδὲ ἕν ὃ γέγονεν  (from Noahic start 4143 ; '16' and '42', reverse scheduled 57 vs. 40,  like Magnificat meter, balancing both 'Jewish' and 'Gentile' time to the schedule.  John here also sets up John 12:24 re Seed Dying.)



Yet He actually died seven years early,


years prior to Millennium's Start.  For He died to give us life,  ἐν αὐτῷ ζωὴ ἐστίν. (End 4200 - start of 4136 = 65.  He died on sacred fiscal =1st month, 14th day; + 6 months earlier, Adamic.  Hence the famous 'vote short' 63 meter in Ps90, Isa53, Eph1:3-14, 1Pet1:1-12;  start of 62nd week, in Dan9.  So in their meters, -1 for six-month fiscal differential, and -1 for boy vs. eoy, to make a 'sevening'.

For Israel rejected Him; so Temple stood, through end Year


, to finish the 40-year warning after Israel put out His Light:  καὶ ἡ ζωὴ ἦν τὸ φῶς τῶν ἀνθρώπων·  (Play on the Lord's Chanukah=Dedication/Feast of Lights Birth.  Titus razed Temple 1st month of 4176 on the sacred calendar, from Passover to 9th Av = 7th to 11th month of same Adamic year.  Sotto voce: 40 years+, Church now emulates Israel's rejection.  So will our 'light' also go out?  Rapture also occurs due to rejection.  Ambassadors can be recalled due to their bad actions, too.)


(v.5)  If We stop rejecting Him, we might be built by Year


:  καὶ τὸ φῶς ἐν τῇ σκοτίᾳ φαίνει( (Plays on Rom 9-11. Next Rapture option's based on  Abraham's maturation time limit from Noah in 1556, so + 490 = 2046 + 2100 = 4146;  also 1000th year of 1st Temple Start, 1Kings 6:1.  So +43 from 4143, Harvesting Church = 4186. 1John's dateline meter will be 4187, before Abrahamic 40 ends.  Note that 4186+14=4200, the Mill year (it starts end 4200, so John writes in 4187).  So 86 reminds us, we're the '14' of History, as Paul's Eph1:10 stated, his meter at '14', outside the 'first quarter'= 91.  Pun: He's born on the 86th day of Adamic year, aka Chanukah (first full day, 25th after sundown).  Noahic/Abrahamic/sacred year begins 100 days later;  1st Day of Passover at sundown, is the 115th day. Then again, 115th day after that, is 9th Av at sundown. +50 takes you to next autumnal equinox, Rosh Ha Shanah.)

 if Church matures, Millennium  can yet occur by His Age


, as Dan 9:24's criterion is sin's completion,  καὶ ἡ σκοτία αὐτὸ οὐ κατέλαβεν. (4201 = Rosh HaShanah Millennium start, Christ age 98.  – 33 = 65,  Plays on Zech 14:6-7, Day that is night, 2nd Advent.  For The Light had to first come on His Chanukah SHINING Birth, to tabernacle among us, John 1's theme.)


ToC    Preface  Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

  4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


Is that an awesome Gospel prologue, or what?  Why didn't we pass on this meter technique, to our kids?  How many centuries have we taught/learned Bible as if God must be vague, abstruse and boring, to be wise, holy and majestic?  Kill me now.  So notice: we can't say when the Rapture will happen. Since the world remains largely on the Julian calendar, I'd bet 2nd Advent is on Chanukah.  Shortened seven years, by one 'week'.  When He was born and due to lack of intercalation, could have easily been Julian 25 December, as I tried to show in PassPlot.htm . (You might need to paste the link: .)


C.  Over the centuries, we've attempted to synchronize His Chanukah = 25 December Birthdate (Haggai 2's wit); we've also attempted, to reconcile our bc/ad Calendar to His Chronology, with many problems debated.  Yet we never notice, Varro's Roman auc is overstated by four years?  For at the time Mary spoke, Romans argued Varro's tally of Rome's 'age' was wrong, slipshod, politically-motivated to please Augustus.  Varro padded his tally with four fake 'dictators' and another four pairs of fake consuls.  Had he done only one of the two 'fours', his tally would have at least been right with respect to Rome's age, claimed his detractors.  (There’s no proof Dionysius used Roman auc; but for the last 200 years, scholars assumed he did.  These same scholars started to use Varro's Roman auc routinely, to derive bc/ad conversions.  So its usage is of central concern in proper dating vs. Bible; especially to answer Bible’s critics, who treat Roman auc as a Holy Grail of accuracy.)


Luke 3:1, converts Roman auc to Bible's own Anno Domini, which is also an NT dateline meter convention. Thus we are alerted, to the Roman auc 'problem' cited above.  Bible often phrases years as equidistances, to play on Psalm 90:15, how God answers Moses' prayer:  give us AS MANY good years as bad years.  Ergo Luke 3:1, 15+15=30.  Count back 15 from 15th year of Tiberius: that's when Christ was born. Tiberius became co-ruler with Augustus in what we call ad 13, which means his 15th year is 27ad, by Bible's Anno Domini conversion.  '3-year difference: for Christ is born, end of Roman year; He is thus properly accounted as age 33 when dying, at START of what we traditionally call, '30 ad'.  For He died on true Passover, on 1470th 'birthday' of original Exodus, on Noah's 3080th birthday.  30 AD is not one of His years.  For He died, at its beginning.


[As also covered at length in PassPlot.htm, the Jews hadn't intercalated, that's why John is so sarcastic, calling that last year when He died, 'the Passover of the Jews', not God's, John 11:55.  John 18:39ff, recounts what should have been the real Pesach Erev.  Between John 18:38 and v.39 was the 'trial' before Herod, at least a day or two prior.  You see that, if you read Luke 23:3-4.  Bear in mind, folks reading this material when newly published by Luke or John, long knew it already.  So time skips didn't confuse them.  So for John to leave out the Herodian trial was a pointed omission they would notice.  Especially, since he skips from day Five before the 'Passover of the Jews' which occurred four days too fast.. to just before that 'passover' (12:1 begins day Six, 12:12 says day Five.. then Chapter 13:1's day OF). Ouch.


So, equidistance:  ANOTHER FOUR DAYS also elapse from His initial arrest through the day He dies (beginning at 18:39); for the Lamb was supposed to be set aside on the 10th, the day He is arrested.  Well, that's the same number of days the calendar was running too fast, so that the Lord could eat yet be the Passover.  So the time skip is pointed.  All night of 'official' (four-days-too-fast) Passover and the following day (maybe two) – when under the Mosaic Law they were supposed to DO NO WORK -- instead, Annas was busy working THAT FIRST NIGHT with the priests, and hired a whole Roman cohort, simply to arrest Him in Gethsemane.  Then they all trudged over to Caiaphas, then the full Sanhedrin assembled (which John also skips over): all that took one more day; likely, two more.  Early probably on Day Two or more likely Three, was the first visit with Pilate, who then sends them to Herod, surely on Day Three.  Day Four, Pesach Erev – the real one, not the official one – they go back to Pilate, John 18:39 and following.  Just think of the logistics. Three governments, six events: Annas, Caiaphas and then Sanhedrin, Pilate, Herod, back to Pilate.  It's not as if everyone sat around, waiting for Jews to come accuse Him.  You needed an appointment.  There were protocols to observe.


Especially given the fact God would obviously Obey His Own Exodus 12 Law on 4-day-countdown between Lamb Set Aside and Eat-Lamb Passover, since It Depicted His Son -- any sane person could guess that 4 days elapsed.  For you just can't assemble 70 Sanhedrin jurists three times during Passover week on short notice, then assemble them all again before a Roman procurator, then they all run over to Herod's for an audience and then they all run back to Pilate for a second audience, followed by a very long scourging.  Formal customs of pomp to show deference to authority, formal trial protocols, formal trying-to-kill-Him with the Roman stone-and-bone, wouldn't permit such haste.  Then finally, assemble all the people in the square and give that long speech, followed by a long march outside the city to Golgatha?  These seven trials were official functions, so they DIDN'T all happen within 12 hours, from midnight after the Last Supper, until noon the next day when He allegedly starts screaming, per stupid Bible movies!]


Yet Bible also tracks its own 3.5-year divergence: to show God Balances Time, from Adam's Fall.  We don't notice this doctrine; we instead merely add Bible years; since they don't then balance, we imagine we make Christ born end 4 bc to reconcile, deeming Bible wrong.  (It's easier to follow the text below and in D., if you peruse . It only uses Bible's numbers from Adam to Christ; then, I fitted them to our common 'traditional Christian' bc/ad.  The years balance with six-month variations;  so at times you might encounter a + or -1 problem.)


For as usual, God exploits any seeming Bible 'error', to stress vital doctrines: here, God the Master Accountant, treats Time as an asset, with mirrored, offsetting debits and credits.  Examples: Abraham's kids are sentenced to 400 years of slavery before they are born, with Jacob & Co. first in Egypt, 30 years prior;  mirror, David is born 400 years after that Exodus, becomes king 30 years later; Israel is sentenced to 40 years' wandering in the wilderness; mirror, Temple stands another 40 years after The Wanderers (= 'Hebrews') sentenced Christ; Israel wanders after 1st Temple dies, for 70 years;  mirror, gets 70 reimbursed (if you did your Daniel 9 math properly), via 2nd Temple's 490 (62 weeks = 364, # years 1st Temple stood, + 70).  Bible is number/son intensive with the begats, kingship periods, etc. – to show How God Reconciles Time.  Yet we Christians don't even know this doctrine, exists??!!


ToC    Preface  Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

  4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


Yet all NT authors metrically reconcile to that 3.5-year shortfall; as you'll see in B., here in C., and in D., they expect readers to 1) memorize the text, and 2) know Bible on begats, kings and their regnal years, sons, etc.  For all those numbers and sons, display an ongoing accounting of Time Deadlines, since the fiscal years are six months apart.  You can't see it until you plot Bible numbers from Adam to Christ.  Bible numbers, not astronomical (or worse, astrological) charts.  Bible numbers, not the hasty tabulation by a slipshod bishop or Sir So and So whom you respect.  Bible should be respected, first.


Matthew 1's metered genealogy, for exmple, does this reconciliation: click here for the videos. The 'Matt9' video shows the underlying Bible calendar, for what follows below.  Bible's Anno Domini itself reconciles years between Christ's actual death, vs. Daniel 9 SCHEDULE for His death, vs. INITIAL schedule for His Birth and Death.. based on Abraham and finally, Adam.


GIST, the disparity Varro's errant Roman auc, unwittingly reflects: what should have been His Deadline for Birth -- 4106 From Adam's Fall -- had to be cut 3.5 years, due to intervening deadlines of David's Kingship, Retirement, and Death.  How did I get 4106 from Adam?  Bible numbers:  1656 Flood (which began 1655), + 1050 = year Moses wrote the famous (to Jews) Psalm 90, re How God Orchestrates Time.  For Moses dateline-metered Psalm 90, at the start of the 1051st year post-Flood.  (After I made the Psalm 90 videos to show this, I learned that Jews use Psalm 90 to count Time to Millennium Promised via Messiah.)  It runs 350 syllables = years; at end (since Psalm 90:15, asks for equidistance!) 1050 years remain to Messiah's birth.  Sum is 4106.  You get the same total, if you add up relevant Bible dates, from Adam through Christ's Birth.  Bible's  'bc = 0' conversion,  is 4106.  Subtract it from any bc date, to get the equivalent Bible date.  Or vice versa, to get bc.  Scholars don't consistently derive bc and ad, so you'll get variance; yet you'll know what Bible years, equate. (I didn't know Bible meter, when I first made GeneYrs.xls, back in 2004. I first learned the meter in 2008 when trying to prove if there were missing Hebrew words, in Isaiah 53.  There aren't: Isaiah pairs his paragraph meters, click here.)


So Christ is born Chanukah, near start of 4103; for Adamic years, start on autumnal equinox. Psalm 90:15 equidistance pun on '3': Christ is born 3rd week of 3rd month of 4103rd year since Adam's Fall; He dies at age 33, 3 months and 3 weeks ON true Passover's 1470th 'birthday' (490 x 3).  Sacred year begins on vernal equinox, 3rd week of March (see Exodus 12), and Passover begins on Noah's birthday.


Christ's Birth is a timed promise to David in 2 Samuel 7, as any Jew can recite; they Wait For Messiah based on a (faulty) 'promise calendar', the Seder Olam Rabbah. God's promise was first timed to Abraham, as any Jew can also recite, albeit incorrectly:  2000 years for goyim, 2000 years for Jews, then Messiah comes.  The correct number is 2100, not 2000.  Their dates became garbled mid-first century, i.e.,  Josephus' Bible timeline.  Happily, we have Bible, to recover the right accounting.


For God timed 1050 years from Abraham, to human progenitor of Messiah.  Abraham matured, got his own Time Grant, mid-2046 From Adam's Fall (aka 'FAF'); on or near, what became Passover.  So David was crowned at Hebron, 3.5 years early, to be 'on time' relative to Abraham, 1050 years prior:  3096.5 from Adam's Fall.  So 3096.5-2046.5 = 1050, God kept His Promise.


Problem:  David then wasn't crowned king over all Abraham's Promise Children, then called 'Israel'.  There intervened, a 7-year civil war.  So David becomes king over all Israel 7 years later in 3103 FAF, read 2 Samuel 5 et seq.  So now, the 'promise schedule' is 3.5 years late.  So Messiah must be born effectively end 4 bc by Bible's own reckoning; for now He must be born by the 1000th anniversary of David's second crowning, 3.5 years prior to the Abrahamic 4106 deadline.  To balance both deadlines.


To balance again to Abraham, Christ must die by 2046+2100=4146.  But again, David dies earlier: 1000th anniversary of his death is 4143.  If one properly uses solar years to compute Daniel 9:26, the 69th week correctly ends at 4143 = 37 AD, not 30.  Ooops.  Since this 'discrepancy' bothers us, instead of trying to find out why it's there, we mask it: we convert the 490 into lunar years, despite Bible's solar-only mandate, in Exodus 12.  So we never balance to bc or ad dates, throw up our hands and call Bible 'inscrutable'?!  Wasting, billions of dollars and lives.  For centuries.


