brainout Twitter Archives

An archive of brainout's twitter account, as Elon Musk will be privatizing twitter soon.

brainout @brainoutREAD

Main acct: @brainouty
I do non-Bible (re)tweets & follow, from here. NO2Bitcoin
#ExGOP Bible mss meter & PC geek; see pinned tweet. Yes, I voted BidenHarris

I will try to update this ⤵️ 🧵 every Friday

Bible meter has been sought by scholars for 100s of years. Its commercial value is worth trillion$, +millions of jobs. Thread will explain why.
[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 29, 2022]
A for Autograph
Many verses claim Bible=God's Word, hence perfect & proof of God, within itself

So *in* Bible, God provides mechanics to prove WHAT WORDS ARE HIS

Scholars call the mechanics, "hermeneutics"

Bible meter's a mechanic, but they can't find it

[brainout @brainoutREAD·Jul 12, 2022]
Gen2:7, God directly makes u human AT Birth
GOD MADE Adam's body from dust
fetus exit ON ITS OWN: Sovereign God must rule IF TO MAKE HUMAN & give 1st breath
Heb10:5, Ps110
& "breath"verses
So (eg .@SCOTUSblog
, .@GOP
) prolifers deny God's Sovereign right to determine who becomes a human Christ pays for, John17, 2Jn2, etc

It's God's right, not a court, not a state. Violates 1st Amend, to ban abortion

Fetus has no soul, Num5:27, Exo21:22 Ps139:15-16, Job10:19

[brainout @brainoutREAD·Jul 8, 2022]
Japanese Fiddler On The Roof? Oh yes!

[People's Front of Cadia @Oda_CM · Jul 7, 2022]
Replying to @hasidicus @hungrychipmunk and @spacetwinks
I enjoy the Japanese version as much as the all Yiddish language version of Fiddler!

Lots of clips of the Japanese shows old and new on youtube by the title 屋根の上のバイオリン弾き

[brainout @brainoutREAD · May 14, 2022]
Meet .@RandPaul's Putin-paid twin brother..

Satan is very happy

[Daniel Hegedus @DanielHegedus82 · May 14, 2022]
I understand the need for political compromise between the #Polish government and the @EU_Commission under given circumstances, but...
@notesfrompoland @gmfus

[brainout @brainoutREAD · May 13, 2022]
If you're dumb enuf to vote Trump or Bitcoin, perhaps your insanity can be cured, by reading RT'd thread

TO WIT, Russia promoted Catalonian Independence for one reason: to get the new country to convert to cryptocurrency 🤑

🇷🇺 offered $500B for it

🤮 Bitcoin=PUTIN: got it?

[Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project @OCCRP · May 8, 2022]
NEW: On the eve of Catalonia's 2017 vote for independence, mysterious Russians reportedly offered 10,000 troops to help the territory break from Spain.

Now OCCRP and partners reveal new details about this #RussianOffer, how it was made — and by whom. 1/

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 19, 2022]
Handy list of what airlines to avoid now. If they're so damn dumb they won't mandate wearing masks inside an airplane, for crying out loud, I don't want to fly or buy their stock or have anything to do with them. Their management is clearly insane.

[MSNBC @MSNBC · Apr 19, 2022]
Here are the airlines dropping mask mandates.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 18, 2022]
.@cje you will probably find this thread interesting.

[description_of_the_world @hexbrainfuck · Apr 17, 2022]
В России продолжают бомбить VPN, и пока ждем своей участи быть отрезанным от Интернета.

Хочу поделится более экстравагантным способом доступа ко всемирной паутине через настройку Wifi точки доступа, работающей через сеть Tor. И это БЕСПЛАТНО!

Как там?! Лайк, репост, погнали >>

[brainout reposted Anders Åslund @anders_aslund · Apr 11, 2022]
Russia just used chemical arms in Mariupol. This happened just after Putin appointed General Dvornikov, the butcher of Syria, who used chemical weapons there, to the Ukraine command. @POTUS has promised tough NATO action. Yes, time to deliver! Time is short!

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 30, 2022]
Follow this guy. He makes really long threads about the daily effect of the war in Ukraine + other important and interesting related facts. As you can see, thread below is over 400 posts long

Or you can read him in my Deft Thinkers list.

[J. Paul Kirby @JPaulKirby · Mar 24, 2022]
Replying to @JPaulKirby
March 24. In the Sumy region, Ukranian forces capture and begin field intake of around 15 Russian POWs. 459/

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 26, 2022] cc @_JakubJanda

[Wojciech Jakóbik @wjakobik_en · Mar 26, 2022]
Poland's 10 point plan to end the Russian aggression in Ukraine:
1. SWIFT cut off for ALL Russian banks
2. Asylum for Russian deserters
3. Stop Russian propaganda in Europe
4. Block the ports for Russians
5. Block the roads
6. Sanctions on entire business
7. Visa suspension
8. Sanctions on whole Putin's United Party
9. Technology exports ban
10. Excluding Russia from all international organizations

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 26, 2022]
RT'd guy has over 400 tweets in his thread ⤵️ documenting every day of the #UkraineWar
Be sure to bookmark when you need a rest, so you can easily come back (Twitter misbehaves).

[J. Paul Kirby @JPaulKirby · Feb 25, 2022]
In this thread I'm focusing on 1) the WILL of the Ukrainian people and 2) the truth about Russian soldiers being manipulated into conducting Putin's war. Others are focusing on military power alone. It's also important to look at willpower, mindset, and intent. 1/x

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 26, 2022]
The GRAPHIC posts below appear to belong to that broken 🇷🇺 offensive just now reported in eastern Ukraine. It is not confirmed yet.

Translation of an interrogation video below, SHOWING LIVING SITTING W THE DEAD. There are many vids on this, in Twitter.

[Necro Mancer @666_mancer · Mar 26, 2022]
Живые и не очень члены #роа, оператор на эмоциях

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 25, 2022]
Some folks in Twitter ask, how will Putin claim he won, & end #Ukraine️WarWar?

I submit the RT'd summary below, is what he'll use, adding it's *at the advice* of his generals

It's a brilliant ploy; may even end some sanctions, eg EU already accepted him invading E Ukr for 8 yrs..

[Polina Ivanova @polinaivanovva · Mar 25, 2022]
Replying to @polinaivanovva
Firstly, the generals said Russia had always intended only to 'liberate' the Donbas, that was what it set out to do. It had two options: fight a war in the east, but allow Kyiv to replenish its forces, or start off by knocking out Ukrainian military capacities across the country.

[brainout reposted to be frank @jfslat · Mar 18, 2022 Replying to @WarintheFuture and @smh]
Only two possible outcomes from this war; win it or postpone it (it's already a war postponed from 2014). The next time Russia will have learned from this one and will win by turning UA into rubble and corpses. Ceding territory to him now changes nothing. The only certainty /2

[brainout reposted Michael MacKay @mhmck · Mar 1, 2022]
Stop talking about NATO. Talk about the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. Talk about the promises made to Ukraine in exchange for which it gave up all its nuclear weapons. Helping Ukraine stop Russian aggression is a unique debt that we must pay.

[brainout reposted Eddie Fishman @edwardfishman · Feb 28, 2022]
The US just unveiled the details of its sanctions against the Central Bank of Russia. Bottom line: This is close to the most ambitious form that this action could take. Here's my initial analysis (🧵):

[brainout reposted Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins]
In our latest Bellingcat piece, we confirm that prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine separatists used corpses to fake an IED attack that was used as evidence of Ukrainian brutality by the Russian media.

[brainout reposted Kevinshambles 👒🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ @satirehat · Jan 27, 2022] 📌A Thread of Threads
🔹Insurrection timeline & resources

Kevinshambles 👒🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
📌Insurrection Timeline
1 of 10
Aug 19 - Oct 31, 2020

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 15, 2022]
Proof Bitcoin is evil: Robots like this one 👇

If u buy, sell or believe in Bitcoin, u are 🇷🇺 #MAGAt fodder, too effing dumb to live This Post is from a suspended account.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 3, 2022]

[Mihoko Matsubara 松原実穂子 @M_Miho_JPN · Jan 2, 2022]
Replying to @M_Miho_JPN
The Washington Post found a $216,000 police intelligence programme that analyses western chatter on Hong Kong and Taiwan, as well as a cybercentre that catalogues overseas content in the ethnic Uighur language.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 2, 2022]
does Matt Damon know how much electricity, cryptocurrency uses?

It is the enemy of all you aim to do

Climate change is not manmade*; its misinformation, kills

Bitcoin is also 🇷🇺 misinfo, to fool the West & rob 3rd no $€£¥ for water

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 27, 2021]
Also, it's a trait of 400-yr GLOBAL COOLING since AD100; it moves west from China, on trade routes

So when global cooling renews 2100, 'our' virus will blossom, just as in 1340s


[Tulio de Oliveira @Tuliodna · Nov 26, 2021]
I do hope it is time to take a global approach for a global pandemic and stop the nationalism and hatred. It is not the scientists or nations fault if viruses move from animals to humans or if they evolve. Global solidarity for a global problem.
[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 27, 2021]
See .@smithsonian's recent article on our current plague, paralleled w Black Death that migrated in 1250s but blossomed in 1350s, when GC aka "little ice age" began, LASTING 400 YRS

*Video proof .@UN .@EU
& Dems lie re climate change, 4votes & €£$¥

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 27, 2021]
PS I voted4 .@POTUS & .@VP
They are deluded by scammers, re climate change; GC's going to kill millions & PUT GOP 4ever IN POWER, if we don't wake up & start protecting against the upcoming cold

Yes conservation & pollution are issues, but are UNRELATED to Earth temp


[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 25, 2021]
We are all immigrants. Repeat: we are all immigrants. The only Americans who aren't immigrants, were Indians who were here first: THEY PREPARED THE FIRST THANKSGIVING, FOR US!

#MAGA ts are sooo demonic!

.@newtgingrich knows it very well.. loves grifting #MAGAts, taking their $$

[howardfineman @howardfineman · Nov 25, 2021]
#NewtGingrich thinks “classic Americans” are under assault from a wave of immigrants out to “replace” them. Stupid. Racist. Wrong. Thanksgiving celebrates the safe arrival of a wave of immigrants—they happened to be from England—on these shores. Every American is a “classic.”

[brainout reposted Richard Signorelli 🌱🇺🇦 🌊 @richsignorelli · Nov 14, 2021]
Trump remains a litmus test for me as to all personal/professional relationships. If you in any way support this psychopath stay far away from me. I don't want your friendship, business, money, or anything else.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Oct 13, 2021]
Yeah, in March 2018 I asked God for a 50/50 Congress, right here in Twitter

He punned his Yes Answer 7 Ways

4 of them are reflected in the doubled 50/50 demographics of the 2020 GA senate election, that caused US SEN to be 50/50, haha!

But every1 says Bible is bunk, right?? 😂

[Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur · Oct 13, 2021]
Replying to @sahilkapur
That's hardly an empty threat. The same fabricated claims of fraud arguably depressed GOP turnout in the Georgia runoffs and helped Democrats win the Senate.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Oct 12, 2021]
RT'd from great Jim: God's loud #7M foes, in 1 pic

My .@brainouty acct maps how God mocks & judges these antichrists via Matt25:10-12: see pinned tweets' demo vids, bc scholars don't know Bible mss are time-metered

Theme: Matt24+25 yrly premap how Christians become antichrists

[Jim Stewartson, Anti-disinfo activist 🇺🇸🇺🇦💙 @jimstewartson · Jun 18, 2021] Might as well start a thread. 😒

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Sep 7, 2021]
MSFT Google & Linux ruin more lives w inept coding than ALL disease & murder

Only pastors priests rabbis religions scholars kill more time $€£¥ lives w >90% disinfo re Bible

Per Bible, New Yr starts on autumnal 🌓 equinox @ sunset; month=30days but 35/36=Elul: aligns equinoxes

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Sep 5, 2021]
Must watch

China uses same propaganda on Chinese, as Putin uses on Russia

When a ruler demonizes the West or US, it means his internal rule is in trouble

Many nations do this; intelligence, gauges the severity of the attack against West or US, to see how insecure, the ruler

[Plerologia @Clay_Odem · Sep 5, 2021]
Chinese state media stirring the pot for war.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jul 10, 2021]
Now do u see why Khrushchev's USSR invented MANMADE climate change* lie? So they could make Western resources so expensive, West must buy from Russia!

Pity, White House knew it: DIA guy in JFK WH taught us, in 1974 Russian propaganda class
cc .@maddow
*used other names, prior

[Mike Eckel @Mike_Eckel · Apr 26, 2021]
“Hydrocarbons account for more than 60% of Russian exports, and 40% of govt revenues. Though China is buying more Russian oil & gas...the EU remains Russia’s biggest customer and Russia the EU’s biggest supplier, accounting for 30% of its crude-oil imports and 40% of its gas.”

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jun 29, 2021]
cc .@MingGao26

[Plerologia @Clay_Odem · Jun 29, 2021]
I wonder now if some new, more controlled form of cryptocurrency might serve as a mock 'mark of the beast' between 2027-2030?

Trumpsters love crypto while demonizing vaccines as mark of the beast.

Where insanity lurks, irony follows.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · May 24, 2021]
Beg to differ. By changing core #NordStream2 sanctions to "nat'l interest", .@POTUS creates a Sword of Damocles over Putin:

1. Now easier for Biden to impose sanctions currently on waiver.
2. Biden can now QUICKLY create added & stiffer sanctions contra #NS2 itself, later
3. .@POTUS buys time for France & Germany to reform a proper anti-NS2 stance, sans damage to political structure
4. He buys time for US, to retool
5. Cocky Putin will invest more in #NS2, classic salient overextension -- sanctions THEN imposed, will cripple him

cc .@WHCOS

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 2, 2021]
😘 Bible Test 😘

Which prophecy gets the most Bible text?

BTW, pulpits miss the answer, tho it's clear in Num6, Deut 6, 30, Jer31, 1Cor1-15, Rom10, Heb8-10

Answer will 4ever change how u view salvation & spirituality

So what is it? Post yer guess(es)..?

cc .@northworstsem

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 18, 2021]
#txpoweroutage PRESAGES 500-YR GLOBAL COOLING CYCLE, 2100+

Manmade #climatechange pimps count on GC to say their $cam$ to lower Earth temp, work

We should rather spend $ on keeping warm, lest millions die as in 1300-1700 "little ice age",
cc .@DanRather

[Elisabeth Darcy née Bennet is fully💉&😷! @Elisabeth_Drcy · Feb 18, 2021]
Replying to @99for99 @cattybojanglez and 2 others
It’ll definitely come back - worse, for longer, & more frequently!

We MUST harden, up-armor, insulate, winterize, whatever you call it… the ENTIRE grid & ALL homes!

We MUST be ready for extremes - both heat & cold - from now on! #ClimateCrisis will only get WORSE!