So now, back to Tiberius.  Despite all our debate, God still managed to convey that we must deduct 3 years to properly align Christ's birth for Bible and non-Bible, accounting.  Many thus claim we gerrymander facts, to make Bible look good.  Worse, Roman historians date Tiberius' 1st year as 14 ad, the same year Augustus died.  Since instead, Bible adds up regnal years, folks often double-count, or start in the wrong year.  So they also don't 'balance' to Luke 3:1, yet deem Bible wrong.


Again, Christ was born on Chanukah, end of the Roman year. So you must account Him as born the start of the following year.  You can't just subtract 30 ad from 4 bc without knowing when in the year He was born, and hope to balance to Bible's numbers or even to our bc/ad.  You must know a) He was born at the end of what we call 4 bc, and that He died at the start of what we call 30 ad.  The '33' then becomes obvious, even if you didn't know His Death Age from other Bible verses ('33' is a prophetic rhetorical pattern, really, starting with Pharaoh's Dream).  John's meter is thus invaluable; for he annually tracks Bible's own 'ad', relative to Adamic and Abrahamic fiscals; hence indirectly, to Roman auc.  But you won't balance, if you don't know Christ was born on Chanukah.  Sadly, Christians often deem Christ born in the spring, despite clear passages on what day He'd be born:



ToC    Preface  Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

  4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


  • Haggai 2 (prediction He'd be born 25 Chislev, based on 2nd Temple Foundation anniversary and maybe, David's second crowning);
  • Luke 1:26 compared to :36 (which shows Mary got the Annunciation in Adar, so 9 months later would be Chanukah),
  • Gal 4:4 (Paul's PREGNANCY ('fulness') quip that Christ was born at end of  Roman year, play on Greek god Chronos = Roman Saturn).
  • Blatant scenes of 'light' and 'star' in Luke and Matthew (Chanukah symbols, like we use stockings and candy canes to mean Christmas).
  • Magnificat meter counts back from Chanukah, quoting Haggai 2, timed to 73 years after Daniel 9's timeline stopped.


Bible's Divine Cleverness, is always missed by its readers.  So for centuries, we misaccount His years, ever lazy to properly read His Birth and Death dates.  So much for our vaunted devotion to God!   (I'm just as guilty.  God drags me, kicking and screaming.)


So now we see the aptness of Luke 3:1: Varro's Roman auc is wrong by the same amount, as the 3.5-year disparity Bible tracks, for Christ's Birthdate!  If we didn't have this '4 bc problem', we'd have no reason to re-examine our calculations. Varro's mistake, makes it easier to notice the Bible itself is reconciling a discrepancy of the same amount, to Bring Time Into Balance.  Rome's founding should have been counted as 749 or 750 (depending on whether you count, the closing year).  So if really 750/749 when Christ born, Rome's '752' or '753' age is overstated.   Luke seems to adjust for this, 'padding' four syllables = years around the Magnificat  (see its last page).  For when Luke wrote his Gospel, Varro's calendar had been made law.


Obviously the NT writers knew all about this problem.  They had it, too.  So Bible accounting, doesn't use Roman auc directly, and neither did the Romans in their daily calculations.  Yet when I tallied Ephesians 1:3-14 starting syllable = year 1 as 1 ad, Paul's own Anno Domini numbers balance exactly to Roman historians' dates.  Why?  Well for one thing, Paul would know the errors in Varro's calendar.  For another, he'd know what Roman auc year corresponded to when Christ was born, and could adjust such that it wouldn't matter, how old folks claimed 'Rome' was.  So his numbers would of course match, for the audience then reading what he wrote; they'd know all those numbers, too.


Our task, by contrast, is to back into what they all knew.  Essentially, our 'traditional' bc/ad four-year adjustment, proves the most useful: if and only if, we recall Christ is born at end of year, and died at beginning of year;  so our net adjustment, is usually '3'.  Thus we balance against the net four-year error, in Varro's Roman auc.  You can then argue over whether to call His Birth Year '4' or '2' bc; and call His death, '30' or '31' ad – if 31, make it end-of-year, with Passover starting 32 -- based on what 'source' you aim to reconcile.  The actual years in question, are the same in both dating systems, and well attested; but Varro's error means Rome's age isn't right; nor is it consistently calculated, from scholar to scholar.


Every Roman history scholar knows to consult the Fasti (rosters, i.e., of what pair of guys were consuls when);  but then they convert those paired names into bc or ad years, by reference to how old Rome was.. based on Varro's Roman auc.  So their bc values will be (only sometimes) overstated by up to four years; since properly, the timeline should move 'left'.  Their ad values will (only sometimes) be understated by up to four years, for the same reason (need to move the year NAMES, 3 to the right).  For Christ is 3 years older than the ad we use (four years older, in the last week of any December).  But you can't merely shift the ad rightward on the timeline, as many do (i.e., claiming Christ died 33 ad); for not all Varronic conversions will be wrong for other events. Depends on what other historical material is compared, conversion method, how one reconciles discrepancies.  It's a mess for everyone, sorry.


So again, back to Tiberius.  The Roman historian will tell you that he began rule in 14 ad, since that's when Augustus died.  That historian, will first compare all the records of when Augustus died, starting with the consuls.  But then, he converts to our 'ad', based on how old Rome is deemed to be under Varro's auc, to get '14 ad'.  So he'll be accurate re the consuls, accurate re Augustus' regnal years, but still wrong with respect to what number name ad it is, since the 'ad' portion of the calculation depends on the total elapsed years Varro used.  Even though, Varro's doubling error applies to years 300 bc and prior.  Same for any other date converted by reference to Roman auc, like when Quirinius was in Syria, Battle of Actium, Caesar crossing the Rubicon, etc.  So  we can only adjust backwards or forwards for Christ's Age, after first using the erroneous Varronic auc.


In any event, everyone knows that Bible's chronology places what we call the 70 ad Destruction of the Temple, as occurring 40 years after Christ died.  That same chronology, when fitted to Bible's changing Deadlines, shows that Christ was age 73 when the Temple went down.  The Temple Fall date is well attested, and the 40-year delay is universally known by Bible scholars.  They all know the delay was intentional.  They don't know why.  But we will know why, starting on the next page.  Of course, 2nd Temple's famous fall, also highlights the fact that Varro's Roman auc is wrong, not the Bible (smile here).

ToC    Preface  Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

  4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


Yet what Christendom doesn't know at all – but could have learned, from the Jews -- is that Bible always balances to a future endpoint, a Scheduled Millennium Of 4200 From Adam's Fall; it was to start on, Christ's 98th birthday. (Bible uses last-birthday accounting, unless otherwise noted in the text, example of Luke 3:1.)  Age 97 that year, instead of 100 like Abraham, since the Davidic deadline shortened Time relative to Abraham, by 3.5 years.  Hopefully the origin of that 3.5 shortfall, is now clear to you.  For now Bible's Time-Forward Reconciliation becomes sophisticated:  a rolling series of converging fiscal anniversaries that tally to each other; going all the way back to the Flood, and even to Adam.  Remember that adage among Jews (Google to find it like I did, in Jan. 2010) -- 2000 years for the goyim, 2000 years for the Jews, then Messiah comes.. 


Adage should finish, thus:  comes.. pays, leaves, waits for the Gentiles to be Harvested, and Returns.  That's what the Mosaic Law memorialized, via Pentecost and Jubilee.  Payback for Abraham maturing 53.5 years too early, the foundation for why there is a Tribulation.  53.5 years after Messiah was to die, remained to 'complete' the final 2100: for 2046+2100 is still 'short'.  David's second crowning being 7 years late, meant another net 3.5 had to be added, resulting in a total 'credit' of 57.  So now you know where the Tribulation 7 comes from in Daniel 9, and why it's bifurcated into paired 3.5's:


  • 3.5 is leftover from Abraham,
  • and the other 3.5 'balances' on net, to the civil war occurring between David's two crownings.
  • David's 1st crowning was 3096.5; + 3.5 takes you to 3100, the deadline (3rd 1000) for that crowning; so 'early' by 3.5;
  • but 7 civil war years ensuing, made the 2nd crowning 'late' by 3.5 years.
  • So, Christ must be born 3.5 years earlier,  to 'balance',
  • and the 'payback' to the 'Gentiles' becomes 57, not 53.5.
  • So Messiah must be born near 4103's start, and die no later than 4143's end, since 4143 + 57 = 4200.
  • For Time is Contingent on someone supermaturing each 490 and 1000 years;  that one gets a 490-year or 1000-year Time Grant. 1st was Adam; Seth's birth signifies the Grant; next Grant, 490 years later, Jared and Enoch his son. Enoch, got the 1000;  for God took him.  Methusaleh his son, triggers the Flood:  his name means, 'when he dies, it happens'.


  • So before the latest 490-year Time Grant ends, even if early vs. historical 490-, 1000- or 1050-year increments, someone else must also supermature during that Grant, to extend it.  For Time is like a relay race (Paul's trechw);  the baton must pass to a new runner.  Else Time Ends for everyone.  This is our core doctrinal precedence, for the Rapture.


  • Abraham supermatured in the last year of Noah's 490-year Time Grant, so 53.5 years early, vs. historical 2100 ending.
  • So David too, 1050 years after Abraham, supermatured just in time; though 53.5 years 'early', vs. the historical 3150 deadline.  (Moses' own 490 Grant ended later, in 950 bc, 13 years after David died;  so this 1050 from Abraham, is a separate civilization deadline, vs. the 490 and 1000-year Time Grant Rules.  All Bible writers track it, from Moses forward.)
  • So Christ must be born by 1000th 'birthday' of David's united kingship, as that's when David's 1000-year Grant, ends.
  • Thus 57 years would remain after He must die, to Finish Time up to the end of 4200,  Galatians 4:4 (if you did the math).


This 57 is metrically tracked by all Bible writers as 56, the number of days between 1st day Passover and Pentecost;  and between Pentecost and 9th Av.  56 seems the most prominent meter, from Moses forward. Psalm 90 makes palindromes of it, as does Isaiah 53;  Daniel leaves the 56 in ellipsis (since he asks God for it), ending his Chapter 9 prayer meter at 742 (742*7+56, is 5250, which is 4200+1050).  So Matthew, who used the 42 meter of Isaiah 52:13-14 (where the chapter begins, in Hebrew) – used the 56 in his first dateline meter, also via ellipsis (427+56=483, idea that Church isn't in the Trib, but rather the Bridge of Time to it; and that Bridge of Time, began when Christ died, the same year as Matthew writes).  So too Paul and Luke, each used 56 for their datelines;  Peter wrapped his meter around Paul's 434, to create 483.  Mark tagged his datelines onto Luke and Matthew.


So like the other Gospel writers, John uses meter to remind readers of Millennium-related convergences, to create a Gospel precis.  So you can know at its beginning, what he means.  What you are to learn, is that The Temple the Temple depicted, is the Center of History.  Millennium, is a promise to HIM.  Paul explained that in Galatians 3, by the clever use of 'seed', playing on Isaiah 53:10.  Singular.  John will use dates. Plural.  Pregnancies Have Due Dates, Church is Bride;  so how 'far along' is she?  Heh.


Bible has always kept a record of these Messiah-centric deadlines, fore and aft; the earliest among the deadlines, changes the future timeline.  As a result, if starting in Genesis one merely adds Bible years not noticing its timeline shifts, we end with a 10 year variance in bc/ad estimates (i.e., claims Christ was born from 4 bc to 6 ad).  The variance occurs, because we were on TimeTrack #1, but it changed, due to some shift.  So then in later text, which compares Time Track #2, #3, etc. -- the count changes.  So Bible seems wrong. But instead, it's reconciling the shift. You can't see that until you plot the dates, like I did in GeneYrs.xls .  Only then, did I notice these shifts.  Maxima mea culpa.


ToC   Preface   Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

  4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


Preview of coming distractions:  here are the Timeline shifts, each with its own reconcilings.  You must plot the dates. Paste this link into your browser: .  It's easier to see the shifts, there.


1.   Shift from Adam to Abraham, year 2046.  Key: Adamic fiscal begins on autumnal equinox.  Noah's Grant shifted the relevant fiscal year forward to vernal equinox.  (Bible's mistranslated, owing to LXX having some right info in Genesis 7-8, but Masoretic has the rest.  So you must inspect both texts, to see Noah was in the boat 364 days, entering and leaving it, each 57 days AFTER his birthday.) So pre-Abraham, we're on Time Track #1;  from Abraham, we're on Track #2; so counts relative to Adam vs. Abraham differ, in later Bible passages.  It's easy to confuse the Tracks, and deem Bible errant.


2.   Shift from Abraham to Jacob, Gen 32:24ff and consequent covenant, year 2166.  Key: it's not marked by Jacob having a son.  This Track #3 shift causes scholar problems, when they work with Exo 12:40-41 (Joseph was first enslaved, among the 'sons'), compared to Gen 15:12ff, Exo 6:20 (mistranslated 'father's sister', but the Hebrew/Greek text mean 'cousin'), etc.


3.   Shift from Jacob to Joseph when the latter is enslaved, year 2176.  Exodus is 490 years later, to 'fulfill' Gen 15:12ff.  Again, no son's birth to commemorate it, so you can only see it if you plot the dates.  Track #4.


4.   Shift from Joseph to Moses = all Israel at Exodus, 2666.  Still Track #4.


5.   Shift when Israel rejects God as King, 3056, ten years after the 1000th anniversary of Abraham's maturation, and 2000 years after Noah born.   This creates an impetus for the Davidic Track, #5.  Messiah's birth is based on this Track #5, but prior Tracks must be reconciled, too.  So John's meter,  focuses on reconciliation.


6.   Shift to Temple Dedication, 1 Kings 8:1, autumnal equinox, year 3156; that's also the 1050th anniversary of Jacob's birth, 1500th anniversary of the Flood, 2100th anniversary of Noah's birth.  The year reconciles Track #4;  but it doesn't reconcile to #1 or #5, directly.  So this becomes Track #6.  It's the focus of Daniel 9:24-27.


7.   Shift to Messiah and thus Church when He dies.  His Death's Timing, must reconcile all prior Time Tracks.  Bible meters focus on this reconciliation, from Moses forward;  John's meter baldly makes these reconciliations, in every clause.


So John's dateline meter tracks this cumulative 10-year shift, to warn Church is also Maturing Late. John meters each clause to create a dateline 'lesson', germane to his theme.  He piggybacks each such metered 'lesson' to his Gospel, in 1John and Revelation.  Thus we have a unique way to test, a variety of  key Bible dates.


  • As we saw in B., John writes his Gospel after September, yet just before the Lord's 81st Chanukah birthday (age 80);
  • that's the last week of Roman auc 77.  Kinda precise, huh. 
  • The 7, related to 42 and other meters, gives a Time gps:  1st quarter 4184 FAF, Adamic fiscal. No earlier, no later.


Why do that? His audience already knows when they got his Gospel.  If I send you a fax and you get it minutes after I send it, I don't need to tell you when I sent it.  You know, when you get it.  Yet it might be imperative to date the fax, i.e., if content relates to that date.


Even so, Bible dateline meters: when relates content; meter provides via dateline, a precis of content.  So when John writes is no mystery, to his audience.  For them the issue is rather, what do they need to learn, amidst material already too well known?  For think: when a product is often advertised, you become 'dull' to its message.  And as we saw in A., they must learn to stop date-setting, grow up.  So the Holy Spirit directs the methodical yet drama-loving John, to compose based on what doctrinal/Gospel elements should be stressed, omitted, rephrased, etc.


John's dateline meter functions like a Greek narrator, at the start of a play: he comes onstage with panache; then via meter, gives you the precis, for The Play.  Greeks and Romans used literature and drama, to teach.  So how the narrator words his opening speech, foretells specifics you are to learn, from a playwright's long-famous story.  John's dateline is thus crafted to specific dates in past and future history, to interrelate them for his audience.  That's how we can know, he writes in honor of the Lord's 81st birthday:  just as Exodus was an 81st birthday present to Moses.  For Rapture, is the ultimate Exodus.


Exodus was juridically timed to 490 years after Joseph was first enslaved, to fulfill the 400-year-slavery promise God made to Abraham: 10 years for Joseph, +390 years for all Israel, even as Abraham became mature 390 years after the Flood.  Joseph was enslaved, 2176.  60 years later, his dad Jacob would enter Egypt with the entire family, minus those who had already died.  So Jacob was 60 when he returned to the Land; 60 years after that, he came to Joseph and Egypt.  The 10 years between, while Jacob was in the Land, are in ellipsis.  You'd briefly scratch your head over the missing 10, then smile.  For 'Twice' (=Yusef) got 10 fat years with his dad, then 10 lean years as a slave in Egypt.  So Jacob, 70 years after he re-entered the Land, enters Egypt with 70 living descendants (Gen 46:27).  Heh.




ToC    Preface  Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

  4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


Since Jacob's 490-year Time Grant ended 10 years prior to the Exodus, it's obvious from Scripture, that God shifted the Time Grant to Joseph: 490 years after 2176, was the Exodus (2666). 


So now, fast-forward from Exodus, to John's day, Gospel writing.  Since

·       Time grants had again shifted to Church, as Time Got Reconciled in Christ (Rom 10:4, Gal 3, 4:4, etc.), and

·       we are the 2nd wall, with our own covenant, Ephesians 2, Psalm 110 (which Hebrews explained in detail);  so

·       the Time baton passes to Church.

·       Folks thus deemed the Rapture formula might be equidistantly similar, to the OT formulae:  He was alive 33 years, so 33 years after He dies, Rapture happens. 

·       Paul had even plotted it as potential, starting at syllable 66 in Eph 1:4.  (Keywords: kataboles kosmou einai, how apt.  Of course, that year ended up being when Paul and later Nero, died.  Heh: Paul then was Home with the Founder of the World, and Nero who thought he was founding the world, went to its foundation, aka Hell.  Notice that due to the shifting fiscals, you get 68-69 ad.)


So John's audience, as we saw in A., invoked Moses' Psalm 90:13, ad-matay? How long (till we See You)?  Since God previously gave Paul multiple pre-Church 'traditional' Rapture formulae for his Ephesians 1 meter, John picks one for his own prologue meter as still potential, in John 1:5: Temple Should Have Died At Christ's Age 83 (yet future to when John writes the Gospel;  that year becomes 1John's dateline) -- to balance to Abraham.


For Christ first should have died, to 'fit' Abraham's 1050th year.  Pre-Church, initial deadline was year 4146, which was 1480 years after Exodus (10 short of 1490), 1000 years after Temple Construction Start (1Kings 6:1), 2100 years after Abraham matured, 1050 years after David crowned at Hebron. Time Promised The Jews would have ended by 4146; only 54 (really 53.5) years remained to 'reimburse' Gentiles for Abraham's too-early maturation (2100-2046.5).  Then Millennium should begin.  That was the original schedule, irrespective of David's crowning.  Mary's Magnificat meter, balances to it (see the last page).


Now if David were instead crowned king over all Israel in 3096.5, and if he instead died at age 80 (1Kings 6:1), then

·       the Christ would have been born 4096.5,

·       would have had 50 years allotted to Him,

·       dying at latest in the 2100th anniversary of Abraham's maturation.  And,

·       if the Temple began construction when it did (year 3146, immediately after David's putative death, rather than delayed),

·       He'd also be dying in its own 1000th 'birthday' of Construction Start, as well as

·       in the 1000th anniversary of David's death (putatively, age 80).  So all timelines would have been reconciled, for Israel.

·       Then would have come the remaining 53.5 years, and

·       the 'Tribulation' would have only been the last 3.5, 'time of Jacob's trouble'.

·       So the Mosaic Law's Harvesting The Gentiles period of 50 years, would have matched Messiah's lifetime.

·       But as it actually happened, David died 3.5 years earlier,

·       Temple didn't begin construction until 3.5 years after his death,

·       and Messiah, born early to compensate, was also killed early, being Rejected.. 7 more years.

·       So the seven years' delay (3.5 x 2 with respect to David), are offset by Christ dying seven years early.

·       But relative to Abraham, Christ actually dies 10 years short (the remaining 3.5, plus 7).  This 10-year shortfall, remains.

·       So now 50, becomes 40.  This is why everyone expected Temple to go down 40 years after His Death.  And, it did.

·       So Temple dies at His Age 73, rather than 83.


Thus John 1:5's meter, targets this 10-year Time Shift Reconciliation from Abraham to Joseph to Exodus to Christ.  Why Joseph?  The 490 shifted to him when he was only 17, enslaved due to his brothers' jealousy, back in 2176 from Adam.  His dad Jacob, who was in his 71st year when Joseph was sold into slavery -- Jacob got the covenant, 10 years prior;  so again Jacob's 490 would run out 10 years prior to, the Exodus God foreknew.  Since no one is granted a 490 unless spiritually supermatured, we must conclude that Joseph, was.  Of course, Joseph like Christ, is age 30 when he becomes vizier;  Jacob was then 83, in his 84th year.  Aha.



a)   based on the Joseph antecedent, which

b)   Paul updated as a potential Rapture body completion formula,

c)   given the above convergences to Abraham, Exodus, Temple Start;  and,

d)   although no one knew the day or hour, as John will again remind folks via the true Lord's Prayer in John 17;

e)   people still expected the Rapture based on an equidistant formula, which balanced to the pre-Church schedule. 



ToC    Preface  Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

  4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


As the 2000th anniversary of Joseph's enslavement was the impetus for Egypt and Exodus, it was also a potential Rapture date. Paul used hagious in Ephesians 1:4, to benchmark Temple Fall hence possible Rapture, in 4176 (2046.5 + 2100 + 40 - 10): that was when Temple actually fell.  Yet afterwards, nothing happened.


As we just saw, 4176 balances to Abraham despite being only 40 years from Christ's actual death in 4136.  Yet there's another reconciliation for its balance, which was long forecast in Scripture:


·    Isaiah 53 predicted and plotted how 14 of Abraham's 54-year 'credit',

·    got spent rebuilding Temple and Jerusalem.

·    For the 1st Temple died with 126 years left, on its 490-year Time Grant (950 bc – 586 bc vs. 950 - 460 bc);

·    516 bc, Temple is finally up on time, Ezra 6:15; and of course Jerusalem gets rebuilt, to service it;

·    then came the Haman thingy, as recurring anti-semitism was a lingering political battle among the Medes and Persians, ever since Cyrus and Daniel.  Can't propose purim (= pagan 'casting lots' to learn what best day to kill the jews), without political support.

·    Even so, the 70 + 70 years God promised in Jeremiah 25, 29, then in Daniel 9 (no human king's decree, only God's)

·    that 140-year elapse, left Israel 14 short, in her Time Bank.

·    2nd  70, from 586 - 446 bc, Nehemiah (6:15) restores the walls;  four generations.

·    Yet she would still balance to Abraham at the end, if only 40 years, were paid.

·    So the Temple stood another 40 years after He died, 'to repay the Land' for Israel's entering it, 40 years late.  (Scholars still wonder, why.  Now, you know why.)


So John writes his Gospel, 1st quarter of Adamic 4184, the '7' in John 1:1's first clause: for it was obvious, Millennium wasn't starting.  Kinda like the Mayan calendar craze, in 2012: in John's day, folks had little faith.  So they grabbed the next number in Paul's Ephesians 1:3-14, tally:  Oh, Rapture will be xxxx year!  Their claims, then bomb out:  to regroup, they confess they calculated it wrong, or God gave them updated revelation, or Rapture occurred as claimed, but it was spiritual, or 'invisible'.  Yeah.  88 reasons why rapture's gonna happen in '88.  When '88 ends, say oopsie, it's gonna happen in '94.  Sigh.


Again, back in Ephesians 1, God had Paul give Christians – akin to quail, just after Exodus (Numbers 11:18, compared to 9:1) -- 434 whopping years of potential rapture dates, to gorge on.  The timeline was '62 weeks' long, to warn them how Church history would (sadly) go; hence Get your minds on Christ!  instead. (Click here for videos on Paul's Future History meter; its Word doc/ pdf/ htm shows his accurate, satirical prophecy of Roman history and Church apostasy.)  When Paul died, it was next Peter's job, to remind them.  So he also crafted his dateline meter as a temple building theme – weaving it explicitly, into Paul's (click here for the Peter videos).  Peter updated the timespan to 483.  To the 69th week, get the parallel?


For Church is always in the sudden-death round of history, perpetual Groundhog Day, the 'time bubble' of Daniel 9:26.  New 490 Time Grant for her, which Paul measured from Messiah's Birth.  Yet Time remains just as contingent on her growth, as on the OT Temple: same basic terms, as in 1Kings 9:1ff.  So Rapture's criterion is similar to what governed, Temple Fall:  Body Maturation, the positive criterion for completion, Eph 4:13 'destination of life';  but the negative remains Daniel 9:24's criterion, when sin completes.  Parallel: Israel's sin of rejection completed, when she rejected Her Groom at His Coming: so her End, came instead.  So too, when Church has fully rejected Christ -- which rejection institutionalized during her 'winter' (Eph 1:13-14), from Constantine's death, forward.  We are still in that winter; meaning, our maturation is minimal; just a few proelpikotas, every generation.  We will remain negative until Raptured.  And we will be raptured, because we remain negative.


Anyone in Paul's day, reading that long and depressing prophetic litany of what-if's back then, should have concluded, 'forget date-setting, I just want to learn Christ.'  But oh no.  Just as today, folks kept salivating over the dates.  So, 'missed them.  Rapture didn't happen.


So now John's tasked with the same job as the Bible writers before him.  Would Church yet mature by the end of the old pre-Church schedule?  That was the burning drama question John in his prologue, meters to answer.  Rapture might yet happen in 4186 based on that original, 4146.  Thus he meters John 1:5, based on his 4184 dateline, in John 1:1.  Thus he reconciles the 10-year variance due to, the 3.5's.  Playing Moses age 80 pun AND Jacob age 83 pun.


For just as you reconcile budget to actual spending and then revise your budget, so too: God Reconciles Time itself.  Time Spent we see in Bible and historically, displays a) God's Existence, and b) His Love.


ToC    Preface  Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

  4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


Here's another reason why John 1:1, uses '7':  to remind us of the timeline change from 10 to 7, by David's day.  Have you noticed?  Whenever you're working with Bible dates, there is always a 3-piece, a 7-piece, and a 10-piece which seem to stick out, both fore and aft of the date you try to ascertain?


Here, '7' should be obvious.  There is a recurrence of 7's 'over' or 'short', from Noah forward.  It has both negative (Trib-related) and positive (promise) meanings.  Paul's metered '7' for the same 77 – 84, wasn't Tribulation;  Church was behind schedule.  So, we are 'before Him' down here, not 'up there.'  God had Paul plot them, to remind folks that God Balances Time;  not, to get them drooling.  To inspire them to grow up now, not salivate over The End.


So: David died 3143 from Adam's Fall; the intervening deadline for Christ to die, became 4143.  In reality, Christ died 7 years earlier on the 1000th anniversary of David's Retirement and Temple's 2nd 490 (had it never been razed, 950 bc +980).  So Temple too fell 7 years earlier, 4176 (4136 when Christ actually died, + 40).  John's Gospel dateline meter is thus 7 years later, start of Adamic 4184, John 1:1.  Timed to Christ age 81, not yet on His birthday, but in honor of it.  So to remind them of Moses and the negative Exodus generation.  For this time, they can't blame Israel's negativity, for the delay:  Rapture doesn't belong to Israel. So Church is to blame.  ti gar oun, what's to be done?  Well, Paul's Eph 1:4 keywords for 77 - 84, were katenwpion autou.  Sure, they're not in heaven 'now' as those pregnant words depicted, but they are still 'before Him', down here.  Aha.  So, try again, katenwpion autou.  Same words, different context, same issue, same fellowship potential, same God.  Whether alive or dead, what difference does it make?  That's the point!