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 7, 2021]
#QGOP aims to convert their censured, to Dem 🤔

DEM 60 in Senate & 2/3 maj in House

Mar 2018 in Twitter: I prayed God give US 50/50 Congress. He punned YES, in 7 ways: 4 play on 50/50 GA votes

So Let's Ask for 60?

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 27, 2021]

An exGOP, I wish rioters beat u my reps, on 1/6/21=Matt25:11 "opEN"

We'd then be rid of u traitors, & #IMPOTUS would be convicted

But suffering can't benefit God. So He'd rather beat u per pics & links below

Bible's a RULING contract: it creates & obeys precedence, times words. Bible Meter metes RULERS, OT pics ⤵
NT appends Moses' 7ing in Matt24+25 (1/3's pics), to yrly mete Royal Family of God aka Church AD30-3243, in Grk epitome satire. 25:11-12, QUOTE & MOCK u #TrumPutin

Cuz Bible is a literary contract w depositions, it's auditable

Its scholars, mess its math. So:

YMH10g God's Timing vs. Jewish Dispensationalism The Youtube copy of this video streams better, GIST: Jews expect Messiah to come (or come again, if they believe Christ is Messiah) in their year 6000 (i.e., per Rambam or see Talmud, Order Nezekin, Sanhedrin 97, then search on 'Kattina'). Yet they also retain a garbled recognition of the 4200, see Sanhedrin 97b, search on 'eighty five jubilees'. It was 84, same as the number of syllables in Psalm 90:1-4, from which BOTH of their garbled timelines derive. Sample of their confused reasoning: How valid is all that? This video introduces the issue; future videos will document where in the Hebrew (you can't see it in translation) the Bible provides what might be considered 'proof' of a 7000-year timeline for history. But what's the impact of Church, since Rapture is unpredictable? We'll cover that too, in future videos. To warm up for them, you might want to study my Psalm 90 playlist videos (here in Youtube, but vimeo link is better: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter) ). For the primary source of Jewish Dispensationalism depends on the HEBREW METER in Psalm 90. And the Jews all know this. They just get the meter wrong. Christian scholars don't recognize Bible Hebrew as having meter. But the Jews all had to memorise orally, so meter is commonly used in the OT, and is a very handy way to be sure you memorize correctly -- and know your prophetic timeline, too.

fix scholar errors

+OT&NT Meter demos
+Anaphora trends

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 26, 2021]
Bible Jer28: if some1 speaks in My Name & what he says doesn't come true..

v17, fake prophet dies. So too, grifters like .@RealWayneRoot

God 1st let .@Harold_Camping disgrace himself, then hit him w a stroke & later killed him

Matt25:11 'opEN'=1/6/21(Grk text is timed), pics

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 26, 2021]
PS the guy using .@Harold_Camping (Zeke Piestrup) , did a great movie about Camping. Look him up in Amazon Prime. The movie should be required by every church, as it unintentionally offers a great lesson contra false prophets

(The guy blocked me, so won't know I promote his work.)

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 2, 2021]
😘 😋
.@SenTedCruz is #SevenMountains, so can't read Bible; so is inept, at practicing law

Proof: 'Seven Mountains' is Rev17:9 re Satan's harlot, pic1

So Cruz is Bible-illiterate; his dad is a spox for #7M, YouTube "Gilman Hill Seven Mountains Cruz anointed"

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 12, 2020]
Heb11:1 Greek

Demons use Bible meter, see pic desc; scholars seek but can't read it

RT'd vid: Catholic priest cites Matt25:11 prophecy contra Xtian politicking, 1999+; he unwittingly indicts self, as he speaks

Thus demons mock humans, in their own mouths

"My name is Father Greg, I'm a Catholic priest of 25 years, I specialize in exorcism and deliverance, you realize we're in a spiritual battle, this cannot be solved by human means, God says if we drop to our knees, if we pray to him in a spirit of repentance, he will bless our nation, do you believe it? Amen."

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 7, 2020]


Yeah, actually u did: it's been sitting in ur Bible since Matthew wrote it in 30 AD

But u spit on Christ* so u don't know what He says:
*Epi14 PBS: #7M Falwell pimps abortion=murder LIE

[Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · Dec 4, 2020]
Former congresswoman Michele Bachmann has a personal request for God: "Lord, would you allow Donald Trump to have a second term as president of the United States." image11

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 2, 2020]
None of the RT'd text occurs, absent 1John1:9 used. See also Ps32 & 66

Trumpees won't use 1Jn1:9. That's why they are prolife, hallucinating Rev17:9 harlot TrumpGOP, as good

None of US can help them wake up, until they use 1Jn1:9: see Phili3:18-19, 2Tim2:26-3:7, Heb6 & 1Jn5:16

[Cody Hall @CodyHallGA · Dec 1, 2020]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
- Proverbs 3:5-7

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 21, 2020]
RT'd: Hear the voice of #MAGA2020 mental illness (MMI™)

Then open Bible at

& see why over the next 20 yrs, God slowly (mercy-)kills them (as He did Israelites in the wilderness). For there's no way to rehabilitate them, Rom9, Heb6

Breaks my heart 💔

[John Whitehouse @existentialfish · Nov 20, 2020]
A caller who is near tears, distraught over election results, tells Rush Limbaugh that he's willing to die for Trump

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 21, 2020]
Trump the wannabe Antichrist, speaks again; just as Bible warned against him & all his harlot supporters, in Matt25:10-12:
Punchline? God will publicly disown them w Trump's same words: "I don't know you" (25:12, spans 2024-41)

Per God, #MAGA=traitor

[Julian Borger @julianborger ·Nov 18, 2020]
There you have it. Trump official told CNN the goal is to "set so many fires that it will be hard for the Biden administration to put them all out."

This is scorched earth foreign policy.

I first learned this prophecy in 2016: .@Clay_Odem found it

I fought him on it til Feb 2016, then began meter exegesis videos, as you saw in my prior post

My leftover skepticism ends now, cuz MILLIONS in 2020, still vote4Trump 😖

2001-41='our' 40 yrs in the wilderness 😞

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 19, 2020]
1John1:9 b4 prayer


99% of Ur kids, esp in .@GOP, spit on Ur Son 2drool4Caesar & abort Ur Word. 1% do not

So please PUBLICLY abort #7M #TrumPutin & rout them per Ur Word in Matt25:11-12

The world needs U to Make America Sane Again, 2Chron7:14


[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 27, 2021]
cc .@WHCOS
Global cooling begins 2100, talk to NOAA or google it +

"little ice age", the last 500-yr cooling cycle, ended 1700; it killed MILLIONS from COLD CLIMATE

So 2100+, bad crops & plague renew & kill our grandkids, cuz we misspend climate $ Climate Change HOAX

[Quote Kelly Loeffler @KLoeffler · Dec 27, 2020]
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 27, 2020]
But u spit on Christ daily

WWJD? Matt25:12 quotes Trump Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

Epi14 PBS: #7M Falwell pimps abortion=murder LIE for Rev17:9 harlot, 1978 Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)
Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)
Putin pimps
The Silent Coup: Putin vs. the Oligarchs, By Ian Greenhalgh on December 25, 2016
1st vid
The fall of an empire—the Lesson of Byzantium

[Quote PermissiontoQuestion ‏@PermissiontoQ · Dec 25, 2020]
Retweet if you’re an atheist who says “Merry Christmas” because it’s not that serious.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 25, 2020]
You could say 'Happy Saturnalia'

Paul puns it in Gal4:4, pic. Tags Greek myth re Χρονος

Joke: Christ was DELIVERED (from being eaten by Χρονος=Satan) on the Saturnalia=Hanukkah

So atheism, Judaism, & Christianity can all celebrate same day, no compromise to childish egos

[Quote Mike Robertson @jmrobertson7631 · Dec 10, 2020]
And strangely, it’s a fascist movement led by Christians. I don’t remember reading this is in the Bible.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 11, 2020]
Oh, it IS in Bible: 7 NT chaps yrly track AD30+ trend, Christians become antichrists; begins w Constantine=Dan2-12, Man of Time

Scholars don't know; so I make vid demos on how Bible meter mates text to yrs. Pics +Primer Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

Bible Meter, Intro & Overview + Bible Meter 101

[Quote Rob Boardman ‏@RobertWBoardman · Dec 1, 2020]
Erick, thank you for this thread. It needs to be said, and said, and said and repeated by people like yourself to current cult members. Watching this for 4 years has scared the hell out of a majority of us, because we could see the danger. We feel like we’ve dodged apocalypse.

[Quote Erick Erickson ‏@EWErickson · Dec 1, 2020]
Might as well start up the nightly bag of hatemail with some blunt truths. I say this as a supporter and donor of the President's re-election effort. A lot of his core supporters, who've never contributed a penny to his campaign, will blast me as NeverTrump, but…

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 2, 2020]
@RobertWBoardman @EWErickson We have NOT dodged Apocalypse. God won a battle4US

God TIME-prophesied this, prolifers Spit On Christ, so don't know what He says*

Bible says Spit goes on til 2041: Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

*Epi14 PBS: #7M Falwell pimped abortion=murder LIE, 1978 Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

[Quote Mychal Simka ‏@MychalSimka · Nov 13, 2020]

[Quote David Weissman ‏@davidmweissman · Nov 8, 2020]
I no longer see myself as a former Trump supporter, that chapter in my journey has ended. I’m a proud Democrat and @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris supporter. #ByeByeTrump #bidenharis2020

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 23, 2020]
Just as God warned, strong delusion is in u: 2Tim2:26-3:7, Phili3:18-19

Use 1Jn1:9 or suffer 1Jn5:16; we can't pray4u

Christ calls #TrumPutin wannabe antichrists via TIMED Greco-Roman satire in Matt25:10-12 Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

Anti-Semitism blinds scholars from Bible meter

[Quote Jason Robinson @DrJRobinson23 · Nov 14, 2020]
What if...everything you’re going through is preparing you for what you asked for?

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 14, 2020]
U always get what u want, from God. Won't matter if u believe in Him: belief/disbelief is something u u get the results

If u chose Hell, u can always get out, 2Pet3:9's last 9 Greek words

Believe Christ paid4ur sins=u chose Heaven instead Overlooked Salvations + Salvation & Gospel Videos (Entire Series)

2 Peter 3:9 οὐ βραδύνει κύριος τῆς ἐπαγγελίας, ὥς τινες βραδύτητα ἡγοῦνται, ἀλλὰ μακροθυμεῖ δι᾽ ὑμᾶς, μὴ βουλόμενός τινας ἀπολέσθαι ἀλλὰ πάντας εἰς μετάνοιαν χωρῆσαι.

[Quote Amy Siskind 🏳️‍🌈 @Amy_Siskind · Nov 2, 2020]
A lot of people have asked me why Trump is building a perimeter around the WH. The answers are 1) he has several times before, and 2) he is right now a scared child, knowing he is going to lose, & starting to reckon with the consequences. This is not strength. It is fear.


[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 2, 2020]
No, it's agitprop & provotskaya

Mainstream media ignores the religious character of the union twixt #SevenMountains & Putin since 2005, to groom & front Trump*

Fence plays QAnon lie of post-election Dem civil war. #7M play 'antifa' à la Portland, + Putin 1999 apt bombing=#deza recycled

*Lying Trump Prophets' words

Appendix II of Kindle linked in 1st vid below, has its own clickable links to orig sources

(Vids=my reading their words aloud w commentary; halted, while .@verzenio restores my voice 😇)

Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

Russian equiv =#ThirdRome

[Quote Ian Fraser @Ian_Fraser· Oct 9, 2020]
Faith leaders back Biden in sign that evangelical support for Trump is waning @harrietsherwood #Election2020

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Oct 10, 2020]
John 18:36 means no church should tell u how to vote. U determine that, before God. Mosaic Law authored separation of church&state

Tho Catholics are anti-biblical* to claim life-in-womb, they refuse LAWS contra abortion, thank God 😅 😌 😇

*Bible proof Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

[Quote Jonathan Cahn @Jonathan_Cahn · Oct 28, 2020]
The Harbinger II: The Return! Get your copy today!

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Oct 31, 2020]
Buy nothing from Charlatan Cahn. He is Bible-illiterate

As every Jew knows (& once upon a time, most Christians), 100s of Bible verses say #LifeBeginsAtBirth: he can't read them!

Epi14, PBS: #7M Falwell sold abortion=murder LIE for Rev17:9 harlot power Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

[Quote Ted Cruz @tedcruz · Oct 7, 2020]
If your business is closed, thank the Democrats who mandated (and keep mandating) the shut downs.

If your kid’s school is closed, thank the Democrats who refuse to reopen schools.

If you’ve been laid off, thank the Democrats blocking small-business relief.


[Quote Joe Biden @JoeBiden · Oct 6, 2020]
Make no mistake: if you are out of work, if your business is closed, if your child’s school is shut down, if you are seeing layoffs in your community, Donald Trump decided today that none of that matters to him.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Oct 8, 2020]
If u're sick w COVID, thank antichrist Cruz, who did not impeach Trump & thus reduce disease

If u have no $ due to COVID, thank Cruz for GOP block on bills Dems passed in May, to give u the $

Bible-illiterate Cruz calls himself a harlot
=#ThirdRome Putin pimps

[Quote Ilyse Hogue @ilyseh · Oct 7, 2020]
Mike Pence, who has tried to eliminate abortion access in his home state of Indiana, just completely dodged the question from the big stage because he knows his position to criminalize abortion is politically toxic. #VPDebates

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Oct 7, 2020]
Is also anti-biblical. Real Bible in 500 or so verses says #LifeBeginsAtBirth

I did vids proving it in Heb/Grk text (can't see in English)

Epi14, PBS: #SevenMountains=#ThirdRome Falwell sells abortion=murder LIE 4power in 1978, births Rev17 politics Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

[Quote Jackie Mark @JackieRMark · Aug 29, 2020]
Antifa is a left-wing, anti-fascist political movement that uses violence rather than legal methods of change. They force their doctrine through harassment, destruction, militant behavior, physical violence & property damage against all who dont believe as they do.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Aug 30, 2020]
Putin invented 'Antifa' circa 2004, & RWers FEIGNING LEFT are in it: aka false flag operation, pic4. Only Trumpers say 'antifa' & 'Soros'

NB the 3's too-alike appearance? Ask why

Putin gambit, US export The Silent Coup: Putin vs. the Oligarchs, By Ian Greenhalgh on December 25, 2016

+their 'prophets'
Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

[Quote David Pinsen @dpinsen · Aug 17, 2020]
“And we moved the capital of Israel to Jerusalem. That’s for the Evangelicals. You know, it’s amazing with that: the Evangelicals are more excited by that than Jewish people.” Trump: ‘We moved the capital of Israel to Jerusalem. That’s for the evangelicals’

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Aug 19, 2020]
Dear Christian #MAGA,

In vid below, infecting Oshkosh, TRUMP INSULTS BOTH #ISRAEL & EVANGELICALS

'Insults both, to claim HE -- not GOD via David in 2Sam5 -- "moved the capital of Israel to Jerusalem"

Dan11:36: no regard for God, family, women. But only, for self-glorification

[Quote Spring because after WINTER comes 🦁hear me ROAR @summer7570 · Aug 5, 2020]
Save this..for when pence debates a black woman for Vice President and pulls his religion bs. @PuestoLoco @DirkSchwenk @gregolear @TheRickWilson @gtconway3d

[Quote Adam Weinstein @AdamWeinstein · Aug 1, 2020]
Eric Greitens kidnapped, bound, and threatened a woman he'd had an affair with, then left office to avoid a felony conviction. Mike Pence helped get him back in a uniform, against the desires of the Navy and the Seals. Every part of this story is gross.
Despite concern, Navy gave Greitens ‘red carpet’ return after pressure from VP Pence
Eric Greitens, accused of striking child and threatening ex-wife, pressured to drop out

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Aug 5, 2020]

1) Prove .@VP
is Bible-illiterate: 500 Bible verses say #LifeBeginsAtBirth*

So he caint read..or, aborts God's Word 😘

2) Ask him why he names his faith, Satan's Harlot?