So John's Gospel meter brackets the balance-to-david, shoulda been 4184 (just after 4183, when he writes) and 4143, respectively, versus the actual 4176 and 4136 dates of Temple Fall and Christ's Death, respectively.  The first paired years, had been the scheduled 40th anniversary after His Daniel 9 '62nd week' scheduled Death, to balance to David's actual death, 1000 years prior.  But Christ Himself actually died at the end of the 61st week.  Hence '14', not '7', remained.  So the '7' He should have been paid, got 'paid' by taking out the Temple.  Just as Pharaoh's dream of 7 fat then lean years, each 'bracketed' by a 33 (hence Joseph was vizier for 80 years, with the '14' years in the middle); so too Christ's death at age 33, meant the earliest Rapture date for 'balance', required another 33 years to ensue; followed by the '7' owed Him, being 'paid' to the Temple; for He is the Temple the Temple depicts (destroy this Temple and I will raise it (from sleep!) in three days, John 2:19).  Indeed, Paul metered to it with his own 66, in Eph1:4.  That's why believers were miffed Tribulation didn't begin, four years later at Temple's demise.  Ouai! Paul then Peter and the others all died 'on time', kicking it off!  God then left everyone else, behind!


Thus John's Gospel meter parallels what should have happened but didn't, to Christ.  To warn his audience, what they deem the next Rapture date, probably won't happen: for They Are Not Maturing.  For it had long remained part of Israel's calendar and the Law, to know What Time It Is.  Yet as we see in John 17's prayer, Christ changed that, for Church (esp. verses 20 and following). He petitioned Father for whatever number of souls (that Christ was about to pay for), Father wanted to have (invoking Isaiah 53:10).  So Rapture's criterion is Body Building.  John 17 thus reminds readers, of Ephesians 3:15-19 and 4:12-16 (as will 1John 4:12-16, three years later). For the Exodus, was to go to the Promised Land.  'Exit resurrection' Paul called it, exanastasis, Philippians 3:11.  Rapture is the ultimate Exodus.  See why John dates his Gospel next to the 81st birthday of Christ?


So his Gospel is repackaged to stress what folks need to recall, so they can mature On Time.   Of course, it didn't happen, or we'd not be here.  Yet look at the flipside:  4000 years of mandated date-setting, constant stress on the unity of time and space and place to be at YOUR Temple appointments, l'moedth.  But now suddenly, poof!  All bets are off??  You can see why Jews split with Christians, why preterism formed, why people became disaffected and some turned violently, anti-Pauline.  The Divine Operating System had always been the same since the Exodus!  Now that Messiah exited, followed by Paul, Peter, and other 'greats' – the new Church Operating System, with its open-ended 'invisible interface' of no law, no timekeeping, no rituals, but instead thinking only, Ephesians 3:15-19.. didn't look right.  For it's the exact opposite, of the Mosaic Law.  DOS allegedly becoming COS seemed like a P/SOS. 


1John thus follows up, three years later.  Its prologue timeline is much longer. Its new '21' and '56' dateline meters intertwine with this Gospel's meter, to show 1John is written year 4187's start, tagging back to John 1:5.  For of course their expectations were dashed again; they didn't grow, so Rapture didn't occur.  So in 1John's metered prologue, he reminds them of the timeline again, yet updated with reference to deadlines they long knew.  For 1John again compares, relative to Abraham instead of David, when Temple and Christ should have 'fallen'.  Again, these latter dates are 4186 and 4146, respectively.  So we know they didn't learn, from the Gospel.  Wash, rinse, repeat.



ToC    Preface  Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

  4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


John sets his Gospel meter's final stop, on Christ's age 98: 'old' Daniel 9:27 schedule of Time's End, start Millennium.  L'moedth.  John's not claiming Rapture, likely. Yes, end 4200 from Adam was the original End of Time, with Millennium scheduled to begin year 4201 as a 98th birthday present to Christ Who was Born when Saturn allegedly ate his kiddies, as Paul quipped in Galatians 4:4.  But Body ISN'T maturing, though it still CAN.  Since they're drooling over Rapture rather than building in Him, it won't happen 'on time'.  We moderns have the same problem today, 2000+ long years after it should have happened.


So now we've seen the 10-year variance, began when God shifted the timeline from Abraham to Jacob to Joseph's enslavement.  That got cut to 7, owing to David's being crowned 'on time' relative to Abraham, yet not crowned king over all Israel; which didn't happen, until 7 years later.  So Christ had to be born 3.5 years early, to be 'on time' relative to David;  but He died 7 years early, due to being Rejected; so He dies 10 years earlier, vs. the Abrahamic deadline.  So the timeline ends, 10 years short:  2090 years after Abraham matured, Christ died.


Since He was originally slated to live 50 years under the Abrahamic schedule, but dies 10 years earlier, that leaves 40 years, since a) 50 years were equally allotted for harvesting the gentiles, and b) of the 54-year credit initially due to Abraham's advance maturation, 14 were spent rebuilding the Temple.  So the 2nd Temple stood 40 more years after He died, to compensate the Land for the 40 years' delay in wandering the wilderness (Numbers 14:33).


God's pretty good at Balancing Time, huh.  So even if you can't predict Rapture, you still know that whatever time you have, c) you have it with him now, and d) since you cannot predict Rapture, you'd better grow up now; because for all you know, Rapture or your own death.. might happen 'today', Hebrews 3.  While it is yet 'today'.


Now let's return to our century, long past these deadlines.  Long tired of trying to account, Bible's dates.  So tired of the 'Rapture' issue, we claim the term, in the uniquely English sense of 'thrill', was invented by a female in the 19th century; utterly ignoring Greek harpazw in 1Thess 4:17, which means violent snatch up, raiders grabbing women within some town they invaded. Latin there, is rapiemur: not pleasant. Still, the au courant claim ‘Rapture’ is a 19th century ruse, remains a favorite Catholic or Calvinist contention, as their Replacement theology – different 'R' – Rejects the fact Millennium and hence its promise to Jews, is vested in Christ, Gal 4, Ps110.  Heb11:39-40 explained that; but promises to Jews are illegible to folks who deem the 12 named Jewish tribes in Rev 7, as um, Gentile Christians.  Origen started that insanity; it's still quite popular, today.


So how to reconcile bc/ad? 3 + our 'ad', = His Age; 4106 + our 'ad', = Adamic year;  - 3 from His Age + 753, = Varro's Roman auc 'ad';  last week of December, use '4' instead of 3.  Or just add His age plus Roman auc 750, or just use Adamic year minus 4100.  As you'll see on the next page and in John's meters, Bible writers employ a mix of those conventions, with the Lord's Age as the 'common denominator': thus you could use either 'base', and still know what year is referenced.


Adamic year begins on autumnal equinox;  in the third week of the third month later, Christ is born, 4103;  it's the last week of Roman year.  Three months and three weeks later, is Passover.  Christ is Center, in the middle.  Heh. My pastor quipped how droll, was Luke's writing: 'he likes to finesse.'


So watch this finesse: Luke 3:1 accounts per Roman auc.  Augustus died in August, ad 14;  per Luke, Tiberius was in his 15th year, when the Lord was nearly 30, birthday at Chanukah = Saturnalia back then.  Regnal years were on September fiscal, but Tiberius began co-ruling with him, since 13 ad.  Bible often includes co-regnal years in a tally; there's no reason to suppose Luke's not doing that.  Further, if we should exclude co-regnal years, some verse would alert us.  For if Bible distinguishes between years co-ruling vs. years ruling alone for Solomon, 1Kings 6:1, you’d think the Last David would get the distinction, too.  So if no distinction made, count all years.  (Bible spent a lot of text on what David did during his 7 years of retirement, then 3 years after he died at age 77, traced through 1Kings 2:39; then, 1Kings 6:1 'in the fourth year' post-death;  so you know Solomon co-ruled from David's age 70, to his death at age 77.  David wouldn't fully give up the crown, see 1Chronicles 22ff, hence the mini-civil war 1Kings 1:1-2:39, relates.  So 'fourth year of Solomon' is pointed, not an 'error'.  So if we would err by adding co-regnal years, some Bible verse in Luke would have alerted us.)


So back to Tiberius: we should count 12 + 15 = 27ad = year Christ age 30.  Bible would just have you count back 15 years, to stress the equidistance, at which point you get (again) a 3 bc Birthdate.  So per Roman auc, Christ born end of '4 bc', but per the Adamic  September fiscal, it's still '3'.  Luke and other NT Bible writers, knew and at times used, Varro's Roman auc;  Augustus favored it, and Claudius made Varro's auc, law. Had Dionysius Exiguus known all this?  Everyone's debated how he got his values, for centuries.  I can't explain Dionysius' derivation; but the Roman auc NT Bible writers all knew, got reconciled.  The auc had to be an issue Bible would resolve.  Here we see how John's meter, reconciles it.


Another Jewish and Roman practice is important to recall.  The first year of 'x', might be in the same calendar year, as x-1.  So to avoid double counting x and x-1, sometimes '1' is added; or, the 'first' year is accounted as the FOLLOWING year (i.e., accession year accounting).  When you find an unexpected +1 or -1, ask whether a beginning versus end of year reconciliation, is needed;  next, ask whether the 'new first' year overlaps with an 'old' ending year.


ToC    Preface  Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

  4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


Disregard this section.  It will be rewritten.  (Paul uses Mary's endpoint of Lord age 56, but Ephesians is datelined using 56/2 years after Christ died, same formula as Luke's own meter in or doc or htm.)


Now, I can explain how Paul's Ephesians 1:3-14 dateline meter is based on Christ age 56 (nearly age 57, just before His 57th birthday), yet Paul's syllables = years, exactly tally to the Roman auc ad that our historians use.  The 'Christ age 56' dateline is based on the Adamic 4103 when Christ was born, first quarter of it.  So 4103 + 56 = 4159, when Paul writes.  Differential between Adamic and Roman is 4100 owing to the '7' above, since Christ was born end 4102, on the equivalent Roman fiscal.  So net deferential is '6', ergo 4159 – 4100 = the Roman auc 'ad' we use, of (end) '59', just as scholars have long speculated.  Paul writes on two time tracks which are the same year.  You read one track as Adamic years, formula of Christ's age + 4103.  Or, read with Roman auc,  as they all knew what auc He was born: 750 + His Age.  Simple!


So while you read the meter as ad, there is no variance; viz, each eta in thelematos, occurring thrice, marks the death of an Emperor whose successor, reversed the 'will' of his predecessor (deaths of Trajan, Macrinus, Diocletian).  Peter follows the same convention, when he tracks  Paul's meter, syllable by year.  (Paul died, so 1Peter 1:1-12 makes a song from Paul's meter. I need to edit that writeup, as I didn't discover the dual base for the Christ-Age dateline convention, until metering John.) Peter's meter starts in 18 bc, tagging Herod's rebuilding 2nd Temple, since Peter's theme is also Temple Building.


This convention, is a deft way to play on the 3-year adjustment Bible keeps tracking, to reconcile the shoulda-been Birth in 4106 Adamic, versus the 4103 Adamic when Christ was actually born.  It's akin to John's Gospel omission of the four days between Day Five Before.. and official Passover (in John 12:12ff compared to 13:1).  John slows to a crawling narrative of just that evening, in John Chaps 14-17;  then he speeds Chapter 18 so much, both Jews and Romans seem to act like Keystone Cops;  then John slows the narrative again at 18:39, to cover only the Real Preparation Day Crucifixion events, speeches and crowds; yet the text remains perfunctory.  So notice: John omits the four days preceding official Passover, which on the Sanhedrin calendar that year ran four days too fast. ('Else the Lord couldn't be three days and nights in the Grave, Matt12:40-41; yet rise on first of the week aka Sunday, which in the Law is First Fruits, at the end of the LAST day of official Passover, Num28:26.)  Hence John's pointed parallel omission of the four days after that same official Passover to get to the Real One, in John 18:39 et seq.


Again, any reader who knows Mosaic Law re Passover observance, would detect the equidistant omissions.  I sure did.  The whole purpose of Passover was to memorialize Passion Week, in advance.  To remember, so when it happened to Him, you'd perceive the timing!  For the only way the Lord could be the Passover Lamb and yet in the grave for three days AND nights, would be if the calendar weren't intercalated, omitting the four days between 360 and 365.  We should notice, too: for there's no way all that official activity by Sanhedrin, Pilate (and by elision, Herod) could occur under three days.  What official meeting of that many, takes less than four hours, counting preparation and dismantling time, even when everyone knows the date and time, well in advance?  Yet here are six unscheduled meetings (seven, counting crowd assembly before Pilate when he washes his hands)!


The OT employed equidistant 'elision' too, re David.  Seven whopping chapters (1 Chron 22ff) on his last seven years (versification is not in Bible, but whoever divided the text, seemingly did it well).  By contrast, 1Kings1:1-2:39, quickly spanned the same seven years plus three, post-mortem.  So 1Kings 6:1 starts with a jarring, 'fourth year of Solomon'; it's driven scholars wild, for centuries.  Like omitting Saul's regnal years in 1Sam 13.. you don't directly learn he ruled 40 years, until Acts 13:20ff.


So perhaps Paul thus stresses another reason why there was a 3-year shortening of His Adamic Birth Deadline: to 'coincide' with Temple Construction.  For Solomon started building the Temple, 3.5 years too late.  Since Paul's letter is about Body as Temple (Eph 2 is bluntly on that topic), you have a cute 'prologue' for What if Rapture delayed due to Body Building.  Paul's rolling series of What If Rapture (sevened, sub-)meters, would then have special punch.  So too, his final elision of '56' (434 + 56 = 490).  Every Bible writer does it. (56-3.5 balances to Abraham in elision, just like Mary does with her ‘40’ in elision, ending at 217 rather than 257.)