His #SevenMountains
=Russian #ThirdRome see pics

*Epi14=PBS spec Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

[Quote Hassan @realhabbas · Jul 1, 2020]
Why are you guys obsessed with abortion? Why not leave the decision for the individual to make?

[Quote Matt Lewis‏ @mattklewis · Jul 1, 2020]
"John Roberts, I really think, would probably have ruled a different way in the abortion case if Donald Trump were not president." - @DouthatNYT to me and @billscher.

FULL interview here Ross Douthat on The Decadent Society July 1, 2020 by Matt Lewis

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jul 1, 2020]
Why? They spit on Christ to drool over Caesar
=Russian #ThirdRome

500 Bible verses say #LifeBeginsAtBirth; GOD creates soul @ Birth, playlist below

Epi14, PBS: #7M Falwell sold abortion=murder LIE to gain political power, 1978 Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

All Bible, hubs

2/3 around #LifeBeginsAtBirth =LBAB*

°Salvation=3-way Gifting
°Man is not evolved
°God's Love won't change
°Can't EVER do a thing for credit
°Salvation is instaneous & permanent
°ONLY believe Christ paid, births u anew
°ONLY Bible, births God's Thought in u

*'heart' (לבב)

[Quote Sean McDowell @Sean_McDowell · Jun 28, 2020]
Christians, if you’re goal is to be relevant, that is the first sign you will likely be irrelevant to what really matters—the gospel.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jun 28, 2020]
U can't even read Bible. So u don't KNOW #gospel

500 verses say #LifeBeginsAtBirth; but u want #7M Jerry Falwell 1978 Rev17:9 abortion=murder lie 2get power*, just as #ThirdRome Putin sells

WWJD? Matt25:11-12, Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

*Epi14, PBS Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

[Quote 🪷 ARKAngel 🪷 @ARKangel0615 · Feb 6, 2020]
Trump is already their god or at least their version of the second coming of Jesus

[Quote Garris Wimmer 🏳️‍🌈 @Nycgar · Feb 6, 2020]
People of faith are about to be put in a very untenable position. Either Trump is their God or they are the enemy.

[Quote Peter Baker @peterbakernyt · Feb 6, 2020]
At prayer breakfast, Trump unloads: "As everybody knows, my family, our great country and your president have been put through a terrible ordeal by some very dishonest and corrupt people they have done everything possible to destroy us and by so doing very badly hurt our nation." Watch: President Trump to deliver response to Senate impeachment vote

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jun 11, 2020]
Just as God warned, Matt25:11

V12, He disowns them, AD 2024-36

Bible is metered to verify original words & meaning. For >500 yrs, scholars posited but can't find its meter

DIY Primer: Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

God's TIME doctrine in Bible text How God Orchestrates Time + Noahic Flood Precedence for God's Orchestration of Time

[Quote Steve Deace @SteveDeaceShow · May 28, 2020]
The writing is on the wall with Twitter. Once Trump is out of office and can't threaten their business, they will ban him. They will then begin systemically banning conservatives from there. Soon, we'll all be on @parler_app and social media will be as balkanized as other media.

[Quote Scott Jones‏ @CdrScottJ · May 28, 2020]
@Twitter is a sewer. So tired of the ad hominem arguments and the expletive laced rants, that seem to be the principal modes of argument by the Left. Hopefully @parler_app will provide a platform where people who disagree can have a rational discourse.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · May 28, 2020]
Good: go there now. Your post proves you cannot discern truth. GOD says to avoid you satanic drunks (Greek of 2Tim2:26-3:7)


Hosea 4:6

2 Timothy 2:26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

2 Timothy 2:26 καὶ ἀνανήψωσιν ἐκ τῆς τοῦ διαβόλου παγίδος, ἐζωγρημένοι ὑπ᾽ αὐτοῦ εἰς τὸ ἐκείνου θέλημα.

[Quote Empty Seat‏ @AKAWinny · May 5, 2020]
Nah, it’s not.

[Quote Billy Swagspeare 2020‏ @bswagspeare · May 5, 2020]
Foetus is Latin for "Baby."

[Quote Trent🔶‏ @Tkenagy · May 5, 2020]
Foetus. Expert on Hapsburgs, unsure of basic biology?

[Quote Gray Connolly‏ @GrayConnolly · May 5, 2020]
Very bad for the Baby

[Quote Kate Smith @byKateSmith · May 5, 2020]
What’s it like to get an abortion in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic? Read this op-ed from a women in Pennsylvania: I had an abortion during the pandemic. Reproductive health care is crucial. | Opinion

[brainout @brainoutREAD · May 1, 2020]
Hebrew is golem= גלם =fetus, see pic🔥: David SAYS NOT ALIVE, Ps139:16

+499 Bible verses* antichrist prolifers always ignore, as they are Rev17:9 harlots, aka #SevenMountains
aka #ThirdRome

*Epi14, PBS: 1978, Falwell sells abortion=murder LIE 4power Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

Psalm 139:16 Your eyes saw my golem, and in your book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

Psalm 139:16 גָּלְמִ֤י׀ רָ֨א֤וּ עֵינֶ֗יךָ וְעַֽל־סִפְרְךָ֘ כֻּלָּ֪ם יִכָּ֫תֵ֥בוּ יָמִ֥ים יֻצָּ֑רוּ (וְלֹא) [וְל֖וֹ] אֶחָ֣ד בָּהֶֽם׃

[Quote Clark Greenaway🇦🇺‏ @ClarkGreenaway · May 5, 2020]
David said no such thing.

[Quote Kevin McCarthy @SpeakerMcCarthy · Apr 30, 2020]
If a respected three-star general and then-advisor to the President can become the victim of a manipulated federal investigation, what hope does the average American have?

What happened to @GenFlynn is a national disgrace.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · May 1, 2020]
TraitorFlynn is a nat'l disgrace:

Lying Trump Prophets, their words Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

God mocks Flynn + the rest of u Rev17
=Putin's #ThirdRome Borg harlots who spit on Christ --

just as He promised in Matt25:11-12 since AD30, Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

[Quote Chris Loesch 𝕏 @ChrisLoesch · Apr 27, 2020]
Meat processing plants should be FORCED to be reopened immediately. Yes y’all of them if we have to but there should be no more sterile or clean place than a meat processing facility. The idea that people will starve while we bury hogs and pour out milk is utter STUPIDITY.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 28, 2020]
U really hate God, don't u

U Rev17 #SevenMountains =Putin's #ThirdRome harlots, always flunk 3rd Temptation; since 1975, u love to spit on Christ's Jn18:36 + His 500 Bible verses saying #LifeBeginsAtBirh*

Your fate: Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

*Epi14, PBS Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 16, 2020]
What if Asymmetry ÷3.5?

Christ had to be born 3.5 yrs early 2realign vs Solomon building Temple late

His San97-99 death deadline would be AD40: Jacob born 2000BC, Christ end 1BC & no Church; +53.5 Time Credit to Harvest Gentiles

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Apr 16, 2020]
Weinstein is Jewish, so I wonder if he had the 10 Commandments in mind when he created his 14 dimension model?

10Ds of law to govern 4Ds of movement.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 16, 2020]
Why would law be in 10 dimensions? Why not 7,12,4?

Dimension classification must be based on a reality independent of ability to classify

('Tis a fatal prob w evolution constructs: they tautologically define, clades. Mating is a bad criterion: many reasons why mating fails)

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Apr 16, 2020]
I don't have a clear answer. Why not 2 dimensions? Since the Law is really 2-fold: Love for God and mankind.

Why 10 Commandments, when Jesus reduced the Law to 2 principles in Mark 12:30-31?

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 17, 2020]
It never was Ten Commandments. That's a Western invention, named after the section where 10 are listed.

A commandment is not a dimension. You can have many commandments in a single dimension.

Still, why 2 or 10 or 613? Why a dozen apples, instead of 10?

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Apr 17, 2020]
I think the dimensions should relate to the categories of numbers:

1) Surreal #s (where 1=1)
2) Rational #s (1=0.99999_)
3) Irrational #s
4) Non-Algebraic #s
5) Non-computable #s
6) Non-definable #s

I think categories 2-6 interact to produce cat 1. Like wave interference.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 18, 2020]
Justify why. Can't know the whats, until you know the whys. 😊

Categories are human inventions, artificial

Numbers do not 'examine' if other numbers they interact w are rational, irrational etc as criteria for behavior

Dimensions, rule behavior. Categories, don't rule nuttin'

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Apr 18, 2020]
Maybe its irrelevant to speculate beyond 4 dimensions. Theoretically, every potential would have its own set of dimensions, so that quickly blows up to infinity.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 18, 2020]
Mandelbrot Fractals are based on a limit of 2, right?

Whatever the number is, we must prove why THAT number, vs another. 😃

Same WHY litmus governs Bible interp, words or numbers.

Example: RCC makes claims but never justifies WHYs; nor is there Bible, to back up their claims.

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Apr 18, 2020]
Four dimensions are the only intuitive possibilities; 3 spatial, 1 temporal.

I'm wondering if that has anything to do with the conserved quantities: spin, energy/mass, linear momentum, and electric charge.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 18, 2020]
4 is # of completeness=its WHY

Signifies union of 3 Gods w creation*

So, WHY complete? WHY 3? Etc, to find physics/dimension parallel

Folks won't ask WHYs, so screw up whats

*Bible says 3 Gods, Gen1:1,2, 4 Heb + 2Cor13:14🔸Grk. NOT polytheism: the 'Gods' are infinitely EQUAL

2 Corinthians 13:13 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all.

2 Corinthians 13:13 Ἡ χάρις τοῦ κυρίου Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ καὶ ἡ ἀγάπη τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ ἡ κοινωνία τοῦ ἁγίου πνεύματος μετὰ πάντων ὑμῶν.

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Apr 18, 2020]
Four dimensions seems key for understanding. In fact, I compare wisdom and understanding to space-time.

Wisdom, composed of knowledge, belief, and application; like 3Ds of space.

Understanding is progressive like time.


If we look at the 4Ds (both physical and spiritual), and the 4 conserved quantities, there are some parallels.

Space is three equal dimensions in union. I don't see one taking priority over the other. Time is the dimension which seems asymmetric.


Similarly, knowledge, belief, and application don't seem to have much value if understanding isn't progressed.


When it comes to the 4 conserved quantities, spin, linear momentum, and energy/mass are all forms of momentum.

Electric charge is something different. Its a the combination of weak isospin and weak hypercharge. Not sure exactly what that means, but probably not momentum.

[Quote Nicola Cameron @YesItsNicolaC · Apr 12, 2020]
Time is a construct. Have some more carrot cake.

[Quote Brent Spiner @BrentSpiner · Apr 12, 2020]
So strange. I can’t remember Easter ever being on a Monday, before.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 16, 2020]
No, Time is a loan. Israel is owed 7 yrs on Messiah's lifetime: Ps90, Isa53, Dan9:26, pics

He died 7 yrs early, so Church is inserted to Bridge Time back to Israel who yes is still Queen of Nations in Millennium. Scholars 4ever get Bible math wrong: How God Orchestrates Time + Noahic Flood Precedence for God's Orchestration of Time
Apostates hid fact He's a JEW, when Temple fell: so mistaught, Bible's timing. But its text is 7-metered (Promise Time) 😘

'Scholars' yet claim Hebrew must follow GREEK meters (eg R Lowth, 1752 tome on Isa53), a risible lie. Accepted, by a callous & mostly antisemitic, world
So to mask Royal Davidic Mary's grasp of Dan9, metering her oral GREEK words to it + Talmud San97-99 as she dismounts her donkey at Purim 5BC (=start Isa53:12),

demeans both her & THE JEW, her Royal Son born (next) Chanukah
GGS11s Magnificat Meter of Time

NT seeds from her meter 😊

[Quote Rolling Stone @RollingStone · Apr 11, 2020]
Welcome to the Trumpocalypse: Maybe the administration would take a bit more care with the coronavirus pandemic if it weren’t loaded with folks who are looking forward to the end of the world

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 13, 2020]
Xtians behind Trump call selves #SevenMountains, see Rev17:9 (Satan's harlot)

That same (reversed) Doctrine in Russia since 1472, is called #ThirdRome, Russia & Ukraine

Ergo, Putin sent Patriarch Kirill to declare End of World, in 2017

Cuz #7M + Putin, want to burn West

[Quote Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · Jan 24, 2020]
Presidential spiritual adviser Paula White takes authority over the marine kingdom, the animal kingdom, and all "satanic pregnancies" that seek to harm Trump or the church. Trump’s spiritual adviser called for ‘all satanic pregnancies to miscarry.’ It was a metaphor, she says.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 8, 2020]
So she prays against herself 😂 Women are never to be pastors or rabbis, per Greek MALE WEDDING NIGHT verbs in Eph4:16, etc.

By her own admission, she is Satan's harlot,* so pregnant w Satan!

*#SevenMountains (Rev17:9) is what these apostates call themselves. Bible-illiterates!

[Quote Dennis Drouillard ‏ @DJD_Drouillard · Mar 30, 2020]
Did the Chinese bio-engineer this virus? It is time to sever trade relations with those commies and bring back our manufacturing base in the interest of national security.

[Quote Ted Cruz @tedcruz · Mar 30, 2020]
This raises obvious & serious Qs, which much of the media have ZERO interest in answering. Did the virus escape accidentally from a Chinese lab (that we know was studying bat coronaviruses near Wuhan animal market)? Why did the CCP cover up the outbreak?
China researchers isolated bat coronaviruses near Wuhan wild animal market

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 31, 2020]
U spit on Christ, just like .@SenTedCruz*

So, u cycle old Russian propaganda, to drive a wedge twixt US & China. For Russia, just as Cruz, is Rev17 harlot, pics + Youtube search "Seven Mountains Cruz anointed"


*Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

[Quote Chen Weihua (陈卫华)@chenweihua · Mar 29, 2020]
This is such disinformation. It was all over the Chinese news media when EU donated supplies to China. Unfortunately you don’t read China, I believe. Chinese premier Li and Ambassador to EU Zhang publicly thanked EU. So please don’t spread rumor if you don’t know the facts.

[Quote Jeremy Cliffe @JeremyCliffe · Mar 29, 2020]
This is becoming something of a pattern:

China delivers Covid-19 masks/tests to European state
China makes huge PR fanfare about said delivery
Masks/tests turn out to be faulty or unreliable

[Quote Adrian Zenz @adrianzenz · Mar 29, 2020]
The Dutch government has launched a recall of 100,000s of masks purchased from China because they do not meet quality standards and offer inadequate protection. Honderdduizenden Chinese mondmaskers teruggeroepen uit Nederlandse ziekenhuizen

[Quote Kaj Leers🇳🇱🇪🇺 @kajleers · Mar 29, 2020]
Plus, when the EU send tonnes and tonnes of medical equipment to China, it asked the EU to keep it quiet 🙄

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 29, 2020]
Pro-Trumpers are mentally ill. They married the antichrist in Russia & the one in White House

God Himself warned judgment against them in AD30, mocking their Rev17 harlot goals, see Matt25:11

So, I beg-tweeted Pres Xi to pls stop persecuting Christians, to protect China

[Quote Robert “Fraud Vitiates EVERYTHING” Ruork @TheRuork · Mar 29, 2020]
Wow! I’ve been in a Mental Health Center the past 28 days (fighting severe depression thru the magic of transcranial magnetic stimulation), and feel fairly confident I can recognise crazy when I read it. Get your head out of Revelations is my advice—and think for yourself!

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 29, 2020]
U're mentally ill, to disparage what u can't read, proof in pics. TBH, 'scholars' do it, too.*

Never rational nor scientific, to prejudge what u won't examine.

U're like Trump volk, hawking harmful cures. So, u're both evil & ill.

cc .@DiscoveryCSC


[Quote Robert “Fraud Vitiates EVERYTHING” Ruork @TheRuork · Mar 29, 2020]
I rest my case and stand by my diagnosis, if you’ll pardon my mixing metaphors.


OY VEY! “Add 7, then round?” That’s not the Gematria I know!


Muck around with your own book, pal, and leave mine alone!


אל תתעסקי עם מה שאתה לא מבין, טיפש

[Quote Omnia Munda Mundis @aquavitae96 · Mar 22, 2020]
Banned from Reddit r/atheism in less than 24 hours.
I thought atheists were tolerant.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 22, 2020]
Shouldn't lump all atheists, just as shouldn't lump all Christians or Jews or Muslims or blacks or Hispanics, together

Nada wrong w healthy atheism. Skepticism is good. Some who are atheists, are also jerks

Jerks come all flavors, just like viruses 🌅✈

[Quote mat @sasiedny · Apr 6, 2020]
"Nada wrong w healthy atheism"

However well intentioned or seemingly well informed, atheism is still distancing oneself away from God, an act of immense Pride not even the demons commit. I get your point, but atheism is always wrong.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 6, 2020]
Atheists can furnish insight about God, most Christians don't know.

Christians are 99% wrong on every Doctrine. They can't even get #gospel right

Globally, <1000 churches teach Bible correctly; none of them, are in denominations

Denominations get Bible & its gospel, >99% wrong

[Quote mat @sasiedny · Apr 6, 2020]
I take it you're non-denominational?

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 6, 2020]
Irrelevant. You should already know, Bible precedes denominations. None among them, even gets #gospel right.

Claim is provable. I spent 20 yrs, auditing it. Start @ LordvSatan1.htm

Shorter hands-on novel re its UNTAUGHT effect, w audio conversion Pleroma Day: Rapture!

[Quote mat @sasiedny · Apr 6, 2020]
"Bible precedes denominations"

Sure, because the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church compiled the Bible before most notable splits and schisms.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 6, 2020]

1 NO Catholic Church til long after AD476

2 Bible writers KNEW they got Word directly from God, & say so in THE ORIGINAL WORDS

3 Orig writers count every SYLLABLE to audit/tag/DATE orig Bible words

4 Catholics can't count to 3 & lie as Trump does

[Quote mat @sasiedny · Apr 6, 2020]
Where'd the Bible come from?

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 6, 2020]
God. U would know that, if u looked at pics I provided. It is rude to ask a question & not examine, the answer given

But just as racists see 1 black rapist so call ALL blacks, rapists; u see 1 Christian idiot, & A$$ume Bible's idiotic.

U are a troll wasting my time: goodbye.

[Quote mat @sasiedny · Apr 6, 2020]
I don't know what position you assume I'm coming from...

I know the Bible comes from God. By what means did God bring about the Bible?

[Quote Rohan @RohanMedley · Mar 17, 2020]
Lmao 185k proven cases of corona virus but 0 proven cases of Jesus

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 17, 2020]
Millions attest to knowing Christ: I am one of them. These attestations have been made, for 1000s of yrs.

Bible has also, accurately & annually, mapped history: but u can't read it. So u badmouth a book u can't read & won't learn. How unscientific u are!

[Quote Rohan @RohanMedley · Mar 17, 2020]
Did the bible accurately map out gay marriage being legal?

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 17, 2020]
Too low a topic.*
Christ removed all sex sins from Mosaic Law, Jn 8.

NT Prophecy maps how Believers Go Saltless. Mocks politics, esp via κυριος='Lord' anaphora, Matt24:42+ =AD1402+, pics.

Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

Vs *Lying Trump Prophets, playlist
Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

[Quote Rohan @RohanMedley · Mar 17, 2020]
What about nations/races who believe in someone else and not Jesus

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 17, 2020]
Salvation is an inheritance offer to everyone by God Himself, Who made everyone, at Birth; so everyone, is a son of God.

U believe Christ paid4 ur sins, to accept His Payment=ur inheritance; God gives u FOREVER, to do that. If u didn't do it by death, u can still do it from hell

[Quote Rohan @RohanMedley · Mar 17, 2020]
I hear you but you are completely missing the point....I am asking about non-christians,people who believe that god exists but are not Christians

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 18, 2020]
U miss the point, cuz u won't read. Remove the chip on ur shoulder, & read again. Or not

The Inheritance, is yours to reject..& u clearly still do. U will NEVER lose the right to accept it, 2Pet3:9

Each angel/human has same right 4ever, as depicted here
Pleroma Day: Rapture!

[Quote Rohan @RohanMedley · Mar 18, 2020]
How does this answer my question?...please stop being biblical and just give me a simple and straight forward answer that even people like us who "won't read" can understand...

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 18, 2020]
I gave u the absolute answer.

So I answered ur question, but u don't like the answer u got; so like GOP or some Muslims, u lie & pretend u didn't get an answer. That's ur problem.

It's not my job, to sell. Every human ever born has the same inheritance I do, like it or lump it.

[Quote Rohan @RohanMedley · Mar 18, 2020]
Saying that everyone has the same inheritance how does that answer my question?

The bible only speaks of Jesus of asking what about the people who believe in Bhudha,Krishna,Romulus,Heracles,Zoroaster...etc?????

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 18, 2020]
What you say is irrelevant. I answered your question & you won't read the answer; so you make up what YOU WANT my answer to be; then you play strawman.

It is rude to ask a question & not read the answer given; so


[Quote Rohan @RohanMedley · Mar 18, 2020]
You need to remember that @brainoutREAD little magic story book is more real than other beliefs

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 18, 2020]
Neither u nor s/he can read Bible, as I proved earlier. Folks who opine about a book they can't read, are unscientific; one could even call them..bigoted.

There's no difference between u & someone who says All Mexicans are Rapists. So u both are just like Trump: crass & clueless

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Feb 5, 2020]

I wonder if after this #7M apostasy blows over by 2041, will America shift to the empire phase?

The Democrats are collapsing themselves trying to take out the GOP. By 2041, our two party system might be totally wrecked under the Divided Kingdom principle.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 5, 2020
Not sure we'll last that long.

US is alive ONLY cuz Bible Doctrine is here in greater QUALITY, than anywhere else: extension of Jeshurun principle. Maybe division is good?

Only reason God lets Trump win, is to protect Israel.

Will there be an Empire after 2041? Yes: but whose?

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 5, 2020
God's nat'l prosperity, protection &conquer SALT rules:

Pivot, else
Jeshurun, else

Where BD is taught well, even if few do it (eg Jeremiah), else

Where Bibles are, else
Where V+ is (so Bible comes to them, παρουσια Matt24:27b), else

Destruction (the few V+ are removed, Heb10)

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Feb 5, 2020]
If America does survive (I'm hoping it does), I don't think the people will be stable enough to maintain a republic, at least not until the pivot has another generation to build momentum. That might account for the late goal met in 2051+30.

Again, that's IF our pivot rebounds.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 5, 2020
It takes a 30+ yrs to build a pivot. We've seen God bless a nation w no pivot, often: enuf V+ in aggregate +Bible teachers, like the West from 476-1800. Always on the brink of dying, tho.

1800+, Bible scholarship shot up, as did oppo. So we HAD pivots, then.

4-gens later? Nah

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 5, 2020
God Blesses a Nation, vs Client Nation

Is "client nation", Empire?

We know God views England as CN (given Matt24:46-47 Greek) from 1540 meter
=start of 2nd 70 voting
(1050+490 post-Cross Time Grant)
=1st #Brexit
=start English Reformation

cc .@BorisJohnson

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 5, 2020
SPQR was CN tho pagan. She ⏩Empire >2nd Punic War?

=Feet of MoT. Must revisit de novo. What if 'toes' are rather,10 'Rome reborn' attempts?

30BC- AD480
#ThirdRome I
3rd Rome II
3rd Reich

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Feb 5, 2020]
Wouldn't that be a bit deterministic?

If 10 attempts at rebirth predicted, then a rapture prior to the 10th attempt would result in mistrial. That implies history must fulfill Matt 25 meter in totality.

Not saying its wrong, but what does that say about imminence?

Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Feb 5, 2020
The reason I mention empire, is because the major constitutional republics seem to be unanimously failing all at once. I know it has to do with failing Salt, but I also wonder if its an echo of Roman trends: Republic, Dictatorship, then Empire.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 5, 2020
Could be. You raise interesting questions. My head is rearranging a lot of what I thought I knew.

How do we detect a client nation in history? It would have to BECOME an empire, for Bible teaching to reach enuf people?

What really differentiates Empire, vs Nation?

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Feb 5, 2020]
An empire or monarchy is a bit more coherent than a republic. Coherence is good if the ruler values stability, or it can be bad if the ruler is a blood-thirsty beast.

Seems that USA is already big enough to become an empire with its states and territories.

[Quote ThisMayNotEndWell‏ @peabodypress]

Oh this is just embarrassing.

“For Valentine’s Day 2020, President Trump made it fashionable to love America again.” “Americans who actually love America are happy again. We're feeling the most satisfied of our lives.”

[Quote H. Huson‏ @hhhuson]
yea, I know for you hate America libs, that is just a travesty to wax patriotic. It is just so terrible, get used to it, because we never get tired of winning.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 17, 2020
U are the traitors. U exactly ape Putin's Propaganda Playbook from 2002-2003 & think we don't know?!

God warned against u wannabe #TrumPutin antichrists in AD30, Matt25:11 κυριε κυριε Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

When I first parsed that prophecy's Greek, I was skeptical. No more!

[Quote Biblical Archaeology Review @BibArch · Feb 16, 2020]
Did the Ancient Israelites Think Children Were People? From

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 16, 2020
Author is so keen to hate God/Jews, he makes a fool of himself, just as .@RichardDawkins does.

Look at Exo12:23, pic, on plague of 1stborn: if you put blood on top & sides of lintel, no one dies.

exo 12:23 lintel / lintel

So parents are responsible for deaths of their kids.

Same, re 4-gen curse.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 16, 2020
U don't like Bible or Jews or whatever? That is ur free right.

But it is wrong to be a Trumper, lying re what/who u oppose. It is not scientific, it is not smart; frankly, it makes u a fool.

U can't read Bible until you can read it in original (which yes, exists, METERED).

[Quote Alan Schuetz‏ @alan_schuetz · Feb 17, 2020]
Four eras are documented in the Bible and Jubilees:

2450 yrs: Creation to Promised Land
3430 yrs: Daniel's 70 "Weeks" (aka Jubilees)
1000 yrs: Christ's Millennial Reign
120 yrs: Satan Released to Deceive the Nations

That totals 7000 years; the latter ties back to Genesis 6:3.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 17, 2020
DSD & Jubilees are not from God. Talmud San97-99, truncates: Seder Olam Rabbah omits 346 under Persia.

Real total is 7350. Bible's 'dispensation': 490+70+490=1000+50. All its dates & text meter, hub to that

So 2100+2100+2100+1050= endpoint in Matt25, viz

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 17, 2020
No balance to Gen6:3, cuz God uses solar=BDAYS, like NOAH's

1Chron24 priestly courses use solar 24 hr day, 365.25 days, unrounded HEBCal.htm + HEBCalConverter.xls

Passover is always 14th >vernal equinox. Elul is 35/36 days; rest=30, balances to autumnal equinox

[Quote Alan Schuetz‏ @alan_schuetz · Feb 17, 2020]
You'll find out just how wrong you are when Enoch and Elijah, the two witnesses of Revelation, return. Until then you can remain "wise in your own estimation."

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 17, 2020
My posts displayed actual Bible anyone can prove, + its math.

You didn't even look at them, cuz it would take a year to vet what I posted.

So you hate God & His Word, in favor of fake word.

So you think you're wise in your own estimation.


[Quote Tom Nichols @RadioFreeTom · Feb 16, 2020]
This is some top-notch analysis here, as if Trump’s banana republic caudillo act isn’t authoritarian because it isn’t as competently executed as it could be in the hands of a smarter, more ruthless fanatic like Cotton. | This post is unavailable.

[Quote Dr. Masked Defender @MaskedDefender · Feb 16, 2020]
So Obama also dictator for using IRS to stop Tea Party in 2012?

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 16, 2020
No: Tea Party allies w Russian hardliners, 1991+ (1995 they merged)

Tea Party is based on a #SevenMountains 08/1975 'vision' by Francis Schaeffer Bill Bright .@LorenCunningham, pimped by .@lancewallnau to #VVS yrly: God bids Christians conquer world

=Russian #ThirdRome

[Quote Noah Kinsey @thenoahkinsey · Feb 13, 2020]

Noah’s Motherfuckin’ Bible Study #1 - Matthew 5: 27-30 | This video isn't available anymore

[Quote Dale Salter @Zaltoe1 · Feb 13, 2020]

I’ve always loved how some “Christian” pick and choose certain parts of the Bible but tend to ignore other parts

[Quote Noah Kinsey @thenoahkinsey · Feb 13, 2020]
It’s more convenient that way

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 14, 2020
U are, what u accuse. U'd not know Bible if it bit u.