So in Eph1:3-14, each syllable = year, is double-entendre; read with an Adamic base, or the Roman auc base.  They'd well know Christ's real age in what Roman auc, when they got Paul's letter;  they'd know all those Roman years up through '56', which clearly has to be our '59'.  The dateline formula itself, follows the same convention as Matthew's meter had established: first, a years-from latest Bible book rule; so Matthew tagged Malachi, as shown in the Matthew videos.  Second (or first) in sequence, years-from (some event tied to) the Lord's Age: a quintessentially classic, years-from-the-King. Paul follows both conventions: his 'Lord's Age' dateline copies Luke's, is based on the Magnificat; she used years-from-Temple just as Daniel did (and Peter will); Jews still use that convention, today.  She ends, however, with His post-mortem Age, 40 years before the Mill.  Luke picks his dateline from where she stopped, so too Paul.  Both books had to be sent out at the same time; or Luke's, was disseminated a bit earlier.  James' first dateline is years-from-the-Lord's Death, same year as Luke wrote; James' second dateline, tags Luke 1:78-79.  (James' 2nd dateline seems to tag Eph1:6; his text outline, topics and flow, parallel Ephesians; but I need to do more testing.  All three books tag Psalm 90 and Isaiah 53, in text and meter.  The 'age' rule puts all three books in the same year; so their 1st datelines, match.)


Finally, this dual dateline meter rule may explain why Luke adds four prologue syllables to Magnificat ('kai eipen Miryam'): Varro's auc became law, under Claudius.  (Luke's addition splits her ending 84 meter, into pregnant 42's, evoking Jacob's TWO families departing Haran 21 years after Jacob entered it; then into Egypt, 70 years later.)  Mary's 160 (Luke 1:53), uses empimplemi to play on her own pregnancy: pimplemi is the Spirit-filling verb in LXX.  Luke's + 4 neatly tallies it to our '164 bc', 1st Chanukah.  Cute, huh.




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D.  All that B-for-Body number crunching, assumed common knowledge of Bible Dates.  There were Deadlines to track.  Back in the 1st century, Deadlines converged every three years.  Pp. 134-135 of plots them;  for their 'fit' to God's Orchestration of Time from Adam through Christ, see .  Jews still plot dates like this; download 'Kaluach' from  Jewish calendars today are wrong in almost every way, as they use lunar years;  many Jews thus reject that calendar.  Yet the tracking idea, remains.


The Levites were tasked to keep the calendars.  For unlike other nations, God designed Time around Messiah (Hebrews 1) and Messiah would come from Israel (Deut 32:8, Acts 17:26).  So her 'appointments' (l'moedths) were critical.  Hence she alone was banished from the Land for not keeping her sabbath years (whole years where you were to Study Word and Do No Work).  She missed 49 of those, from Rehoboam until returning from Babylon.  (Eusebius erred to claim 70 years missed; scholars have repeated his mistake, ever since.  Now think:  if 70 years were missed, Israel would not have been mandated by God to return to the Land, the year Daniel prays (49th, first metered dateline).  God's the ONLY King making Decrees in Jer 25, 29, which Gabriel cites in Dan 9:24, as Daniel just read Jeremiah.  Of course no human decree, is ever found!  Yet we blame Bible as 'inscrutable' or even claim 'problem passage', to hide our ineptitude!)


It's a scary thing: All Time Depends On You.  No wonder Israel stopped properly Keeping Time.  Yet God vested all Israel's promises in Christ, 2Sam7, Gal3;  we Church have our own covenant, the other 'wall' in Ephesians 2, Psalm 110; Book of Hebrews explains Church As Time Bridge, in detail.  For He Will Return. So, first Israel and now Church counted on.. and counted down, His Comings.  Here's a simplified chart.  John uses his audience's knowledge of these Deadlines, for his meter.


Year from Adam's Fall

Key Millennium-Related Events, Anniversaries, Deadlines


1000th anniversary of David's Hebron Kingship, 1050+1000 from Abraham's maturation in 2046.  Two different timelines, here: David's is shorter, so is the intervening deadline.  Due to shifting timelines, we deem Bible mistaken.  Instead, we are.  Time is a loan.  If not 'repaid', it ends.  Just like the Flood.  Rapture doctrine is another application of it.  Here, the Deadline was to crown the progenitor of Messiah by 1050 from Abraham.  By contrast, the 'regular' deadline was the 3rd 1000 from Adam, which was 3.5 years later.  God maturing David early, shortens Time Forward to Messiah by 3.5 years, vs. the old timelines (from Adam, Noah, even Abraham).  For to balance from David to Messiah, is 1000 years, not 1050.


Bible prophecy numbers aren't merely prophetic.  They are Deadlines, Rules.  This one, shifts the deadlines upward 3.5 years.  So Israel's Time Allotment,  had to balance to it.  That's what Bible meter, shows.


Messiah Year 1, 1000th anniversary of David's United Kingship:  Christ must be born then.  Technically, He was born 25 Chislev.  So His Year 1 counts for all of 4103, which began on the Adamic fiscal.  It is  also the 1437th year of the Exodus: note the shortfall (3 years, 3 months 3 weeks prior, is Chanukah).  Per Psalm 90, the original deadline was 4106, 1440 years after the Exodus.  (Moses wrote 40 years after the Exodus, at the start of the 1051st year after the Flood.  Dateline is 63 sevens, his dateline, counts back 390+40 to when Israel was enslaved; plus Joseph's own 10 years of enslavement as a teenager, equals the '400' year promise by God to Abraham, in Genesis 15:13-16.  The 390 is an equidistant reconciliation: Abraham supermatured 390 years after the Flood.  Moses was the fourth generation, but due to translation error in Exodus 6:20, we don't know that, see .  Paste the link if it doesn't work within your browser.)


Moses' Psalm 90 timeline was bifurcated;  first, as Jews even know today (but miscount), it was the Map of Time: 5250 allotted years from Adam's Fall to end of Millennium; metrically depicted in five 70's, as there was one 70 per 1050 (490+70+490).  Since Israel would end up 14 years short of her allotment by Nehemiah's return, Moses esconces that 14 as part of Messiah's lifetime forward, in the first 84 (Psalm 90:1-4);  then, Moses debits 14 from the last 70-year voting period, in which Nehemiah returns.  (Psalm 90:16-17 is 56 syllables = years, predicts Nehemiah's Daniel-9-and-1Kings-9 invoking prayer, see Neh 1 and 2:5.  See the 70-year timing, in , row 146.  Matthew 1's ending dateline 476 meter, counts straight back to that same year.)


Moses' other use of Psalm 90 as a timeline, was vanilla: its same words, characterize the time forward 350 syllables = years (Judges).  So between the two timelines, you knew from the terminus of this one, that another 1050, remained; at its own terminus, Messiah's birth was due.  Sum:  year 1656 Flood, 1050 years later Moses writes, 350 years after that, 1050 years after that = 4106.  That was the deadline for Messiah's birth,  pre-David.


However, Messiah had to be born 3.5 years earlier, to comply with David's 1000th year Kingship deadline, here.  Ergo, our 3-6 year variance in bc/ad, if Flood date is misaccounted (and it usually is).  Isaiah 53 tracks this same timeline shift, starting at David's birth, and going to the Last David's death.  I've not done all the videos demonstrating Isaiah's tracking yet; but click here for an overview video.


Daniel 9 is the final update on post-David but pre-Christ, accounting.  Daniel knows this, and meters his prayer accordingly, tracking to Isaiah 53 via his first dateline; and with his second dateline, he picks up where Moses left off, praying 511 years later (73 x 7).  Since we misaccount his 490 using lunar years, we don't see the timeline shift. (Daniel picked 73 sevens as his second dateline;  Moses' end point is 1050 left on the clock, to Messiah's scheduled birth.  Daniel prays 511 years later, Nov. 538 bc = 73 sevens.  So he 'tags' Moses' end point at 1049 (play on 49th year of Temple Down).  73 is not divisible by seven but is prophetic, since Temple dies 2nd time, at Christ Age 73. By then, it had been up 516 years, dying the 1510th anniv. of the Exodus.  Daniel's meter develops two timelines, interweaving Israel's history in the past with what God gave him to know from Daniel 2 onward about the future, to craft his legal brief and then his petition.  Very complicated, but he tracks Bible verses via the syllables to match them to the specific kings in question, so you can follow him in Bible.  For he uses Kings and Chronicles.  I plotted all that, with the relevant Bible verses you can compare yourself, in 'Footnote E' of the 'Daniel 9' link, above.)



Messiah ministry start. King must announce at same age David became king: 30. So He does, Luke 4:19.  Only Messiah can invoke it (vv 20-21).


1000th anniversary of David's Retirement Age 70 (not death), and 980th anniversary of 1st Temple Dedication.  Matthew double-datelines his gospel this year.  Year Christ actually dies, age 33 since prior Chanukah, at beginning of 4136 on what should have been Passover, had the Sanhedrin intercalated properly.  So He becomes the Passover on the Real Passover, four days after the 'official' one. The Real Passover He died on, is  the 1470th 'birthday' of the original Passover, to the very day (490 x 3).  So on Good WEDNESDAY, He dies.  Rises 3.5 days later, just as He said He would, Matt12:40-41.  As a result, Christ dies 7 years earlier than scheduled;  this too-early death is the reason for the Temple siege, to 'pay back' for the lost time.



1000th anniv. of David's death at age 77.  Isaiah 53's meter is based on this, and so is Luke's genealogy.  See last seven chapters in 1 Chronicles, plus 1Kings 1:1-2:39, to realize 1Kings 6:1's '4th year' of Solomon measures from when David died,  obviously en toto, the eleventh year of Solomon (including co-regency and the three prior years when David was dead).  This is the endpoint in Daniel 9's '62 weeks', to complete '483'; but scholars miss that too, as they use lunar years, though God never does.  He only reconciles by birthdays, which can only mean solar accounting.  See begats and Exodus 12 mandate, or any dates in Bible you like, to see God never uses lunar years for Bible dates.


At year end, 57 Years remain to the Millennium; in the Mosaic Law, this is memorialized in advance by 50+7 standing for Pentecost/Jubilee plus Passover/Passion Week.  Numbers 28:26, start counting the Omer at the END of Passover week, not 2nd day of it.  Because, 57+57 = # of days from Passover to Pentecost on the calendar plus from Pentecost to 9th Av.  Which Titus followed to the very day, in 70 ad Temple takedown.  In meter, this is often shortened to 56, for days between: for you can be rescued, even at the last moment, When He Comes.


Hence a REVISED and SHORTENED outer limit when Christ was SCHEDULED to die:  +1, as He was to die at its start, on Passover.  So at its start = 58 years, the doubled Manasseh meter in Daniel 9:11-12.  For Manasseh, was the cause of Temple Doom, 2Kings 21:11-15, 23:26.


This year also should have been the 1000th anniversary of 1st Temple's Construction Start, but Solomon delayed it.  So if you tally Genesis to Revelation, you always come up three or seven years short or three or seven years over, versus other Bible timelines; for by the time Christ was born, the earlier deadlines were superceded.  Hence reconciliation becomes necessary. (Magnificat meter and Paul's Ephesians, are reconciliation examples).




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  4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation




2100th anniversary of Abraham's supermaturity (signified by birth of Isaac),  the original ending for Israel's 'time'. 1000th anniversary of 1st Temple Construction Start. 1050th anniv. of David's Hebron Kingship.  Idea that the 'loan' of time can be extended, if the 'building' was going on.  So when folks returned from Babylon to Israel, Time didn't end.  They were building.  Precedence for Church:  Rapture occurs when we stop building (growing in Christ), just as Temple went down when Israel stopped (see Romans 11).  Except 'our' temple is bodies, John 17, Eph2, 3:15-19, Eph4:13 (Rapture Criterion), 1Cor12.  Only then, do we get Raptured.  Due to apostasy coinciding with Body Completion.



Should have been the 1000th anniversary of 1st Temple's Construction End AND Dedication, but Solomon delayed it, 1Kings 6:1-8:1.  Also, the last 50 years to the Millennium, for 'harvesting the Gentiles', memorialized as Jubilee and Pentecost, in the Mosaic Law.  This period is assumed in the Daniel 9 accounting, and is considered 'Gentile Time', so is not debited from the 490; but is in addition to it.  It occurs between Daniel 9:26 and :27.



1000th anniversary of 1st Temple's Construction End.  1050th anniv. of David's United Kingship.


1000th anniversary of 1st Temple Dedication, 1st Kings 8:1.  1490th anniversary of the Exodus, 2500th anniversary of the Flood's end, 2050th anniv. of Jacob's birth, 3100th anniv. of Noah's birth.


40 years to start of the Millennium.  It's really the start of 4161.  Magnificat counts to 4160 when Mary's future Son would be age 57, nearly 58 -- to balance the 3.5 year shortfall and the 53.5 year credit 'owed' Gentiles for Abraham's too-early maturation.  So she reverse-balances 40 at year 4160, and 57 at year 4143.  Zecharias' meter (see last page of the Magnificat link) then goes another 80 years, to 40 years after Mill start.  Daniel stopped at 56 prior to Mill (Dan 9:19), at the Lord's scheduled death year (4143). That's why God's reply of the 69 weeks, stops at the same place.  Mary thus flips Daniel, stops 40 years prior.  Metered passages often balance to Millennium like this, subdividing them (leaving in ellipsis or subtracting or adding 57, 50, 40, 14, 7).


Paul and Luke pick 'Lord Age 56' as their datelines;  each balances to the above.  They all play with 16-17 or 23 years on either side.  I'm not yet sure why.



Lord Age 60.  His own private '40', remains, to balance to Abraham's age 100.


1500th anniversary of the original Exodus.  2000th anniv. of Jacob's covenant (being renamed 'Israel', Gen 32:24ff).



Christ dead as long as He had been alive, potential Rapture date for that reason.  Based on Psalm 90:15's 'give us as many good days as bad days'.  Meters often balance to this mid-point.  Idea that the Time Loan for Messiah's life, has been paid off by this year (at its beginning).


Year 1077 from David's Hebron kingship.  Bible plays on Year 1077s;  I charted them, see the 'Year 1077s' link at bottom of first page in Ephesians1REPARSED, as Paul makes an issue of this date.  For Isaiah 53's meter is based on 1078.  Also, Matthew's 476 meter uses this 1077 benchmark. 2046 + 1077 + 1077 = 4200 for Abraham, and 3096 + 1077 + 1077 =  5250 for David, since 2046 + 1050 reconciled Abraham to David's Hebron Kingship. 


Also, here the Christ is age 70, so folks believed Trib/Rapture should happen next. Paul had benchmarked this with the clever double-entendre 'hagious', in Eph 1:4.  So, seven years after outhen happened instead, John writes his Gospel, playing on Mark's '14', written late 68 ad.  Order of books in 68 ad was 1 and 2 Peter, who then dies;  then Jude, who extensively quotes 2 Peter and then dies (or disappears); then Mark; then Hebrews, which bases its outline (flow of points) on both Peter and Mark's Gospel.  Click here for the starting video on how Hebrews 'wraps' to Mark.



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40 years after He died, when 2nd Temple destroyed by Titus.  2000th anniversary of Joseph's enslavement, when the 490 baton switched to him (Exodus was 490 years later).  4176 is also 1000th 'birthday' of Rehoboam's rule start;  he stopped observing the sabbatical years, as did everyone after him, resulting in the 1st Temple's destruction.  Folks were expecting the Trib to begin here.


When Israel destroyed (i.e., Masada).  Year 1077 from David's United Kingship.  In Bible meters, 1078 divides by 7,  tags the start of next year.  Matthew uses a 1078 measure;  for Isaiah 53 is 1078 syllables (with ellipses of 252 and 364 = 586 bc to 30 ad);  Paul uses it in his Eph1, anaphora sevens.    Matthew videos show his math; Eph1 REPARSED shows it, in Paul's '78 sevens' anaphora.  See also 4173.


40 years after Christ should have died, another possible Trib-start date. Same age as Moses during the Exodus year, Exodus 7:7.


Potential mid-Trib date for Temple desecration, assuming it was rebuilt and assuming Trib began in 4183. Equals 50 years after Christ actually died.  Or, an alternative Trib Start Date, as 14 years remain:  the 'Harvesting Gentiles' 50-year promise, is 'paid off'. 


54 years from Christ's actual death, full payback on Abraham's too early maturation (2100-2046), made this a potential Rapture date.


1050th anniv. of David's death.  Last chance for Trib to start on the normal (pre-Church) timeline; penultimate chance for it to be desecrated per mid-trib Daniel 9:27 (if Trib started 4190), if rebuilt.  This is end of year, so the actual last Trib start year would be 4194.


Outermost pre-Church deadline for mid-Trib, Daniel 9:27.  Also 1050th anniv. of 1st Temple Construction Start.  This too is an end of year measure; the actual latest Trib mid-point is based on fiscals equating to 4197.5;  for the Mill starts when fiscal 4200 has ENDED (3rd week September 4200 'becomes' start 4201 for Adamic, the following March for Abrahamic, with the Lord's 98th birthday in between).


Millennium begins, really, Day One of 4201.  We'll be there, as 2nd Advent Horse, Church Calvary (Rev 19:14, etc).   Technically, Mill starts in rolling fiscals: autumnal equinox ends 4200, so it 'becomes' 4201;  His Birthday on 25 Chislev, 'becomes'  His 98th year;  when vernal equinox ends its own 4200, it 'becomes' 4201 of sacred year.  Ezekiel 39:14 in context, might imply the months between equinoxes, are used to recover from the final war.  So  the longstanding Jewish contention of Him coming on Rosh HaShanah, might be valid.  That would be the earliest such date.  Depends on which fiscal has precedence.  I bet it's His 98th Birthday that begins Mill.  Can't prove that true, though.  Could well be that vernal equinox, governs.


Christ age 100, same allotment as Abraham had.


1050th 'birthday' of Temple Dedication, from 3156.  Some meters in Paul, reconcile to it. Noah's 3150th birthday, at year start.



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E.  John's meter seems to mix Expository or Elegaic Greek meter elements, but there are many styles.  John's cadence in all his dateline meters, seems at least evocative of them. attempts to trace the history and structure of such Greek meters.


One of the major licenses of Greek epic meter, is whether to use elision.  John avoids elision, as was apparently the fashion in the later 1st century.  Traditionally and earlier in the century, elision was considered elegant.  Later in the century, folks preferred clarity, and 'hiatus' was no longer considered gauche.  So John's meter preserves hiatus, between words.


There were extensive customs and rules for Elision, in first-century Greek.  Start at page 29 of and keep reading through section 77, page 45.  Or try this book, page 127ff:


These are Attic rules, but Bible sometimes uses them.  It's a mistake to call the Bible's Greek 'koine'.  There are a bizillion Atticisms and sudden switches into drama Greek.  Just as we in English mix common slang with formal words and even elegant sentence constructions -- so did the Greeks.  Since Bible meter is keyed to sevening, this mix occurs often. 


So pronunciation rules in Attic Greek, preserved in all the dramas (even as we preserve Shakespearean English), would be known to the audience and would be used by the writer.


Perhaps another reason why John doesn't use elision, is that his meter in both 1 John and Revelation piggyback onto his Gospel meter, 'updating' it for the fact he writes again, years later.  For Revelation, its dating, is also trenchant: instead of Millennium starting on the pre-Church schedule, believers get a classical Greek quadrilogy about those events, with no fixed future time: clever way to play on an undefined gap in time, by using hiatus.  Ouch.





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4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


Important: yellow-highlighted sections below, are variants in Sinaiticus a), b), for verse 3; and in verse 5, Sinaiticus a) and Stephanus, per BibleWorks 9.  In verse 3, the variant reverses the verbs; this has no effect on syllable count;  but there's an extra kai; each such variant word is marked in teal/green.  Since the reversed verbs thus preserve the same order as initially presented in verse 1, and since the extra kai is both grammatically necessary and fits John's style, I'd bet money that the Sinaiticus variant is what John actually wrote; so too, verse 5's variant, corrected for case: it adds ap, which is his repeated stress in the passage.  Sinaiticus b) in verse 5 adds agape tes, then preserves the genitive but changes the spelling to epangelias.  That variant adds four syllables.  They don't fit the grammar or meter pattern, so are excluded.


As corrected, verse 5's ending meter matches Paul's Ephesians 1:3-14 central trebled anaphora meter THREE TIMES.  Moreover, the total meter count exactly interlocks with the Revelation meter, which together exactly tie back again, to Paul's anaphora.  All this, can't be a coincidence.  This section will seek to explain why, and show how the unity of his meter ties to other germane Bible passages, principally Paul's Ephesians 1:3-14, 3:15-19, and 4:12-16.  Textual ties are obvious; but the meter ties, are astounding.










Ὃ ἦν ἀπ᾽ ἀρχῆς, ὃ ἀκηκόαμεν,




ἑωράκαμεν τοῖς ὀφθαλμοῖς ἡμῶν,




ὃ ἐθεασάμεθα καὶ αἱ χεῖρες ἡμῶν ἐψηλάφησαν




περὶ τοῦ λόγου τῆς ζωῆς-




καὶ ἡ ζωὴ ἐφανερώθη,




καὶ ἑωράκαμεν καὶ μαρτυροῦμεν




καὶ ἀπαγγέλλομεν ὑμῖν




τὴν ζωὴν τὴν αἰώνιον




ἥτις ἦν πρὸς τὸν πατέρα καὶ ἐφανερώθη ἡμῖν-




ἀκηκόαμεν και ἑωράκαμεν




και ἀπαγγέλλομεν καὶ ὑμῖν,




ἵνα καὶ ὑμεῖς κοινωνίαν ἔχητε μεθ᾽ ἡμῶν.




καὶ ἡ κοινωνία δὲ ἡ ἡμετέρα μετὰ τοῦ πατρὸς




καὶ μετὰ τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ.




καὶ ταῦτα γράφομεν ἡμεῖς,




ἵνα ἡ χαρὰ ἡμῶν ᾖ πεπληρωμένη.




Καὶ ἔστιν αὕτη ἡ ἀπαγγελία




ἣν ἀκηκόαμεν ἀπ᾽ αὐτοῦ




καὶ ἀναγγέλλομεν ὑμῖν,




ὅτι ὁ θεὸς φῶς ἐστιν




καὶ σκοτία ἐν αὐτῷ




οὐκ ἔστιν οὐδεμία.




ToC    Preface  Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


Meter's Import


Watch how 1John's meter 'adds' to his Gospel for a memorably updated math, history and prophecy lesson.  Remember, the audience well knows when he wrote, for they got his letter within the year.  Recall too,  neuter 'hos' means Christ And Everything About His Story, as purpose for history.  Cute wordplay on Him as God: note how his meters exploit meanings of kai.  Again my italics 'translate' the witty numbers' integration with his text.  Substitute 'the One Who' for ho in what follows...


Dear Children,




I write you again,


years after Temple Fell, still testifying to  Ὃ ἦν ἀπ᾽ ἀρχῆς, ὃ ἀκηκόαμεν (4187 from Adam's Fall,  4 Chislev, Christ nearly age 84;  end 80 AD using Roman auc, 70+10.  Concatenated, piggybacked play on his own Gospel's start and on  'I prepare a home for you' in John 14-17, and again play on Eph 1:3-14, 2, 4:12-16;  latter passage is reversed,  in 1John4:12-16.)



which Fall, was



years before it should be desecrated;  since ἑωράκαμεν τοῖς ὀφθαλμοῖς ἡμῶν , we didn't believe (i.e., John's  terminus confession in John 21:20ff.  Text presages 1John2:26-3:2, by tagging future Temple Desecrated date.  Temple should be rebuilt then desecrated 4197.5, Dan9:27.  That's also 1050th 'birthday' of  1st Temple on 1 Ethanim, 21.5 years vs. vernal equinox.  John deftly writes at midpoint, setting the meter theme.  Math:  Temple fell 4176, final assault started Passover, ended 9th Av, fifth month of Exo12-mandated vernal equinox fiscal.  Adamic fiscal began 6 months prior: so 9th Av is its 11th month. On vernal fiscal, 4176 + 10.75 = 4186.75, is newly 4187, Adamic (21.5/2=10.75, so .75*365/30 = 4.5th day of 9th month).  Balance: 4186.75 + 10.75 = 4197.5 = 1 Ethanim, first day of 4198 Adamic.  There are also 21 days from 4 Chislev to 25 Chislev.  Cute.


so I also write you,


years after He too should have died on the Abrahamic schedule, having become the Way Truth Life,  ὃ ἐθεασάμεθα καὶ αἱ χεῖρες ἡμῶν ἐψηλάφησαν (Reminder of John 14:6, Hebrews 3 warning.  Math:  Abraham's maturation fiscal comes from Noah, so is based on vernal equinox.  That fiscal  4186  isn't over yet, so –39 = 4146  = 2046 + 2100.)



which deadline,

 is also



years before the start of the final pre-Church, scheduled Tribulation, περὶ τοῦ λόγου τῆς ζωῆς-   (start of  4147+47 is 4194, the Lord's age 91; so John reconciles the superceded Abrahamic deadline with the Davidic, to show God is still 'on time'.  Note how clause ends in aposiopesis, double entendre:  we could be Face to Face with Father by then.. 7 more years.


So by start of 4194, potential indicative – maybe He'll even be revealed, aka we're Raptured.  John now writes 14 years prior to Mill.  Two 'sevens': first just started; then sheni, another = latest scheduled Trib, Lord's Age 91=4194.  So Church has a pregnant '14' of her own: 1) to get 'raptured' on time, so 2) the REST of history, can complete.  Since that same warning went unheeded in Hebrews 3, 11:39-40, John renews it, via meter:  Church Bridges Israel's Time which vested in Christ, Psalm 110, Gal3's 'Seed', etc.  4195 will thus be Revelation's date.)


(v.2) For the


year before the final mid-point, was His 40th year, when He was supposed to die:  καὶ ἡ ζωὴ ἐφανερώθη   (John's v.2 text plays on the Rapture 56, having just played the 14, also tied to when he writes: He will again 'appear' when we're raptured up.  Sets up text in 1John2:26-3:2, and later, Revelation.  So he crafts a trio of equidistant puns on TimelineShifts to stress how God Orchestrates Time.  John writes in a) the 40th year after Christ should have died at age 40, under the Abrahamic schedule and fiscal, had David died age 80;  also Christ's 40th year, had He instead died on 1000th anniv. of David's actual death.  In a), 4146 + 53.5; there's no sevened midpoint, just the last 3.5 years of history.  But in b), His 40th year began start of 4143; +56 = 4198, when finished.  But the 56th year starts on 55th anniversary;  so midpoint is still 'in' the 56th year, 4197.5, under Dan9 schedule.  Ergo, c) equidistant 3.5's for the 'Boat' in the Year of Church:  aft, the Abrahamic and Davidic schedules; fore, between Trib mid-point, and Year 4200, end.


NT writers all play on 40+56; since 40 won't divide by 7, they reverse-play the '40', via 56. John also plays mid-Trib math, as we are Temple Now: Eph2, 1Peter.  John thus reminds readers of the '58' in his Gospel: 4136+58.  So the '56' will then be paid +2, as His actual Death was 7 years earlier than scheduled.  John thus reminds readers of the 56's in Psalm 90 esp. verses 16-17, Isaiah 53 re Temple, in Luke and  Magnificat's ending, in Paul's variant combos of Eph 1:3-14, and in Mark.  For that prophetic data already came true, esp. Paul's Eph1:3-4 syllables = Christ Age 56-84 (or 56-84 ad, take your pick).  So indeed the Life did Manifest, even after He Went Home, playing on Luke 1:78-79, Zecharias' coverage of the Mill through Mill+40.  Heh.)