Like 99.9% of Christians & their pastors, u grew up on fake Bible; so u got pissed off, threw baby out w the bathwater, sans homework. For if u HAD learned REAL Bible, u'd love it

Proof is in pics below, but u can't read 'em

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 14, 2020
Believe what u want, that is ur free right

But it is dead wrong to malign a book u can't read; just like Trump Christians, u flap ur gums w Bible illiteracy. More proof of that, is below

As u ARE saved, u can use 1John1:9 to ENABLE reading, what's below

[Quote Bill Kristol @BillKristol · Feb 10, 2020]
“The same Louisiana Republican Party that 30 years ago refused to censure former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke decided last Saturday to censure Sen. Mitt Romney.” And a bonus: some fascinating Louisiana political history, courtesy of ⁦@QuinHillyer⁩. As Louisiana GOP censures Mitt Romney, David Duke laughs

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 11, 2020
GOD censures & mocks GOP in public as promised since AD30, in Matt25:11; He continues til 2041, v12, when 'wilderness 40' ends.

For God maps salty then saltless yrs of Xtians who beget antichrists, AD30-3243. Primer: Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

Anaphora Key
Matt24 APOKRINW (judgment) anaphora SEQUENCE 16/18

[Quote Justin D. Hughes @jdhughez · Jan 5, 2020]
A severe deviation from the rest of Christianity.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 9, 2019]
100% of Christianity gets End Times wrong, both Dispies & preterists. They can't read Dan9 or even COUNT, to save their lives; they wrongly divide dispensations, etc. 100% PATHETIC 'RESEARCH'

Yes, Rapture predates & kicks off, Trib. But they IGNORE Bible, so don't know why! 😤

So what Prof. Gagne summarizes in this thread, represents THEIR anti-Semitic 'scholarship': has zip to do, w Bible

Yr after yr, they never revisit their notions, always copying dear Dr shmo-&-shmo from the past. Bible is PNG, to them

Their eons of ineptitude ⏩ Trump, Hosea 4:6

xample: dippy Dispie "7" dispensations must be a joke, from Satan.

For Bible meters its text by 7s, so to verify Divine writ. 7= # of Rest & Promise, starting Gen1, see pics

PROMISE TIME. Jewish. Time Grants in 7ed factors. Bible dates Hub to them

Scholars can't do its math?!

Preterists (most Xtian denoms), aim TO REPLACE Israel. So they deny JEWISH dispensations Bible maps in 490+70+490 Time Grants,

Dan9 maps Grants atop Ps90, to BALANCE to Isa53's timeline to AD37=1000th anniv of David's death, when Christ SHOULD die, age 40

[Quote Didymus @didymus_sumydid · Jan 30, 2020]

1) #BartEhrman writes, “If it is true that everyone who reads a text will understand it somewhat differently, i.e., that every rereading of a text is a re-creation of the text...” (Cont) #TextualCriticism #Exegesis #Hermeneutics Bart D. Ehrman

[Quote Didymus @didymus_sumydid · Jan 30, 2020]
2) “... or a re-writing of the text, then in textual criticism we have abundant evidence of precisely this phenomenon at our fingertips...”

brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 30, 2020
Text isn't different cuz you read it differently. You read it differently, cuz you're different from the next guy & words don't mean the same to you.

You also read differently, if you've an agenda you want text to fit, like .@BartEhrman. He's like Trump lawyers cc .@harrygod

brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 30, 2020
More: Bible is metered. There are 3+ meters, but I've only worked on one, a 7ing Meter of Time.

When Bible verses say what YRS belong to its words, its syllable counts are in factors of 7: they match history.

Why doesn't Ehrman know this? One can prove it forensically, see pics

[Quote Ivanka Trump @IvankaTrump · Jan 28, 2020]
You consistently make fun of half the country and then complain that it is divided.

The arrogance, mocking accents and smug ridicule of this nation’s ‘Real Elites’ is disgusting.

[Quote Daily Caller @DailyCaller · Jan 27, 2020]
America, this is what CNN thinks of you...

brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 28, 2020

U BEFRIEND #SevenMountains
=#ThirdRome Putin sells
=Israel's ENEMIES

GOD MOCKS U & ur lemmings thru 2041; world then says, "NEVER AGAIN", for 600 yrs

Primer re Bible meter (scholars vainly sought it for 500 yrs, eg D R Vance now in Amazon) Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 28, 2020
U profess Judaism: but u'll cause 10000s of Jews to die.


U are figureheads for #SevenMountains & #ThirdRome, whose anti-Semitic agenda, is Conquer World (Russia, since Ivan III; #7M, since 08/75 'vision')

Search data in hashtags, see for urself

brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 28, 2020
Oops, I forgot the rest of the meter pics & link to their videos, so u can prove this urself: give them to ur rabbi. If he doesn't know Bible Greek, he'll find someone who does.

Scholarly vetting: God Maps Time, Greco-Roman Epitome/Epitaphic Style

Tom Nichols @RadioFreeTom · Aug 29, 2020
DNI goes dark right on cue.

Quote Shimon Prokupecz @ShimonPro · Aug 29, 2020
DNI has informed the House and Senate Select Committees on Intelligence that they’ll no longer be briefing on election security issues, a senior administration official told CNN. It’ll provide written updates the official said. @jaketapper

Greg Wilson @joke2power · Aug 30, 2020
Putin is laughing at how well Trump follows direction

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Aug 30, 2020]

[Quote SIYA @Siya_ZA · Mar 17, 2020]
Jesus ain't coming though

[Quote Siphokazi Khumalo @ksiphokazi22 · Mar 17, 2020]
Our great great great grandparents were also waiting 🤦🏽‍♀️😂😂

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 17, 2020
Ur great-great-grands & mine, were clueless re Bible on Coming of Christ. Bible's ALWAYS been badly translated & taught. Christ predicted it, in the (97-99% sterile) Seed Parable

None knows eschatology, cuz 'scholars' made 100s of math errors. For centuries. Cost 20 yrs, to fix!

[Quote Erick Erickson ‏@EWErickson · Mar 13, 2020]
I literally spent half of yesterday getting yelled at by conservatives for daring to disagree with friends on the radio and TV about whether the virus is a real concern or not. It is.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 14, 2020
& when Trump next screams "Hoax!" u will lemmingly, agree w him.

Whatever he says, u agree: for u are as Bible-illiterate, as him. Didn't u say, u were in seminary? Learning ουθεν, 1Tim2:26-3:7.

Lying Trump Prophets (since 2005..their words, read aloud): Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

[Quote 🍄~Jimmy🍄 @RedStateYankee · Mar 13, 2020]
(You voted for Hillary Clinton) 🤣

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 14, 2020
In 2006 Kim Clement prophesied .@HillaryClinton, "second to none"! & rightly prophesied Obama's 2 terms, in 2007. But Trumpers claim, Clement meant Trump, aha!

I read their 'prophets' aloud, on my cell phone (book in pic1): Lying Trump Prophets, playlist: Lying Trump Prophets' Words + Dump Trump (Entire Series)

[Quote 🍄~Jimmy🍄 @RedStateYankee · Mar 14, 2020]
Probably because, if you watch the unedited videos, he clearly names Trump at the beginning, middle and end of the prophesy. “Trump to become a trumpet.” “He’ll bring walks of security at our borders”, “...and they’ll scream, impeach, impeach, and he’ll serve 2 terms”

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 14, 2020
Trump didn't have 2 terms starting 2008. Obama did. Trump's name is not Hillary Clinton

I read Clement's text aloud; u see it onscreen (gif) to independently verify

Demon over Clement, advertises he runs Clement. Same rhetoric, as in Book of Mormon & Koran, as u can also verify

[Quote 🍄~Jimmy🍄 @RedStateYankee · Mar 14, 2020]
Do you won’t watch the video, of Kim himself, speaking about Trump?
Ok, that’s weird. (Take the L)

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 14, 2020
Your English is terrible

What I read, is directly from the original Kim Clement website RECORDINGS. Maybe y'all in Moscow who coordinated 'prophecy' w #SevenMountains & #NAR since 2005, don't have access to it?

That link shows in the video, on-screen, here's the copy again:

---celement video

[QuoteGod @TheTweetOfGod · Mar 14, 2020]
I’m trying but the hard part is convincing the virus to enter his body.

[QuoteRambola @rambeaula · Mar 14, 2020]
Convince? You didn't even ask Mary for permission to enter her body

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 15, 2020
Read Luke1 again. She gave consent.

Wait til a Catholic who reads Greek, sees she was 35 in Adar 5BC, pic4*

She was born, 1000 yrs after David 😍

How do I know? Bible is metered (pics): we're to know What Time It Is=Jewish Disp. Scholars do math BADLY

*GGS11s Magnificat Meter of Time

[Quote 🍄~Jimmy🍄 @RedStateYankee · Mar 14, 2020]

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 14, 2020
USSR invented 'green' #deza in 1960s, to derail Western industry. They hired Al Gore in 1978, cuz 'manmade (😉) global cooling' stopped (1945-1975); so they changed 'cooling' to 'warming'

See Yuri Bezmenov vids; +real scientists testify, collection
Climate Change HOAX

[Quote McClintic Sphere @KitTraverse · Mar 14, 2020]
That's a bunch of horse hockey, brainout.

Personally, I trust the overwhelming consensus of climatologists. I am, after all, a verificationist, not a Platonist and I am certainly not religious.

What is true is what is trans-observable.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 14, 2020
1 U conflate existence of God w religion, which is the opposite

2 Ergo, u can't discern

3 U can't read Bible (proof in pics), so u can't rightly comment on how accurate it is

4 U won't know science if it bit u: proven by 1-3, above

5 Prejudice is UNscientific, like hearsay

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 14, 2020
All in Bible can be proven true & trans-observable, proof in those pics; but y'all won't learn how to read it.

To be fair, Trumper Christians are just like you

So you're just like Jimmy, who's really in Moscow or Brad Parscale/Mike Flynn's 'digital army'

[Quote McClintic Sphere @KitTraverse · Mar 14, 2020]
Quite snide and dismissive; your tone itself rather undermines the solid truth you're alleging. To call me tantamount to a "Trumper Christian" is a personal insult and and intellectually dishonest, to boot. I could say the same of your epistemological category mistake, but why?

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 14, 2020
U conflate climate w weather, like Trump

U do no homework

U don't look at proof given

U are prejudiced based on labels, cuz

U can't discern content

U go by hearsay u like

U claim what u say true, sans proof

U just proved all the above, true

U wasted my time, like MadWare

[Quote McClintic Sphere @KitTraverse · Mar 14, 2020]
And "U" are blocked for being a pseudo-intellectual ideologue. Goodbye.

[Quote Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 @zlj517 · Mar 12, 2020]
1/2 美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)主任罗伯特·雷德菲尔德(Robert Redfield)周三在众议院监督委员会承认,一些似乎死于流感的美国人在死后的诊断中被检测出新型#冠状病毒呈阳性。#COVID19 From Global Times

1/2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield admitted before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday that some Americans who appeared to have died from the flu had posthumous diagnoses that tested positive for the novel #coronavirus Positive. #COVID19 From Global Times

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 12, 2020 I warned President XI months ago, b4 I knew of #Coronavirus

He attacks God, so virus hit China. It started from animals eaten. We know China wasn't making this virus, neither was US

God did this. As in Num21 pic, Xi should admit sin & pray to God for a cure

Take this seriously

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 12, 2020
I warned you last Oct 30, mere days before virus began. Did you not tell President Xi? You better tell him. He will blame you, if you don't.

You are not responsible, if you tell him. I'm responsible to GOD for what I say.

Proof is here, in Twitter:

[Quote Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 @zlj517 · Oct 29, 2019]
5/5 Therefore reincarnation of Living Buddhas including the Dalai Lama must comply with Chinese laws & regulations, follow religious rituals & historical conventions. The US should do more to promote rather than undermine mutual trust and cooperation between China and the US.

brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 29, 2019
China's actions are entirely at dissonance w her words. It is as if Pres Xi is afraid, of Faith freedom.

This is no longer 1600-1900s, when Europe raped China. Nor should China BECOME a rapist.

Chinese self-determination must include faith, lest her words re greatness, be 徒勞.

brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Oct 30, 2019
China hurts herself, to ban Bible study.

Bible demands believers respect Authority & never rebel against it, Jn18:36, Rom13-15, 1Tim2:1-5, etc.

If Christians rebel, God spanks them (Trumpers): Lev26, Deut28. If they obey, God blesses their Nation (ibid)

He is NOT a 'white' God

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 10, 2020
#Wuhan virus is God's judgment. He did it to Egypt & to Israel; cure was, to look to Him, 2Chron7:14.

If Pres Xi would pray to God* to lift the sickness..that was what King David did, end of 2Samuel.

God does not belong to people. We ALL belong to Him.

Quote brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 23, 2020
Replying to @EWErickson and @billpostmus
1Jn1:9 b4 prayer
Pls heal China & make Xi know YOU did

Why didn't you pray to Our Mutual Dad?

Cuz u worship Caesar! U #MAGA ts are a curse far worse than any disease, Lev26 Deut28. We can't pray4u.

Prolife=blasphemy, per BIBLE Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

[Quote XSovietNews 🇺🇦 @XSovietNews · Mar 9, 2020]
Putin on World War II: If anyone dares do something like it, we'll repeat it. Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

[Quote Дмитрий Смирнов @dimsmirnov175 · Mar 9, 2020]
Путин - о Великой Отечественной войне: И если кто-то посмеет сделать что-то подобное, мы повторим. Кто к нам с мечом придет, от меча и погибнет

[Quote Dwight D. Eisenhower @LolNewRoc · Mar 9, 2020]
Somebody tell him that Ghenghis Khan died 800 years ago.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 9, 2020 Thru Uzbeck, Khan's descendant Ivan Kalita replaced the Rus, 1303+

Bible even maps Ivan in Matt24:38-39; am still vetting it*

*Scholars long posited Bible is Time-metered; but they still get its math wrong. We found the right math Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

cc .@Ruthen

[Quote Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 @DanScavino · Mar 7, 2020]
Sleepy Joe💤in St. Louis, Missouri today:

“We can only re-elect @realDonaldTrump.”


[Quote BillDoodle54 @billdoodle54 · Mar 8, 2020]
It is sooooo discombobulated and inane it is ridiculous...he does say “...we can only re-elect Donald Trump...” it is unbelievable the Dems and his family do not do something for this poor man ASAP...he is legally incompetent...

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 8, 2020
On his worst day, .@JoeBiden has more integrity than Σ GOP

God judges u #SevenMountains Rev17:9 harlots, just as He warned in AD30, Matt24+25. Bible prophecy is Time-metered, pic4*

He judges thru 2041; y'all are in deep 💩💩

*Bible DIY Time Meter demo
Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 8, 2020
BTW, I disagree w 99% of Biden's policies.

A classic conservative, I'm not prolife, cuz it's satanic, not a big-govt advocate, cuz it's Trumpian; but pro self-determination. U rule u

US 1st Amend is Bible's 1st Mandate, which ironically excludes govt & religion, from moral rule

[Quote Mr Noel ‏ @MrNoelJM · Mar 8, 2020]
You’re saying pro life is satanic??? So Letting people decide to kill their progeny is godly? And since when is trump pro big government? I think you have a lot of crossed wires in your philosophy…

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 8, 2020
GOD calls it satanic
Prolife violates Jn18:36, =Rev17 harlot

500 Bible verses say #LifeBeginsAtBirth ⏬

Epi14, PBS: 1978, Falwell sells abortion=murder LIE 4political power
=#SevenMountain Rev17:9 harlot game, pimped @ WH & @
=#ThirdRome Putin sells

[Quote Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · Mar 2, 2020]
WOW! Sleepy Joe doesn’t know where he is, or what he’s doing. Honestly, I don’t think he even knows what office he's running for!

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 2, 2020
Honestly, there is no honesty in u. U're in deep 💩💩 w God, Who uses u to MOCK Xtians who hate Him.

I'd rather vote4 some1 w a rare lapse, than u Orange Cheato Pelican Putin Putz 4 .@POTUS

Sunset in TrumpAmerica

Trump in heaven

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Mar 4, 2020]

How exactly was the 126 years of Temple down paid back? Was the rebuilt Temple given another 126 years to exist before destruction?

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 4, 2020
God's loan accounting:
586-516=70 yrs v Dan9:2, puns 70 yrs Dan in Babylon, trigger to pray 49th yr after 1st Temple fell, 1st dateline meter

So, Dan9:24-6 repay=490+70=560

=AD37 Christ's Planned Death
But He dies 7 yrs early, ergo Church+Rapture Jn17 😍

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Mar 5, 2020]
Depending how you read Matt 24, the 126 is either 49+77 or 84+42. I wonder if there were two 126 year credits? I'm not sure why though.

Or maybe the 126 was never previously redeemed, since the temple was being built, but not actually complete?

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 5, 2020
Keep going w your ruminating. This is the hard part of meter analysis, where u think u got something, but u're not sure what it is, & u don't seem to get clear results.

If u hit a brick wall, go do something else

Talk to Dad about it. 😍
Type out what u think to me, if it helps

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 4, 2020
Here are Ps90+Isa53 playlists to show 140 vs 126 acctg

14's short is in Ps90:1-4=8, so Isa53 parsed it as DECREE '42' bookends; Dan tags Isa @ Dan's yr in Isa53 TL

Psalm 90 Meter (Entire Series)

Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)
God's Play of History
Isaiah 53 Meter of Time: 1st David's Birth to Last David's Scheduled Death + Yapping Most High (YMH)

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Mar 6, 2020

Tracking from Noah's birth in 1056 is a similar pattern. Exodus happened 1050+560 years post Noah's birth. The Temple was dedicated 490 years later, or 2100 years post Noah's birth.

So Israel's birth, Temple's birth, track from Noah's birth.

Abraham's covenant and David's crowning track from Noah's covenant.

Moses' birth tracks from the 120 year warning prior to flood. Temple construction begins 560 from his birth.

And of course, we know that entry into the land was 1050 years after flood.

Everything seems to tie back to Noah: His birth, covenant sealing, the 120 year warning, and the Flood itself.

The 1050 cycles from the Fall seem to serve as a background measuring standard.

Time seems consistent until the Temple falls. I don't know what else to make of this right now. I've already done too much thinking trying to consolidate timelines.

Let me know if you get any ideas.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 6, 2020
You're right on track. All timelines converge & all tie to each other using same stds you just now realize.

Theime knew the idea of 'civilization unit', which he thought=1000. You now see its detail.

It took me 10 yrs to learn what you're now seeing in a few days. Keep at it 😍

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem ·Mar 6, 2020
So does that mean that there is only one 54 year early maturation, or does Abraham's 54 year early maturation count as separate? They both had volition. They both matured before their deadlines.

Are there really two 54s?

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 6, 2020
Just one, see pics.

'Too early' only applies cuz there was a 2100-yr allotment for each Gentiles & Jews; the latter began 53.5 yrs early, cuz Noah's 490 was the last grant. No one after him, matured.

So Abram had to mature by NOAH grant+490, or Time would have ended. See why?

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Mar 6, 2020]
Yeah. I see. I was thinking it had something to do with the 2100.

I guess this is all a preface to the answer about my initial speculation. I'm still not sure why the Millennium is only 1050 and not 2100.

Still more to understand.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 6, 2020

1Chron24 Priestly courses are based on a 24-hr day in a solar yr, 365.25 days.

Each course ran twice a yr at 7.5 days: so 15 days +5hrs.

So each priest served 365.25 hrs per yr; he would relieve his fellow, after the sabbath evening (3pm) sacrifice.

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Mar 6, 2020
Why isn't 12 a factor then?

Genesis only reveals 7 days for 7350 years (I'm guessing that's where Talmud got it from).

I like the idea of priestly courses, but why so much emphasis on 12: Months, Tribes, Apostles, etc.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 7, 2020
I don't know.

It gets to the heart of why did God design an Earth day as 24 hours, yr as 365.25 vs some other #? Why is 490 key, rather than a different #? Why 560, why 1050? I still don't know.

Until we know the whys, we don't know enuf about the whats.

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Mar 7, 2020
Those are the exact why's that started this whole line of questioning (the organization of months, days, and years).

Its funny that you mentioned the priestly courses, cuz that was one of my first hunches; but how and why, if Levites and Church are the only priestly groups.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 7, 2020
Yeah. TBH, when Col spent weeks on escutcheon in Rev4, I wanted to vomit.

He spent forever on ML; I'd fall asleep. I also hate prophecy, cuz woo woo weirdos

But the weirder or more boring a Bible verse is, the more vital a key to interp

Cuz God has an ironic sense of humor 😘

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 6, 2020
Backstory, for readers (Clay knows it):


GeneYrs.xls, a Timeline from Adam's Fall to + - 6726* yrs later..using ONLY Bible..not 'experts', who waste $€£ w crap math & turf wars 😤

+ Explainer vids
How God Orchestrates Time + Noahic Flood Precedence for God's Orchestration of Time

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 6, 2020
So 7350 not 8400, cuz 7th is day of rest, Psalm 90.

Yet, you saw something I missed: Ps90:4's 84 DECREE meter, Isa53 cleverly broke into 42 bookends (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) double portion, MAYBE 7th day starts @ 8400, aha 😂

But Word won't say 😇

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Mar 7, 2020
I don't know if this means anything, but it brings me back full circle to the 364+126 relationship, which REALLY bugs me.

930+2100+490=3520 Temple falls


3520+70=3590 New Temple dedicated

I cant explain it, if theres even something to explain, but it still bugs me.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 7, 2020
364+126=Dan 9:26, 434+49=483, pic

One week left.

I don't see why adding back Adam's FALL YRS at death, is the reconciler? It's not divisible by 7. But 931, is...

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Mar 7, 2020 Its a hunch on my part, but 120+930=1050.

I'm wondering if Adam was in Eden for 120 years before the fall, thus God's consistent use of 120 as a warning.

Could there be a hidden timeline tracking before the fall?

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 7, 2020
Yeah. All # s are doctrinally relevant, based on acctg precedents, either past or God-foreknown; & He wanted to design Time around them, so we can know GOD did it.

That much Love, scares me. Just as, how He designed big events in my life around Thieme's birthday, or my own.

1 week is left cuz Messiah won't die @ 7+62 wks, but @ 7+61 wks. So the extra wk is spent downing 2nd Temple on Pesach, 40 yrs later (normal warning period)

586BC to AD70
=623=orig sched=AD37, 1000 yrs>David died, Jewish Time Deadline

623-126=497 😜
1:33 AM · Mar 7, 2020

[Quote Frank Pavone @frfrankpavone · Mar 2, 2020]
Amen! #prolife

[Quote March for Life @March_for_Life · Mar 1, 2020]
The killing of a woman's innocent children can never be considered healthcare, not for the women and not for her children. It is simply overlooking the real issues the woman is facing and denying her the care and support she actually needs.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 4, 2020
Murdering Bible, is the worst crime. 500 verses say #LifeBeginsAtBirth*

How will God Jer28:17 u for aborting His Word?

God Maps Time, Greco-Roman Epitaphic Style

*Epi14 PBS: #7M Falwell sells abortion=murder LIE 4political power

John 18:36 (KJV) Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 1, 2020
ONLY reason American #healthcare is expensive: govt interference!

We aren't a tiny country. We lack, a homogeneous population. We support most of the world, militarily*

So we CANNOT EQUATE foreign healthcare, to US

Let's review:

*In economics, this is called "guns & butter"

[Quote Robert McNees @mcnees · Mar 1, 2020]
First week working in Ontario. Got bronchitis, needed expensive antibiotics.

Pharmacy: Ontario health insurance pays for this, but your coverage doesn't start for 2 weeks. You have to pay.

Me: Oh no how much?

Pharmacy: $15. Fill out this form, they'll reimburse you next month.…

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 1, 2020
Pre-Trump, every1 tried to come HERE. Why is that?

°Only in US, do u find 65 brands of chips, at grocery stores

°Only in US, do u find 50-cent pies, gas <$5/gal, nice 1BDR apts @ $200/mo, big refrigerators

°Care like UK's NHS is rationed, on waiting lists, & limited to basics

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Mar 1, 2020]
We failed the prosperity test sometime before 1987. Now we just make decisions that make things more costly. The tighter we grip, the more control we lose. Seems counterintuitive at 1st glance.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 2, 2020
Yeah. Bible seems to benchmark FY1976* as changeover in Matt25:10 (pic)?

That was when: #SevenMountains was born (Aug 75)

Jerry Falwell Sr joined it

Reagan became darling of GOP

I was graduated from college 😂

Also, 1945-1975 global cooling ended 😈

*Cal '75 Rosh Hashanah?

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Feb 23, 2020]


Im thinking about the Eurasian centering of meter. What does that mean for Russia?

κύριε ἄνοιξον ἡμῖν

Assuming Putin is the one claiming to be Kurios, what if 2024-2030 is Putin dismissing his expendable assets.

Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Feb 23, 2020
Does Putin want USA to collapse, or does he want to leech off of us?

Does Russia even need us around to set up #ThirdRome?

Here, apostates treat Trump like a Messiah, but the bigger picture is Russia, hence Putin.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 23, 2020
Good q's. Yes, focus is Putin

Tea Party Xtians behind Trump, use him (kings hate the beast). They aligned w Russia 1995+

Bannon+David Bossie recruit Trump, 2010

2011+, Xtians pimp 'visions' of Trump4POTUS

Russian TV is VERY proud of Putin: Трамп Наш (Trump is ours), Google it

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 23, 2020
Putin sees self as Russia's Savior. He newly controls EU & US, raping both for Russia (since 1991, really)

EU bought USSR 'green' #deza of manmade #climatechange + Nord stream 2: so Putin almost won Khrushchev's goal: energy hegemony

'Tis better than occupying US

cc .@Mike2020

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 23, 2020
Re Eurasian focus. NT meter traces historical trend of Church➡Gentile Antichrist

That is std theology, but SPQR Rome never died*

Byz+USSR 'Rome' YES died. Putin's goal=Rev17, Revive Rome, per his 'Lesson of Byzantium' in Youtube

*Cf .@DrJTheodor's book
Revived Rome, Russia, Trump, and Prophecy?

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Feb 23, 2020]

Is the two-state solution even related to the wedding at all?

Why would marriage of Israel and Palestine matter? Yet it seems directly tied to the 1991 reference.

Is there a better interpretation?

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 24, 2020
The better interp: USSR died in 1991. (Has zip to do w two-state solution, on the books for 70 yrs. Not earth-shattering or unique. Plus, the door on it never closes.)

So now rerun your thread, w death of USSR as centerpiece? 🐣 🐥 🐤 🐦

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Feb 24, 2020]
So it was the death of USSR that allowed for state and church to be married.

What about 1998 then (door closed)? There was a financial crisis in Russia, but how does that shut out the west?

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 24, 2020
#ThirdRome myth, shuts out the West.

Putin's 'Lesson of Byzantium' is his Revenge on the West; who, he (justifiably) claims, bled Byz's wealth to death.

So Russia will be Last Empire Standing @ Christ's Return. Ergo Belarus mural, see pic.

So oligarchs' $€£ are a war chest.

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Feb 24, 2020]
Then Russia shut out the West, but the Western Dominionists wont realize that Russia has no intentions of letting them in, until 2041, when Russia will say I do not know you.

Then maybe the coming Eurasian block breaks up by 2081, as their ἄνθρωπος leaves power to 3 servants.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 24, 2020
Except that ανθροπως anaphora tags key dates for Ukraine/Russia, every time it appeared in the text, prior.

Here, it's 2065-7, v14.

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Feb 24, 2020]
Theoretically, shouldn't the entire Matt 24-25 meter be tagging Ukraine/Russia (at least post Byzantine)?

Those are the hot spots, but trends should be seen world wide.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 24, 2020

Refs to Ukraine should start Matt24:3; 1st παρουσια =AD165/6, tags Aurelius+ Antonine Plague. (What's that mean, to Ukraine?)

Sign of God's judgment appears..FROM CHINA*

*Plague flows E-W, during global cooling: ours begins 2100. GW stopped in 1998,

[Quote Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · Feb 21, 2020]

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 21, 2020



Yet u are good ЯРКИЙ doggy, 习主席的 +Путина
cc .@Mike2020

[Quote That Breck Guy😘 @deaconcruise · Feb 18, 2020]

Trump leading prayer is like me piloting a 747. What could possibly go wrong?🤷‍♂️

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 18, 2020
Don't worry. Unless a person uses 1John1:9, no prayer gets heard*

See Ps32:5, 66:18, 2Pet1:9 in Greek, 1John1:8-10

Those #SevenMountains Rev17:9 harlots don't use 1Jn1:9. So, they are proTrump.

*There are a few protocols, but they're not denominational:

[Quote Mandela’s long lost brother. @SunnySidhu_LA · Feb 18, 2020]
Is that Bloomberg in last Picture ?

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 18, 2020
No, it's Putin
Pic=mural in a Belarus church
shows #ThirdRome myth sold by Ivan III in 1472

aka pseudo Methodius
aka Last Emperor Myth:
Christ only returns if world has converted

=#SevenMountains Xtians4Trump

Putin sells it: 'Lesson of Byzantium' in YouTube (1:11:07)

[Quote Big Daddy Wickster @jdwickie · Feb 15, 2020]

No need to worry about the Caronavirus - trump says the sun will take care of it in April 🙄

You know what I trust more than trump? A bunch of coughing and wheezing tourists who just got back from Wuhan.


brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 17, 2020
The only folks who lie more than Trump, are Trumper Xtian leaders.

On cable, they tell their congregants:

*coronavirus won't hit, à la plague of 1st born

*THEY command demons to bypass Trumpers

*who don't need vaccines, cuz God protects them

Now: look up Jer28, Matt25:12

brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 17, 2020
NB what happens to those who claim to speak4God but do not: capital punishment, Jer28:17.

Matt25:12, tells you why. Roman custom of a father publicly disowning his daughter, who creeps back too early in the morning.

Bible text is Time-metered.
V12=2024-41 in 3 phases, pic.