For His Ministry manifested


years prior to that midpoint,  καὶ ἑωράκαμεν καὶ μαρτυροῦμεν  (John's Gospel narrative piggybacked on Luke 4's, when the Lord started His Ministry.  1John recalls it, via 40 -10= 30 at 4132's end, to also remind readers of the first equidistant Pauline Rapture date MISSED -- when He'd have been dead as long as alive.  Roman regnal years also ran on September fiscals.  So look: 4133 Adamic, 85 days into, He turns 30.  That's Tiberius 15th year,  So start Tiberius 15 = start of Adamic 4133.  But it's 4132 on a Jan-Dec fiscal, so again he plays with midpoints, just as he did with Chanukah in his '21' meter.


so in His


year, Temple Went Down  καὶ ἀπαγγέλλομεν ὑμῖν  (Play on '76' meter in John's Gospel: a)  Christ age 30 just after start of Adamic 4133 + 74 = 4207, seventh year into Mill.  Pointed Church lateness problem.  Sets up letter's theme of 'fellowship' and hence maturation; b)  Temple fell in Christ's 74th year, before that Birthday (end Adamic 4176).  Finally, c) John plays the .5's fore and aft again, since Temple fell just before mid-year Abrahamic vernal equinox, fiscal.)


even now,

after His


year,  τὴν ζωὴν τὴν αἰώνιον . (John reminds them again of his Gospel, written Adamic year 4184, seven years after Temple fell, 'matching' Moses Exodus age.  Here, he invokes Isaiah 53:1's 'who has believed our report'.  For the Lord's 82nd year began ON his 81st birthday; surely they all got his Gospel by now.  So just as Temple exited, Church will too; she's wandered in wilderness for lo these 40 years, Eph 4:14!  How ironic: Isa53:1's LXX uses anangellw, but John uses from-source apangellw, yet they still don't believe enough; even as, the disciples didn't, viz John's confession in his last Gospel chapter!)


ToC    Preface  Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation

If we mature, Millennium may yet begin His year


: for  ἥτις ἦν πρὸς τὸν πατέρα καὶ ἐφανερώθη ἡμῖν-  so we might then be face-to-face with Him..  (Again John reminds them more bluntly, here via the same '98' meter as in his Gospel: 4200, End of  the year, Adamic 4201 Mill start; or even ON His Birthday it begins.  Or, final fiscal 4201 begins three months and three weeks after that, at vernal equinox.  Yet I'd bet Day of 2nd Advent, is His 98th birthday, given meaning of His Birth and Chanukah.  Text plays on Zech 14:6-7, Day that is night, 2nd Advent.  Note how 1John's meter keys to the same 98 via the Abrahamic deadline.  Meaning?  All Time Reconciled In Him.  All the way back to Adam, now that (net) Gentile Time is Repaid.  At this point, John starts tracking Paul's coverage of Roman history parallels with upcoming Christian apostasy.  For the Roman auc ad equivalent on His 98th birthday, is 94, Eph 1:5's first clause.)




So 21 years after I write, is the new Adamic century's



th year; which is also the 1050th birthday of 1st Temple's Dedication, Noah's 3150th birthday year, and 64 years after Body-Building Harvesting the Gentiles, began;  so as Paul wrote, even if the Rapture doesn't occur by then, our 'report' will still be   ὃ. ἀκηκόαμεν και ἑωράκαμεν    (John now starts to shift among four 'fiscal' year measures:  a) Adam's 'civilization' fiscal, ties to Temple at autumnal equinox, 1Kings 8:1;  b) Noah=Abraham's, ties to Israel's sacred calendar; for Noah was born on what became the Exodus, later known as 1st day of Passover via Gen 7-8 LXX text, not always BHS;  c) the Lord's own 'fiscal', and d) Roman auc, our calendar year.  For John now ties to Paul's own Anno Domini conversion.  Wow.


So what if the Rapture hasn't happened by Year 4207 from Adam, first 'tagged' at syllable = year 74, Temple Down??  Future history's theme is Word Stands the Test of Time, fulfilling John 17.  John also plays off Zechariah's speech, which took you 40 years into the Millennium.  John will go much farther, since Paul did.  For Paul's meter maps the future of Rome and Church, and then his anaphora meter totals, remap the trends to show God Uses Believers Keeping Word, To Keep Word Free.  To make the meter memorable, Paul creates four 'quarters' of Church, playing on Noah's Year in the Boat (per LXX text, not always BHS), just as Daniel 9 had done: for Noah enters and leaves the boat, on what later became, Pentecost.  So John tags Paul's meter directly.  John's meter sums = God's metered reply in Dan9:24-27 = 231 syllables, to tag it.  Paul did that too, in his anaphora, centering on 215-231 ad, during which (under the Severans), Church rapidly declined.  Peter tracked Paul syllable by year, for the same reason.


So John's meter here, tags the Daniel/Pauline passages for reader reference, to set the theme for 1John's import:  Church Is The 62nd aka 69th Week, To Complete Time.  John then selectively tracks what Paul charted.  (My pastor taught John's theme for 50 years;  he didn't know there was meter to affirm the doctrine; he got it from Bible text. He explains how, in his Ephesians series: it runs seven years, for an hour a day.  After hearing that series, it was easy for me to 'get' what Paul meant, once I saw the meter.)


1John's dateline meter is also tightly integrated with the later Revelation, to play on Paul's 'Year of Church', which played on Noah's Year in Boat.  John's combined dateline meter (1John and Revelation) truncates that Year to 357, which is 7 short of the 364 days Noah was in the Boat.  Yeah, because Church isn't in the Tribulation.   Same 357, from God's telling Zerubbabel what DAY Messiah would be born (Haggai 2).. until the first Chanukah.


Here, John  tracks to Paul's Eph1:3-14 meter, as a 'reply' to Ephesians, esp. Eph 3:15-19, 4:12-16;  for Eph4:13 is the Rapture criterion, Body Reaching Maturation Of Christ.  So to dovetail, John starts at Paul's Eph1:5 syllable = 105, but converts into Adamic years.  Christ is age 105.  That's pregnant, as Paul's text is on 'sonship', covers Roman auc years of Trajan.  Paul's eudokian anaphora begins at syllable = ad year, 106.  Since 'eudokian' means your satisfaction in your own decision which you approve, it signifies autonomy. Ties neatly to Isaiah 53:1, just as 1John does with his apangellw.  In Paul, the 106th syllable = ad year, signifies Spiritual autonomy threat due to Christian politicization and anti-semitism.  Paul bookends the threat three times, centering it on 215-231 ad:  when Demetrius of Alexandria meant to sideline Origen, by creating a Roman 'bishop list' with Peter on it.


John thus plays on Adamic year 4206/4207, which begins late September aka 'Fall' (get the pun).  So it's New Year's, day the 1st Temple was dedicated, 1050 years prior.  In Noahic/Abrahamic fiscal years = sacred calendar, it's still 4206, still 3150th anniv. of Noah's birth (in September he'd be 3150.5 years old).  The Lord turns 105, at Chanukah.  Roman auc equivalent 'ad' would turn 102, the next week.  Mill start was at end of Paul's huiothesian, how cute.  That's when we should have entered 'sonship', in our own eternal bodies.  Else, God had Paul predict fathering apostasy, if no Rapture.  We can easily prove that massive apostasy, simply by reading the vile Clement, Justin Martyr, Ignatius etc. writings.  So too, all the 'church fathers' trashed Bible.  Yet we laud them? For the sake of Christian fellowship?  You've no fellowship with Christians, if none with God, theme of 1John!


Finally, '108' is 57+7 years from (maybe Bul/Marchesvan) 4143, Davidic deadline for the Lord's death.  Schedule caught up.  (Jewish regnal years are accounted by vernal equinox.) Finally, since John writes in  4187 , he effectively repeats the cute '21' germinate Bible meter, playing again on equidistance.  For Jacob re-enters Land 21 years after he went to wive, 490 years after Flood.  So John now refers back to his dateline 21 re Untimely Temple Demise, warning that just as Flood happened and Temple went down, so too Rapture happens due to apostasy.  Ouch.)


kai  avpagge,llomen kai. u`mi/n( even if no Rapture after His


th year;  (John tags Paul in the middle his 1st eudokian anaphora, Eph1:5 syllable = 114 ad.  Cute: Age 97 = 98th year, end v.2;  so now, 21st year after that becomes 118th year.  Paul's 21 meter; and 121 in Paul means 121 ad;  so now John uses 117 as the Lord's Future Age = 120 Mill Adamic; His 118th year begins on his 117th birthday, even as the Adamic began its own 121st year.  Heh.


John expects his audience to know Paul's anaphora well:  Word Preserved, despite persecution by fellow Christians who sporadically eat each other.  Paul tracks future Church history via the anaphora math.  Peter wrapped his 1Peter1:1-12 meter around Paul to make a marching song; so as the Pauline 'schedule' elapsed, folks had an 'antiphony' of verses for refreshment.  So does John add a 'chorus', given his slow, roping drama Greek?


Paul's eudokian anaphora covers 231 syllables = 33 sevens or 77 threes: so John meters his prologue, to match.  231 is also the length of God's metered reply in Daniel 9:24-27.  Obvious thematic tie.  The historical tie, is even more shocking.  Back in Ephesians, the first eta of Paul's thelematos marks ad 117, when Trajan will die.  This same eta's next two occurrences, mark the deaths of two later Emperors whose successors also reverse the deceased's goals: Macrinus and Diocletian.  Paul centers on them both, uncannily.  His 'eudokian interplay' is so prophetically accurate, it's upsetting.)



ToC    Preface  Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


 ἵνα καὶ ὑμεῖς κοινωνίαν ἔχητε μεθ᾽ ἡμῶν --  even after the Roman world's


nd year.  (John makes an especially poignant and common tie to Paul's 133rd  syllable = AD year, in Eph 1:6, which begins Paul's epainon anaphora.  (You'll need Bibleworks fonts to read the htm, free download at .)  That's when Bar Kochba rebellion began, 132-135 – the 135 is 21 years after 114 ad =117 in the previous clause; it was the last of a rolling series of Israel's revolts across the Roman world, that had started under Trajan.


Finally, as Paul had done, John ties to Zecharias' speech: it keyed off Magnificat to plot Time, up to the first 40 years post-Millennium (Luke 1:78-79), how people sitting in darkness of death, have The Light manifested to them.  Yeah, and if 2nd Advent didn't occur by that 40th year, the world still sits in the dark, with only Word to enlighten. Luke's Gospel thus stressed Light = Chanukah = Christ's Birth.  Paul, Peter, James all tie to it; Isaiah 53:2 did the same, tagging Manasseh at syllable 133.  Manasseh was the stated cause for Temple's Fall, 2 Kings 23:26-27.  So now the Bar Kochba prophecy of that history repeating, is sadly echoed by John.  So once Jerusalem is razed and a pig temple sits where the real one was, the Temple in Heaven – theme of Hebrews 9-10 -- remains in your heart; so you can fellowship with God via His Preserved Word.)


καὶ ἡ κοινωνία δὲ ἡ ἡμετέρα μετὰ τοῦ πατρὸς , even after the


 th year.    (Paul's Ephesians 1: 6 introduced his first epainon anaphora, which interlocks with the eudokian, to tell a nested story of how Church will become apostate;  that Christians will thus be persecuted, and then will persecute each other; the intent being always, to trap and destroy Scripture.  Yet these very persecutions will free those Keeping the Word to leave the afflicted areas.  Peter wraps to Paul's meter, to reinforce that meaning.  Here, John does, too.  Fellowship with each other can only be had if first in fellowship with God: that's 1John's theme.  Matched to his meter, and echoing the other NT authors, his text here searingly affirms when to run from the niko-laus apostate: for of course they will argue they are the true 'fellowship'.


So again, 21:  150 ad in Roman auc = Christ age 153 – 132.  Poignant shorthand for Church's rejection, wrong growth germinating; yet also, the few grow just as Paul had forecast.  That's how bad we are at 33+57+57+3.  Want evidence?  Read Hegesippus!  Spawned by Clement, Heggy furthered the anti-Biblical claim of apostolic succession. I had to make videos on this guy's clear insanity sorry.  Yet he's praised, even by Schaff?!  Flipside, we have Mr. See-Me-Twist-Scripture, Irenaeus;  he's the spawn of the graceless Polycarp.  So by the Lord's age 150,  we were already wacko, so early in the game!


In that 147th year, Jews were 7-years' banished from Jerusalem, newly renamed Aelia Capitolina.  Banishment blessing: wheat and chaff, separate.  Paul thus ended his meter at 147 for the 'first quarter of Church'.  John tags it.)


  καὶ μετὰ τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ Ἰησοῦ Χριστοû

even in Rome's


 st year.  (Reversed 21.  Church goes the way of Israel.  Romans call this period,  "the Five Good Emperors", and Aurelius starts here. That prosperity begets a flurry of Christians persecuting each other, especially by Ireneaus, see prior links; a thirst for inter-Christian, condemnation, predominates.  On that link's page 79, note how we busily ate each other, while Aurelius ruled.  So if he too persecuted, it was nothing by comparison.  Keep reading, and you find us even arguing over Easter.  Arguing?  Didn't Numbers 28:26 make Christ Our Firstfruits, plain?  Oh, that's right: we can't even calculate Passover correctly, Exo12 is a mystery to us!)



For even by the


 th year, if the Rapture hasn't come,  you still have The Word:  καὶ ταῦτα γράφομεν ἡμεῖς(  (Here, the plagues which Aurelius' armies brought back with them from Syria, provide ample warning for folks to leave Rome.  Sets up Revelation 16.  Commodus had been named Caesar when age 5, in 166.  John matches his syllable count to Paul's Eph1:7a, but bridges the years at 161-169.  Verus dies in 169, but I doubt that's why John benchmarked the clause there.)


 even past His  


 nd year,   ἵνα ἡ χαρὰ ἡμῶν ᾖ πεπληρωμένη . (Back to 21.  Commodus becomes emperor in 180.  Paul's keyword for Commodus in Eph 1:8, is ploutos; which Commodus, thought he was.  And he was, rich in spending.  Clever of John to match up, keyverb plerow.  Note this parallels, the 2nd 'quarter' of Church.)