[Quote Jali_Cat{⭐️}‏ @Jali_Cat · Feb 12, 2020]
‼️Mitt Romney Is A Top 20 Recipient Of Funding By George Soros’ Lobbyist Group‼️

As of any if us are surprised...🙄

((One thing is certain - Trump is exposing THE SWAMP!👊🏻💥))

brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 1, 2020
Any1 can prove u lie, in 5 minutes. Did u forget, contribution$ to political campaigns are public?

U must really want God to spank u. Ok, He will.

PS Putin invented the Soros persona in 2009, to help Viktor Orban. So Trump imitates Putin, tho Trump co-owns a building w Soros 😋

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Jan 21, 2020]
Check this out. I think I figured out the 4 dimensions in Ephesians 3:18.

1. gnosis (knowledge)
2. epignosis (belief)
3. sunesis (understanding)
4. sophia (application)

The two big clues for me were Ephesians 3:19 and Romans 11:33.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 22, 2020
Parallel to Operation Z 😀

Maybe you haven't heard the later tapes on 1Jn4. That's the new name for what Thieme used to call GAP.

Search it in illustrations.PDF

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Jan 22, 2020]
I've heard him teach Op-Z in Spiritual Dynamics, but from what I remember, his explanation of the 4 dimensions was different. I have to review the lesson.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 22, 2020
Yeah, but related to what you wrote!

1John4 blew me away: John plays on Paul Eph 3+4, in reverse order.

So John 14, when the Lord said He goes ahead to build μοναι 4us (cf v23) = multi-layer meaning pulpits omit, so Christians don't grow 🆙

John 14:2: In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
John 14:2: ἐν τῇ οἰκίᾳ τοῦ πατρός μου μοναὶ πολλαί εἰσίν· εἰ δὲ μή, εἶπον ἂν ὑμῖν· ὅτι πορεύομαι ἑτοιμάσαι τόπον ὑμῖν·


[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Jan 22, 2020]
I see what you mean now. Thank you for explaining.😃

So do you mean to say that the dative ὑμῖν in John 14:1-2 is both FOR us and IN us? That seems to be the point of verse 23.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 22, 2020
Ding ding ding. 😍

ECS/SOC House of Doctrine living in your head in which you dwell* cuz He dwells in you.

*μενω means to remain or to dwell; μοναι= rooms of a dwelling or homes. Cute, huh. This is how LvS4a.htm got into my mind. It all came together from 1John4.

[Quote Pleronomicon @Clay_Odem · Jan 22, 2020]
Wow! So while our Lord prepares a place in Father's house, the Logos is preparing a place in us. Luke 17:21 ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ θεοῦ ἐντὸς ὑμῶν ἐστιν. The pinnacle of spiritual entanglement.

The Word gives spiritual dimension to the soul!

Thank you for sharing that!

brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 22, 2020
You're welcome!

See what Christians are missing? Everybody's trying to build his house on the sand of works, tho that's not what the Lord ever meant!

2000 yrs of screwed-up theology, still unfixed!

God made Thieme find the fix; now we find, how to prove it quickly in Bible!

This Post is from an account that no longer exists. Learn more

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 17, 2020]
#MAGA maggots, u bankrupt US.

U are the thieves in Rom2, 9, 11.

How? When Trump says 'all is good' u believe him, despite GOD-GIVEN FACTS, like #SevenMountains =Rev17:9.

40 yrs! u spit on Christ Who said #LifeBeginsAtBirth, Heb10:5.

So no truth in u: 1John1:8,10 but not 9.

[Quote Schaltjahr @chiquitaflanke · Jan 4, 2020]
Mir fällt keine Beschäftigung ein, deren Eignungstest Donald #Trump intellektuell gewachsen wäre und doch kann dieser psychisch kranke Mann die Welt an den Rand eines Krieges bringen. Irgendwas läuft ganz mächtig schief.

I can't think of a job that would be an intellectual match for Donald #Trump, and yet this mentally ill man can bring the world to the brink of war. Something is going very wrong.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 4, 2019]
Happens every 500 yrs. World's authorities break down. Common Man rebels, having no anchor for his lukewarm, drifting soul. Look back in history.

Bible (+Talmud San97-99) maps it as a macro trend, since Adam's Fall: pics+link, explain. You can vet it all

How God Orchestrates Time

[Quote Mike Pence @Mike_Pence · Jan 3, 2020]
Soleimani was plotting imminent attacks on American diplomats and military personnel. The world is a safer place today because Soleimani is gone.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 4, 2019]
U omit the role Putin played in the attacks
U omit ur own role in the attacks
U+other #SevenMountains Rev17:9 harlots, are to blame for 9/11, per Lev26+Deut28: u spit on Christ since 1978,* Matt25:10-11**

*Epi14=PBS re 1978 Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

**Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

[Quote Benjamin Suchard @bnuyaminim · Dec 29, 2019]
Great thread by @JamesBejon on the hypothesis of Maccabean-era authorship of the book of #Daniel and his objections to this hypothesis. I've replied to individual tweets with some comments of my own.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 29, 2019]
Daniel is TIME metered to Moses, who wrote Gen @ end of 1050th yr >Flood. How can you not know this?

Example: Dan9 was written start of 49th yr >Temple fell, 73x7 yrs >Ps90 timeline ends @ 1050BC (Saul kingship start).

Daniel meter surgically tags Ps90:17 AND Isa53:6. God's Word is GENIUS, not soundbyte.

Same ORIGINAL 7ing meter is used pan-Bible; clever way, God preserves HIS Word!

For Mary (in 5BC=Isa53:12 start), tags where Dan9 ends+7

Mary's timeline tags Haggai 2: Christ born Chanukah+160

She talks IN METER at Purim in Adar 5BC, Luke1:26 cf :36. Nine mos later, is Chanukah 4BC

Dan9 tags Gen1 Ps90 Isa53. Mary tags Dan9. NT tags her

[Quote Dr. Robert Jeffress @robertjeffress · Dec 21, 2019]
"President @realDonaldTrump is, without doubt, the most pro-faith President in history and there are millions of evangelicals that agree with me in that assessment."

Watch my interview on "America's News HQ with Ed Henry" here: Jeffress: Christianity Today is a dying magazine that's diametrically opposed to evangelical Trump supporters

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 22, 2019]
Liar. NO Bible prophecy regarding Jerusalem recognized by US as capital of Israel, to signify End Times.

U spit on Christ & do not speak for Him. Ur end is Jer28:17, unless u use 1John1:9 like breathing & learn His Word.

PROOF: Christ Himself maps Time to 3243, never says when Rapture

This Post was deleted by the Post author.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 22, 2019]
You are another Rev17 harlot.

God indeed foretold wannabe antichrist trend pair TrumPutin, as Matt24+25 'Lord' anaphora indicates yrs when wannabe antichrists occur, since AD1402.

[Quote Taras Kuzio🇬🇧🇪🇺🇺🇦🇮🇹 @TarasKuzio · Dec 20, 2019]
Dear Putin: Lets talk about "native lands". Most of European Russia including Moscow and Novgorod (map 1) and the Kuban (map 2) are "native Ukrainian lands". P.S. USSR celebrated Kyiv's 1500th anniversary in 1982. Moscow was founded 600 years later in 1147. Signed Elder Brother

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 20, 2019]
Bible pre-tracks Ukraine & Russia (latter is Antichrist, Dan11:35ff, Gog Magog Etc): but I don't know much about that history.

Bible uses παρουσια anaphora, to track.

.@RutheniaRus has been very kind in correcting my historical stmts, esp as Russia usurped Ukraine's history

That is NOT to say she endorses what I say.

I say, how Bible meter works in prophecy. Scholars tried to find it, for 500 yrs. I found it by mistake, in 2008.

See AD482, pic1, just b4 το τελος in Matt24:14b. If it tags Kyiv founding, context is after the world got the gospel

AD1147, is (Matt24:34) αμην λεγω υμιν anaphora, used for war & pogroms: anaphora links Matt24-25 to Luke21 to Mark13. (Mark's focus is Byz future, whereas Luke like Paul in Eph1, focuses on the West.)

God Maps Time, Greco-Roman Epitaphic Style

Again, pretending God means to tag Moscow founding, we now have The Tale of 2 Russias, РУСС v РОСС..& the latter= antichrist?


1147 WAS marked by pogroms in France & Middle East. 2nd Crusade started.

Typical & false Russia timeline: A time-line of Russia

[Quote Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec · Dec 19, 2019]
Christianity Today doesn't mince words: Trump Should Be Removed from Office

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 20, 2019]
Oh, .@CTmagazine shares their apostasy. Trump is ok, cuz he follows Evangelical Agenda

How can CT not know, the Evangelical Agenda
=Putin's #ThirdRome

How can CT not know, 500 Bible verses say #LifeBeginsAtBirth

CT's abjectly Bible-illiterate, like them!

So watch:

Satan isn't stupid. Neither is GOP. They prepared for this moment: when, w Putin's consent, Trump was forced to have Mike Pence as VP.

Oh, he's got a clean life, is well-behaved! So Xtians won't see he's satanic.

Trump resigns due to ill health & Pence becomes POTUS, 3/2021

Pence praises Trump-martyr; +quid pro quo (Trump Family in politics), assures PENCEGOP of re-election in 2024.

GOP seems to moderate.*

waits his #SevenMountains turn, as does .@marcorubio.

Putin smacks his lips. #MagnitskyAct is repealed: he can now take Ukraine!

Dems remain stuck in same 1960s
Hate rich/Jews/God/guns
Love/Green/big govt dogmas, USSR bought them.

*Look up 'machtayneste' (in-laws) in _Joys of Yiddish_ by Leo Rosten, or Teaching Tales: The Way You Like It

=Trump makes life much worse; GOP removes him & every1's relieved, fooled.

[Quote Rudy W. Giuliani @RudyGiuliani · Dec 15, 2019]
Budapest | Kiev | Vienna

After hundreds of hours & months of research, I have garnered witnesses & documents which reveal the truth behind this impeachment, which includes NO wrongdoing by @realDonaldTrump.

These threads only touch the surface. Read & watch all. More to come.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 16, 2019]
Moscow wrote Giuliani's script; docs are faked by Russian intel FSB (ФСБ) or GRU (ГРУ)

2006+, Putin fakes in the same way, contra .@Billbrowder
& is laughed out of EU courts

So Rudy proves self & Trump, guilty of treason

#MAGA ts refuse 1Jn1:9, so are 2Thess2:11, 2Tim2:26-3:7

I know many dislike it when I talk Bible, but I must: the problems you see today, are SOLELY due to Christian apostasy

You must now know diff twixt what Bible says, v what Christians say..incl me

Why? Trump can't win w/o #7M Christians. So fight them on their turf, to win: use BIBLE

Start: 500 verses say #LifeBeginsAtBirth, so all prolifers are antichrists.

If enough Christians see what Bible says, support 4Trump dies.

You needn't believe Bible valid, to use it. But you must accurately show what it says

DIY Bible proof here: Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

Next, Xtians behind Trump think they must politick, 2MAKE Christ RETURN

God warned against this apostasy (starts w Constantine) in

Bible meters Time at 1 syll per yr, to make prophecy easy to ACCOUNT

Scholars posited, yet can't find the meter

So 'takes too much time, to learn this Bible text genius: Scholars tried to find it, since John Knox!

So use John18:36: Christians must not jihad for God, cuz God fights FOR YOU, Exo14:13

"Cursed is the man who puts his trust in man," Jer17:5. Yet evangelicals, doo!


ProTrump Xtians do not trust GOD: search "Trump savior memes"

God mocks them in Matt25:11's LORD LORD (=TrumPutin, 2015-18)

NT tracks antichrist TREND using 'Lord', in prophecy verses. So compare to history, demo:

Ask: don't u trust God enough, to pray?

Yes: Christ born Hanukah 4BC
=4103 yrs >Adam fell
=1000 yrs >David crowned King of all Israel

He was to be born 2000 yrs >Jacob, but Solomon began Temple 3.5 yrs late
So Christ had to be born 3.5 early

Scholars disagree when Christ born, cuz they don't know BOTH Bible timelines

Colorful pic w 42s, is Isa53 in Hebrew; it maps both timelines. Dan9 Magnificat & Eph1 all tag it

In 1752, scholar Robert Lowth did Isa53 meter math wrong, expected it to conform to Greek poetry!

Scholars (eg, DR Vance) have been getting Bible meter wrong, ever since.

John 18:36 (NIV) Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. .

John 18:36 ἀπεκρίθη Ἰησοῦς· ἡ βασιλεία ἡ ἐμὴ οὐκ ἔστιν ἐκ τοῦ κόσμου τούτου· εἰ ἐκ τοῦ κόσμου τούτου ἦν ἡ βασιλεία ἡ ἐμή, οἱ ὑπηρέται οἱ ἐμοὶ ἠγωνίζοντο [ἂν] ἵνα μὴ παραδοθῶ τοῖς Ἰουδαίοις· νῦν δὲ ἡ βασιλεία ἡ ἐμὴ οὐκ ἔστιν ἐντεῦθεν.

Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

[Quote Tea Pain @TeaPainUSA · Dec 2, 2019]
Ragin’ Trumper Anti-Semitism.
Christian TV host Rick Wiles: Israel created Jeffrey Epstein so the ‘Jews could screw America’

[Quote Nazo @nazosan2 · Dec 2, 2019]
Good god, he's not even going to try to pretend he isn't a complete nazi, is he?

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 2, 2019]
Shhh this ends Trump. 😍

Wiles+many GOP leaders are #SevenMountains
=1975 'vision': God bids Xtians conquer world
=Russian #ThirdRome, since Ivan III
God's reply: Matt25:11-12=1999-2041

God Maps Time, Greco-Roman Epitaphic Style

[Quote Faust @FaustKnowsBest · Nov 7, 2019]
As bad as Trump is, the blind loyalty of his followers is the bigger issue in the country. It's one of the things that's truly wrong with the current state of America.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 7, 2019]
FYI Bible predicted all this to the very yrs. (Bible scholars don't yet know, prophecy is explicitly timed.)

It says God uses Trump to wipe out apostate Xtians thru 2041.

DIY Vetting proof:
God prophetically Maps Time yrly, Greco-Roman Epitaphic Style

[Quote AntiChrist AntiGod Anti Holy Ghost AntiMuhammed @Christgodtweet · Nov 3, 2019]
You believe in your fairy tale only because you fear death

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 3, 2019]
1/3 You fear death & project it onto others. Yours is a normal, human, SUBJECTIVE trait.

I believed In Christ cuz I wanted Justice that makes good on ALL hells, so NO suffering is in vain. Else, I'd kill myself.

Even since I was ten, life has never been worth living: too tawdry

Most folks at end-of-life, get bitter; what they wanted, they didn't get. They feel cheated.
Hebrew verb is בהל
(say 'ba HAL'), a snarling apoplexy in the famous Ps 90:7 (=Matt 2:3 ταρασσω), pic1. It's like your anger & epitomizes hell.

In Hebrew, Ps 90 maps TIME

Ps90 says your life is NOT in vain; all suffering is made good on for GOD'S own sake, cuz His pain over YOUR suffering is far greater than your own, 2Pet3:9, Rom8:28.

So you NEED NOT BE cheated at end-of-life, cuz you go to a better one.

I get that, now. I'm dying. I see it

[Quote Dr Theosib, CPU expert @theosib2 · Nov 3, 2019]
Actually your second one is correct. Humans are great apes. Great apes are old world monkeys. The clades go up from there, including things like mammal and eukaryote. This is super basic biology.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 3, 2019]
It's a super basic tautology. Apes have 2 arms & 2 legs & so do humans; so humans, come from apes! *sarcasm

The bazillion biological blockages are ignored in favor of a superficial similarity, so to say, 'there is no God'; tho the construct says or proves NOTHING, re existence of God!

Every 500 yrs, humans get so arrogant in academia science politics & religion.. civilization breaks up

You can see it, in history; or, via Phyllis Tickle lectures; or, by Bible METER, which ACCOUNTS 500-yr trends from Gen to Rev (see pic #s)

Our 500 ends 2130=end Matt25:15

[Quote Jake Tapper @jaketapper · Jul 14, 2018]
One year ago this month:

[Quote Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · Jul 9, 2017]
Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded..

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Oct 20, 2019]
Guarded from prying eyes, so Trump & his Russian Lord, don't get caught.

Matt25:11 playing live. Why won't folks see the Putin link is religious, w #SevenMountains +CNP, tight w Falwell Flynn Bannon Mercers running 7M trolls, Etc? We no longer need Bible prophecy, to spot them!

[Quote George Papadopoulos @GeorgePapa19 · Oct 19, 2019]
At the end of this, the person I am most happy I exposed was Alexander Downer and the Australians. They had vested interests with Clinton and wanted to sabotage Trump and his associates. Downer also is very weak. Durham and Barr and the President have turned up the heat.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Oct 19, 2019]
Gumby, there is a pre-2016 election YOUTUBE vid of u talking to Greeks in Greek, re they should vote Trump, promising Russian support for Greece!

U're a traitor; all who support u, are also traitors. God judges. Χtians get 1John5:16 death penalty for long spitting on Christ.

Russian TV brags since 11/8/ 16 about how it put трамп in office & controls you guys (60 минут, also on YouTube).

So Russia is not coy about how they pay you, Trump & Trump spox.

#SevenMountains Χtians can't read Bible, so don't know 7M=Russian #ThirdRome. But you sure do.

[Quote Renato Mariotti @renato_mariotti · Oct 6, 2019]
GOP donors connected to Trump and Giuliani pushed for control of Ukraine's government-owned gas company at the same time Rick Perry pushed to replace its board members.

A Ukrainian "was floored" because he thought the U.S. had "a higher ethical standard.” Profit, not politics: Trump allies sought Ukraine gas deal

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Oct 6, 2019]
Trump accuses others of what HE does. (He feels compelled to confess, uses defense mechanism of projection, to do it.)

Case in point? Ukraine, WHO GOD PROTECTS (ανθρωπος anaphora in Matt24+25).

If you voted4Trump, you are in deep doo-doo w God: you need 1John1:9. USE IT.

[Quote Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · Oct 4, 2019]
0:20 / 1:02

brainout @brainoutREAD · Oct 4, 2019
Besides being a continual liar any1 can fact-check in 5 seconds, u are obviously mentally ill. Every1 sees it.

So God uses u to flush out ur Rev17 Xtian harlot voters; then, unless u use 1John1:9, u die. Forever u will be at the bottom of heaven. At least u're not going to hell.

[Quote World B. Friedman @BrianRFriedman · Sep 29, 2019]
Here's what we're up against - #Cult45 members ready to bring violence to save their dear leader.

[Quote Laura Marciano Gorleski @ladyjanekane1 · Sep 29, 2019]
Replying to @BrianRFriedman @MariaBartiromo and 6 others
#CivilWar in the streets.


brainout @brainoutREAD · Sep 29, 2019
Looks like c.w. happens 2024-30, 1st clause Matt25:12. General War to 2036, global (2nd clause).

The jackass Christians get defeated by 2041, & the anti-semites by 2062 (120-yr historical cycle).

After that, next 600 yrs, something of a golden age.

Still vetting interp, tho.

[Quote Scott Matteson @scott_matteson · Sep 29, 2019]
We are ready for the worthless son of a bitch. He wants a war, we'll bring him one. Except he'll be hiding and crying in the basement while his followers are getting mowed down in the streets should they choose to stick their necks out for his worthless crying ass.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Sep 29, 2019
No you're not ready. You're too in love w Kremlin LIES of MANMADE #climatechange & gun control; so you WON'T have resources for the coming Civil War that surely dominionists behind Trump, planned for decades (their Rev17 fantasy to honor Christ=Putin's #ThirdRome since Ivan III).

[Quote Storm Chaser @stormchaser417 · Sep 29, 2019]
Wow. I don’t know him, but if he’s listed with the likes of Falwell and Graham, he is in very good company. I started out believing that he may indeed be a radical nut, but after seeing your list, I think he must truly be a great man! Sounds like you just hate Christianity.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Sep 22, 2019]
Falwell (& later, Graham) is #SevenMountains Rev17 harlot who sold LIE of abortion=murder, to get political power in 1978.

Francis Schaeffer claimed 'vision' God bids Xtians conquer world, & gave Falwell the LIE.

Hear his own words, epi 14, PBS special: Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

[Quote Senator Ted Cruz @SenTedCruz · Sep 26, 2019]
Our European partners have confirmed what those of us who had directly seen the evidence always knew: Iran attacked Saudi Arabia and committed an act of war. Now it is time to tear up the catastrophic Obama-Iran nuclear deal once and for all.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Sep 22, 2019]
U are so inept & Bible illiterate, u name self after harlot in Rev17:9* that ur dad pimps, claiming u as 1 of the kings?

U can't even read the 500 Bible verses that say #LifeBeginsAtBirth. So you can't read law, either.

*'Seven Mountains Cruz anointed' in YouTube

[Quote 💙Rapunzel™woke AF🇺🇸🦅 @co_rapunzel4 · Sep 22, 2019]
A billion people are displaced due to climate change. Trump's idea is to ridicule climate science and militarize the southwest border of the U.S.

In other words--the biggest "I've got mine (and yours), now f*ck off" message ever. Conservatives must be proud.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Sep 22, 2019]
Untrue. Moscow invented LIE of manmade climate change back in 1960s, via 'green' lingo. Armand Hammer Russian spy, backed Al Gore in 1978+ to invent GW LIE. Gorbachev called it, 'Green Cross'.

Here's the real science, lectured by real scientists 😍

NB, hoax started 40 yrs ago. Dems embraced it to get political power. Has zip to do w Trump.

Same yr, apostate #SevenMountains Christians claim God bid them conquer, via lie of abortion=murder, to get political power.* Moscow sells that, too.

*Epi14 Prolife Blasphemy (Entire Series)

brainout @brainoutREAD · Aug 21, 2019
There are 2 Antichrists in Dan11, which portrays all poseurs in history, as if same persons.

=Satan's paradigm: 1 Jewish Antichrist + 1 Gentile. Jewish ends up herald for Gentile. See the parallel?

Mary sure did (pic2). All NT is metered to Magnificat.

[Quote Faust @FaustKnowsBest · Aug 15, 2019]
It's a party of the ill-equipped & unqualified. A party that exalts symbols & anthems over Constitutional rights. A party of faux fiscal responsibility. It's a sham. It's become a cult for the uninformed and the unprincipled. It's a joke.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Aug 17, 2019
Keyword is 'cult':

1959, Billy Graham dreams of 'saving' Russia; it caters to him, gets $ from US Xtians.

1975, Francis Schaeffer has 'vision' w Bill Bright+.@LorenCunningham: God bids Xtians conquer world, #SevenMountains =Russian #ThirdRome

1978, Sheaffer gets Falwell to

newly claim abortion=murder to get political power, tho 500 Bible verses say 'No, #LifeBeginsAtBirth'*

Rev17:9, Satan's harlot is born**

GOP would not cater to them; Gingrich got mad; then came Trump.


**40 yrs, God judges!

Since 1978, these apostate Xtians became associated w 'God'; so the average human cannot hear read or think, once he hears the word 'Bible'.

So no one takes it, God or them, seriously. So their power grew: 1995+ The Family, CNP Russia-Xtian, etc merge. See Yuri Bezmenov vids

This Post is from a suspended account.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Aug 15, 2019]
You miss a vital piece of the puzzle. Evangelicals want Armageddon. Their fake preachers+prophets have urged it since 1975 when #SevenMountains was founded by Francis Schaeffer Bill Bright .@LorenCunningham & .@lancewallnau.

They poison GOP, align w Russia. They vote Trump.

Their grifters align Trump w God: so to vote against Trump, is to vote against God.

Their 110M minions hate Bible, go by visions. Grifters are many: Falwell & Graham, Rick Joyner Mark Taylor Jim Bakker, all pro-Russia=#ThirdRome to fulfill Rev17:9!

cc .@FredClarkson

[Quote Andy Rowell @AndyRowell · Jul 19, 2019]
The call of Jesus to love one's neighbor is a moral command to Christians. It also involves lifting a hand when we see injustice. This cannot be separated from politics, which involves trying to bring about what is fair and good for everyone.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jul 19, 2019]
Wrong. Spiritual life is totally separate from politics, to show the superiority of the spiritual life, John 18:36.

To combine Christianity w politics =Rev17 harlot, a k a #SevenMountains a k a #ThirdRome (Russia since Ivan III).

So God now judges it, Matt25:10-12, prophecy re 1960-2041 AD contra Political Christianity

Revelation 17:9 This needs a mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits.

Revelation 17:9 ὧδε ὁ νοῦς ὁ ἔχων σοφίαν. Αἱ ἑπτὰ κεφαλαὶ ἑπτὰ ὄρη εἰσίν, ὅπου ἡ γυνὴ κάθηται ἐπ᾽ αὐτῶν. καὶ βασιλεῖς ἑπτά εἰσιν·

[Quote AbeBeame @BeameAbe · Jun 26, 2019]
I believe Matthew missed payroll twice in Q4 6 AD all in attempt to meet Wall Street analysis' EBITDA expectations. Peter once stiffed an off-shore subcontractor after he outsourced fishing net repairs to Vietnam. Just sayin'

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jun 26, 2019]

No, Q4 shifted to 1st Q AD7 to align w Judaea as a new Roman province. John uses it, in his meter dateline of Rev1, 17
John's Meter & Pauline Anaphora Timeline Update (PATU)

You remember, Julius Caesar back 44 BC+, changed calendar to begin January, rather than vernal Equinox

[Quote OVRAtlas @OVRAtlas · Jul 15, 2019]
All Democrat candidates are anti-American, anti-Christian, and favor killing babies after birth. Today would be the best day ever to repent and ask Jesus to forgive their sins.

brainout @brainoutREAD · Jul 15, 2019
No verse in Bible says you ask Jesus to forgive your sins. You sell a false gospel, save no one.

That's why you can't read 500 Bible verses saying #LifeBeginsAtBirth

#SevenMountains=Satan's Harlot Falwell invented abortion=murder lie in 1978, Epi14.

[Quote Albert Mohler @albertmohler · May 31, 2019]
We have reached a critical moment in the Southern Baptist Convention when there are now open calls to retreat from our biblical convictions on complementarianism and embrace the very error that the SBC repudiated over 30 years ago. Honestly, I never thought I would see this day.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · May 31, 2019]
No such thing as female pastor, ever. Teaching verbs in Eph4:16 are for a male 'member' on wedding night, see Thayer lexicon Eph41216.htm

Sui femme; I found Bible meter, scholars can't. Proves Autograph. That doesn't entitle me to be a pastor! No Female Pastors! Womens' Roles in Body of Christ

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 10, 2018]
Revelation 18, everyone. Seemed far-fetched.
Time Magazine maybe came to my pastor's teaching on how that chapter is nuclear war; yet all they remembered, was how he insulted the congregation (yes, we needed it).*

*I can't find the exact Time article, yet. Heard about it.

[Quote Barak Ravid @BarakRavid · Mar 9, 2018] Scoop: Netanyahu told Trump Israel is concerned about U.S.-Saudi nuclear deal & asked him not to go forward with it - My story on @axios and @news10

Scoop: Netanyahu told Trump he's concerned about U.S.-Saudi nuclear deal

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Aug 4, 2018]
You got to see this, on παρουσια anaphora in Matthew: they counted 7000 as of 1492!

So now look at 1492 (=1462 in the meter) of Matthew 24:44!

Kill me now. Like Simeon, I got all I ever wanted out of life. 😘

Matthew 24-25 Prophecy of Christian Impact on World During Church Age

[Quote Ruthen @RutheniaRus · Aug 4, 2018] Replying to @brainoutREAD and @RadioFreeTom
Indeed. Because of the expected Second Advent.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jul 18, 2018]
Want Conclusive Proof of conspiracy w Russia to conquer the world? Overit's pic (below) proves the whole thing, right now

I found it in Bible prophecy; but pic is #SevenMountains = #ThirdRome manifesto behind Trump! See my pinned tweet 4how2pray against them

cc .@HillaryClinton

Here's the actual link to that pic: October 21, 2002 Russia will be the host of the greatest revival that the world has yet seen.

I am ashamed to admit in 1980s, Joyner spoke at our church. He wasn't wacko then. My pastor ( warned against Russia throughout, til he finally retired in 2003; so apostate Joyner didn't heed him.

[Quote overit @Stephaniefishm4 · Jul 28, 2018]
Replying to @brainoutREAD
Read this- #MorningStar

This Tweet is unavailable.

[brainout @brainoutREAD]
We won't be here when Trib starts
Dan9:27 treaty is between King of NORTH & Israel; see also Dan11:36ff
NO SALVATION, 'submitting ur life' to Christ. U can't even do it
Believe Jesus Christ paid for ur sins: THAT ALONE, saves u 4ever
Use 1John1:9, ask God to show u the verses

Yunus Yıldız‏ @ynusyldz03
My friend, have you ever read the Quran? Do you know these verses about the prophet Jesus?

[brainout @brainoutREAD]
Yes. I read it at
Surah 4:157 & 114 etc brag how Allah Deceives=makr & Allah=Iblis 😤
Al-Q'uran mocks Muslimin: afterlife promise is APART from Allah UNDER THE EARTH..alongside Hell 😵
Christ is God-Man, never deceives & we live w Him 4ever IN HEAVEN 😍

Yunus Yıldız‏ @ynusyldz03
What if what you said is not true? What if the Quran really is the words of God

[brainout @brainoutREAD]
Quran not Word of God, cuz God won't lie, Heb6
Quran not Word of God cuz Bible METERS its syllables, Gen1+
It TIME Meters Islam as Trib-level evil: Matt20:24f, Luke21:20f, Mark13:15f, Rev17:12f, pics
Quran says Bible from God yet is not metered, so Quran can't be from God 😘