So 14 years later, in Rome's


rd year,  Καὶ ἔστιν αὕτη ἡ ἀπαγγελία  (Severus becomes emperor, after Commodus' assassination.  Paul's keyverb in Eph1:9 is eperisseusen!  Everyone abounds in political scrambling, Christians included, if you read the link's many other links.   Severus finds his full apostate Christian match, in Tertullian.  We can't discern how bad he was: appealing to Rome, instead of God?  Focusing on politics, instead of Bible?  Lying about what Bible says, to make a power grab?)


and  7 years after that, in


,  ἣν ἀκηκόαμεν ἀπ᾽ αὐτου, remains true; (Severus still emperor; Caracalla was made co-emperor in 198.  This is another 21, measured as Christ age 204-21=183.)


or 7 years after that, in


,  καὶ ἀναγγέλλομεν ὑμῖν(  despite all Rome's upheavals, (Upheavals caused more by widespread Christian apostasy since Caracalla, sole emperor in 211, wasn't persecuting.  Here Origen, so utterly unable to read 1John, starts his career.  I don't know which is worse:  his verbose mangling of Bible, or our insane praise of him.)


keep recalling Word, even in


,  ὅτι ὁ θεὸς φῶς ἐστιν (Caracalla assassinated, Macrinus becomes emperor for that year, Eph 1:9's second eudokian.. thelematos, followed by resumption of Severans under Elagabalus and the origin of Bishop List to discredit Origen – could John be more witty, with the phos pun on the SunKing teeny-bopper?  For surely the Church light, is dimmed by politics.)


And after even 7 years later,


  καὶ σκοτία ἐν αὐτ (Severus Alexander became emperor in 222; click here for contemporary Christian 'synods' aka fighting.  Another 21, 222 - 201 Roman year, Christ age 225-204.  Notice from that link how Christians even now, focus on each other and their imagined righteousnesses.. but not, on God.  So yeah: a '21', of the wrong kind.)


  οὐκ ἔστιν οὐδεμία.

Whether year


, or any other 'sevens', of Time and Eternity.  (Severus Alexander still emperor till 235; begins Crisis of the Third Century.  Another 21, 231-217.  When you read about that Crisis, you find out Christians were persecuted by other Christians, and then Rome did the same, starting this year:  Hippolytus was banished, Callistus was killed, Origen had left and was persecuted by Demetrius.  All that occurred locally in Rome; but also synods (see link in '224'), devoured Christians over some claimed 'heresy', or whether to re-baptise a heretic (veto made famous by Ireneaus).  The Decian persecution, ends 21 years later.  Paul benchmarked this 21, in Eph 1:10;  John here marks its start.  The persecutions are a stronger feature of this period, as Christians became far more political; so Roman emperors began to punish them (i.e., Decius, Valerian) or court them (i.e., Gallienus).)



ToC    Preface  Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

  4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


Note: Variant in Rev 1:1, Sinaiticus a) replacing doulois with hagiois, rejected;  the latter term is out of place.  Rev 1:2, variant enclitic te is in mss. from Textus Receptus, also rejected.  Not proper, between hosa and eiden.  Also rejected, Rev 1:3 variant in Sinaiticus a), Tishendorf has ton logon vs. tous logous.  Neuter ta makes tous logous more likely.  Also rejected, Rev 1:4 variants theou and estin;  theou is stylistically incorrect; estin is grammatically incorrect. Rev 1:5ff variants are listed below, struck out if rejected; else, they are alternative, not altering total syllable count, or counted.  These variants are in the Byzantine mss and/or Sinaiticus.  Other variants don't seem to impact meter, so are unlisted.  However, v.8 should say 'A', not 'Alpha', since none of the variants use 'omega'.  Scrivener –related mss just use 'A'.










Ἀποκάλυψις Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ





ἣν ἔδωκεν αὐτῷ ὁ θεὸς





δεῖξαι τοῖς δούλοις αὐτοῦ ἃ δεῖ γενέσθαι ἐν τάχει,





καὶ ἐσήμανεν ἀποστείλας





διὰ τοῦ ἀγγέλου αὐτοῦ τῷ δούλῳ αὐτοῦ Ἰωάννῃ,





ὃς ἐμαρτύρησεν τὸν λόγον τοῦ θεοῦ





καὶ τὴν μαρτυρίαν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ ὅσα εἶδεν.





Μακάριος ὁ ἀναγινώσκων





καὶ οἱ ἀκούοντες τοὺς λόγους τῆς προφητείας





καὶ τηροῦντες τὰ ἐν αὐτῇ γεγραμμένα,





ὁ γὰρ καιρὸς ἐγγύς.





Ἰωάννης ταῖς ἑπτὰ ἐκκλησίαις ταῖς ἐν τῇ Ἀσίᾳ·





χάρις ὑμῖν καὶ εἰρήνη





ἀπὸ θεοῦ τοῦ ὁ ὢν καὶ ὁ ἦν καὶ ὁ ἐρχόμενος





καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν ἑπτὰ πνευμάτων





ἐστιν τῶν ἐνώπιον τοῦ θρόνου αὐτοῦ





καὶ ἀπὸ Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ,





ὁ μάρτυς, ὁ πιστός, ὁ πρωτότοκος τῶν νεκρῶν





καὶ ὁ ἄρχων τῶν βασιλέων τῆς γῆς.





Τῷ ἀγαπῶντι ἡμᾶς καὶ λύσαντι ἡμᾶς





ἀπὸ ἐκ τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν ἡμῶν ἐν τῷ αἵματι αὐτοῦ,





καὶ ἐποίησεν ἡμᾶς{βασιλεῖς] βασιλείαν,





[καὶ]  ἱερεῖς τῷ θεῷ καὶ πατρὶ αὐτοῦ,





αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος





εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας [τῶν αἰώνων]· ἀμήν.





Ἰδοὺ ἔρχεται μετὰ τῶν νεφελῶν,





καὶ ὄψεται αὐτὸν πᾶς ὀφθαλμὸς





καὶ οἵτινες αὐτὸν ἐξεκέντησαν,





καὶ κόψονται ἐπ᾽ αὐτὸν





πᾶσαι αἱ φυλαὶ τῆς γῆς. ναί, ἀμήν.





Ἐγώ εἰμι τὸ Α ἄλφα καὶ τὸ Ω ,





ἀρχὴ καὶ τέλος λέγει κύριος ὁ θεός,





ὁ ὢν καὶ ὁ ἦν καὶ ὁ ἐρχόμενος, ὁ παντοκράτωρ.






ToC    Preface  Gospel  Advertise Body  Chronology  Deadlines   4096  4103  4133  4136   4143  4146  4150  4153  4156  4160  4163

4166  4170  4173  4176  4180  4183  4186  4190  4193  4196  4200  4203  4207  Elision  TimelineShifts  1John   Revelation


Meter's Import


Much scholarly and other attention has centered on when Revelation was written.  The debaters focus on textual clues and the so-called 'church fathers', who claimed Domitian persecuted Christians (abusing Rev2:10's, 'ten days').  There's little evidence he did.  Passing comments by Dio, Suetonius or Tacitus only show a general hostility toward Jews; and toward Christians, long deemed an offshoot sect.  John doesn't say Domitian exiled him; it makes no sense, to claim Domitian was personally involved.  Yet we can say that during these years, expectations ran high for the King Of The Jews To Return, just as Bible long prophesied.  So it's likely John was accused as a Messiah predictor, admitted it, so was banished.   Since he was still allowed to send out what he wrote (Rev 1:11), he mustn't have been deemed much of a threat.  Such leniency is much like Paul's imprisonment.


From 88-90 ad, and even earlier, Domitian accused many and punished some with exile; his motive (per Dio, in that link) appears to have been jealousy.  So perhaps local rulers received authority to banish anyone deemed a threat for the same reasons.  Hence John's dateline here, December ad 88, makes sense.  The date is earlier than some Christian scholars would claim.  Yet given John's habit of dating his letters as metric tags on his past writings, I don't know how anyone could dispute Revelation's date, here.  For I too want a later year for the book, but cannot justify it.  Obviously the claim may be vetted, in what follows.


My Dear Children,



(v.1)  I write you

 this last time,



years after my last letter, attesting Ἀποκάλυψις Ἰησοῦ Χριστου (John's Gospel was written 4184 from Adam's Fall, Christ nearly age 81,  77 ad by Roman auc, 70+7; 1John was written start of 4187 just before He turned age 84;  Rev is written shortly after 4 Chislev in Adamic 4195, the Lord nearly age 92;  Roman auc ad equivalent = end of 88.   This precision results, because unless he writes in Chislev just after the 4th, the next '18' couldn't also be true, since 4186+9 = 4195.  This deft precision is based on his using the midpoint method for the '21', in 1 John.


So 1John was written 10 years after Temple Fell, and in the 50th anniversary of His Death.  Here in Revelation,  John will finish updating both that letter, as well as Zecharias' ending speech, Luke 1:78-79, Ephesians 1:3-14, Chaps 2, 4, and all of Hebrews;  to show how 'I prepare a home for you' in John 14-17 = theme of Revelation, Psalm 90:1-4, get done.)



so it's now been


years since the Temple Fell;  this letter discloses  ἣν ἔδωκεν αὐτῷ ὁ θεὸς

for it's also been



years, since the final 40 of History began; hence this disclosure,  δεῖξαι τοῖς δούλοις αὐτοῦ ἃ δεῖ γενέσθαι ἐν τάχει  (Per Daniel 9, the next thing after He died, was Temple Down; then the elided 50 years for  Harvesting The Gentiles, followed by 2nd Advent.  That 50 years is now up, so tachei='next' means the Tribulation; except that now Church is here, all bets are off.  So now 33 years have fully elapsed, even on the vernal equinox fiscal (the last 40 years of scheduled history had begun Adamic 4161).  John repeats the meters of  his own Gospel, as reminders.)



So I write you in the



nd year following a) the 1000th anniversary of 1st Temple Construction End, b) 1050th anniversary of David's Kingship over all Israel, c) the Lord's 50th birthday, and d) 10 years after the 42nd year that Body Building, Harvesting Gentiles began;  καὶ ἐσήμανεν ἀποστείλας  (John updates his '42' Gospel meter, for the 'other' 42s relative to his date of writing (Fall of 4153, 1Kings 6:38).  Here, the '42' birth/ germinating Bible meter, focuses on how God 'sires' the Millennium.  Hence parallel to Temple Construction End and David's Kingship, 'equating' the Lord's birthday and initial 'Harvesting the Gentiles' period.  For Millennium, begins a new 1050.)


διὰ τοῦ ἀγγέλου αὐτοῦ τῷ δούλῳ αὐτοῦ Ἰωάννῃ,

so I also write


years after He died, (John also used this 58 in his Gospel, updates it.  The Gospel 58 measured from when He should have died,  4143.  This one, measures from when He actually died, start of 4136.  Translations all use 'angel' here, though clearly Jesus Christ gives it to John, as the context of Rev 1 forward, shows.)

(v.2) deposing on the


'week' of history, as one  ὃς ἐμαρτύρησεν τὸν λόγον τοῦ θεου (70th week in Daniel 9, paralleled with his date of writing. 70*7=490, hence the pun.  The 490 ends at the end of 4200, when Trib was to end and Millennium, begin.  4194, then, was to be the start of the Trib.  But there are four fiscals to reconcile;  4195 Adamic has begun, but 4194.75 is the Noahic/Abrahamic/sacred year fiscal, still.  And the Lord is still age 91.  So this is an END of year report, with the latest expected Trib not happening on time;  so John, is charged with writing why.  The meter therefore illuminates much about why Rev 1-3 reads as it does: a report card, on why the delay.)



to also show how Psalm 90's


is accomplished,  καὶ τὴν μαρτυρίαν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ ὅσα εἶδεν. (84 is another reminder: we're the '14' of History, as Paul's Eph1:10 stated, with his meter at '14', outside the 'second quarter'= 91.  That quarter ended at 238 ad in Eph1:9(end), 231 in 1John.  1Peter 1:6b also tallied to that same 231, which is the meter of Daniel 9:24-27, God's reply.  It is also the meter of Paul's anaphora.  The '84' also relates to Magnificat and Zecharias' meters, as that number was so prominent in their patterns, Luke inserts 'Anna' into Luke 2, wryly harking back to it.


Paul's 56 and 14 were outside his two quarters.  1Peter1:7a-b recasts the 14 into a 28 (doubling Eph 1:10), and 1Peter1:12b-d appends 49 (after Eph 1:14), to make a new 77.  The 49 is a Diaspora number:  Church is so bad, she's in exile.  Even so, over that 252 years (= Isaiah 53's first ellipsis, but here from 231 ad until 483 when Western Roman Empire's ended), enough believers grew;  though Church as a whole, is still apostate.  So Time does not end: parallel is to the '70' when Israel was outside the Land, and to her return by the end of the 49th year, for Temple ReBuilding.  So again, 14 short;  Temple Not Yet Completed.  Peter made this parallel very bald, so it's shaded in green from his 231 until 273.


Trib remains booked as a 7 tacked onto Church time, since it kicks off the Tribulation via Rapture.  Clever way to say that Time Hangs On Church Completion, just as Eph1:10's text, said.


Psalm 90:4's ending meter is 84, and of course that verse is on how the Day of the Lord is as 1000 years.  Cute.  By the end of  Roman auc 89 (beginning a few weeks after John writes), Judaea will have been a province for 84 years, too.  So is dominated by Rome;  just as she will be, in the Trib.  And of course the 84 can't become a 91, until the Rapture.)



(v.3)  So I write now,  just after year


, as Dan 9:24's criterion is sin's completion:  Μακάριος ὁ ἀναγινώσκων (94 is shorthand for Adamic 4194, which just ended. The 94 provides equidistant opportunity (4197.5-4194, the math focus of 1John) to play on how Temple is to be desecrated mid-Trib, since that topic will occupy Rev 9-13.  So to use '94' is double-entendre;  mid-Trib is during the Lord's age 94;  in Roman auc, the equivalent ad for Mill to start, is also '94'.   2nd Advent is his 98th birthday, so subtract 3.5 and you get 94.5.  Roman auc ad equivalent '94', would have been the Mill, if ON His 9